
Pick Up




and a reminder of why Tara is still in the hospital even though he injuries werent as severe as they were in the movie, its because she is also not in the right mental space to leave and because i want here to be safe lmfaoo


As Wes climbed the steps to the upper floor of the house, Judy and Y/n watched him for a moment before turning their attention back to each other. Judy placed a reassuring hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Judy: " You know he's a good kid, Y/n. Just like you, your father would be proud of his boy's " she said with a warm smile.

Y/n returned the smile, appreciating his mother's words.

Y/n: "I know, Mom. I'm proud of Wes as well . And I'm so thankful that you and Wes are still safe through all this "

Judy: " We're all looking out for each other, just like a family should " she replied, giving Y/n a reassuring hug.

Y/n decided to head to his room. He wanted to pack a bag of clothes, just in case he had to stay at the hospital with Tara. He entered his room and began to gather a few essentials, carefully selecting clothes for comfort.

He couldn't help but think about the events of the past few days. The return of Ghostface had shaken their lives, and the events of the past loomed over them all once again.

Y/n packed his bag and made sure to grab some extra bandages, just in case he needed to change them. He also included a few personal items that would bring him and Tara comfort, like their favorite book and a his small necklace with a photo of them together, that everyone else thinks its just a picture of his family.

he finished packing With his bag in hand, he walked to the stairs and heard that Wes was still in the shower he headed back downstairs, and he got a phone call from his mother

Y/N: " what could this be for" he says to himself


Judy: " Hello?"

Ghostface: " Hello, Sheriff Judy."

Judy's hairs stood on end when hearing the familiar voice. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Judy: " Who is this?"

Ghostface: " I think you know. I'm a fan of scary movies. And knives "

Judy's mind raced as she tried to place the voice.

Ghostface: " What's your favorite scary movie?"

Judy: " I prefer animated films and musicals. Why are you doing this?"

Judy's heart was in her throat, and she glanced around, feeling watched and vulnerable.

Ghostface: " I'll tell you all about it. I'm calling to turn myself in "

Judy: " I think that's a great idea " Judy's voice trembled.

Ghostface: " We'll sit down at the station, and I'll tell you about the three people I've killed "

Judy: " You've only killed one person"

Ghostface: " By the time I see you, I'll have gutted your baby boy's"

Judy's heart stopped, and she choked back tears.

Judy: " Fuck you!" She hung up as she tried to call Wes.

Judy: " Pick up, Wes! " When she got no answer, she called the police department for a dispatch.

Judy: " This is Sheriff Hicks. I need units to converge on my house ASAP "

Dispatch: " Copy that. We're on it "

Out of nowhere, she got a call from an unknown number again.

Ghostface: " Can't get him on the phone, can you? He must be busy " He said in a chilling voice.

Judy: " How do I know you're anywhere near him?" She said not calling his bluff.

Judy couldn't reveal that she had left the house, fearing the safety of her son.

Ghostface: " Ever seen the movie Psycho? "

Judy: " Please... Don't hurt my boy's "

Ghostface: " Why not ?"

Judy: " they're good kid's. they would never hurt anyone."

Ghostface: " That's not enough. and Y/n caused enough damage "

Judy: " Please! I'll do anything !"

Ghostface: " You're not gonna make it in time, Sheriff Judy " In a panic, Judy pulled an illegal U-turn and hit the gas, speeding toward her home. She hung up again and tried to call Y/n.

Judy: " Please pick up, pick up, Y/n!" Unlike Wes, Y/n picked up.

Y/N: " Hey mom, what's up?"

Judy: " Y/n, please tell me you're still at the house!" She yelled over the line.

Y/N: " Uh, yes, I am. Mom, are we in trouble ?" He said seriously.

Judy: " Yes, Y/n. It's Ghostface. He called, threatening you boys. Please check on We-"

Before she could finish her sentence, her phone cut out, Y/n fumbled back to the stairs, his mother's urgent call leaving a knot in his stomach. 

Y/n raced up the stairs his heart pounding as he called out for Wes.

