
CH. 1

There was six guys and four ladies. All dressed out in casual clothes. These were suppose to be some of the best trained bodyguards around. However, I could clearly see few bugles and hidden handles. Most of them were too familiar with each other. Which means they been on the same team quite a lot or work together. Others sat quietly reading their phones. Despite the obvious distractions, none of them was completely oblivious to their surrounding.. I flipped a page in my book about ten things that could make you happier. Out of all of called here today. I was the only one not carrying any weapons. I felt like the only civilian. An ex pro gamer and these were all harden killers.

The door slammed open as the boss and four goons run in. He toss off his snow filled hat onto the table. His jacket caught the floor as he took long strides to the front of the room. He dropped a briefcase onto the table. "Sorry I am late but their was a situation that overdeveloped." His military baritone voice reverberated across the conferences room. He flipped the briefcase open and grabbed a stack of files. He toss them out.

"Homeland called you here for a specific reason." He pointed at tv screen and one of his goons went to set up a laptop. "We took upon ourselves to send scientist and the other techies into a ruin world. Or at least that what we thought." He grabbed a pointer as I flipped open the file. It seemed that they decided to invade a world that was in midst of apocalypse. They ignored the possible risk by bringing in a lot of military personnel but what they did not expect. Was all the evolve creatures. From mutated animals to dead coming back to life and hunting them.

"One of our teams lost contact roughly month ago. After that, the rest of the teams slowly stop making contact. We believe it is just some communications errors but we have to check." He flick through some photos of creatures they recorded and known methods to eliminate them. "Sadly, we are not allowed to send soldiers back through and pentagon gave us green lights to send through special team. We will split you up into two teams of five. One team will go to point A. Which first lost contact and the second team will go to point B which was last to lose communications." I flipped through the file and saw name for teams. I was a bit stun as I was on team with two of the true killers. Girl who favor poisons as she still smell like a greenhouse. Another guy who fingered his knife several times as he flips through the file and half listens. What scares me more is that one of the other female is bona fide tech nerd. Don't get me wrong, her tight bun and formal skirt and blouse gives away her training. Either CIA or FBI. The other two guys are just high class bodyguards. One literally passed around his card earlier.

I think I was the only one without any official training from some government site. Only training I took was because Esports became mega popular and I earned hundreds off beating my opponents in whatever scenario.

"You all know your teams. So I won't waste any time. Let's go downstairs and I'll take you to the transportation." He grabbed his coat from a goon and quickly got dress. He really did not want to waste any time. We walk out the hotel to find a bus awaiting us. I sighed as I took a window seat. Even at nine in the afternoon, the streets were packed with pedestrians on dates and what not. I only glance at the brown hair techie as she dropped into seat beside me. I could guess why she pick me over the two guys. I was less threatening and I was not packing. Dreads with the tips highlighted brown. Transition glasses that stayed on dark lens. Fighter build without all the definition. Compared to the other guys, I was lanky and not all threatening. I gave her shy smile. Lure her in with the awkward social vibes.

She smiled in returned. "Hi, my name Sophia. I guess we are on the same team." She had kind of rough feminine voice. She remind me of several of those nosy college girls. Who tried to used warm smile and the fact they were the opposite sex to get your personal information. Sophia turned slightly to me as the bus began moving. "What made you sign up for this type of job?" I shrugged. Smirking in my head. She was here to conquer and divide. Find a weak link to have under her thumb. "The mission fit my hobbies." I could see the corner of her lips tugged into frown but she stopped it the moment the micro movement started. I was impressed but still decided to open the file and catch up.

One of the reasons I was invited to come was because I had a very high compatible rate with latest vr equipment. Which means strong brain power. Perfect to be a test dummy and gain some lowkey powers. Sadly, two weeks later and I was only exhibiting basic lighter functions. They assured me that my abilities would get stronger the more I used them. Plus all the simulations I went through to prepare for this beforehand is enough to awaken my inner tarzan. Somehow I ended up falling asleep but first to wake up just as the bus rolled to stop. I guess they must have drugged us. As I could see people bordering the bus to carry us off one by one. Since my limbs was rather lax. I continued to keep a low bpm. They tossed the others heavily on gurneys but I could see one or two awake at this point. Definitely the woman who smelled like herb garden. I doubt she could be knock out truly. I sighed as I look at the guys about to throw me onto the gurney.

