
Ch. 18

Bai Qiu glance at me after her sister barely got a win in. That was simply because her opponent lack sufficient Qi to keep battling all day. Where as, Bai Ah was trained for endurance battles. "So what are you going to do if the war comes closer to the capital?" I shrugged. "It has nothing to do with me. Why should I interfere?" Bai Qiu shook her head before leaning back into the couch. "It has everything to do with you. Your Mother Sect is fighting against an invading Sect. While they are equal now, it is still a full blown out war and you have the resources to not only help but change a bit of the tide in certain places." I rolled my eyes and place my head on her lap. "I doubt my Mother will lose to other team and I don't want to get my hands dirty for something that doesn't involve me."

Bai Qiu sighed as she scratch my scalp. "I say it again. This does involve you. What do you think will happen if they win? They will hunt down everybody associated with Celestial Sect and you will be one of the first to get attack." I let out a heavy sigh. "Why are you pushing me towards a place where I might die at?" Bai qiu laughed. "Why are you making all those secret weapons? You spent last year spending extra time at night to build odd weapons. I seen you test them. You would not build something like that if not for possibility of going to war." Actually she was wrong. I was building them because I wanted to see if I could recreate a type of gun in this world. While I succeeded after a lot of trial and error. It doesn't have the bang guns do in western hemisphere. So I had to modify it for damage. Which led me down the road of anime weapons. I had no plan on actually utilizing them. My eyes shot wide open as Jin Wuying was called on stage. This was a perfect time to gain inspiration for her gift for winning and securing me more test subjects.. I mean guards.

Bai Qiu

I was a little annoyed that she got up and lean forward when Jin Wuying went on stage. She has been paying way too much attention to Wuying lately. I know the girl was a prodigy with that special made body tempering method. There wasn't many people willing to experience extreme pain for power but somehow. Chen Yi took away the pain or transformed it into something more manageable. Not only that but each one of those who truly comprehended the path. Became monsters. Not literally but figuratively. They could stand toe to toe with early divine realm experts. Add in that the external help and that moved up to mid divine. If my sister possessed even have anybody talent, than I wouldn't have to be so stress about her future.

Chen Yi was pacing slowly in front of the one way glass. Her sexy ass was like a leaf in the wind. I tore my gaze away from her rear end. Ever since her body began maturing, she become a Goddess in the eyes of others. Her thighs were the width of two long swords. While she thought she was a bit too fat, nobody would dare call her that. She was the definition of delicious or so the pervy uncle says. Her body was perfectly proportion. There was no overlaying laps unlike some people who were her size. Thought banging a hammer on metal for years gave her kind of definition others lack. Just thinking about her body made me excited. I cleared my throat as she pace around the room mumbling calculations on some new weapon or array. She glance at me with that sweet smile of hers. Instantly causing my heart to thump louder than her bass drum. "Come sit down. You are distracting me from the fights." Even though i wasn't the least bit interested in other fighters. I really just wanted her close by so I could do naughty stuff. She turned to me with complicated smile as she pulled out her jade tablet and began sketching a new idea out. I patted the seat but she ignored me.

"So what is the real reason you want me to participate in this war?" Her words shock me out of my lust. How do you tell your dao companion that you wanted to save your old childhood friend who you used to do stuff with that was better left said in past? I coughed and lean past her to see Jin Wuying ending the fight that was trivial for her. "Just a childhood friend." I glance up only to see her staring at me with that look she gives her servants all the time. The one that said explanation now. I coughed and glance away. "She just help me with some stuff when I was young. Now need some help and I feel obligated to provide it." Chen Yi only stared at me for few more seconds before returning her attention to her jade tablet. "So she wasn't your first or anything? Just a friend you want to help?" i nodded even though that was a lie. I mean, she was the reason I began liking girls but she was stuck at mid sky realm while I had bigger future. "Why don't i believe you?" I was about to speak up when she walk towards the door. "I'm heading back. I want to try this idea before I lose it. Record the rest of the fights for me."