Y/N: " Wes! Wes, are you good ?"

He received no response, and the silence in the house sent shivers down his spine. Y/n rushed up the stairs to his brother's room,

The door was slightly open, and when Y/n pushed it open, he saw Wes in the middle of getting dressed. His brother looked up with a surprise as he jumped

Wes: " Y/n, what's going on? Why are you shouting ?"

Y/n rushed to his brother's side.

Y/N: " It's Ghostface, Wes. He called Mom, and she's on her way back. He's coming for us "

Wes's eyes widened in fear, but there was a sudden composure that washed over him as he took his time to put on his shirt, socks and shoes.

Wes: " What? Seriously? "

Y/N: " We need to lock down the house. Mom is speeding back here to check on us. I hope she'll be here soon "

Wes and Y/n continued to secure the house while their hearts raced with fear.

As Y/n nervously tried to call their mother and contact the police, Wes couldn't help but feel a sense of relieve when Y/n got no answers. 

Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Wes remained calm'ish to a sense. his eyes still darted around the room though but it was enough to send a shiver down Y/n's spine.

Y/n couldn't help but notice that Wes was too collected for someone who was potentially a target of a killer.

Y/n's growing unease finally got him to ask Wes directly.

Y/N: " Wes, are you okay you usually wouldn't be this calm? You do realize that Ghostface might be targeting us, right ? "

Wes met Y/n's eyes and saw the worry in them, 

Wes: " Panicking won't help anyone. We'll be okay we've secured every entry point in the house "

Y/n wasn't in the right mind to question Wes's response, he had to focus on Ghostface

Finally, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching their home. Y/n was relieved that help was on the way, however when he heard his mother screaming for help from the other side of the door he started to panic but Wes couldn't help but to flinch at this he didn't plan or think that this would happen.


Judy had made it back to her house she instantly jumped out of her car and ran up to the front steps but before she could reach the door, a black masked figure lunged forward, a blade now caught in the stomach of her as she desperately tried to fight back. she fought back with every ounce of strength. But the masked figure was "UNRELENTING", their movements were swift and wild stab after stab after stab blood shot up the cool pavement of the yard.

Judy: " Wes, Y/n Help ah " the sound of grunts through the front garden. But in the end, Ghostface proved to be too strong.

Judy slumped on the ground, her blood trickling down the cracks of the concrete pavement. 

she could feel the life slipping away from, the world growing hazy. It was as if she was watching her own death unfold from a distance, The searing pain that once coursed through her body was now gone.

Ghostface's movements became slow and distorted, Blood oozed from her wounds, staining the knife and black robe that Ghostface had.

Ghostface stood over her, masked and menacing, the physical embodiment of a nightmare brought to life someone who puts Freddy Krueger to shame when it comes to kills. Judy's breaths came in more ragged gasps, each one a struggle for life. 

As Ghostface grew closer, a twisted grin spread across the killer's concealed face. overpowering her with a final, fatal stab. Ghostface plunged the knife deep into the mothers chest. The impact jolted through her body, In these final moments, Judy's world narrowed to a tunnel.

The world around her faded into a blurred and dimmed flicker. her body grew cold and still. 

As Ghostface stood over the lifeless body, a faint sigh of dissatisfaction escaped the mask. It was a victory, but momma bear Judy hadn't fought back as much as the they anticipated. With a cold detachment, the figure leaped on the the lifeless body and fired dozens more ferocious stabs and slashes on who was once recognized a loving mother, Judy Hicks is now a mutilated piece of meat.

(Y/N and WES)

 Y/N: "M-Mom?" His voice cracked with panic.

Wes: "Mom?" His tone was defeated, as if he had wasn't expecting her death.

Y/N: "You sick bastard, I'll kill you! " Y/n screamed, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. His bandaged body restricted his movements , every movement causing agonizing pain, but he didn't care. In his mind, he was on fire.

Blinded by rage and grief, Y/n charged through the front door, his forehead dripping blood from where he'd collided with the door. The sight of Ghostface sent him into an assault. He launched punch after punch, his knuckles burning and tingling with each impact. Tears streamed down his face.

