
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Films
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53 Chs

Ch. 6 School trip with the Cullens

I am sorry but I talk a little more than usual please stay with me. This is not to antagonize or target anyone, this is just to address some miss communications and errors.

Hello, I want to talk to you guys first, so please read this first. I am aware that many of you didn't liked the 5th chapter specifically the medical examination part with Carlisle.

To explain that you all need to know that this ff is mostly done to complete another ff by the name called a new wolf in twilight and that scene was taken from that ff.

I didn't know that you guys will cause such a fuss over this, so I will edit some stuff around and I will make it a bit better. I am sorry for that.

So now that the apologies are out of the way I wanted to say the character of Chris is not perfect he is someone who doesn't understand the full scope of the supernatural world. And picking a fight with a coven of vampires would not be very wise now would it?

And why do I need to say this in every new chapter, he just has tid bits of knowledge about this world he never saw the movies.

If Carlisle wanted to kill him he could have easily done that. And I know that there are a thousands of ways that Chris could have saved Bella, but I chose this because it was the best course of action. And I wanted to say I never said that Chris was a Alpha, the title is Omega.


I couldn't sleep because I was hungry, I mean with my appetite that sandwich did nothing. Not being able to bear anymore, I got up from my bed and went downstairs to get something to eat.

I lazily made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge and saw that there was a big tupperware box full of leftover patties and there was a note on top of the box.

"After eating, clean up." I wept, I don't regret saving her. I then got the box out of the fridge and put them in the microwave and waited for it to be done.

After it was done, I got it out and ate, then I cleaned up the plate and I got some milk as well and drank that as well and went to my room and as I was walking to my room I heard a noise and I heard the window open and smelled someone I recognized the smell and was pissed and burst through the door.

Bella woke up, but didn't see him, her focus was on me and I saw him run away. It was like a faint blur. Bella saw me and was confused and asked "What are you doing this late at night?"

I looked at her and said "I came to check up on you, we went through something big today and I know it can be very scary."

She looked at me and Chuckled and said "Are you scared?"

I wasn't scared but I was not about to leave my sister with that creep, who knows what he may do. I do not know what she sees in him. She looked at me and cleared some space on her bed and said "Come sleep."

I nodded and slept next to her, I wasn't too stroked about it but, there is nothing that I can do. There wasn't much space so she snuggled close to me. She said "I was scared. When you pushed me away, it felt like everything just stopped, I just had this feeling, that I would lose you."

I looked at her and said "That is not going to happen, sis. I will always be there for you when you need me, because I know you will be there for me."

She then looked at me and she said "Why can't you tell me what happened? Edward won't tell me anything, you won't say anything, I feel like I am losing my mind."

I said "You are not crazy, sis. But I am doing what I am doing to protect you…"

She said "I don't need protection, Chris, I want answers…"

I said "You will get them, but in time. For now all you need to know is that, I won't let anything bad happen to you."

She nodded and asked "So are you and Cat?"

I smiled and said "I don't know, I am like gravitating towards her, it is like something pulling me to her. Do you know what I am saying?"

She chuckled and said "I get it… at least she is better than Edward, he just left without saying a word after saving me."

I looked at her and said "Hey, I saved you, he just catched you."

She chuckled and said "Yeah, my strong brother you protected me."

We slowly drifted off to sleep, honestly I was scared for me and my sister. This world is full of monsters, and I don't know if I will be able to protect her from everything.

The morning came and Bella kind of forgave me and we were off to school. We were going to the botanical garden, we parked and I saw Edward and party and he looked at Bella and I said to her "I'll be back in a sec."

She asked "Where are you going?"

I smiled and said "I never said thank you to him."

I walked over to him and he didn't look too happy and others were just tense. I walked up to them and he said "Can we not do this in front of them?"

I smiled and said to Edward "Ok." Yeah like that was going to do anything.

We then walked a bit farther and He said "I was there to check up on her, I was worried."

I sighed and said "I do appreciate your concern, but you have to know what you did was a bit creepy."

They were now laughing a bit and Cat was looking at me.

I said "Walking over here was a waste."

He looked at me and said "I am sorry."

I sighed and said "Look Edward, I am not asking you to stay away from my sister, because I know even if you did, she will not, so I am asking you not to be a creep at least." He nodded.

We then walked over to them and Emmet said "I am sorry for his behavior." I nodded.

Then the teacher called us and Emmet said "You wanna ride with us?" Cat looked at me and had hopeful eyes. I looked at her and asked "Want to come with me?" That surprised everyone. Cat looked at Emmet and he just shrugged his shoulders, Cat then nodded and Rosalie didn't like it but said nothing.

