

I turned to check the hallway and noticed nobody was waiting. This was horrible security on your only enchanter. Alena came out her room with bag full of weird books and few clothes. "Do I need food?" I was mostly watching the way she walk and not her voice. So it took me a minute to realized she spoke. "No, not really." She nodded and I grabbed her waist before taking an expressway to the roof. I created wings and launch us into the sky. It wasn't until we were out of the base and standing on the tower that I first stood upon that I realized something. She no longer smelled like Zoe and Zoe's sister should be a wolf right? I look at Alena who was looking around in confusion and guilt. She finally spoke up after fifteen minutes of silences.

"Now that I am away from that horrid place. I guess I should tell you that Zoe's sister is probably prisoner of the Alpha. He likes to keep all the pretty ones to himself." Alena look down and shifted uncomfortable. I sighed while rubbing my neck. I should have knew that it wasn't that easy. I was just too horny. She held something in her hand. "If you use this, you can get back into the base easily. Without setting off any alarms." I reach for it but she jerk her hand back. "I'll only give it to you if you promise to take me with you." I sighed again before agreeing. Since I had an easy location to jump to. I didn't need to fly anymore. I grabbed the little crystal and vanished.

It was not a great idea as I could smell wolves searching the apartment. I vanished to the roof. Then jump from roof to roof as I headed for the mansion. One of the great things I noticed was that this guy planning skills were amazing. I had to hide in shadows a bunch as I spotted patrols and sniper nest. They were hounding down for the intruder. So I was in luck and wanted to start a little mischief to enhance my odds of getting away. I shadow step back to Alena's apartment and began setting it on fire. Tossing fireballs all over the place before going back to my little sniper nest overlooking the mansion security.

The guy was fucking genius. There was no way you could cross the distances from nearest buildings to his mansion. He even had a fence up. Patrols. I glance back as thick bloom of smoke rose into the sky. Follow by a wonderful explosion that lit up the night sky. I heard people rushing towards that directions. The patrol teams only stop and look for few seconds before continuing their goal. I look at the sniper nest not to far away from me. I decided to kill him. Coming out the shadow above him. Like a spider descending on its prey made me feel like the best damn predator around. The guy didn't even look up as my axe descended into his skull. I pulled out my pistol as I heard soft breathing. Flipping onto the ground. I kept low as I went to see who was sleeping on the job. My breathe caught as I smelled a delicious snack. She laid on the couch in combat vest. I knew it was uncomfortable as I did it plenty. My eyes glance around and I spotted handcuffs. An evil smile took over as I flipped her onto her face with my knee in the middle of her back. I cuff her hands before she even fully awoken. My shadowy tentacles help her get her boots and pants off. I did not expect her to shift the moment she came into clarity. However, I muzzled the bitch and tied her legs together with shadowy rope. She still put up a hell of a struggle. To bad for her, I was use to securing prisoners and other beast.

The poor wolf lady was quite tone. She could make a lot of men jealous. Well mortal men without any physical adaptations. I slung her over the couch arm. Tugged at her clench ass cheeks as I shoved my dick all the way in. Regardless of her vigorous struggles. It only made it more painful for her as I slammed home. Over and over again. I could clearly hear her muffle curse of pain and anger. Her claw hand clenched and unclenched as she probably picture herself strangling me. It only turned me on more and I up the pace even more. My nails drew blood as I drugged into her glutes. I never fuck a werewolf before but damn if she didn't feel amazing. She couldn't help but get soak and the fact she was taking my full length with minimal complaints was praise worthy. However, I bet she wanted to kill me before all was said and done. It really did not take me long to climax and I made sure she accepted the whole load before wiping myself off on her fur. Good eighteen minutes spent. I definitely wasn't going to leave her behind. I tossed her on the couch and went back to the window. I pick up the sniper rifle and scanned the field for nice distraction. I didn't see anything obvious like a poorly place fuel tank or someone saluting a general or something. Only thing that was really out in the open was a generator and I could barely see that in the shed that house it. I search the dead sniper for any other weapons and sigh in disappointment. He only had curve knife on him. I guess the woman must of had more weapons.