But Wes quickly intervened. His grip was tight as he fought to pull Y/n away from the masked killer. It took every ounce of his strength to separate the two, once he separated them he threw Y/n to the side taking advantage of this situation Ghostface took hold of Wes and sunk their blade into the side of him.

Wes: " ow, f-f-fuck y-you " he says as Y/n saw the killer stab his brother till he stopped moving, but there was nothing he could do, the adrenaline now gone and pain took over most his body and his stitches ripped as he now bled from his midriff 

Y/n cried as he desperately crawled away but fortunately he was never chased he passed out on the road with the last thing he heard was sirens of the dispatch team.

(SAM (who is now allowed out of the hospital with a moonboot))

Richie eventually made it back to the motel he and Sam would have been if she weren't attacked in an uber as Y/n had to go home for something he got a facetime from Sam who was in the waiting room, confused he looked to her,

Richie: " what are you doing out ?" he asked 

Sam: " nurses said I'm all good and safe to leave now, they said that ill be out of the moon boot in a couple of months" she said

Richie: " that's great, what now though i just went back to the motel i was grabbing some of our things" 

Sam: " where's Y/n? Didn't you go with him?" 

Richie: " uh yeah, i did but he had to go to his house to get something?" he questioned himself

Sam: " and you let him go by himself? are you crazy Richie, we are all targets here we aren't supposed to split up" she says slightly stressed for the boys safety 

Richie: " yeah, but... oh god i made a mistake " he says holding his head 

Sam: " do you have your keys" she says hopeful

Richie: " no i left them in your hospital room, i went in Y/n's car and i didn't think you'd be let out today "

Their call was interrupted when Sam turned her attention to a nearby television. The familiar voice of the town crime scene reporter filled the room, and they saw her standing outside Y/n's house. her heart sank as the grim image of a body bag being walked of screen came into view.

Richie's face paled, and his heart raced, Sam could see his reaction on the phone.

Sam: " Richie, I have to go. Now. Something's happened "

Richie nodded, his voice trembling.

Richie: " You're right, be careful driving with a moon boot "

Leaving the hospital behind, she rushed to Richie's car, As she drove through the streets, each passing moment seemed to slow down.

Sam: " I can't believe you let Y/n go alone Richie. It's dangerous " she says to herself

her knuckles turned white as she gripped the steering wheel, driving with urgency.

Sam: " I need to find him and make sure he's okay "

The drive felt long, but she eventually arrived at the Hick's estate. Police cars and emergency vehicles crowded the street, and officers were in the process of blocking off the area. she parked the car nearby and hurried toward the chaos,

 she approached a police officer who seemed to be in charge of the scene.

Officer: " hey, you can't be here" he puts his hand out

Sam: "No, I'm sorry I know her son's "

Sam: " Her son's, Y/n and Wes. are they?..."

The officer turned to her, his expression saddened.

Officer: " I'm sorry, but you can't go in there right now. Y/n Hicks is injured but safe, but Wes " as soon as he says this Sam's face contorts into a sad expression

Officer: " I'm sorry "

Sam's eyes welled up with tears, but a voice came from behind her

Gale: " Excuse me?"

Sam: " Oh, my God. You're... Well, you're you "

Gale: " Last time I checked Are you okay? You seem like you're having a bit of a moment. Did you know the sheriff ?" she said trying to fish out any information

Sam: " Sort of She didn't like me very much " she says with a head shake

Gale: " She didn't like me either "

Sam: " I'm Samantha. Sam Carpenter. My sister and I were attacked. and I'm hoping a friend here didn't get beaten too badly "

Gale: " Sorry to hear that. I'm Gale...Riley " she said seeing Dewey off to the side

Gale: " Weathers. I'm Gale Weathers. Excuse me " she says as she walked off to him

Dewey watched as gale walked over to him.

Dewey: " Gale?"

