
Ch. 2

Instead of answering the stupid ones. I decided to dig a hole with the remainder of my power. It seemed like a smart idea when I landed on some tracks. However, I had very little power to cover the hole back up. That wasn't the most important piece though. There were abandoned train cars and nobody inside. Door could be lock and the subway tunnels lead right under several stores. So we could make supply runs or intel runs. Me and Lena took a cart in the front. I slowly peeled off my clothes with her help. She gasp as she saw the state of my body. I merely tried not to cry. I dragged a raggedy bucket to me as I threw up blood. Lena search my pack but I chuckled with blood stain teeth. "Don't worry about that. I will heal faster when my power recovers. In the meantime, I could really use a story to help keep me awake." Lena look at me like I was stupid but I shrugged and groan. I used telekinesis to align my ribs and relocated my shoulder. Everything else would heal because of my amazing regeneration ability. Thank god, scientist always overdo stuff before getting the right mixture down pat.

Several powers for one painful experiences. Heighten physical abilities, self regeneration at rate faster than werewolves, pyrokinesis, telekinesis, and one that really didn't have a name. I could just conjure things i need to survive. However, the side effects of all my powers is increase libido,increase pain receptors and sometimes I lose control over my more aggressive emotions. Despite that disadvantage, I usually focus my aggression in sex or fighting. Lena took after me and finally open up. She silently cried tears as she talk about her life before the collapse. I was stunned by what happen to the poor girl. There would be times, where I would probably have already died. By suicide most likely but guys were less likely to put up with same things women could. Olivia walk in with circles under her eyes. She look as if she just heard horrible news.

"The other group already sustains some losses. They will be heading back to meet up with us." I simply yawned. I don't know what she expected. If I wasn't here she would have suffer more horrendous attacks. That tank is basically impervious to guns and blunt force trauma. You would literally have to have something incredible sharp to kill it. The fast one was hard for me to see period. I had to fill the space between us with razor sharp whip.

Olivia sat down on bench behind my head. She ran her callus hand across my chest. Eliciting a groan of pleasure from me. She bit her lip before looking at Lena. Who was also staring at me like I was insane. "Luke and Sophia are scouting the north tunnel. Caitlin and Ted checking south and Randall sitting in car hoping to get lucky with me." I blinked as I realized she way to blunt. Well that and it was obvious she felt uncomfortable being around so many men. It was a set up but I could understand the thought process. She wouldn't mind getting laid just did think those guys qualified. We weren't exactly showing our brightest side. I caught Lena shaking out the corner of my eyes and paid a little more attention to Olivia foggy breath. I didn't need my sex toy to freeze. That just bad news. Definitely after the asswhooping I just recieved. Part of my healing was based on around my vigorous activities.

I was about to open my sleeping bag when Olivia pulled out a light blue serum. My eyes couldn't get any wilder. "Is that the perfected one?" She nodded and look at me with smirk. "Do you know what kind of power I will get?" I blinked before chuckling which hurted worse than anything. "It will be base on your personality." She nodded and used it. I blink before laughing. It was easy to tell what power she got by the manifestation of mind power. Enhance physical abilities. To get powers deeper than that, you would have to be channeling your inner desires. She fainted as the power remade her. It was changing her at a genetic level. I turned to Lena who had already stripped out of her clothes and folded them neatly onto the bench. I open the sleeping bag and she crawled in. Her little fingers curling around my shaft.

"Is it possible for me to get powers as well?" My eyes shined as I did test this out but to create personal emblem that embodies me. Is kind of hard. However the benefits for both parties are amazing. It will help me evolve past a half superhuman into a real superhuman. She will only get thirty percent of my abilities but as they grow. So will she. It was just the difficulties of coming up with a symbol as that could change me. Or at least the simulations said it would. I stared into her light brown eyes with smirk. "It's possible but I would need to engrave a symbol onto you and you would have to be much more in align with myself."