My eyes lit up in wonder as I saw m4 leaning against the couch. I search her vest for mags before kissing her snout. She had two grenades. "I'll be right back, my new slave." I chuckled as she struggled. Hatred was like a northern star in her eyes. I shadowstep to the street level. My eyes lit up as first patrol happen to be waking by the gate house. I giggled as I jogged towards the team. They paused and look at me before the leader step forward.

"Halt!" I stop a good distances away. My own shadow unpinning a grenade and chunk it at the gate house. I was mildly surprised when they scream intruder and started shooting at me. I zig zag as I fire back. I never really like gun fights. No skill really needed. That being said, I was shot numerous of times but they never penetrated. That did not mean I wanted to test out bigger rounds than five point five-six. I wasn't delusional. My rounds probably wasn't doing much either as nobody collapse or look like they were wounded. I sigh and toss the gun aside as shockwave buffer me. Pulling out my sword, I ran dead at them. Creating a mask at the same time. Gotta look cool when you are wielding a sword. I guess they expected that as they transformed and engage me in close quarters. Bad idea but foolish people did worse.

The first to jump at me was brute of a wolf. I swung my sword before he even arrived. Thin line of plasma cut right through him. I spun as one of the wolves lunge at me during the distraction. My sword cut through its waist as it flew past me. I brought the sword down and up as I step past a right hook. The sword slice through his right arm just as I was tackle. I slipped into the shadow as the wolf body collided with the ground. It look confused but only for moment as I cut off its head from behind. I turned to the guy I help amputate. I stalk to him and he crawls backwards. Fear evident in his furry features. I pointed a finger at him and pure white jagged line struck him in center of his forehead. One for lightning! Taking a quick stock of my situation and the pounding of feet. I dashed through the gate house and dove for the shadow of a tree. Bullets ate up the ground around me as I vanished. I reappeared in the midst of their group. Cutting through limbs like it was a real party. I didn't bother finishing off the ones who were just limbless. I already wasted too much time. There was a female wolf I wanted to snack on! I knew she was waiting for my precious touch again. I dashed for the side window. Flipping through it like a ninja. My sword swept out the moment I had my feet under me. I took a few imbeciles by surprised.

I heard the sound of grenade bouncing on the ground. Shadow stepping out the room and down to the basement underneath save me from early death. I was surprised to find myself in a cage. Sitting on a cot was bruised up creature. I poke it with my feet several times. Before it roused itself. It look at me before rubbing its eyes. "What are you doing in here?" It spoke in a guttural tone. Not a female, eck. Shadow Stepping out. I quickly search the basement before running up the stairs. I slammed myself against the steel door. Caving it in on the first impact. The second sent the door sliding into the room. My eyes widen and jumped when several tiny missiles headed my way. I quickly shadow step to one of the attackers. Cutting him and his partner down before shadow stepping away. It took me nearly twenty minutes to find a room filled with girls in different kinky outfits. If I had more time, I would have enjoyed them. Sadly, I didn't. I walk past some of the curious ones as I tried to catch a particular scent before I just said fuck it.

"Is Zoe sister in here?" One of the most beautiful girls I ever seen stood up. My dick wanted to marry her on first sight. That speaks volumes. I walk up and did thorough smell and taste test before grabbing her waist. Several quick jumps and we were on the roof. Creating wings, I launched us into the sky opposite of the spotlights. It took a moment to circle around and head towards my wolf hostage. I giggled as she was still bound. I threw her over my shoulder before taking both girls to Alena. Who frowned upon seeing my two hostages. "You know the Alpha not going to let you get away with taking her, right?" I shrugged as yawn escape me. It was close to first light and we had a long journey. I was almost on e as far as my magic power concern.

"Give me about thirty minutes to hour to recharge. Then we will go to place that not here." Alena sigh as she sat down on the floor. Zoe's sister just watch me. I tossed my sex slave onto the ground. She tried to roll over and sit up but I put her on her face and knees. She didn't struggle like she did last time but from the way she was clenching her fist. I knew she still had some fight in her. She was still wonderful as I pounded her ass. I couldn't stop the purrs that came out of me. She was that amazing even if she wasn't trying to be helpful.

