

malevolentbeast214 · Urbain
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After falling into the underworld,Hades quickly made kore his wife,she was then known onwards as Persephone _the queen of the underworld

Now,Persephone grew depressed while in the underworld,she ate nor drank anything while she was there but as time went by she realized she started to love Hades and actually grew happy while she was there.Demeter on the other hand was searching high and low for Persephone .She was known for dressing as an old woman with a torch, searching for nine days and nine nights into the darkness and onwards until finally Helios_Titan of the sun, revealed Persephone's whereabouts

Distraught,Demeter went to Hades and begged him for Persephone back but Hades said 'NO'. In the sadness of her daughter bring taken away from her,Demeter caused a draught which killed millions of people

Zeus finally convinced Hades to return his bride back to her mother but these two decided to hatch another plan.Before Persephone left,Hades convinced her that she had to eat something,so,she ate four seeds from a pomegranate with each representing a month of the year and so Persephone could spend eight months of the year on the earth as the goddess of spring and four months as the queen of the underworld.

Honestly!!!from my perspective it ain't fair,like how would I be spending four months with my husband and eight months up there.Honestly,if I were her I would have eaten 10 seeds,spend 2 years on earth and 10 years with my man,like wat's wrong with ya Persephone 😤😤😒😒😳😳😑😑🧐🧐🌚🌚🔪🔪🔪