
Ch. 16

I thought things were going wonderful after mother left. No clients were difficult. I was finally moving up the minor stages at decent pace. Ma Yu even move up a realm into the Origin realm. She now look slightly above average and her thick body was appealing enough for me to sample once every two days. However, good things end really fast. Like now, when I was training with Bai Qiu. Helping her comprehend her sword intent. No matter how much I tried, I still didn't achieve any intent which meant. I was just slow compared to Bai Qiu. However, I was more of a caster than melee. There was no way I could keep up with her. I never realized sword intent could make fighting so dangerous. I held up my hands in surrender as I was surrounded by fierce winds that could tear me to shreds. I was already bleeding from numerous of wounds and she was fresh as damn daisy. She giggled as she tackle me. My back hit the gritty sand. "It seems you can't beat me without using your skills." I rolled my eyes. She was at half step divine realm and I was middle of earth. I brushed her hair out her face as she bent down and we began a round of passionate kissing. Her hands were getting frisky when Uncle Luo coughed. "Love birds can you stop fucking for one moment?" Bai Qiu glance up as him before she dropped back down. She fish me out the ruin shorts before stroking me. "How the fuck do you fall in love in one night? I never heard of something so stupid before." He stamp his feet in annoyances. He hated to being ignored. Bai Qiu did it on purpose and he enjoyed it. His life before was utterly boring as he was stuck either researching arts or guiding younger generation. He could do his passion while enjoying himself in a way he couldn't before.

"One of the Imperial Princes are here and requesting your presences." He vanished with smirk as Bai Qiu frowned and pouted. Sparring always seems to make her horny. She didn't get up though as she grinded herself against me. Keeping my little friend against her pelvis and my stomach. I pushed her head down until she was parallel with my little friend. She spun around and dropped her hip onto my face. I cut pants and began eating her out while she suck me off. Then just to make it unfair, after I came. I let my body return to its normal form so she could eat me out as well. It took me longer to make her cum than it did me anyway. She really didn't like it.

When we finished up I was expecting to see a handsome young man with noble air but what I found was just pretty boy with soft body. His guards, on the other hand, were definition of masculine. Huang Bao spotted me and she excuse herself from a couple before rushing to the Prince. "Your Highness, my boss is here!" She bowed while speaking in excited rush tone. The young Prince look my way with greedy expression. Bai Qiu grabbed my shoulder as I lean over the counter with crooked smile on my face. The little guy walk over with a weird swagger. "You are the owner? I ask for the grand master who made these weapons. Not his kid." I raised an eyebrow and glance back at Uncle Luo who was laughing as he walk in. "Disrespecting the Grand master Blacksmith and Elder of the Celestial Thunder Sect is surely fascinating." Uncle Luo laughed loudly as he walk up and put his hands on my shoulder. The Prince eyes narrowed before waved his hands at his guards. They left in a rush and i turned for answers. "That is the second prince. He is a bit of a bad apple but you won't have to worry about him much. The Heir isn't all that good either. Now the Princess, she is a bit of fierce one but she lacks ambition. Or that is the face she shows us."

He shrug and walk away. However, my eyes was stuck on a little lady and her group of friends who were sending too many glances my way. "Let's go out and eat." Bai Qiu eyes lit up and she grabbed my hand before dragging me upstairs to change. Well she was a little to fast and we spent a good two hours just showering before we walk out the store. As we walk down the main road, we had almost picturistic view. Carriages strolling down the roads on both sides. People selling wares and bartering. The fresh smell of shit cramming your nose. It is almost worse than Victorian days. Bai Qiu seem a little too excited as she dragged me into a tavern that smell like a mixture of things better left unsaid. I pulled her right back out and headed to half decent place that I seen some properly dress people walk into. She look a bit uncomfortable but that could have been she was commoner. So we walk around for a while before going into one where a lot of cultivators went into. The place smell much better. More lively with gossip. We took a table on top floor overlooking the city. Bai Qiu smothered me with affection as we waited on food and I observed my stalkers. "Since you my family. I should see yours?" Bai Qiu stiffen and glance around.

"I don't think that is a good idea. My parents don't like my taste. They wanted to sell me to family and I join an opposing Sect to escape." She shrugged before she push my leg behind her and lean into me. Her finger traces my lips and I sighed. "Isn't public affections against some noble rules or something?" She rolled her eyes as she stopped. "So what did you want to talk about if you don't want to do that?" I shrugged as I turned slightly to watch the group who just entered. While they weren't the group who was targeting me. They were talking about the fun they just had at the expense of some poor girl. I turned back to Bai Qiu and rubbed my neck. "Why don't you talk and I listen?" Bai Qiu look at me like I was stupid. "I talk all the time. Why don't you do the talking this time." She folded her arms up like a spoil girl and not the adult she supposed to be. I tilted my head while glancing over the balcony. "I don't like talking. I rather listen." Bai Qiu rolled her eyes before devouring my face. I guess she didn't feel like talking as much as I didn't. I sent my senses out to feel people talking about worthless crap and something interesting for moment. My stalkers was only that stalkers. Unlike many places I been, arrogant people tend to avoid unwanted trouble by staying low-key. The serving girl coughed before dropping our plates on table rather hard. Bai Qiu look a bit upset but took it in stride. I guess I was affecting her mental state because she became more low key then what she used to tell me about her past. I glance at the beautiful lady as she walk up to my table. "May I take a seat?" I shrugged and open my mouth as my favorite servant fed me. " I am Princess Zhao Fen and you must be Grand master Chen Yi, yes?"