"Nice and easy fellows." I was esper with extraordinary brain power. No way, was I going to let myself be thrown around. Both the soldiers froze before letting go of me. I growled as my ass bounce off the ground. I stood up and dust myself off and follow the group to large maintenance elevator. It was a thirty minute ride with some solid bricks. That how the guys acted. Well the soldiers. Did not want to speak or even breathe. The moment the gate open, I was a bit surprised by how large the underground chamber was. Despite the grandeur, my eyes was lock on the big ass arch portal. I turned away from it and to the shit ton of personnel carrying guns and others working at stations. I noticed our boss talking with a group of techies. However, my mind immediately focus on the armor I could see through an opening door. I quickly walk that way. The guard only glance at me as I slipped inside. They had everything from archaic weapons to modern day guns. I went to swords area. Nothing was better than cold weapons. You could kill silently and without worry of running out of ammo.

I took down a scimitar without a hilt. I had a beautiful curve and went from thin at the hip to spreading out. You could see the triple folded pattern in the blade. The hilt was plain mix of black at the hand hold and silver at the butt. I gave it a few practice swings. Going through an ancient form of swordplay. It was beautiful and light. I resheathe it and look at the selection of knives. However nothing met my eyes until I moved until the throwing axe. This light blue axe that was light weight and look like ninja throwing. With how the handle was wrapped. It came in set of four. I grabbed them before walking to the pistols. Just because cold weapons were the best doesn't mean that guns weren't good either. I stuck with beretta with rubber grip. I pocketed several mags. My pockets were amazingly heavy. So I searched for bag. I turned around and Soldier had one. I smiled as I took it and loaded it down with my tools. I noticed a VSS Vintorez which is a russian silent rifle.I grabbed it and several boxes of rounds. The guard look at me but I just smirk. Walking out the room, the guard pointed at a door down the way. I was curious so I went to take a pick and saw something that made me dropped my bag and walk in. I took off my clothes and put on what look like a black diving suit. It hugged my body in all the right places. My feet slipped into some light weight boots with hella good soles. I put on a thigh holster and tactical vest that look like the latest kind. I had to rearrange the pockets so I could carry my sword on my back. I filled the pockets with mags for the beretta. There were even leather gloves that I would have died for in few survivor scenarios.

I bet I was moaning as I slipped on the smooth gloves. The leather helped maintain your grip and not leave behind fingerprints. I stuck two pairs of everything in the bag and felt the extra weight but with little use of my telekinesis powers. The weight disappeared. Only small burden on my mind. I walk out and noticed the other two who were faking sleep was off their gurneys. They probably was doing the same as me. My eyes stared at the table of food and water. Everything was nice wrapped and package. I open my military tactical bag and stuff four bottles of water into. Follow by week worth of unpackage mre. Just the important bits. Main meal and bread. With few deserts on top of that. Four bags of jerky and water filter. I put my bag on scale and was surprised to see it only way over thirty-eight pounds.

The boss finally stop watching me and walk over with a female. She was one of those pale skinned blondes. Her blue eyes were wide open. She seemed to have an excellent tone body but walk like someone with too much structure in her life. She did seem to sashsway those hips a bit too much but I could give it to her. She was small breasted. Probably felt like they were her best feature.

"Mister Brown, this is Miss Olivia Hurley. She is the reason you are here." The boss seem like he wanted to say more but a look from her was enough to stop him. Either she rank higher or she felt I did not need to know too much details. I was used to missions like that in game world. This would be my first time taking a mission like this from the government but money was money. I gripped the rifle strapped in my dominant hand and offer her my non dominant side but I doubt she understood the meaning of that. She shook my hand.

"Delight to meet you. Shall we get started on this. I am prepared." I gave slight tugged on the strapped and backpack on my back. Her eyes roam over my chosen equipment. Her eyebrows raised as she look at the boss man. "I can see that. Don't you think that is bit too much weight?" I merely shrugged. Nothing would stop me from leaving her behind if she became a burden. Dressed in formal blouse and skirt with high heels. Like this was a vacation. Tsk tsk.

"This is not that heavy. So shall we began. Sooner i get a first hand glimpse of this world. Sooner we can be done with this." I spoke in an impatience tone but I was calm on the inside. As I said, I done far worse in game scenarios than what could possibly be over there. Boss man merely shrugged with smirk on his face. "He is right. The higher ups chose him for a reason and that is because he has higher than eighty percent chance to survive any situation under any conditions. The rest are just insurances." The client, i think, sighed and walk off towards the room with special clothes.