She rolled her eyes as she could obvious feel me twitching against her palm. She turned over and laid on her stomach. Mischief evident in her gaze. My eyes stared hungrily at her body. I eased myself onto my elbow with great pains. She at least, didn't make me put myself into her. "Do you promise?" I ignored that as I found a pattern that wasn't as painful as I had assume. I pounded into her ass as she yawned. While she was wet and tight. I was too sore to even really go at it. I stop and collapse on my back. She smirk at me and I frowned. "Okay, I promised to give you powers when I figure out what I symbolizes." Lena gave a smile laughed as she moved on top of me. She grinded her hairy valley against my shaft before sliding me right in. Her lips pressed against my chest as she tried to fit all of me into her. I knew I grown a bit by how she was making like flinching faces as she slide further down on every dip. "How about some demon?" I raised an eyebrow. I doubt I was a demon or represented one.

Lena paused and look at my arm which somehow had slide under Olivia shirt and was groping her breast. "Licentious demon who likes to strike from shadows with a fiery impulsive nature." I blinked before blushing. I didn't remove my hand though. She just shook her head while laughing. "So how does that sound?" I was already picturing several cool demons. Black and red demons with fiery mask like oni masks. The one my head was wrapping around the most was a demon shrouded in black flames. Black oni mask with single curve horn in middle of forehead. Candle light fire fore eyes. Every changing expressions. Clothes and swords made out of concentrated fire. The symbol could be a coiled eastern dragon around the oni mask. My fire awaken on its on and begin engraving us both. I had to admit the pain and pleasure was so intense that we both orgasm many times as we convulse in pain. If I had actually knew it would be so painful a process. I would have avoided the thought process at all cost. My body went through the familiar transformation that I knew Lena was going through as well. With the way she unceremoniously slammed up and down against my poor shaft. Not bothering at all to remove her hands from her chest as she used me as springboard. I could see a beautiful black and red dragon taking form on her now reddish skin.

I don't know when we passed out but I did know when I woke up because Olivia was taking pictures of me. I grabbed my head as an intense headache made sure I was awake. I groan as I tried to sit up but Lena big ass head was blocking my hand hold. I pushed her off the bench and sat up. Olivia look too excited as she pushed a phone into my face. I flipped through the pictures and was all kinds of baffled. The simulation didn't change me at all. No skin pigment change. No horn growing out the top of my head. No bright red eyes or head shape like a damn oni horror mask. Not even claw fingers or web feet. I had this weird tribal red pattern over dark grey skin. What worse is the bright red fucking dreads that go down to my knees. If that wasn't the worse, my dick was orangish-red. The only highlight is all my injuries were healed and I look a little too tall and slender. Like a pretty boy who failed to even walk to the store across the street. I groan as I ran finger over my weird serrated ears. This made no sense at all. I glance at Lena to see she was a hotter version of her old self. More plump in just the right places. On her back, she had the emblem I imagined. She had reddish skin and beautiful, non nappy black hair. That was styled to stop at her nape. She had red eyes and same clawed web feet as me. Black curve line under both her eyes. Two reddish black horns curve up from her temple. I think the transformation did a lot more than we had hope. I felt foreign power swell up in me. It was unlike my usually esper ability which originated in my mind. I tried to form a simple small flame but started a bonfire in my hand. I clenched my fist and sighed. Training all over again.

Olivia was writing something down when she paused and look a bit guilty. "Sorry but would you describe what you did to achieve this demonic look. It would be awesome if you explain how you felt during the process." My dick twitched at the sound of her voice. I knew I was hard because her eyes snapped down to it. As her mouth form a small O. "I'll write a report if you are able to please me." She struggled to look from the throbbing menace to my face. When she finally did, she lick her lips before looking at her notepad. "I will have to decline." She sat on the other side of the train car. Sending glances at me every few minutes. Lena struggled to rise. So I helped her up onto the bench. She glance at me with curious look. Her fingers trailing over my horn before tracing my facial features. Before sliding down to my shaft. It waved at her and her mouth dropped open. Lena look at Olivia as she scooted away from me. "I am definitely not taking that thing in. Are you trying club me to death? What the fuck would you need to increase your size so much?"