Gale: " A text? You tell me the killer is back in a text? " she said hitting him in the gut

Dewey: " Ow, that hurts "

Gale: " Good !" she fixed herself up

Dewey: " You were on the air " he says a little quietly

Gale: " How do you know?" she asked amused 

Dewey: " A hunch " he followed with a chuckle

Dewey: " You look good. Are you still writing? " he says giving her a warm smile

Gale: " No time " she says coldly

Dewey: " You were always happiest when you were writing "

Muffled man: " Well, sir, it's okay We're here with Gale "

Muffled woman: " I'd give you a hand, but I can't release anybody right now "

Dewey looks over her shoulder and saw her camera crew and scoffed in amazement 

Dewey: " Couldn't resist a good story, could you?" he said hurt

Gale: " Don't be an idiot, Dewey. I'm here because I was worried about you. Okay, yes. My producers wanted me to cover this, for obvious reasons, but 90% is because of you " she says sending mixed signals

Dewey: " Well, I feel 90% better ?" he questions

Gale: " Why aren't you in uniform? "

Dewey: " I retired " he said with attitude in his voice

Gale: " Since when?"

Dewey: " Since they asked me to "

Gale: " Dewey " she said

Dewey: " I don't need your pity, Gale. I made my choices. So did you. i left like a coward after things ended "

Gale: " don be stupid Dewey, you are a lot of things but you are not a coward " she says tearing up

Gale: " You just were meant to be in Woodsboro "

Dewey: " And you weren't ? Promise me you'll leave as soon as you can "

Gale: " You know I can't promise that. I'm sorry about Judy. How's Y/n hanging in there "

Dewey: " Yeah, me too. he's fine he's injured and lost a lot of energy as well as the rest of his family But that will all make a great chapter in your next book "


Waiting outside of their motel Richie was hoping Sam could get there quicker preferably with Y/n, fortunately for him she called him at the perfect time

Richie: " Where have you been? Are you okay? is Y/n okay? "

Sam: " Yeah, I'm fine. Y/ns fine I'm with him right now " 

Richie: " You know, that Mindy girl wasn't kidding Stab 8 is not like the others I mean, no connection to the other movies. No legacy characters at all. This franchise goes off the rails with number five " he says forgetting that the real killings are happening

Sam: " Richie, listen to me. He killed two more people. Wes and his mother "

Richie: " He killed the sheriff? You can do that? " he says in awe

Richie: " I mean, are you okay? Where are you? " he knows that he pissed off Sam

Sam: " I'll call you right back " she says annoyed

Richie: "No, Sam-"

Dewey: " We should be out looking for him, he's got no one to go with now " Dewey says talking to the officer who was meant to be guarding Tara's hospital room

Sam: " Who's at the hospital ?" she says catching up to them with Y/n following from behind clearly worried for his girlfriend

Sam: " Who's watching my sister? "

Deputy Vincent: " I just heard about the sheriff. They needed me here " 

hearing this Y/n scoffed and started running of to the hospital he was prepared to run all the way

Sam: " Where are you going !?"

Y/N: " My gi- your sister's in trouble!" 

Sam ran to the car and Dewey went with her as soon as she got in he did to and she looked at him surprised by his gesture to help

Dewey: " What are you waiting for? Drive! Come on. Let's go!"


Tara huddles in the best a little cold from the ac, watching a movie on the wall mounted television, she hears a strange noise from outside and instantly got shaken she looked towards the door in fear she didn't know if she should call out or not but she made the decision to press the assistances button on the side of he bed hoping someone would come fast enough, 

Y/n was panting and sweating he had been filled and drained with adrenaline so many time today that he could drop and sleep through an entire year but he was determined to keep running his adrenaline slowly fueling him back up again, *crack* he rolled his ankle and fell down scraping his hands and arms but he didn't care he got straight back up and ran he promised to Tara that she would never have to find out what she would do without him. he was about 2 minutes away.

