
Ch. 17

Over next three months, I had plenty of practice in forging and using my creativity but my cultivation lag behind. However, i became more in tuned with element of water and was even able to mix other Daos into it. Of course, my mother showed up with about thirty-six people. Mixture of women and men. More women than men but I felt like strangling her. We stood in front of her so called Ice Phoenix Clan subordinates who were suppose to have blood of the legendary phoenix. Yet, only seven of the younger generation had even an inkling of ice laws.The rest would become mediocre because by the time they realized they should have prepared themselves for it. Their gains will be less than their enemies or colleagues. Once you are behind, you are always behind. I turned my attention away from the spoil little bastards and look at the group of commoners my recruitment notices managed to pile up. Sixteen piles of trash that could turn into gems. I was excited to test out a theory.

I walk towards them with bright smile. "Thank you for applying." I walk among the group and wasn't all that upset that majority were men at the body tempering stage. Only two or three were higher. Not many women wanted to fight. This was man dominated world. Women were only good for breeding, you could see it in the way people treated others. My eyes lit up as I look at one particular gem. Wide hips. Weird double edge bumps on top of her ears. Wide nostrils and mortal level cultivation. She stared at me with hazel eyes that wasn't unique in this part kingdom. I glance at Bai Qiu who was fiddling with her sword handle. "That is your sister?" The girl look at me with nervous look. I turned to Bai Qiu with smile. "Anyway, as I was about to say. I need test subjects but I will also make you stronger than you are. You just have to sign a contract and then you can begin training."

The guys look confused as servants handed out parchments. I glance over at the so called Phoenix clan and saw them shooting me absurd looks. I walk near Bai Qiu with a smirk on my face. "So if that isn't your sister then I want to invite her to my tree house?" Bai Qiu smack my thigh. "Stop teasing me. I had no idea she would sign up for this. I even told her that she wouldn't have any freedom but I guess it is better than being in a brothel." I raised my eyebrow and she glance away. I intertwine our fingers and she sigh. "I lied before. Me and my sisters were sold to slave trader. Who in turned sold us to brothel. I was just lucky enough to have a talent and was taking away. My sisters still work at the brothel. Also ones who showed me how to do those things." I glance at her sister before laughing. "Is that why you didn't want me to visit them? I don't care about such things. Now that you lied to me, you owe me a makeup gift." I gave her my best smile while she had tears crawling out her eyes. She pulled me into a kiss and my Mother coughed several times before we step back.

"Can you settle down these kids before you do that stuff?" Bai Qiu wiped her face before laughing. "I'll lead them to the ones with best chance of making it under her horrible guidance to their sleeping area." Mother look at me with funny look and I shrugged as Bai Qiu pick out the seven best candidates. Some of them weren't even the best of the younger generations. I added two more who had very faint traces of a principle. "The rest are useless in my eyes. I have no way to train someone with their level of talent." I could only smirk as my mother look as if she wanted to pummel me before taking the rest of the losers away. Under heavy protest if I might add. I turn to my group of commoners with smirk.

"If you sign the paper hold still. If you haven't, I am sorry but time to go." With a wave of my hand all but twelve vanished. "I'll explain the rules a little. Behind me is trees with houses in them. The best five are those with the highest purity of essences. You guys will be trained to fight and think a certain way. If you succeed, you will be stronger than any other Clan guards or so called prides of joy. Your living expenses will be taking care of by us. Food, clothes, and housing. Any questions so far?" Bai Qiu's sister raised her hand. I raised an eyebrow and turned my full attention to her. "What about our families?" I rubbed my chin before speaking. "Bring them here and we will provide them shelter. They can also work as in my restaurant. Any more questions?" Nobody said anything. So I moved on. "Today, you can go to your families. Bring them here. Tomorrow training begins."

I walk into the store front just as General Fang came in with this buxom woman. My eyebrow shot up as he and she walk over to my side of the counter. "This is my wife, Fang Cai. I wanted to buy some personal items off." My head rock to the left and stayed put. I was mighty curious because his face was red as he spoke. I knew I sold a variety of things. Weapons and armor only accounted for small amount of the income. During peaceful times, it wouldn't even account for much. Definitely considering other cheaper blacksmiths out there. However, I was trying very hard not to laugh at his discomfort. Fang Cai slid a list across the counter and I open it before giggling. Her time of the month was happening. I pointed down an aisle. "You will find stuff down that aisle." The lady thank me while dragging her husband who shot me pleading looks. I pulled out the jade tablet and scour it to see what orders are in and what I can work on today. I glance at the door as overwhelming presences walk in. Gold everything. His swagger was like that of Jack Sparrow except clean. I was curious why such a Divine Realm playa needed with my paltry weapons. He walk down few aisles. Picking up stuff, smelling others, asking questions from scared mortals. The hired Mortals fared well and I was impress with their professionalism. The man walk towards me after being directed. "Excuse me little miss. I have a son who would love one of your swords. I also want to get him defensive trinket but I don't know if you make those." I rubbed my chin before thinking about it. "I can make some but it won't be such a high grade. Let me contact someone and see if they can make one for you. As for the sword, which kind would you like." I pointed at the Jade screen and he watch it go through different swords slides.