"How long have you known him?" Alena look up with hungry look. "Not that long. He showed up in my bathroom. Looking for you. We fuck and he help me escape even though I deceive him a bit." Zoe's Sister eyes widen as she turned to look out the window. "So my sister didn't die?" Alena shrugged. "Probably so or he wouldn't have rescue you." She nodded towards the little piece of ass I was tagging.

"What made you guys so precious as to hold hostage?" Zoe's Sister sigh as she sat beside Alena. She held her almost see through dress close as she sat down. "Besides our looks?" Alena nodded. "Well, when we all cat shifters and have bit of shaman ability." Alena blinked before laughing. "So that is how he was putting the wards up." Cat girl shrugged but I suspected it was more than that as he had over twenty something women and none of them smell like he touched them. Which made it odd considering how delightful they smelled to my senses. I mean, just inhaling her scent made me cum. Imagine what being inside her felt like. I had a feeling those girls had something to do with the fact the place not only had electricity but also field of green.

Two and half hours after using my cum bucket, I laid down to take a quick nap. Alena woke me up a little past sunrise. I yawned and stretch before looking at the bodybuilder who decided to return to her normal appearances. Since her wolf form didn't stop me having my way with her. Only egged me on. I brushed her hair aside. She glared at me and I couldn't help giggling. "Do you wish to submit to me?" She continued to glare but I ignore her silences as I look over her body with hungry look. She shivered as I lick my lips. "Why are you doing this?" I merely shrugged as my hands roamed her body. She ripped her poor vest and bra by transforming into an even bigger wolf than she was normal. Which was nice for me. I got to play with her amazing tits. Her eyes still contained excessive amounts of hate and thoughts of getting free. Which turned me on. I was about to go at round two when I heard feet pounding on the pavement outside. I sighed as I pick up my toy and look at the girls. "Grab my hand or arm and don't let go." They nodded and I quickly got us back to the human settlement. With only few stops to replenish my magic reserves.

Nice three and half hours later, I dropped into bed. Completely exhausted. Zoe and Naomi seem happy together. Less so about the fact I turned her into my toy but that could have something to do with the way she seen me treat my bucket. Olivia was gone and that was good thing for me. When I woke from my nap three hours away from sun down. I noticed my cum bucket staring at me as I stretched. If that wasn't bad enough but Naomi was watching me from chair by the window. I tilted my head as I ran my finger around bucket belly button. She growled and I ignored her. Speaking of which, I wondered what her name was. I turned to her sea green eyes. "Hey, if you don't want me calling you cum bucket. Better tell me your name." Her mouth fell open and I giggled. She quickly spoke up after recovering. "Alice Stone."

I glance at Naomi. "Why are you watching us while we sleep? Isn't that just a bit creepy?" Naomi was about to speak when i talk over her. "Are you some kind of pervert? Did you parents not teach you any manners? Do you think because your now free, you can peep at anyone you want to?" Naomi mouth fell open as she stared at me with mix of horror and annoyance. "You should apologies right now. Not only did you watch me while I was asleep but you also watch Alice. She is already humiliated enough by me taking her roughly in front of you before. Then many more times on the way here. She probably filled with my sperm to the point of overcapacity. The one break she has from not being stared at and you do it anyway. No fucking privacy. You should be ashamed. Disgrace to your family name."

Alice and Naomi mouth fell open. I laughed before rolling out of bed. I grabbed Alice legs and yank her to the edge. Releasing the handcuffs. Just in case she has to go piss. "Feel free to run if you want." I yawned as I headed to the bathroom. Naomi came and leaned against the door as I relieved myself.

"I wanted to talk to you about my sister." Her voice had a tinge of anger in it. I waved my hand for her to continue.

"I don't approve of the mark you given her. She underage and a human being. Marking her like a slave is…" I covered her mouth before turning on the facet. I washed my hands as I spoke in slow but reasonable voice. "I don't really care." I reach for a towel.