It only took twenty more minutes before they deposits us through the portal. They didn't even let the others wake up. Just prepack stuff for them and gave them basic carbine rifle with silencer attach. At least the scope was decent. I glance around the lobby and noticed there was a lot of debris. The pictures I send of the first landing spot was a lot different. I rubbed a finger against the floor and noted the thick layer of dust. I tied the rifle to the outside of the bag and pulled out the beretta. There were many open doors with shuffling footprints leading into them. Others who were awake, look at me and ready themselves. Olivia just rolled her eyes but still had her assault rifle ready.

I pointed at the doors in order to footprints then at people I wanted to go in. I wanted the client to sit still and watch her bodyguards. I also noticed how we acquired another person. He was quiet and didn't think he had to carry any weapons. He only had gadgets. Must be for the team going to last known location of the last base to lose communications with HQ.

I moved quickly but quietly into the room. My flashlight up and on as I swept through the room. There were several doors leading from there and I did not feel so obliged to check them out. Despite my cowardness, I still walk forward. Clearing each room. I found the reason for the footprints. Seems someone died in here. Probably of starvation. No bags or food wrappers near them. I put one into each body forehead just to be sure they were dead. After clearing the first floor lobby. We all met back in the center. I noticed few others shivering and foggy breathe but I was fine. I guess they were right. My powers would bloom over here as I felt no burden on my mind from removing the weight of my equipment. I took out a map and scanned it. There were numerous routes to the target and over four hundreds miles. I folded the map and stuck it in seal bag. I turned to the the still sleeping guys and sighed. I wasn't going to sit in one place. I had a feeling that whatever creatures here could sense portals.

"I am going to go scout out routes to point A. I'll be back by first light." I reloaded my beretta before holstering it. Olivia look at me for second before waving for me to go. I walk out the hotel lobby and headed down the street. Some of the buildings were almost torn down. Holes could be seen in some. Cars look like those zombies movies. Where they were all either missing parts or badly rusted. Broken windows. I sigh and glance at the towering buildings before deciding to travel by rooftop. I ran at relative intact building and use kinesis to boost me into the air. It would look amazing if anybody watch but nobody was there to watch me run up a building. I could see a great distances but nothing worth seeing. I quickly jump from roof to roof with the aid of kinesis. Without it, I would probably have to walk on street level which was dangerous. Definitely considering reports of high intelligent beast. I deviated from the path as I noticed some noise coming from a high rise apartment building. I pulled out my sniper rifle and check it out. I could hardly see through some of the windows but I noticed a large amount of shadows passing by wall of ones I could see through. I reattach my rifle and grabbed my sword. I ran as quickly as I could and jump through the closet window I could reach from the smaller building.

My eyes widen as I broke through and rolled to my feet. It was a fucking stampede of zombies. I heated up the edge of the blade. Not enough to deform the blade on contact but to give it added penetration. I began cutting off heads of the small pack. They weren't as tough as some of the bigger packs I fought against in zombie games. I poke my head out the door and noticed some heading towards the staircase. I ran up behind them and stab them through the heads before rushing up the stairs. I could hear heavy panting and sobbing. Female type of sobbing. The hysterical panic type. I jerk to the right as short zombie jump off rail at me. My blade met it as it touch down and sprang at me. I easily beheaded it while deflecting it to the side with light push. I took the steps two at time and made it to the fourth floor just in time to see the girl run into an apartment. She was about five foot and six inches. Swinging a baseball bat like a pro. I pulled out my gun and ended the twelve pack crowd. However, I could still hear her smashing at something. So I sped towards the door only to see her beating on a non moving body. I sigh and glance back to see if anything else was coming before clearing the entrances. I know she noticed me because she stop hitting the poor zombie.

I closed the door and look around for something to pressed against it. Only thing I found was a couch. So I used that. I also noticed how she didn't even seem afraid of me. Like she just was waiting for me to do something. I ain't no saint but I would not take advantage of someone who was exhausted and likely infected. Maybe.

Her hair was definitely a mess. So was her torn clothes. You could see her ass through her jeans. I did check through the apartment to make sure there was no threats and was please to find it secured. I found two chairs and dragged them into the living. She walk over and sat down. I put my bag down beside me and pulled out water bottle. I held it up to her and she took it. Not drinking a lot like I expected but she did take a considerable amount. I passed her muffin top from mre bag and she ripped into it. I waited until she was done to speak.