No assistance came for Tara as she waited scared in bed however when the sounds of different people screaming echoed through the floor and seeing people run past her window she decided it was enough

Tara: " fuck this " she whispers as she threw the blanket of off herself and she pulls out her I.V's and gets out of the bed with a grunt

Tara: " fuck "

once she was out of bed she got a phone call from Sam that rung out 

Sam: " goddamn it " 

Dewey: " Should you be making a phone call right now ?" he says scared for his life hanging onto the grip handle on the car

Please: " Please, please " she says as she tries to call again but a car came out of no where and narrowly avoided colliding with them

Dewey: " Stop! You know we have to live through this to help her, right ?"

as soon as Tara was about to leave the room she saw that down on the floor a blood puddle started to form and with a gasp she went to leave, the sound of an opening door was heard and she froze 

Tara: " holy shit " she cried

and before she knew it the door to the room she hid in flung open and she instantly punched the intruder in the face ready to run off but this wasn't an intruder

Y/N: " ow! ow " he held his head as his forehead began bleeding again

Tara took in the sight of her lover, it was bad he looked exhausted he was blood soaked and bruised and really out of breath she huddled over to him as she cried

Y/N: " god damn it, i regret giving you boxing lessons"

Tara: " Y/n! " squeezed him in a tight embrace

Tara: " What are you doing here? "

Y/N: " the deputy wasn't here i thought you would be in trouble "

Tara: " where was he...Look out !" she screamed and pointed behind him

Y/n quickly got up and was met by Ghostface yet again this time he wasn't going to let him go Y/n quickly got them in a headlock whilst he took the masked figure down in a Suplex ripping out more of his stitches which was necessary and got him in a rear naked choke, Y/n would've had them but the lunged a knife straight into Y/n's shoulder causing him to let go as Tara made her attempt to leave.

she made it to the hallway and screamed for help but all the bystander got scared themselves and ran out of the building this Ghostface was probably here awhile because they strategically killed all the buildings security. Amid the chaos, Y/n's phone rang, and Ghostface picked it up and answered.

Sam: " Y/n! Are you at the hospital yet? " Sam yelled from the other line.

Ghostface: " Hello, Samantha " his eerie voice called out.

Sam: " No "

Ghostface: " I'm afraid Y/n can't come to the phone right now. He's finding out what happens to people who stick their noses in business that doesn't concern them " he said, walking over to Y/n and yanking the knife out of his shoulder.

Y/n: " Ahh " he groaned in pain as blood sprayed from his shoulder.

Sam: " Please don't hurt him "

Ghostface: " I'll tell you what. You can choose. I'll only kill one "

Sam: " What? Tara! "

Ghostface: " Who do you want to hear die? "

Sam: " No, please. I'm begging you. Please don't hurt them "

Ghostface: " Really? You can't save your own sister? "

Ghostface: " All you have to do is say, 'Kill Y/n,' plus he's the last of his family now. First, his mom got ripped up then his brother got carved up "

Tara: " No! No! "

Sam: " No! Tara! Don't touch her. Please, please, please, I'm begging you "

Ghostface: " Or say, 'Kill Tara,' and I'll make sure to hit all the organs I missed last time, cause Y/n looks like he's a little worse for wear "

Tara: " Fuck you! " she uttered.

Sam: " I'm begging you. Please don't hurt her "

Ghostface: " Last chance to save one. Choose "

Sam: " Why are you doing this? "

Ghostface: " You want to know why, Sam? Maybe it's because you're a selfish person who can't even make a decision to save the life of someone you love. Maybe you're too weak for this franchise "

Sam: " Maybe you're right. Or maybe I'm just stalling for time, fuckhead " she said, revealing herself at the end of the hall, hanging up the phone with Dewey standing behind her.

However, Ghostface's reaction wasn't what Sam had anticipated. He burst into laughter, sending chills down everyone's spines.

Ghostface: "Nice try, Carpenter, but maybe it was us, stalling you for time "

she looked at the figure confused when another Ghostface came from behind the first one however Sam rushed to her sister as the main Ghostface knocked her out and took her away Y/n got back up to fight him off but it was to late he was gone, Tara was gone