Her lips form a frown of discontent as she storm up to me. Her finger jam into my chest. "I do not care how powerful you think you are. Or what mindset you have. You will release my sister from that slave bound or else I will make your life miserable!" She pronounce every word with such anger that I found it adorable. There must have been something in my eyes as she stepped back with an uncertain look. I don't know why as I had no urge to harm her. Just the opposite which supports my theory that she is some kind of nature druid or life mage. I cupped her chin as she stared defiantly into my face.

"Did you ask Zoe what she wants?" I wink before walking back into the room to find Alice sitting against the headboard. I raised an eyebrow as I laid across the bed. "Give me a massage." Alice growled before moving to do as I say. I bet her wolf didn't want to fight a losing battle. Naomi left the room in huff. I closed my eyes as Alice was pretty good at this. Zoe and Naomi came in. Follow by Olivia and Lena. I sighed as turned slightly to look at Alice.

"That was your last time. Next time, I will help you submit." I wink before turning back to Naomi. I heard Alice anus pucker as she stopped trying to stab me with her claws.

"Zoe, tell him you want to be released from the pact!" Naomi seem indignant but Zoe look rather bashful. She shifted a bit before shaking her head.

"I would rather keep these abilities." Zoe spoke shyly. She held up her hand and small fireball appeared. Hovering over her palm. Naomi eyes widen before it scrunched up. She was about to tell Zoe off but I interrupted.

"If you are worry about me taking advantage of your sister. Then you don't have to worry. Lena there is my first and I fell in love with the way Alice makes me feel. If I do grow needy enough then she knows I won't go further than she is ready. Plus you can replace her when I am starving enough to go through my other toys." I yawn and closed my eyes after getting my spill out. I could feel the disappointment in Zoe but I only said that to appease her sister. No way was I going to pass up another werewolf. They can do things that other can't. Plus it helps out my furry fetish.

Olivia grabbed my dreads and lift up my head. "Didn't you say you would contact me when you got back?" I yawn in her face one more time. "Don't fucking yawn at me. You are my responsibility. If you die over here, do you understand how much trouble I could get in? You…" She ranted on for full twenty minutes. Did i mention how amazing Alice was at back massage. I tapped her leg and she rose to her knees. I flipped over and she sat down. Olivia grabbed my ear and I growled.

"Lady, relax. That was the last time I am going out without a team around me." Olivia huffed before patting my cheek really hard. The other girls left. Alice look like she swallowed a sour grape. I moved her hip along the length of my shaft. "Why don't you release me?" I rolled my eyes. "Does your alpha like failure?" Alice frowned deepen as she thought about it. I eased her up as i wiggled my shaft tip into her. She stop frowning as she grabbed onto the headrest. "You might be right." She sounded defeated as she push her hips all the way down.

"So what do you think your chances are?" I pushed my arms behind my head. She rode me gently for a bit as she pondered her choices. "I don't think he will kill me because I am one of the two beast hand to hand specialist. However, I don't want to be beaten for losing to someone who has cheat like abilities." I nodded as I yawn again. "So do you want to stay with me even though you will be used?" Her mouth form a thin line as she squeezed down on me. I saw her thigh muscles flex as I shot up like a bumble bee. Her arms wrapped around my neck. "No, I am tired of being used but I noticed none of your toys could fight. I could be your partner."

Alice began moving her hips in hypnotic movement again. My mouth open involuntary as low purr flooded out of me. She smirk and I bit her lip. "Partner is doable." She smirk as she ran her hands through my hair. I grabbed her ass cheeks and let my power of fire and shadow emerge. Leading via my memory of how it felt before. She paused before riding me slower than normal. I raised an eyebrow as she lift my chin and lick my neck. "You don't like losing control, huh?" I never said I dislike her taking the lead. She did some kind of twisting motion and I almost lost control of my effort. Her fangs graze my neck as her claws trace patterns on my body. She was too well practiced in bringing a man pleasure. I almost didn't make it before the emblem finished. She hissed and I tilted my head back and moan like a wolf howling at the moon. I tried to fall back as I didn't have as much stamina as I did during the night. However she wouldn't let me.