"Is there supermarket near here that hasn't been raided or you know of store off in the countryside?" She look at me confused for a second before sniffing herself. "Yes, I know where couple stores at that might not have been cleaned out. I can show you too them." I rubbed my ear before looking out the balcony door to see the night sky. I could get there relative quick by myself. Every since that experimental test. My fitness been off the charts. Along with the Pyro and Telekinesis, I was like a superhuman. Sadly, I couldn't carry her with me like she wanted. She probably sense that. Awe what the fuck, I could at least make her feel somewhat wanted and safe. I took off my vest and axes and put them aside.

"I am willing to keep you by my side on one condition." She agreed before I even said anything else. She pulled off her tattered shirt and was undoing her pants next. I had to admit that her breast look amazing for me. Since I didn't have a chance to fuck for two months after my last gaming scenario and underworld mission. She pulled off her pants slowly and it would have been enticing if I had not seen a bush between her legs or smelled her stench. Sadly, I smelled worse before. I pushed aside the generous flap covering my genitals. Amazing design. The girl turn around and lean against the chair and I walk up behind her. Rolling the fat of her ass backwards. Her dark hairy valley sort of entrance me and boy was it as tight as I envision. She knew how to utilized her muscles as I pounded her ass. With only the moonlight to light our fuck fest. I tore into her like a starve animal. She seemed to need it just as much as I did as the moment I finished. She was reveling me back up. Her tongue licking me clean of her pussy juice. Even the white slush her pussy produce. When i was hard again, I pushed her onto the ground. She lift her left leg up as I sat down on her right. I was surprised at the fact she could stay relatively quiet. I knew I was going harder than she was used to because of the face of pain she was making. I was shoving my full length into her. My hands were rough housing with her breast. My teeth were tugging at her bottom lips. I knew she enjoy both the pain and pleasure of the process because her low moans and wet forest told me so. It wasn't until I came the third time that I stop. According to my watch, it was only hour til dawn. I let her catch some sleep against my chest. I bet she was cold and I seemed to be emitting heat to spare.

I felt like I only closed my eyes for few seconds when my radio buzzed. "Jayden, come in." I groan as I untangled myself from my new toy. Of course, she woke up the moment I began moving. I put the earbud in and press the speak button. "What's up?" I yawn the moment I took my hand off the button. I pulled out an extra skin suit and toss it to her. It would stretch to fit her. So I wasn't too worry it would look bad on her. She look grateful as she slid into them. "Where the hell are you? It's past dawn." Olivia seem a bit anger but I ignored her tone.

"I found a local. Detour to save her and find out some information." I could hear the huff of frustrations as she took in my words. "You did not fuck an infested local, right?" I ignore that part as my power could burn the germs off her. Which why she ended up smelling better before my dick went in. I had tons of practice putting these techniques to use in dozens of simulations before I was allowed to try it out with limited mind pool. "She not infested now and I have two locations of possible resupply points. Give me fifteen minutes and I'll be back with my toy."

I turned off the radio as I put back on my gear. The girl look at her tattered clothes as if she wanted to put them back on. I noticed she was shivering and frowned. I was glad I pack a coat. I tossed it at her and smiled at my lighten load. I let her finished off the water she started yesterday and we had a light breakfast of meatballs. Now that she look a little more comfortable and warmed. I open the balcony door and look down. It wasn't that far of a drop for me. So I turned to the girl.

"What is your name?" I spoke in soft tone. She rolled her eyes as she look down. "Lena. Are we going down this way?" I blinked before jumping over the railing. I slowed my descent and landed with barely any noise. I look up and noticed she was almost right on top of me. I step back and slowed her speed. She landed with a louder thud and stumble back but I caught her. I laughed as I didn't expect her to jump without encouragement. She seemed proud of herself. We quickly navigated the streets back. I killed few lone zombies and noticed some really big animals but was quick enough to detour and avoid them. Before they saw us. As I said, we made it back in twenty minutes. Plenty of time to spare.

It wasn't surprising for Olivia to be waiting at the Lobby door or that a team already left. What was that my team look like they were jealousy. Well the guys. Olivia look annoyed and Sophie look like she was disgusted with me. The herb chick didn't care. I waved as I walk past them into the lobby. They followed. "You better have a good reason for not coming right back." I raised my eyebrow before sitting on the clerk desk.

