
Twilight : Justice for Jacob

A primordial entity who is a fan of human creations has decided to create an alternative reality to correct certain mistakes made in the writing of his favorite secondary characters. Here he will try to create a different Jacob from the pitiful puppy of the original films to give him the direction that he deserves. I don't own any main characters from this franchise except two or three characters that I'm going to create. The cover picture is not mine and I hope the author doesn't come after me and kill me for borrowing it. This fanfiction is an English version of the one posted on my second account which is unfortunately inaccessible now. English is not my first language so there will definitely be syntactic mistakes so bear with me. Do not hesitate to give your opinions in comments

The3Entities · Films
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Chapter 12 : Battle and Bitter Victory

Jacob took Danielle home where she took care of her sister, he stayed with her for a whole day and the next day Carlisle called him to tell him where the training was going to take place and that they would be going soon to start.

 Jacob had already talked to Sam about it and he agreed to cooperate with the vampires.

 Upset about leaving Danielle there, he told her he was leaving before kissing her deeply and leaving on his motorbike towards the reserve where he gathered the pack with Sam and gave them the meeting point.

 On the training ground, the Cullens who were apparently already warming up were joined by Bella and Edward hand in hand but while they were wondering if the wolves were coming, they heard a few growls from above before seeing Sam and the pack emerge from the woods in their giant wolf forms.

 Edward: They don't trust us enough to come in their human forms.

 Carlisle: They're there, that's the main thing...almost all of them at least.

 The sound of a motorcycle was heard and Jacob came to park in front of his brothers before nodding at Carlisle.

 Jacob: Speak, I will translate to my brothers telepathically. They may understand you a little, but their instincts will be less fierce if I explain it to them. 

 Carlisle: Thanks Jacob. (looks at Sam and the others) Welcome everyone, Jasper has already faced the newborns and will teach us how to defeat them.

 Jacob: I already told them what these newborns are compared to you... We are ready to listen to tips.

 Carlisle: Thank you. Jasper?!

 Jasper: Well, there are two main things to know. First, never let their arms wrap around you, they will crush your ribs. Secondly, don't imagine getting them through a direct approach, they are far too prepared for that, you will be defeated for sure.

 Jasper began to practice in front of his family members to show the different approaches to take and Jacob after a while decided that the pack should also follow, he took off his shirt and remained in a tank top where the tattoos that covered his arms were visible.

 "Since when do you have all these tattoos?" Bella asked, moving closer.

 Jacob: Since I got them tattooed. I could have done even worse Bella, you don't have to be shocked like that.

 He looked at his brothers.

 Jacob: We're going to get into it too and I'm going to play the role of the newborn against you, the goal is for you to learn what it takes to stay alive so give it everything you've got. We will start one by one. SETH, with me.

 Bella: Isn't that a little too dangerous for you?

 Jacob: Don't distract us Bella, they will be fighting for their lives so go back to Edward. (Looks at Seth) That's when you want little brother and go all out.

 The Cullens looked in their direction with interest, especially those who had already experienced its strength.

 Seth growled before attacking head on and he tried to bite when Jacob with each of his hands grabbed his upper and lower jaw before sending him to the ground by force.

 "There, I could either rip your face apart by force or wring your neck by force. Go meditate on this and think about it again on your next turn. (speaks for others) AVOID ATTACKING FROM THE FACE AND IF YOU DO THEN DON'T AIM AT MY HEAD OR MY CHEST, I EXPECT IT AND THEY DEFINITELY WILL. GET INTO THE HEADS OF YOUR OPPONENTS AND BE SMART, THINK LIKE HUMANS WITH THE PHYSICAL ABILITIES AT YOUR DISPOSAL AND BE STRATEGIC" ​​He said before pointing to Paul.

 Paul didn't really delay and charged at Jacob, he pretended to attack his head to feint and try to get him by the legs but Jacob did an acrobatic jump above him before falling back on the wolf's back to wrap his arms around his neck.

 "It was a good attempt but they are vampires, don't neglect their reaction time or Agilité. AGAIN !" he said before making his brothers parade one by one to simulate fighting.