He rubbed his chin in replicated of what I do. "I'll have to bring the little bastard by so he can pick it out himself. Also, I could use set of armor myself. Nothing like the Princess's kids have. I want something light weight like leather armor but with the toughness of plate armor." I nodded as he spoke and i flipped through few sketches I been working on for assassin client. He look at it and nodded as he flipped through few different viewpoints. "I like this. What do you need to get this made for me?" i put vial on the table. "I use your blood to help in making the armor more sensitive to your essences. So that it won't affect you channeling or recovering essences." He rubbed his chin as he look me over before smiling in a creepy way. "Is that what makes your weapons so special?" I nodded and he laughed. "I want full set of weapons. Do you have selection available or do you have to make them?" I winked before showing him few assassins kits. He clapped his hands as he made a customized list for himself. He paid half upfront and left with happy tune. I spent the rest of the day in the forge and only went to bed soaking in sweat. Just to annoy Bai Qiu who did the same after she finished practicing sword.

She turned in while covering her nose. I crawled over her. Kissing her any expose skin I could find. Bai Qiu rubbed her eyes before giving me a sleepy smile. "Go shower. I don't want to smell you." Ignoring her, I slowly unbutton her pajamas. She waved her finger and cold water hit me like tidal wave. She laughed and I shook myself like a wet dog. Standing up in bed, I took off my wet clothes before tossing them. I dropped right on her face while leaning over to slide down her pants so I could chew on her. I groan as she smack my wet ass cheek. She toss me off her with ease. She grabbed my wrist as she sat on my stomach.

"Please wait, my sister is in the bathroom." She spoke in a whisper and I shrugged. "She can join us then." I giggled as she growled and glance at the bathroom before pulling cover over us. "Quick okay?" I rolled my eyes as she rolled to the side and laid on her on her stomach. Just to annoy her, I took my sweet time. Slowly rocking into her. Our skin never parting as she fell into my trance. At least that was what I had hope but the moment the bathroom door open. She pushed me off. I growled as I was almost most there. "Down boy. You don't like me doing certain stuff. I am the same." I sighed and grabbed fresh clothes before storming out the room. I'll go find another toy. I was about to walk to Ma Yu room when I heard sounds coming from it. I peak in and saw some unknown male fucking her. My toy. I can't fucking have anything. I wave my hand and needles size icicles penetrated their body. With heavy heart, I head to tree house and sat on the patio while drinking stronger spirit. The morning came and I sat outside under the morning sun. Meditating my hangover off.

Bai Qiu found me shortly after. Along with the twelve commoners. I dropped to my feet before walking in front of them. My eyes lingered on Bai Qiu sister before I walk down the line. "Spread out." They move some distances from each other. "Bai Qiu take those six. Follow the body cultivation method I showed you." Bai Qiu look at the six I pointed out before opening her mouth. "Let me trade one of these guys out for my sister." She started walking and I turned and stared at her like she was stupid. "Bai Ah, step out and run down that trail until you circle back around." Bai Qiu turned and look at me and I gave her my emotionless look. "Favoritism only leads to pain for her. Do as I say or tell her to leave. This is the only chance she gets." Bai Ah look between us before the clouds began darkening. "You best start running before I get upset." Crackle of thunder punctuated my words. Bai Ah took off running and I ran my hand through my hair. "The rest of you follow my movements. I will correct you if I see you doing it wrong." I was about to start when i forgot something but then I shrugged. They will find out everything on their own.

I being with simple movements. Doing it slow so they could follow along. Once I completed four cycles. I began going by helping those who needed it and making note of those who had excellent comprehensions skills. I was bit surprised that female was having least amount of trouble and adapted to the warm up quickly. I pulled her to the side and showed her the next set and had her follow through with both. I watch from side as they slowly adapted to the first phase. Some of the smarter ones pick up on it quicker and thus I gave them special attention. By the end of the day, Bai Ah returned. Dripping sweat. Her robes clung to her skin. With small smile on my lips, I dismissed the others. When they left and Bai Ah collapse to her knees from exhaustion from just running. Bai Qiu turned on me with such a stormy look that I got excited. She wasn't the only one that could be a pervert but nothing showed on my face. "What the hell is wrong with you? You could have came back and we could have done stuff. You didn't have to take it out on my sister!" She, for the first time ever, raised her voice at me. I frowned before closing my eyes and erasing the build up of anger. "I didn't take my anger out on your sister. I gave her a chance to show me she wanted leadership position but she is only a lamb. If I wanted to take my anger out on someone, they would have been dead by now." I turned around and left. I had work to catch up on. Over next four weeks, I trained them hard. Letting them first get use to the four cycles of modified yin yang combo. Then I had them spar against each other. Only utilizing the Cycles.