Alice face scrunched up into a beautiful painful smile. "This is a little payback." She tugged my hair and my head snapped back as she suck and bite upon my neck. Her body moved at faster pace than she did before. My body arched under the intense feeling. She grabbed my hands and tied it behind my back before touching the tattoo on her ass. I could see that it flowed down her leg. It wasn't the usually one. The dragon wrapped around her flowed from her toe to her ass. The oni mask hanging off the side of the dragon head. I just couldn't understand why she thought this would be punishment. I was just surprised that she didn't have similar evolution that the others did. That was until i saw her shift. It wasn't the full wolf form that I fuck before. It was half shift and it didn't resemble wolf at all. More like a dragon girl. When she put her claws into me this time. They dug in and drew blood. I felt and intense orgasm hit. She rode it out before laughing. My head bounce off the bed before finally hanging off.

"Did that feel good?" I blinked before looking at her. "You do realized I am sex demon, right?" It took Alice a moment for that to register. She pouted before getting off me. "The others are waiting for you to be done." I rolled to my side and prop up on my elbow. "It's funny how you thought you could punish me with intense orgasms." Alice click her tongue before skimming through my closet. She found out there was not a single pair of clothes there. She turned to me and I saw deep seat amount of frustration and anger sitting there. Seems she didn't forgive me yet. I wave my hand and shadows twisted around her before forming a beautiful v cut dress that hug her figure. Also provided her with leg room incase she wanted to do more than look pretty.

Alice sighed before taking a deep breath. "How about taking me out to eat? Unlike you, I don't live off humiliating others." I ignored that. I glance out the window and noticed the sun was on the way down. About fucking time. I flipped out of bed before burning the covers and creating new ones. Which reminds me of time when I saw an anime created physical weapons out of living flames. I doubt my control was there. You could say I had about three thousand or so mana points. It was only due to my excessive need to fornicate that i haven't been caught with my pants down. "Let's go hunting then." Her mouth open before closing. Plain black tee and jeans wrapped around my body. I put my foot back into my boots before walking into the living.

Alena was sitting on padding as she read a book. The others were watching a movie. I was surprised this shit actually works. I walk over and crouched in front of Alena who look up at me with annoyed face. "May I help you?" I pointed at her book. "I want to learn how to enchant. Will you teach me tomorrow?" She paused for a while before nodding and shooing me away. I took that as yes and grabbed my sword and axes. "Zoe, come on. We are going out." Lena look at me and I blew her kiss before heading to the door with Zoe and Alice.

I was a bit annoyed walking down the street and people tried to play childish games. Like bump into the deadly demon. However, Alice used that chance to work off steam as she slammed each and every last one of them to the ground. I paused at weapon shop on the main street. Alice barge past me and walk in. Zoe shrugged and follow. I sighed and look at the purple sky. Complete darkness will be here soon. I was surprised by the mix display of cold and hot weaponry. It was a sign of modern adaptation. There weapons range from katanas to broadswords. I was light weapon guy myself. Strike fast. Zoe look around but didn't pick anything. Alice on the other hand, look at guns. She had no forwarded thinking at all.

"Pick a cold weapon. Sword, axe, daggers, mace, or a brain. We aren't going to be fighting zombies." I spoke in a mocking tone and Alice sent me agitated smile. I pointed at broadsword and she pick it up before giving it a practice swing. She nodded before trying few others. Zoe look at short katanas. About 21 inches. I grabbed a battle axe that would be great for fighting something tougher than wolf. Like Alice. My eyes wonder before landing on the sale clerk. He was a big guy who look a bit bored as he watch something on a screen. I walk up to him with a smile that might have look more evil than seductive.