My mouth open and closed. I didn't even ask for increase in size. I was happy with my seven point eight inches. I sighed at the obvious dislike for my hungness. I was probably the only guy who complained about growing bigger but bigger didn't necessary mean better. Definitely considering women obviously didn't like it. I tilted my head as my lips drew into a thin line. I felt the air heating up as I turned my frustrations to Lena. "You are acting like you have a choice. Your services for my powers. I uphold my end. You will uphold yours." I was on my feet faster than I was used to that I almost overstepped as I flipped Lena onto her knees. I could hear her surprised as her knees slammed into the bench seat. I know I heard the groan as her face hit the train window. I had to gripped the damn thing as it was a bit too long for me to just push into her entrances. I did notices she kept her fucking hairy forest down there but I kind of like it now. I rubbed my dick against her anal before pushing the tip in. She jump up but I pushed her against the window with my free hand. Lena turned to look at me and I raised an eyebrow. She just gulp but I pulled out. I wasn't an anal man at all. I was one of those guys who thought it was bit to disgusting. I literally seen her shit and not wipe her ass. Even though I had power and could keep her clean. It was something that just stuck around my mind.

Without further teasing, I slipped the fucking tree limb halfway into her valley. Her lips were trembling as I seesaw only that half in and out. I let her body get used to the new width before slamming my pelvis into her lush ass. My eyes widen a fraction as she overreacted. Or did so to my opinion. Her body jumped against the window as if she could break it with sheer will. Her toes curled up like she was have arthritis or something. She was basically mumbling pull out.. Too big.. My ribs…

I coughed into my hand before gripping the sides of her now fat ass. My rocking motion started off slow. My mind must have been playing tricks as I could have sworn music was playing and as I was rocking to the beat. Lena was crying for me to stop. Her hands were pressed against my flat stomach. I sort of felt bad until she came so hard that her veins in her throat stood out like fat pencil. She gripped the backrest so hard that it deformed under her fingers. It was a good thing she didn't know how to utilized her powers yet. Speaking of which, I wonder if I still had my old powers. I lift one of her legs up and out which made her say more nonsense. I mean, it wasn't that big. Maybe a eight or nine. I seen porn stars with bigger. It was more the width than anything. To be honest, I was curious if it was actually reaching her stomach and if I could feel it. Like so many anime depict. I lean into her ass and place my left hand on her stomach. Then I short stroke the fucck out of her. Who would not be amazed when it was true. There was a feeling you could feel when you go in and out. Leaning back, I look down and noticed how there was a perfect circle of pasty looking white stuff. As I pulled out some of the length to give her break, I could see how it glisten in the firelight. Her little forest was matted down to the walls of her vagina. White discharge and cream color cum littered it. I purred as I slapped her right ass cheek. She growled as she glance back at me. Lena's lower body already trembling as she fought to stay balance.

"Can we take a five minute break?" I raised my eyebrow. I don't think she remembered teasing me. However, I pulled out and she collapse onto her side as she breathed like someone hoping to die. Turning her hip sideways, I slide right back in and continue pounding her until I finally discharge. Slamming into her waist as I dented her thighs. My shaft unloaded everything I had into her womb until she had to close her eyes through her own aftershocks. I leaned against the window for a bit before slowly standing upright. I turned to Olivia who was wet and trying not to play with herself. I smirk as I spoke with a conceited tone.

"I can use half. Also, what powers did you get?" I knew she had purer one than I did. So it should have work to her desires a bit better. Olivia look a bit depressed as she look at her own hands. "Limited version of telepathy and ability to see ten seconds into future. How about you? What all did you get from that transformation?" I look down at my saggy member which was still relatively big. I see why big dick guys got a lot of freaks. Her eyes followed but she was quicker to move on. Lena, on the other hand, laid like a dead log on the bench. Her pussy leaking both our fluids. I noticed beads of sweat sliding down the bridge of her nose and breast. I had an urge to lick them clean but stop myself. I punish her enough.