I pouted but watch the rest of the fights. They were particular boring as the Second Prince opponents surrender no matter who they were. Nobody wanted to trump someone fighting for the throne. Not with their foundation. Jin Wuying, despite being a commoner, actually grasp a solid foundation. Her actions were without any hesitation. She grasp Chen Yi Iceflame fighting style particular well. Utilizing her body as weapon. No external assistance besides her knowledge. I couldn't help but praise the girl as well. Liang Shui was doubly impressive. His understanding of saber intent was utterly breathtaking. He only utilized arts to support his already solid foundation with the saber. He was another one that Chen Yi nurtured with her personal time. Time that was taken away from me. However, Bai Ah'er was disappointing compared to her comrades. Her sword intent was only at the minor threshold. Her fighting style was full of openings. She didn't have any determination. The most unfortunate part was the fact that she believed she was showing such worthless skills to embarrass Chen Yi. But had no idea that all she was doing was making it much harder on me. The person who fought tooth and nail to keep her in. I could have wasted my time training someone with more talent or better yet. Spending it distracting Chen Yi from her work. Instead I was being humiliated as all the Sect elders understood one point. Bai Ah'er training was conducted solely by me. This just showed that I did not have what it took to be in a leadership position. While I wanted to strangle her, she was family. At least she wasn't like our oldest sister who sold herself to some pretty face for a half decent life as a mistress.

I wasn't surprised to find many nobles in the entrances way to the waiting rooms. If they could rope in some of the rogue cultivators for guards then they saved a lot of effort and resources. Not many would spends hundreds of plats just to raise up potential door guards. They would never be considered as a part of whatever sect or clan they join. They would be sacrificial sheep awaiting the altar. I walk past these pamper pricks who became who they were due to several generations of ancestors' blood wasted. Now and days, they don't even have to struggle for power. It was handed to them lick candy. They were parasites on the names of true cultivators. I cringed when I noticed the Imperial third Prince nagging Chen Yi's IceFlame corps. That waste of sperm was always looking for more soldiers to die for him. What was even more sicken was that the bastard was still looking for more furnaces. He did not have genuine bone in his body. All his cultivation was the work of women with lesser status than himself. Men were just filth.

Jin Wuying and Liang Shui eyes landed upon me. Like a savior with torch in dead of night, they rush towards me. My sister was the only one without a hint of common sense. I could do nothing to save her if this sad sack of shit took her. After she became a useless old hag, maybe she will stop trying to defy women who look after her. Sadly, I would feel guilt for letting her go through that maturing. I would feel even worse letting her fall under the hands of that viper.

"Ah'er, let's go. We have limited amount of time to reach the treasury and get your hard earn gift." That snapped her right out of her stupidity. She came skipping over and I lead the group out. I could only click my tongue in frustration as the Third Prince followed us out. All the while chatting to the clueless nut. I was so happy when the carriage pulled up that I almost shoved everybody in. However, all happy things drain away like rain in gutters. "I would like to buy miss Bai Ah contract. Tell me how much?" I turned to the third pest. My eyes were twitching and my soul felt filthy while I was in his presences. "I am not the one who has her contract. You are more than welcome to come to the Winter Pavilion and ask the owner herself." I noticed his face muscles jerk in surprised before he glance at Bai Ah who look excited for the wrong reasons. "I'll follow behind you." I sighed as I tapped the side of the carriage as I got in. i didn't bother looking at the waste of good egg cell. Nothing I could say would be welcome. So why try to educate the uneducated. Being a commoner is more bad than good for some people. They will never know the fire pit until they fall in. I hoped Chen Yi had a solution because there was nothing for me to do to save my idiotic sister.