"Hey mate, do you barter?" He look at me like I was stupid and spoke i gruff tone. "Sure. Everybody needs resources and the hunters rarely bring stuff back for crafters like myself." I nodded and pulled out about forty ingots of iron and steel from my shadow bag. His eyes widen as he rubbed a few. "Nice quality. The JB stands for you, huh?" He pulled out some kind of machine and pressed it against the ingots. He whistled as he check the steel. "Fifty dollar value per iron and eighty per steel. Deal?" Twenty-six hundred not bad. I rubbed my chin before nodding. He gave me what amount to less than that. About eight hundred dollars. He pointed at the girls who already put on their picks. I sigh before thanking him and he ask me to come back if I had more. I did but I wanted to try something first.

We went to this place that had amazing smelling food. Udon noodles with beef strips. My stomach grumble even though I was technically full. Of course, I ate a lot less than the women. Alice was more than happy to eat my half and another bowl. I simply watch them. Zoe was a bit shy but she was a cutey. Alice, on the other hand, was mature beauty with appealing personality. I could tell she was a hard ass before she became a wolf. Probably prior service. She couldn't stop grimacing though. It was a bit unappealing. I leaned close to her and wipe the juice from the corners of her mouth. She stared at me for a moment before crossing her arms. "I am full." I smirk before paying the bill and heading to where I seen a lot of jeeps and cars coming from. We could use a ride. It's very painful going through mana deficiency. This weird little guy wanted me to spend two hundred on a car. He had me fuck! We could just sleep outside. My next stop was to store. I pick up a few necessary items. Water, food, tooth paste, and blankets. Few other small things. I made Alice carry it since she seem to be strongest out of three of us. With the easy stuff out of the way, we left the gate. I quickly climb a building as I didn't like walking in the open. Both girls shifted and followed me. I purr as I watch Alice ass. She grumbled before tugging at her dress. "Can I get something reasonable to wear?" I almost made her say please but just wave my hand. Giving her boots, jeans and tee. Zoe seem to have found herself some clothes before I came back.

Alice watched me before unbuttoning her pants. "Um.. What are you doing?" She ignored me as she dropped her pants to her knees. My eyes automatic dropped down to her dark triangle patch. "You have been staring at my ass since we left the apartment. You also did that back when you rescue the druid. I found it means you are low on mana." I scratched my head. She was close to right. Sometimes, I just like looking at her ass. Alice leaned against an a/c unit before she glance at Zoe. "Wet his dick." Zoe look at her in embarrassment and confusion. Alice did hand motion near her mouth. Zoe blinks before she unbutton my pants and began massaging my dick. She lick her lips. She pressed her lips against my tip before slowly letting it slide into her mouth. Alice sighs as before grabbing Zoe head and forcing her to deep throat me before moving her head back and forth. My poor eyes were wide open in disbelief at Alice aggressiveness. I had to stop her as Zoe face was bright red at this point. Alice look at me with anger in her expression. "Stop babying her. You turn her into toy for a reason." I shook my head and pushed her up against the a/c unit. "I did not give you permission to decide how I use her body." I put her hands on her ass and pulled those lovely globes apart. I pounded the fuck out of her fat ass. My dick was covered with discharge. I could tell she loved it when I punished her by how hard she was clamping in effort to stop me. I pulled out of her wonderful pussy and pushed my tip into her ass. Alice grunted as I pushed all the way in. Her tall ass stood up on her tippy toes. She started whimpering as I slammed my hips hard into hard. She almost collapse few times but I held her up. I pulled out and cum all over her ass. She dropped to her knees and I merely rolled my eyes. I wanted to scout out some possible routes and find a place to harvest metals. I laid on the ground and motion for her to climb aboard. I glance at Zoe who was shifting her thighs.