I didn't acknowledge her as I continue being spoon fed. She didn't take it to heart. "I will just be blatant about my request. I want twenty set of armors and weapons for my troops." I pushed aside my poorly cook food and pulled jade tablet. I pick up the stylus as I activated array. "Do you have particular design in mind for the armor? Like uniform colors, chest guard, or emblems?" Princess Zhao lean forward to look at the tablet. "Do you have any designs I can see first?" I showcase some armor I sketch before. She look at them as I flipped through them. Bai Qiu look bored and decided to take off her shoe and rubbed her nasty feet up my calves. In an effort to not only distract me but send pulsating sensation around my lower area. I sent her few glares to get her to stop but that only let her know she succeeded. Princess finger jabbed on gothic anime style armor with rose patterns. A full plate suit. "Instead of that flower can you use this as a design?" She pulled out a circular disc and I look at the crane sitting in a lotus. I started adding the design she wanted and she look on in utter fascination.

Bai Qiu slipped under the table and her hands parted the kimono like Moses did the red sea. I paused to move her hands and shoot her disapproving look. She only smirk before pulling my legs over her shoulder. Sometimes, i wish I never slept with her. She had this really horrible habit to be trying to acclaim her twenty years of celibacy back. I tried to focus on the drawing but it became harder as her fingers and tongue moved inside of me. Unlike her my body was way too sensitive. Just touching me could excite me if I like you. Becoming so sensitive to Qi has it advantages and disadvantages. Princess Zhao look at me a little weirdly as I began panting and shifting a lot. "Are you okay, Grand master?" I wryly smiled as I grabbed Bai Qiu hair and tugged. "My apologies but my annoying servant is taking desert early." Changing the topic before she understands my innuendo. "How do you like it so far?" She turned it so it face her and clenched the table hard enough to leave finger indents. My eyes widen like beach balloons as small orgasm rip through me. I shivered as I was already closed to another one and she didn't look as if she was going to stop. Princess glance at me with a happy smile. "I like it. How long will it take you to make twenty of these and how much would I owe?"

My voice came out a bit too soft and strain. "If you bring me ore, then only twelve hundred medium grade spirit stones per suit. Plus I would need vial of their blood so I can bind it to them and give it a bit of special ability tailor for them." Princess frown on that but then her eyes lit up. She turned around and wave at old man. "This is my General, Fang Zi. He will coordinate with you to get what you need." my eyes closed as I was rack with another orgasm. Both of my hands reach under the table grabbed this bitch ears. However I forgot she likes pain and she only upped her antics. "Nice to… Come to my shop and we can discuss this tomorrow." Words rushed out of my mouth as I pressed my head into the table. I wasn't embarrassed until Princess Zhao spoke. "Her Guard is doing something naughty under table. You'll have to ignore it." Bai Qiu laughter made me want to strangle her as she came up with glistening face. I threw handkerchief at the annoying bitch. She grabbed it and wiped her mouth. I wiped myself clean before pushing past her and walking at fast pace. Bai Qiu caught up and grabbed my arm but I shrugged her off as walk faster.

"Chen Yi! Wait!" I paused and turned to her. She grabbed my arm. "I am sorry!" i shrugged as I turned around and walk away. "Are you really mad?" I nodded as I open the door and walk into the store. Huang Bao was doing closing time clean up with Ma Yu and Pan Xia. Uncle Luo look at me before glancing at Bai Qiu before humming an annoying song. I open the door and slammed it behind me but she stopped it. "Seriously, why are you mad? You enjoy it." I turned on her and tried not to raise my voice. "Why would you do that there? When I was trying to make a business deal? You made me look weak. You didn't even consider if it would embarrass me to be handle like that in public. Do you even check to see if your Sect wasn't in that tavern?" Bai Qiu frowned and open her mouth a few times before closing it. "I'm sorry, I never been in a relationship. I'm not used to what you find acceptable or not but I will ask from now on, okay?" She held the side of my face in her hands and I frowned. "Doesn't mean I forgive you right now." I tossed the kimono and headed for the bathroom. Slamming the door behind me. When I came out the shower two hours later. I was surprised to see fragrant candles burning and food on the small table in front of the couch. My eyes fell upon Bai Qiu who was dressed in velvet corset and matching panties. I lick my lips subconsciously as I dried my damp hair. "What is this?"

Bai Qiu gave small smile. "Apology. My sister said this would be best makeup stuff. I made your favorite. That noodle dish you feed us all the time. Plus a I recorded my memories of growing up. So will you join me and watch?" I was kind of impressed with her and felt like forgiving her. "I want to meet this sister of yours. That is the only way i will forgive you." Bai Qiu face went through complicated thought process before she agreed. I dropped down on the edge of the bed and enjoyed the luxury.