"Very good reason." Lena look at all the heavily armed people with a wary eye. I merely smirk as she lean against my leg. "My new toy happens to know where some stores nobody looted are at. Plus more but I'll let her explain as you bombard her with questions." I yawned again and Olivia got right down to it. The only news poor Lena actually had was of all the bases for the local army and some survivors cliches. Where a lot of the leader zombies or man beast like to roam. She did not know much about any of our groups. Considering that the closet group was three cities away. It made sense. That her knowledge was limited. She was merely seventeen and just watch her family die from trying to sneak out of bad group. I, of course, mark all the spots she said on my map base off the land marks or stores she gave.

Olivia look at me before turning to one of the bodyguards type idiots. I guess the leader of the group. "This is Luke. The decision maker of the group until we get to the checkpoint." Luke stepped forward and I noticed right away by the way he was dress. That he was one of the sleepers. "Let's head out. I will walk in the front and Randall in the back. The rest of you stay in the middle of the group. If you see anything, don't yell but quietly let us know. It is three month trip on foot. So let's make the best of this." He didn't waste too much time talking and headed out. The rest followed him. I rubbed my neck as I noticed how loud everybody footsteps were. If Lena could attempt to conceal hers, I don't understand why pros can't. I sighed as I grabbed Lena by the waist and jump onto the wall. I did not make it as high as I would if I was by myself. Even though she was slightly starve, she was still heavy. It took me a little more effort to make it onto the roof and I had a slight burden at the back of my mind.

Lena look over the rooftop in surprised. I put in the earbud and turned on the radio. It automatically responded. I sighed as I listen to Luke whine. When he was finished. I still ignored him and hop from roof to roof. It was a good thing as well because I spotted a horde of zombies incoming. About sixty of them from the north. Almost forty from the east and four big fucking things sitting in building with hole in the wall. I let the team know while I set up my sniper nest. Lena huddled in corner to avoid any surprise attacks. I don't know if they were waiting to ambush us or just setting up one anyway. Lena said it was base not to far away.

Luke made a smart decision to go through series of buildings. I grabbed my bag as they made it into the building. I grabbed Lena's hand and hop onto the building behind us. A short climb and I was overlooking the backstreet. My eyes widen as I saw even bigger horde of zombies. Some variety kind that was mention in report and that Lena emphasis. Her breath caught as I informed them of the situation. I guess my eyes were better because she only saw some of the tall zombies , she called tanks. Luke was making his way to the top floor but I knew there was about to be some casualties. These zombies were looking for something. I turned to Lena and she was shivering once again. It look like we were not about to going anywhere for awhile. Yawning, I slowly pulled out sleeping bag and set it up in corner of the roof. Behind some generators for protection against the wind. I crawled into it and whistle for Lena to join me. She moved quicker than I do for blueberry pie. She pressed herself up against me and I chuckled before using a bit of my pyro abilities to warm us both up. Lena eyes widen before she scoot back from me.

"That is handy. If we had magic powers when we escape, maybe my family still be alive." I shrugged. I doubt they would. It would just naturally just draw more attention and the one with combat ability would end up dead anyway. I rolled her over so her ass was against my groin. "Don't feel bad, I watch a lot of my love ones die as well. This world is just a cycle for the strong." I could feel her rolling her eyes as she pulled down her skin tight pants. "And place for perverts like you to flourish." I chuckle as I rubbed my tip up against her ass. "There is always a price for protection. Mine is only fair." She raised her leg slightly. "For now."

My shaft pushed into her tight opening. She flex instinctively. Making me moan softly into her ear. I never tried sliding my hand under a skin tight suit before but damn it was hard. Like I was fighting against intense river. When I finally made it to her breast, i felt an incredible amount of satisfaction. She laughed and it had an appealing lilt to it. "I could have just let down the zipper." My brain froze at that moment. The sense of pride I had collapse. I growled like an evil minx as I rolled her over onto her back. So I could see her face as I pounded into her hairy ass. Her fingers dug into my back which only made me up the speed. Her mouth bit into my shoulder to stop herself from screaming. I grunted as I released all the pent up frustration for failing to realized something so simple, into her stomach. I collapse right after. Breathing like I just participate in a marathon run from tigers and wolves.

Lena released my flesh sometime late. She ran hand through her nappy hair. "I would not mind being a bit cold right now." She sounded amused but also tired. I rolled my eyes as I passed her bottle of water. I was down to two left but I could easily replace it. Lack of heat would freeze air. It wouldn't take much to reheat that and get water. She took small sips this time. I didn't bother with it as I already refill her other bottle. I reach for food and was stop by buzz in my ear. I tapped the talk button. "Is there a problem?" The reply back was quick and sharp. "Next time, keep your radio off!" Sophia voice was feel with disgust but I just ignored that. I was still balls deep into my favorite new toy. "Oh, did you guys here us?"