I hopped out the carriage while it was still moving. Throwing open the door, I paused. My foot still in the midst of taking step across the threshold, paused mid air. Standing at the counter looking as beautiful as the day I left her to do some self adventuring, was my childhood and only friend. Leaning over counter with her tools was my future mate. Loud voices woke me up out of the thoughts that was about to go through my mind. Chen Yi gave me a look before returning to her work. I walk over and took a look at the ruined artifact she was repairing. "We have a problem." I tried not to look at Cai Jie as I spoke but I couldn't stop the glances and she only had an amused smile on her pouty lips. Chen Yi look between us before speaking. "What kind of problem? Liang Shui or Jin Wuying did not die?" I sighed as she was way too worried over them.

"Third prince took fancy over my sister." I tried to cover the disdain as the group of three walk in. With Ah'er leading them. Excitement covered her face like love sick puppy. She bounce up to the counter with a semi serious expression. "Can you release my contract? We both know I am not good enough to be in your army." Chen Yi eyebrow snapped upper ward and I face palm. She spare me only a single glance before her aura erupted like a wrathful sea goddess. Bai Ah'er slammed to the floor like someone dropped her out the sky like a comet. "Sure, I am more than happy to release you from the contract." I was about to speak up when the Third Prince step up and his guards took the blunt of the pressure emitted. Chen Yi calm smile could freeze oceans. However, nobody but me understood that Bai Ah just lost her cultivation base as quickly as snow melting under fierce heat. To willingly break the contract would mean more than reverting back to mortal realm but would also erase all knowledge that was taught to you by Chen Yi.

"I wish you would have given me some face." Third Prince spoke in such a sharp manner as he and his guards left. Leaving my dumbass sister on the floor looking stunned. She got up and chased after the Prince but I understood the result. I turned to Chen Yi, who was staring at Cai Jie like a love rival. "Cai Jie took an assignment for me. She is going to assist me inscribing while I work on something important to me. Why don't you two catch up while you show her to her sleeping quarters?" I wanted to say something but stuck with giving her a peck on the cheek. Anything I could possible say would only piss her off. Chen Yi pack up her stuff and put it under the counter. She gave me one last look that signify so many things but I never truly seen her get physically emotional. Since she matured. She always spoke in such a calming tone that it was hard for even her mother to find a weak point.

I turned to Cai Jie who had her arms folded over her small chest. "Well, I was told you were playing bodyguard to some young master. Not that you were smooching up to the Matriarch beloved and talented daughter." She spoke with lilt that could be quite hard to understand sometimes. It was sexy in my opinion but I outgrown her in more than I realized. I was already comparing my first love to my current. And I had to say that Chen Yi body so far was a plus. She was soft and cuddle in right places. Firm and demanding in the others. Cai Jie look as if she hasn't hit puberty yet. "Things happen." I shrugged my shoulders as I lock the door and gave her tour..

"So there is no possibility of an us, anymore?" She lean against me and while I didn't stop her because I was wondering if Chen Yi would let me have a side fling. "No. You were the best of my childhood but she is best for me now. Not to mention, I doubt I will live betraying her trust like that. Her mother would bury me in remote battleground for kicks. Her uncle would probably rape me then torture me for couple years before killing me off. Plus I actually do love her. Even if sometimes she can be a little to cold towards everybody but her ideas." She stayed silent to digest this piece of news. I led her around before stopping at her door. Cai Jie gave me peck on the cheek and slipped into her room. I shook my head and went to mine. Glad to see that Chen Yi was hunched over table. Putting together another one of those frighten weapons similar to cannons and crossbows.

"How did it go? Still have feelings for her that you can't get away from unless you do that with her?" She mock my way of mention the bedroom stuff. Not everybody was as crass as her. She put down the engraver and turned to me. She was in shorts and long t-shirt that did not hide her amazing curves. Lust controlled my actions as I swarm her. Easily lifting the fat princess and carrying her to the bed. "You are right. I need to do this to get it out of my mind." She laughed as I kissed my way up her thigh. "Oh, so you were really hungry when I left you, huh?" Her northern accent was so thick that it was like honey. She knew it drove me crazy when she did it.