 The Cullens watched him handle the wolves with great ease and while some were very impressed, others were slightly terrified. They continued until the hours passed before stopping for today.

 The wolves left following Sam and Jacob got dressed and prepare to leave.

 Carlisle: Jacob, I'm sorry to ask like that but what kind of werewolf are you?! You are even stronger than a vampire in your human form!!

 Jacob: I don't know. Even within the tribe I am an exception or an anomaly and there have never been anyone like me.

 Carlisle: You can only stay in human form?

 Jacob: No, but I don't have a change of clothes to show you. When Alice knows the day of the attack let us know. For now, I will continue to train my brothers hard to kill vampires…newborns or not.

 Esmee: Jacob you have nothing to fear from us.

 "I'm not referring to you. Those volturi you mentioned will come here one day or another and I need to prepare them just in case. (looks at Esme) You and your husband...you are good people. » Jacob said before leaving before the couple looked at each other and the others were surprised, such words coming from a werewolf were rare if not impossible.

 Several days later, Jacob was in front of his house walking 100 steps because of the stress, he had until then heard from Danielle but since that night, it was radio silence and his number was unreachable.

 As anger rose dangerously within him, he calmed down and decided to wait because all he could do was hope that she was okay.

 If a vampire had attacked her then now it would be too late to do anything. So he waited until he finally got news.

 Suddenly his phone rang and thinking it was Danielle, he almost blew up his phone listening to Edward's voice on the other side of the line.

 Jacob: What do you want?

 Edward: I have a plan to keep Bella safe during the battle but I would need a wolf.

 Jacob: Explain.


 He went with Seth to a large, fairly open area designated by Jasper to serve as their battlefield and Bella should attract them with her scent here.

 Her scent could stay here but not her for her safety and Edward was going to protect her at a camping facility in the mountains but for her to get there he had to mask his scent with an even stronger scent, that of a wolf -were because for vampires, this smell is repulsive.

 They did a test with Seth and it worked so Jacob decided that it was going to be the youngster's role and advised the couple to bring something to effectively warm Bella's body once up the mountain, she wouldn't will not stand this cold especially since a storm was forecast.

 Bella: Jacob...I don't want us to be like this before this fight, if it will be as perilous as Carlisle said then...this cold between us...

 Jacob: Bella, please stop, there is no cold between us.

 Bella: Jacob you have changed…and I miss you…

 Jacob: No Bella, I haven't changed, I'm still the same...it's just that you don't know me when I'm not in love with you. (Looks at Edward) This strategy may not work perfectly so take care of yourself up there, I trained Seth well he may be young but he is strong. You can count on him, can't you Seth?

 Seth made a cute noise before coming closer and licking Edward's hand who smiled.

 Edward: Thanks Seth.

 Jasper: The battle will take place the day after tomorrow according to Alice.

 "We'll be there" Jacob said before leaving with Seth.

 The next evening, Seth came to take Bella up high where she found Edward, Jacob was not in the mood. He hadn't heard from Danielle and that made him feel immensely angry.

 Having not slept all night, he found the Cullens on the battlefield well before the pack where they waited for the enemies who were already close but they felt the anger in him.

 Carlisle: Jacob, is everything okay?

 Jacob: It's been two days since I heard from my girlfriend in Seattle. I tried to hold her back but she had to be there while I had to stay and train my brothers so that they would survive.

 Esme: I'm sure she's fine.

 Jacob: I'm not stupid, we're dealing with unstable and hungry vampires. She's probably already dead.

 Carlisle: I'm sorry Jacob.

 Jacob: You didn't kill her, you're different from the vampires we want to kill. Our races may not be friends but I know that you depend on human blood for your survival and going without it must be a burden, I respect your fight and your values.

 Carlisle: Jacob, this means a lot to us...

 Esme: So, does that mean...you like us...?

 "We can be different without being enemies, my ancestors understood that with this truce. So yes." he said and they all looked at Jacob as he just nodded.

 Alice: By the way, I want to apologize for my words last time, I insulted you instead of thanking you for saving Bella. I hope you don't blame me too much anymore.