"What I am able to tell, I got enhance physically capabilities and fire manipulation ability. My power no longer originates from my mind but my whole body. To add onto that, I felt such intense desire for flesh that wasn't there before. Or it could have just been my inner thoughts but I wasn't conscious of them." I rubbed my head as the headache I was trying to ignore increase. I knew it wasn't food related because I felt like I just eaten something. I closed my eyes and tried to silence my thoughts. However, I felt an awaken. As if I could just drown in cold embrace of darkness but be perfectly fine. I tugged on the darkness to wrap around me like full body length tunic. When I open my eyes, I had black glossy tunic. Smirking I turned to Olivia who eyes glowed with excitement. Before she realized what had truly befall her. Her pants and panties vanished. I hoisted her up before easing her onto the tip of my spear. Her eyes widen but I didn't' let her take the full length. Just half. I bounce her as she pounded her tiny fist upon my chest. Being disappointed was a theme for me as she came several times before twenty minutes passed. I dropped her on the bench. I spread her legs out and pounded her tight little ass until she was purple. I pulled out just before I felt the urge to cum. I grabbed her blonde hair and pressed my tip against her mouth. She took the que and began sucking and licking the tip. I groped her breast through her skinsuit which made her be a bit more aggressive. When I came, she tilted her head back to release me. I move quick enough to sheath myself back into her valley. I push myself deep enough that her body jerk on response. Her womb caught all of my cum and my headache vanished as I felt full for the moment.

It was at that time, that Luke walk into my train car with annoyed look. "Enemies incoming and what the hell is that?" He reach for his pistol but I reached him in blink of an eye. My hand slapping away his. Olivia sat up rather quickly. She pulled her bag to her and took a deep drink of water. I noticed Lena was already dressed in her skinsuit which hugged her now amazing body well. My dick twitch but I ignored it and conjured clothes around myself. "That is Jayden Brown. His power just evolved in a direction he didn't see. How many enemies?" Luke look at me hovering above him like death reaper. He turned from me to watch Olivia dress. She did have a nice body. "About twenty but they are some kind of half human half wolf hybrid. Goblins coming from the south. Ted ran into a scouting squad. Thought it would be good to show off his skills. Idiot ended up severe injured and led them right to us. We will be surrounded in quarter of an hour."

Olivia look at me and I shrugged. "I don't have good control over my new found power and you basically a telepath with decent physical stamina." I tossed a thumb at Lena who eating a muffin top. "She basically has no experience using any ability and it will take time to train her. We can only rely on physical training." Luke frowned. He held up his carbine. "We also have guns and training for them." Olivia waved that thought away. "They are basically useless against unique zombies and we are facing goblins on one end and unknown prey on the other. We don't have enough rounds to waste." I cock my head before grabbing my axes and sword. "We should head north. I smell wet dogs and I can hear talking." I open my mind so she could hear them discussing how to infiltrate the train and subdue us. I didn't waste any time. I slipped out the front of the train through a broken window. My webbed feet were silent as I padded across the roof to the last train car. For some reason, I had better sight than I did before. It was pretty easy to hear the dumbasses talk about selling us for women and food. They were also unprepared for me to dropped down behind them. My left hand axe collided with one of their faces. While the right hand greeted their next. Yanking on the axes made me fall back but I came up in a roll and blended right back into the darkness. Howls of anger went up as I skirted around a rail and some debris. A very quick series of steps and I sliced open one of the bigger goons thigh. Disappearing like a reaper when they turned to face me.

Darkness was my ally and these guys were dumb enough to announce their strike. I couldn't tell what they were because I saw in thermal like view. They were shape like humans but smelled worse than Lena when I first found her. Even zombies smell better. Growls went up and I watch them huddle back to back. Only three left and one female in that group. The guy I sliced open his thigh was left on the ground to bleed out. I threw one of my axes at his face to finish him off. I assumed the leader called out for me.

"Let's make a deal, friend?" His voice sounded strong but I could feel the fear impregnated the air. I wanted to finish him off and take his female as trophy. My throat felt parched as I stalk them in the shadows. They slowly transverse towards the north tunnel. "Leave the female behind and I'll allow you to escape. You have five seconds before I kill the next one." They didn't even blink before tossing the girl back towards the train cars. I laughed and it sounded horrible cliche to my ears. The survivors took off running without a second glance back. I grabbed the female wolf who tried to escape by her neck. Summoning a ball of fire to see her clearly and I was astound. She actually literally look like a werewolf. Almost six and half foot tall. Fangs larger than my index. I thumb her snout and she growled at me.