I personally sparred with Jin Wuying. The best student so far. She adapted faster than the others and was already at the origin rank. To bad for them, I was going to reset their ranks. I couldn't help but giggled as some of them mumble about the being passed certain age. Which was just mumble jumble. You were only a genius if you could hit immortality by young age. Everybody could reach it if they focus their will. They one by one stepped into an array that push their cultivation back to early mortal realm. For the rest of the day, they sat in essences gathering formation while meditating on 'Ice Flame Warrior' Cultivation method. Combinations of tranquility and passion. They will become my greatest generals as I attempt to travel universes. With an ominous smile, I dismissed them for the day and reminded them about their day off tomorrow. I glance at Bai Qiu who was still giving me cold shoulder months after I bullied her sister. Who still was not at the top of the charts in terms of talent. It was like she was not even trying. Such mediocrity was annoying to me to the point that I was utterly frustrated with her. "Bai Ah, let's talk." She look at her sister for help who immediately came to her side. If she wasn't half step into Divine realm. I would beat her ass for pampering my future soldier. "You are one of the weakest of the group. Actually you are at the very bottom considering your sister is also one of the instructors. It is utterly baffling how you are this terrible." i rubbed the bridge of my nose as she tried to come up with excuses. "If I did not love your sister I would have kick you out weeks ago. However, I'll give you two more days and if I don't see some improvement. You will have to leave." Her mouth open several times before she turned red. "Why are you being such a bitch to me? I'm not the one fucking you! The moment I came all you done was criticized and bully me! Do you get off on picking on us commoners?" Bai Qiu look as if she was taking her sister side.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "Because you rely too much on Bai Qiu. Like she is about to do all your training or you are guaranteed a spot because of her. You have not put in any real work. You half ass everything. Matter of fact, just leave. Stop wasting my resources." Bai Qiu mouth jumped as she dive in between us before her sister can say anything else. "Ah'er, you must reconsider. She is giving you a cultivation method tailor made for you and is heaven grade. You will never find another opportunity like this. People would kill you if they found out. Just to be apart of this. And you want to throw it away because she expects more from you than others?" Bai Ah look at Bai Qiu like she betrayed her. "I can't believe you are taking her side…" I yawned and created three giant snakes twirl around us. Her face immediately paled. "If you don't want to stay that is fine. Don't think you will get to keep knowledge." Bai Qiu grabbed my arm. "If you really do love me, give her another chance. She is young and I spoiled her. She will get better or else I'll do that stuff you like every other night." I shivered as a desire went through my body. I click my tongue and spoke like I was pouting. "Fine! She can stay. You will spend nights training her and no more avoiding me." Bai Qiu nodded and grabbed her sister arm. I rubbed my hands as i headed down to blacksmith.

Over next four years, I spent time training my generals and the nine Ice Phoenix clan members. Everybody was progressing nicely and I had little to no problem in my shop. Even expanded my water created world. Mountains and large lakes now dominated a large part. But the most important thing was that I reach the peak of Sky realm. I, no longer had to struggle when fighting for dominance with Bai Qiu. However, I guess my generals improved dramatically compared to what I had expected. They max out at Sky only because of low comprehension. The ones I recruited to be under them just so happen to be halfway decent. Forty-two people who were becoming the perfect killing machines. Of course, just to test out how brilliant my 'Ice flame Warriors' were. I had them join tournament. I glance at Bai Qiu who was fidgeting nervously as she chewed on her bottom lip.

Her sister was one of three that was eligible to join. The age limit was rather strict and I had hope one of these three reach divine realm within next three years. "When do you want to have the marriage ceremony?" Bai Qiu glance at me before looking at her sister struggle against an early sky realm sect member. "Can we discuss this after her match?" I sighed before grabbing her arm. "I want us to get married next week after you break into the divine realm. I'll break through this weekend." Bai Qiu turned to me and grabbed my hand. "If you are serious, why not have small ceremony tonight? We can breakthrough at the same time." I smiled and she rolled her eyes. "Now stop distracting me. She might have a chance to win." I stifled a laugh because her sister was still one of the weakest even with her tutoring her. She got no extra skills or equipment besides the basic. She wasn't ever going to be in a leadership position and I really had no expectations of her at this point. Instead, my hopes were on Jin Wuying and Liang Shui. Both had great comprehension and pick up the techniques fairly quickly.