Olivia responded this time. "Caitlin and Ted already off in room. Poor Sophia been rubbing herself. By the way, has anything change?" I blink and climb out the sleeping bag. A little regret filled me as I left my sleeve. I glance down to see Lena snacking on a jerky. I sigh as I check both roads and noticed the horde was almost gone. I respond with such and crawled back into sleeping bag. I move up against Lena only for her to be out cold. I was highly upset and wanted to wake her but let her sleep. I sighed and climbed back out and wrapped her tighter. I made sure my sword and axes were on my vest before I hop across buildings. I wanted to test how smart the zombie leaders were. Since they were entering building one by one. It meant they were clearing sectors. If I could find another girl. Then I won't have to worry about one falling asleep.

My body fell through a window and I rolled to my feet. Two throwing axes in my hands. No sound and I seemed to be in bedroom. I look around before walking out. No signs of anybody living for few years. I walk into the hallway and almost jump back into the room. There was the ugliest being I ever saw in my life. It growled before rushing into room. My right axe came in at slight angle to clipped its arm. It growled as it tried to stop its fist but was too slow. The heated axe blade slide right through. I wasn't even done as I follow with right step against the wall and kick it out of the room into the hallway. I step out and saw it running down the hallway. I guess this was a weaker version. I tossed the axe and it caught it in the middle of the spine. It stumbled into the wall before righting itself. I forgot zombies don't seem to use common sense. However, i caught up quickly enough to cut off its head.I could only sigh before slipping out the building and running into the next. I flinched as I ran right into the chest of the biggest fucking zombie I ever seen. It roared before smashing its fist down at me. Not giving me any recovery time. I had to use kinesis to give me an extra push away. I yanked the sword off my back as it lumbered forth. It second fist was even faster than the first. I was barely able to deflect it to the side and use that force to spin. My blade came up into a beautiful arch to barely cut into its arm. My eyes widen but I flipped back as it swung again. Well shit, i am not going to be able to solo take down this bitch. I turn to run but something slammed into my back. I was barely in time to erect a force field but it still through me out the store first floor. I skirt across the cement sidewalk and landed into car door. I groan as I sat up. Lumbering beast roared again as it stepped out the hold it made.

I rubbed my neck as I climbed to my feet. I guess I would need to up the firepower. I sheathe my sword and rubbed my hands. The beast of a zombie stare mockingly at me before launching off it back leg much quicker than it should. I flipped over the car as it buried the damn thing into the street. A fireball collided with its head and I heard the loudest roar yet. Bet that hurt bitch. I created a sword out of white flames. It took a lot to hold it and this was one of my trump cards as of now. I could last up to nine minutes. Fights never lasted more than five minutes so I was safe. I dance around the beast next swing and began cutting into its body. It roared with every cut and its swings got wilder but I felt like it was calling for help. And sure enough. When i managed to lop off one of its legs, a fast fucking zombie ram right into me. Sending me flying into another fucking car. I sat up and saw two others standing on doorstep of a building. They laughed mockingly. I wiped the blood from the corner of my lips as I brace myself for true fight.

The fast one came again as the tank toss a light pole. I directed the pole to the two running towards me. My sword turned into a whip as I lashed it at the quick footed zombie. It shriek before being cut in half. I doubled that by splitting its body in another half. The two other slower zombies growled before running away. First time, i seen that every happen. I turned to the tank like zombie and begin lashing it until it collapse into pieces. I guess I found my means to kill it. I dropped to one knee and puke out all the blood I was holding in. My left side of my ribs were broken. My left arm was dislocated and I probably had torn muscles in my legs. I knew I had a concussion because blood was trickling past my eyes. I sighed as I crawled back to the hideout only to find Sophia and Luke fucking in hallway. I blinked several times as I crawled pass them. I open the door to the room I smell Olivia in. She was sleeping on couch. Waking her up, I told her to prepare to leave. She moved quickly to pack her stuff. I made it onto the roof to see Lena up and reading my tablet. I sigh as I pack my stuff up. She watched me with look of amusement before falling me downstairs. It was a good thing I was paying some attention as subway station was below our feet. Our group made it to the basement after they ask me a million and six questions.