"Change back or I will torture you." I growled out. It did a visible change to the wolf expression as she change back to semi-human form. She look like a cartoon version of a wolf girl. I was kind of turned on already. I spread my hand across her eight pack and sent my magic to form servant-master pack. Letting the magic guide me as it did what I invision. The lady squirm and cried as the power transformed her at the genetic level. She would still be a wolf but bound to my will. Give and take relationship. She will get some of my power and I will get some of her power or her best quality. I glance at Lena as she lead the group out the train car and unto the railway. Olivia look at me during the low light. I smiled but slipped into the shadows. The wolf girl shakily stood up. Holding her stomach as she look my way.

"Show us the quickest way out of the tunnels." She grimace before turning and walking fast. I was able to keep up and so was some of the group. However, wolf girl stop for them to catch up as she lead us through twist and turns. I eliminated any stray creatures during the journey. When we exit the tunnels she stop and waited for me. I, on the other hand, felt uncomfortable being out in the sunlight like this but I could tell the sun was about to go down. I suck it up as we headed for the nearest human base. I was surprised by how cleared this area was. Even with me bouncing from rooftop to rooftop. I only saw few human patrols. It was the most boring trip every. No heart wrenching feeling of death. Not even a little foreplay. The humans among us were already tired. I dropped down beside the wolf girl who look at me with fear but curious gaze.

"What is your name?" My voice sounded gravely even to me. Her voice was a bit low but I made out the noise. "Zoe." I merely nodded as I slowed down to watch her ass. She tried hiding it with the tail but I was tall and clever enough to find angles. Olivia slowed down to stand beside me. "What have you seen of this settlement?" Shrugging, I described their decent defense. Anti-ground weaponry and patrols they do to keep monsters at bay. The peaceful environment inside which has a lot of soft humans. She seem a bit too excited but I realized she was just a nosy scientist type that like to document every weird thing. I noticed how she touch me a lot more and if we weren't trying to get to some safe point. I would have molested her already. Instead, we made it to the gate and stared upon some weird guards. They only let us in after confirming that I would be of no danger. It would been better if they stated their intentions upfront instead of having us tailed. Luke and his crew went off looking for a leader type. I yawned and headed off to one of the hotel like apartments I noticed during my first scout run. Lena and Zoe followed me. I was surprised to find the rooms could be bought using a barter system. Great thing that I melted few useless pieces of rubble down and reforge the metals into ingots. I traded 10 for decent size apartment. Two bedrooms. I grabbed the key and stalk up the stairs. Ignoring the stairs and suspicious looks. I watch a group of guys lean off the wall as I unlock my door. They walk up while eyeing my Lena and Zoe. I felt myself heat up as I turned to the dumbass staring at my toys. One of his friends smack him and pointed at me as I flexed my powers. Letting flames dance across my chest in hypnotic patterns. The leader of the group gave a sly smile as he look at me. "How much for few minutes with your little wolf girl?" The air crackled as lightning flash between my cross arms. His eyes widen as he understood my level of control.

"My apologies, I mean no harm. My boy just had eyes to big for his britches. Name Jack. Owner of this fine establishment and reason we have electricity in this building unlike many others. If you ever need anything let me know." He glance at the girls before walking down stairs. The little boy was pushed to the front of the group so he wouldn't annoy me further. I turned around to find Lena staring at me with smirk. I showed my fangs before closing the door behind me. "Since you can find that amusing. How about we start another course where we left off?" Her smile dropped quickly as she back step. My eyes devoured her and she gulped before turning around and running. I chuckled as I walk into the living room. Zoe leaned against the window watching the crowd.

"Lena, let's began your power control. I don't want to end up in a situation where we might be attack and you're defenseless. Zoe come sit your tight ass down as well." They obeyed and I sat down cross legged on the coffee table. "One of the easiest methods to channeling your power is through meditation." I held my hand up and let my power flow into my palm. Small size fire appeared. "This is simplest manifestation of fire. You can throw it or turn it into flame thrower. However…" I turned the fire into butterfly. From red to white to purple. Lena seem the most interested and she struggled to get spark going but I knew she had decent amount of power. About even with a lot of simulations npcs. Zoe, on the other hand, didn't even bothered trying. She probably thought she didn't have power or could be fuming about the fact she was giving up so quickly.