"Get on your knees over my head. Drop your pants." She nodded and rush to fulfil my wishes. I pulled Alice down so her face was right in Zoe's ass. I wrapped an arm around Alice back and pounded into her tight ass hole. Her whimpers got louder. I could even hear Zoe's heavy breathing. The bitch started squirting all over me. I pulled out of her anus to plug up the leak. Boy, the moment I started pounding fast and hard. I could feel my lower body getting soak. She was screaming inside of Zoe as i pounded her precious ass. Her nails were completely fixated in my skin. I released my load as quickly as I could but it didn't stop her from tighten up her thighs like she was trying to crush me. Considering she had draconian strength and was stronger physically than me. It hurted. She collapsed on my chest. Her eyes showing how much she hated for reacting so much to me. I pushed her off me and kneel behind Zoe. Just looking at how creamy white Alice inner legs were was enough to get me semi hard. I rubbed my dick against Zoe perfect little lips before pushing past them. She let out a low moan until I pushed it all the way into the hilt. She squeak and jump forward. Landing on her stomach. I sat on her legs and lean over her before going right back in. Blood covered with vaginal discharge mix with my dick as I stroke her bubble butt as she tried to escape. She howled as she climax rather quickly. I gripped her neck as I slammed home. I released my second third round today. I pick her up and slammed her down on my shaft. Nibbling on her neck as I stir her up. She turned her head and we kissed while we fuck. It did cut down on the amount noise she screamed. It seems she was just waiting for a chance to be slutty as she bounce on me like a bunny. Even twerk her ass. I basically wasted the night away. Just fucking her until she was sated.

I did couple fast destructions projects to acquire metal. Alice watched me with a complicated expression as I cleared out buildings around my new home. Zoe left to go pick up Alena and Lena. Plus food and clothes. I wanted to build a decent base for my future plans. It was smack dab in the middle between three warring factions and on the outskirt of city. Near a beautiful forest which had wild beast. However, i wanted to grow food for my toys instead of hunting for it. One of the main points I found out was that the more I exhaust myself. The stronger magical I got. Like exercising muscles. I was sure there was a limit to this kind of strengthening effect but I wasn't worried. But I lasted longer. With a decent cleared out area similar to acre of land. I wanted to try building something out of fire. I know several books that describe turning elemental energy into physical permanent objects. I would just have to do outer frame then work towards the inner.

I was always intrigued by french work back in late twelfth century. I already had blueprints in my head. I just had to put them into reality. I closed my eyes and extended my hands towards the land I dug out. Fire bright as morning star bloom in my hands. I could feel the intense heat as it left my hands. I felt a rush of power leave me weak. I collapse on my ass as my air escape me in waves. My eyes widen as beautiful orange-reddish two story, gothic manor. I knew it wasn't complete because I ran out of mana and had to cut it off before it pulled at another source. Alice look down at me as the flames slowly finished the framework. She sighed as she sat in my lap. She brushed her hair out her face as she bounce in my lap. Alice had a talent for figuring out just what I like and she utilized it with a proficiency that I loved. I was too tired to do anything other than lay there as she nibble at my throat. She held my wrists in iron grip above my head as she had her way with me. My back arched as I came so quickly. I took the energy she didn't realized she was feeding me. It was just her Yin energy which she generated at a steady pace.

I sent the new energy to the mansion to finished the framework. Alice growled as she yank my head down. Her tongue aggressive force its way into my mouth. She released my wrist as she grabbed my throat. Her other hand brace herself as she got even more aggressive. So much so that I climax again within minutes of the first. Bad news for her was that I could shoot out loads of cum until I was dead tired. Alice rolled off me with a frown as her legs trembled. "My body is tired." She said it like it was a great disappointment. That she couldn't keep up with someone who eats sexual energy for living. I love that kind of personality that never wanted to beat by anyone. It makes sex with her that much enjoyable. She must have seen something in my face as she turned away quickly. I bit her ear as she shoved her ass at me. I brace on my elbow as I plunged right in. I didn't even make it that long before I came. She lean back to look at me breathing like I fought for my life. She had a certain amount of concern in her eyes. I guess it was true that if a woman felt like she was needed. She could ignore all your faults. They like feeling that power.

Alice grabbed my chin as she stared into the depths of my eyes. Her long hair fell into her face. "Are you okay?" I nodded and smack my dry lips. She sighed as she reached into bag and poured water down my throat. "How long have you went without rehydrating?" I shrugged as I ran finger over her tone thighs. She rolled her eyes at how quickly my mind strayed from potential problem to sensuals desires. She glance at Zoe as she came jogging up. Alice straighten up and stood up on shakily leg as she grabbed her clothes. "Your turn. Make sure he drinks water. I think he's almost done anyway." Zoe wasted no time putting me into a coma. I, at least, hope I finished the project.