I took her by the hand and got onto the bus and people were shocked and surprised. Bella was sitting on the last seat, I walked over to Bella and sat next to her. She was surprised and I said "This is Catherine or Cat."

Bella smiled and said "It is nice to meet you, blink twice if you need help."

I mockingly laughed and said "Funny."

Bella then said "It is, otherwise how did my idiotic brother bagged someone like you?"

She didn't say anything. If she had any blood in her she would probably be blushing now. I said, "Nice way to sell your brother."

She said "He is a bit weird but doesn't pass on judgement like others. He has a kind heart."

Bella just looked at me and smiled. They then talked the whole way there.

When we reached the botanical garden we exited the bus and I saw Jessica there and she looked anxious. I looked back at Bella and she took Cat with her and I asked "Yeah?"

She said "Are you two… like together?"

I looked at her and said "I am sorry Jessica, I am but…" She just had an embarrassed look on her face and she awkwardly smiled and said "I get it." She just left, Angela went after her. And I just felt bad, maybe I should have been more careful around her then this might not have happened.

I then caught up to Cat. She was alone and Bella and Edward were together. I tapped on her shoulder and said "Feeling alone?"

She said "No."

I said "Too bad I was thinking of accompanying you. Maybe I should ask someone else?" She didn't say anything, so I tried to walk away but she grabbed my shirt. I turned and stopped.

She looked at me and said "Stop. Please?"

I chuckled and said "All you had to do was ask."

I then walked with her and I asked "So what do you like to do?"

She said "I like sports."

I looked at her and asked "Any specific one that you like more?"

She said, "I like Wrestling." I looked at her, her hobby and her body didn't actually match. She looked at me and said "I do."

chuckled and asked "Who is your favorite?"

She said "C.M. Punk."

I looked at her and said "Respectable choice."

She looked at me and asked "You like wrestling?"

I said "I watch it with Charlie sometimes."

She asked "Do you have a favorite?"

I said "Ah, maybe the American dragon Bryan Daneilson."

She said "Oh, he is good, he is a technical wrestler…" She went on about wrestling and it was fun to watch her talk about it. She looked free.

She then looked at me and asked "Sorry, I went on about this."

I chuckled and said "It is alright. It was refreshing to see you like that."

She then looked down and she had a slight smile on her face and asked "What is it that you like to do?"

I counted my fingers and said "I like bikes, video games and working out."

She looked at me and said "You like bikes?"

I nodded and said "Yeah, I am working on a bike, it is almost done."

She then looked at me and I asked "Do you want to go on a ride with me when I am done?"

She smiled and said "I would like that."

We were then walking to the bus and we saw Jessica and she looked at us and then hurried back into the bus. I said "We are not going in that bus."

She asked "What happened?"

I said "Well, she asked if we were together."

She then looked at me and asked "And what did you say?"

I looked at her and asked "What do you want me to say?" She just looked away.

I then saw Bella enter the same bus as Jessica and said "Bella!" I then pointed at the other bus and she didn't want to go but I insisted and she went with us in the same bus and in this bus was the Cullens, they were happy to see us. Well, everyone except Edward.

We sat in the back and then Alice came and sat in the seat in front of us with Jasper and said "Hey, I am Alice and this is Jasper." The guy had a very awkward smile on his face.

I smiled and said "Hey, I am Chris and this is Bella."

She smiled and said "We know, they have told us about you two."

Cat gave a look to Alice and Bella asked "They?"

She then said "Well, anyway. How are you two? Liking our town so far?" Bella looked at Edward and he looked away.

I chuckled and said "I think we are enjoying this interesting town of yours."

Then Emmet and Rosalie also came but Rosalie wasn't all that stoked about it. Emmet then asked "So do you play any sports?"

I said "Nah, I am not that interested in playing."

He chuckled and said "It is a shame, you have a good physique for it. Do you work out?"

I said "Yeah, I recently started to work out."

Then Alice asked Bella "What is it that you like to do?"

Bella said "Cooking, arts and craft kinda stuff."

Rosalie passed a sly comment "Are you any good?"

I said "Oh, she is amazing, she makes the best Lasagna, it is to die for you should eat it some time." As I said that everyone sort of laughed or it was more like a snicker.

We all then talked some more, Edward was the only one that was staying away. I wished that he whole heatedly pursued my sister rather than this, half-assed attitude.

After the trip was done, we got out of the bus and I thanked Cat for joining me on this trip. Cullens were nice as I suspected. Cat was also very happy but someone was not happy at all.

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