I waved for Lena to continue training on the spark and for Zoe to follow me to the bedroom. I grabbed my bag along the way and tossed it against the dresser. I could see the fear in her eyes as she eyed the bed. Yes, I was planning on fucking her but it wasn't right now. I was curious about something. "Was your family member in the group I attack?" Zoe gave a curt nod. "My brother. He is the eldest. Only family member I have left is my sister but she force to sleep with the alpha. If I wasn't too young, they would treat me the same way." I rubbed my neck as I sniffed her. I thought she was about twenty. I could be wrong. "How old are you?" She thought about lying. I could see it in her eyes but she withheld the urge. "16 as of a few days ago." I raised an eyebrow. With a body like hers, no wonder I thought she was older. She had at least b cup on the verge to c. Her hips were pretty wide and she filled out nicely in between all that. Real body builder. I glance out the window before drawing the curtains closed. The sunlight made me feel incredible weak for some odd reason.

I dropped on the bed and kick off my boots. "What if we go save your sister? Will she work with me or will I have to tame her?" Zoe look at me like I was crazy. She folded her arms as she leaned against the dresser. "I don't mean to doubt your skills but there are more than just five scouts. The alpha is on level with one of those hybrid beast things. Or high level zombie. Plus he has several powerful warriors under his command. Not to mention the shit ton of firearms and over two hundred combat capable wolves. How do you plan on taking Alpha's mate right from under his nose?" I blinked before smiling. The shadows twirl around her back before forming hands. This took me a bit of effort but I was always a fast learner. Plus I had tons of anime and cartoons to drag knowledge from. I pushed her towards me. She stumbled and almost caught herself. Sadly, I gave her another push before catching her in my arms. Her eyes were wide open as she breathe her hot breath in my face. I frowned before helping her stand up. Yawning, I pulled the covers back. "I am exhausted." I yank off my pants and shirt before rolling to middle of the bed. I patted for her to get in. "After we save your sister, we will begin combat training." Zoe look hesitating but she eventually climbed into bed. I pulled her tight against me as I snuggled my nose into her neck. It didn't take me long to pass out.

I knew it the moment the sun went down. My body seemed full of energy. I stretched and yawned like a cat bathing in sunlight. With my eyes still closed, I sniffed trying to place scents with my new heighten senses. I heard two different tones of breathing. One was close enough for me to grabbed. She sounded like she was wide awake. The other sounded kind of laborious. Probably due to the fact she was close to exhausting her pool of magic. I look down at Zoe who was watching me. I lick her cute little pouty lips. She frowned and turned her head to the side. I took the invitation for what it was. My lips graze down her cheek to her neck. My fangs graze her neck. My hand slipped between her leg. Rubbing the light fuzzy patch she had there. A soft gasp came out her mouth as I moved down to her perky breast. She literally had small nipple that tasted like a delightful pastry filling. My index dipped into her fat virgin land and she grasps my arm and her other hand pressed against my chest. "Please. I…" I look at her with grinned on my face. I pulled her up onto her knees. "We won't go that far today but soon. We will." She frowned as i crawl behind her. I rubbed my tip against her ass before sliding it between her legs. Zoe turned her head towards me as her breathing elevated. I tugged at her lip as I slowly rock back and forth. Letting the tip of my shaft spread her lips open before sliding past. "S-stop!" I raised my eyebrow as I grabbed her wrist and put it on her breast while I played with the other. "You should get used to this as we will be doing it alot. It is my nature and I am delighted to continue it."

Zoe was turning red from the neck up. I continued to stir her up. It only took five minutes before she experience her first orgasm with me. I pushed just the tip into her so I could get off. She gripped my forearm and I whispered in her ear. Making sure she knew how naughty she was sounding as she moan against me. Shifting her legs every so slightly to help turn me on. She came quicker the second time. So I pushed a bit further in. Her gripped got ever so tighter but I was close to finishing myself. Her innocent vibe was a complete turn on. I didn't expect for her to climax for third time and then fall against the bed. I guess she thought I would be done at that time. Smirking, I pushed my tip pass her ass cheeks and back into her oh so tight vagina. She clenched up and I helped her out by pushing even deeper. It was barely one third of the way in and she was already acting like this. It would be even more amusing to see what she would do when I was ready to full penetrate her. It didn't take nothing but a few strokes for me to nut into her. Zoe moan as I wiped my dick off on her furry ass. Zoe shifted as she tried to work the exhaustion out of her body. I lick my way up her spine from her ass crack when the door open. Lena walk in with an amused grin.