I woke up to find myself curl around Alice. She had an amused look on her face as I stretched like a worn out cat. She scratched behind my ear like I was a dog or something but it did feel good. So I couldn't get mad. I noticed the silk red sheet covering us and the black pillow beneath her head. I guess I finished the interior. I ran my hand across her stomach. Then trail it down to her thigh. She gripped my wrist in her visegrip like hand. "You were just put in a coma for over exhausting yourself. Are you sure you want a repeat?" I yawned and glance out the towering window. The sun was still up and high in the sky. Which mean I slept through a night. No wonder I felt so completely exhausted. Speaking of which, I had to piss really badly. I hop out the bed and ran towards the bathroom. It felt so amazing releasing that built up piss. Sadly, like day before I found Naomi leaning against the bathroom wall. With frown on her face. I ran hand through my dreads before flushing and washing up. It made me pause as I didn't remember doing anything to add water to the building. I would have to ask Alice later. "You said you wouldn't touch my sister!" I grabbed her by the throat and lift her up to my eye level. I don't understand why she comes at me with all these issues. "Do not bring your family problems to me. I really don't care to explain myself to imbecile." I dropped her before climbing back into bed with Alice who gave me a surprised look. "I thought you were going to fuck her senseless." I rolled my eyes and curl back up against her. She went back to scratching my ear while watching some movie.Which reminded me.

"How did we get this shit? I thought we would be in an ice age moment." Alice scratched her neck in confused manner. "Alena took a turn and next thing we knew. You both passed out. When we came inside this stuff was like this. You look more human now. So I guess you imprinted her and got her knowledge." I sigh before I began reviewing my memories. However, i remember nothing past Zoe going buck wild. When I thought about it, I had knew knowledge on spells, runes, and formations. That was handy and explained where some of the stuff came from. I wonder what Alena got in return.

"Who all did Zoe bring back as I smell some unfamiliar people." I slide between Alice legs as she moved them. So her feet are flat on the bed. She gripped my dreads as I began eating her out. "If you were female, this would be so much better." I paused and look at her. There was no way she was thinking of fucking me in the ass right? I sleep around her. Alice smirk before speaking with mocking tone. "I was a lesbian before you decided to rape me. And Olivia brought four bodyguards and that male techie. Plus Naomi, Lena, Alena, and some kid they found in a building." I returned to eating her out. Her body was very responsive so I knew where she like to be lick or touch more often than not. Naomi came out the bathroom after she finished crying. She stormed out the room and not even an hour later Olivia came in. It was good thing me and Alice were semi dress. Her in sports bra and boxers. Me in boxers. I frowned as Alice stopped scratching my head. I don't know why she thinks she should be so tough in front of others when she shown her caring side to her rapist. I pulled two chairs from the table with my shadow tentacles and pulled them by the bed.

Alice pulled the thick blanket over her head as she pushed my leg into my chest. I tried to move it to more comfortable position but she flex her muscles and pinned it down as she suck on my balls. Olivia look at me with a conflicted expression. The guy with her gave me an even more emotional look but his was feel with jealousy. My body jerk on its own volition as she lick my anus. I think I express my dislike for anal play. I mean, I literally watch people shit and not use tissue here. I think I was the only one to bring baby wipes. That only made Alice grinned as she applied more power into holding me down. Her tongue slipped into my asshole and I gripped her hair to yank her back. Despite my efforts, she ignored me and her finger snake in next. I was basically squeezing the fuck out of the sheets. Olivia cleared her throat and I mask my emotions.

Sorry about all the aye.. sex scenes... just got off deployment.. and all I seen for past couple nights were nice pair of legs and women who complain about what to eat when they really want unhealthy food instead of home made pasta and nice freshly washed veggies...

africanchilcreators' thoughts