

malevolentbeast214 · Urban
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7 Chs


Moros_the Greek god of doom who was viewed as hateful,he is the son of Nyx which is the goddess of the night and Erebos _the god of darkness.He had the ability to make mortals foresee their death,he's also said to drive people to perdition which is the state of eternal punishment and damnation

Moros was also viewed to be as relentless as Erinyes which were the goddesses of vengeance and retribution,this is because he would not give up on his victims even all the way into the underworld,he is associated with suffering which often comes when a mortal meet their doom,he had no temples in ancient Greece and his name was only spoken to 0ray that he never came.He is the hateful personified spirit of impending doom who drives mortals to their deadly date

In other stories,Nyx the goddess of the night actually bore Moros herself as she did with some of her other children,there was no father.He is also referred to as the all destroyer God who even in the realm of death does not set his victims free.