"Miss Olivia wants to speak with you." I growled as I stop nipping Zoe neck.I bet she was happy considering she had abit of freedom from me. I kissed her one time before climbing out of bed. Fire wrapped around my waist as pair of boxers form on me. I stopped in front of Lena before pressing her against the wall. My finger rubbing against her fat pussy as my tongue dance in her mouth. She knew what to expect as she grope my balls. I broke it off and walk out the room only to see Olivia and some unknown man sitting at the counter in the kitchen slash living room. Olivia waved at the man.

"This is Vernon. One of the leaders here. We have free lodging here if we provide some work services." I shrugged as I pushed open the curtains and stared out at the beautiful night sky. "Mr. Vernon has already filled out the necessary paperwork for us to assist the patrol teams. The only details we need is which shift you prefer. Grave or day?" I stifled a yawn as I turned to her. "That won't be necessary. I planned on doing my own scouting." Olivia frowned and so did the man. He wanted to speak but lightning crackle as I made it dance across my shoulders. Down to my fingertips and back up. They both stop talking and excuses themselves. Olivia came back in few minutes later. Just in time to see me walk out my room with my gear on.

"What do you mean you plan on scouting on your own?" I shrugged as tighten strapped on my thigh. "I mean, I will be going out on my own and need no charity." Olivia grabbed my arm. "Do you understand what you are saying?" I rolled my eyes and pushed her up against the counter. "You almost died just from trying to play hero before hand. That will be detrimental to the mission. I can't allow that." I shut her up with my tongue. She punch me in my chest and I felt the power of her fist. However, my lust got the better of me as I slipped my hand under her shirt. She gripped my forearm as she lean back. "You think because we fuck once that this will change my decision?" I don't even remember her offering. More like me raping her and she accepting after the fact.

"I am going and you can sit by the radio to listen." I was just a bit mocking as I nibbled on her ear. I knew she was ready for this D as she smelled like she was leaking. However, it didn't stop the anger from appearing in her eyes or the crinkles on the side of her eyes. "Since you want to be such a smart ass. I am coming." She shoved me away with strength I didn't believe she had. I even doubted she could survive low level apocalypse. I sighed as I patted all my weaponry. Even the pistols and extra mags. Before she could speak again, I slipped into the shadow and vanished. I didn't go as far as I thought I would. Just outside the city gate. I stretch and did few warm up exercises before slipping into the shadows. Navigating by smell. I hunted down a prey that was used to hunting others.

I appeared on top of a building that overlook open plains. The smell of wet dogs was strong. They were smart to build a base camp out in the open. Hidden behind trees and a fucking wall? What the hell? I glanced around before spotting sentries in wolf form. I knew Zoe could see in the darkness. So it did not make sense for them to have spotlights or so little cover of darkness. Tsk, this will be harder than anything I ever did before. A smile broke across my face as jump into the air. Shadowy wings form as I soar into the heavens. My smile vanished when I sensed a someone else magic. It felt like some type of alarm. It most definitely was some type of alarm as siren went off as I crossed it. However, these dumb people had towering apartments and such. Even an easy ass layout that really told me where the alpha house was. Of course, the security was top notch. I really approved. I glance around and happen to noticed them turning the spotlight towards the air. I guess they had magical users trying to sneak in. I folded my wings and dove for one of those beautiful shadowy alleys. I covered myself inside the wings before vanishing. It was beautiful watching my feet hit the ground with a light thud. My nose pick up a scent I was very familiar with. Being a demon that is.

My body vanished and I reappeared inside a house. I sniffed around before walking to bedroom. The shower was lively and the sweet scent of ivory tickled my nose. The poor victim was singing as I tipped toe to check out what I get to play with. She was skinny lass. I mean, small ass. Long and lanky with barely handful on her chest. Long beautiful blue dyed hair. Great singing voice. I open the glass door and she paused before slowing turning to me. Her eyes widen and I blinked as she look like an older version of Zoe just cuter and less developed. "Zoe's sister?" She blinked before looking past me at something. I glance back and saw a circle like you would see in witch movie or something. She look back at me before blinking. "Are you a real demon?" I smirk as my clothes melted off me. My weapons floated to land neatly on her marble floor. As I stepped into the shower with her. "Of course, I am lust demon." She took a step back but bump into the shower wall. I laughed as I covered her mouth with my hand. "Say, are you kin of Zoe, the werewolf girl?" It finally click on what I was asking. She nodded and I sniffed her just to be sure. "Are you the one who set up the magical alarms?" She nodded again.

"I thought you were the alpha mate or something?" She blinked before rolling her eyes. "He says that so nobody will try anything with me. I haven't had sex since the beginning of the collapse." I grinned as my hand cover her slim waist. "Perfect because I am starving." She blushed before looking down. Her blush turned to fear. I merely smirk before grabbing her thighs and lifting her up and back into the wall. I cup my hand under the shower spray before wetting my tip. She bit her bottom lip as I pushed way past her outer lips and into her tunnel. I didn't push my full length in as that was reserved for my toys only. If she was an enchanter like I hope, I would love to learn from her. So I took it easy. Emphasizing her pleasure as I nibbled on her neck and bounce her skinny ass. It didn't take her very long at all. Like fucking ten seconds to cum. Maybe a little more but it wasn't long at all. Definitely considering she was clawing my arm. I was so glad she had measley human strength. Which help me realized she was just a magic user of some kind. I let go of her legs and caught her arms to steady her on her feet. She look a little disappointed that I was stopping but I never said this was it. I turned her around and pressed her man chest against the wall. She tooted up her ass a bit and I had the urge to laughed. She really was a small boned girl. I didn't like wasting time. Which means, I immediately shove myself into her and pummel her tiny waist. Unlike her sister and Lena, she was loud for no reason but different people express themselves in different ways. I almost felt like giving her a real reason to cry out but she was already bouncing on her tippy toes with half my length in her. I really felt sorry for the guy she fuck before me. He must have been incredible small. Half of eight is… I came out of my daydream as her apartment door was slammed open.

She jumped and spun around as I step back. "Alena, get your ass out here! Your fucking location ward failed. We have an intruder and can't fucking find him." Aye, that was how they knew I was in the sky. Alena look at me before frowning. "Give me ten. I just got into the shower!" She stepped out and grabbed a towel. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm before leaning her over the sink. She look back at me with aghast look. I pointed at the towel and her mouth as I shove myself back in. I used a lot of magic earlier and I need to earn some of it back if I had to fight my way out. "You have five minutes!" The guy seem kind of laid back to be having an intruder here. Before Alena could respond, I was bouncing her ass off my waist. It was good thing I did tell her to put the towel in her mouth as she put up a good amount of racket. She came in less than a minute. Her knees were wobbling as I pounded her narrow ass. She gripped the edge of the counter like her life was depending on it. I heard the guy pacing around in the living. Muttering under his breath about fucking wards being too sensitive. I guess they mistaken me for some kind of flying bird?

Alena growled into towel as her vaginal's walls clamp around me like a vice grip. It was good thing as her tight ass pussy was just too much for me. I didn't bother pulling out as it was a waste of perfectly good fertilizer. Once I made sure I was nice and empty. I help cultivate her by pumping with my slowly shrinking dick. She leaned heavily against the sink like it was serious a life vest or something. She turned her green eyes upon me with the most hateful stare. I cut off the water as I dried myself with her towel. It didn't take me long to equip my weapons. It took her another minute to sort herself before she could began the process of dressing. "Pack a bag and don't forget one for Zoe." I slipped out the bathroom via her shadow and appeared in the living room. I had to give it to the guy as he spun around the moment I appeared. Sadly, he did so when my axe was already halfway to his throat. He, at least, brought up a hand to block me but he didn't even pay attention to the fact. I had a very hot extra layer added to the edge. It was no surprised to me when it slice through his fingers and bit into his neck. I yank it out and kick him into the wall before following up with spin and thrust at his neck again. He got those tree trunk arms up and lost them. My third strike silence him for good. You could see the surprise fear on his face as his head roll across her carpet.

Sup... Just bored and decided to pass time while waiting on chapters to update .. if you dislike or feel this is quite boring let me know... That way I can fix it something interesting while I wait half a day for one chapter update... Also this like ten or so page per chapter... I am really bored lol

africanchilcreators' thoughts