 They waited a little longer before Alice told them that the enemy was here as the sounds of their footsteps were heard, this small army of about 50 vampire hatchlings was charging towards them.

 They saw them coming and waited before charging in turn and the battle began.

 The Cullens quickly showed their superiority in experience and began killing several of them even though they were outnumbered.

 When the wolves came into play, the fight went completely one-sided and the results of their training with Jacob were monstrous.

 While Emmett was fighting one of the enemies, another jumped from a height to attack him from behind but Paul saved him. The Cullens and the werewolves showed teamwork from time to time even though the wolves had far more casualties.

 Jacob committed a real massacre in the enemy camp without any restraint until he was in front of one of the newborns and then it was as if his world had just cracked.

 "Jacob…Jacob, is it…you?" » Danielle said as her eyes were no longer blue but completely black from hunger.

 Jacob:...no...not you...

 Danielle: Jacob, I need your help...please...I don't know what they did to me...I'm thirsty, I'm so thirsty...

 He felt his heart ache before tears fell from his eyes and he calmly moved closer to her to kill her, Danielle watched him come trembling from his hunger and Jacob took her in his arms with all his sadness.

 "I love you... you didn't deserve this Danielle" He said before kissing her one last time while grabbing her neck to break it when Carlisle who saw everything from afar grabbed his shoulder.

 Carlisle: Jacob there is a solution, we can help her become like us, she can join our family.

 Jacob didn't react right away even though his face was wet with his tears, he was only 16 years old after all.

 Carlisle: We can help her Jacob, please don't do that.

 "I love her...I don't want her to suffer..." He said with a shaky voice and Esme approached with another younger newborn who had also surrendered.

 Esme: Jacob, she's not alone. We can help her remain a good person, like us. We will adopt her and watch over her.

 Jacob didn't say anything and just separated himself from her and backed away.

 Danielle: Jacob…?!

 "They will take care of you...you can trust them..." he moved away and with anger began a real carnage, his eyes became terrifying and his canines had grown, he massacred them with a violence that even scared the Cullens.

 In the end, it seemed that the enemy army was defeated when the last of them approached Leah from behind. Having spotted the enemy, out of rage, she forgot her training and jumped on him head-on.

 The vampire was able to grab her neck in his hands but while everyone imagined the worst, Jacob quickly ran towards them and with one hand he threw the vampire to the other end of the field where he threw him there he was already waiting by movement speed.

 He tackled the vampire to the ground before first ripping off his limbs one by one in front of everyone but also Bella, Edward and Seth who had already gotten rid of Victoria and Riley once and for all. with the help of Seth who easily killed Riley and tore off Victoria's leg.

 Bella: Jacob?

 They watched the scene listening to the vampire's cries of pain as after tearing off his limbs, he tore off his lower jaw and finally, very slowly, he tore off his head.

 When he calmed down, Alice immediately alerted everyone to the arrival of the Volturi.

 Carlisle asked the wolves to leave, it could be disastrous because of their unnatural truce and Jacob asked that Danielle and the other girl be evacuated from there for their safety, Carlisle who knew the Volturi agreed with him .

 Carlisle: Emmett and Rosalie, take the girls home and watch them.

 They took them away and Jacob left with his brothers, he wasn't afraid of the Volturi but he had had his share of drama for the moment.

 The interview went like in the film except that Bree the young vampire was not killed since she was no longer there.

 Jacob had been missing for over a week and everyone searched for him but to no avail.

 Carlisle and Esme managed to introduce the girls to animal blood although with difficulty and one morning at the Cullen residence, a motorcycle arrived and it was Jacob.

 Carlisle and the others came down to greet him. Danielle looked at him and Jacob, looking into her eyes, understood that something had changed in her.

 She recognized him perfectly but her emotions were altered, even the feelings she had for him.

 Carlisle: Jacob, this period is not final and his feelings can resurface.

 Jacob: It doesn't matter anymore, I'm just cursed in love.

 Bella: Jacob, don't say that...

 Jacob: It doesn't matter anymore, I said. (looks at Bella's ring) You're getting married, congratulations!

 Edward: We hope you'll be here. Jacob I would really like you to be with us.

 Esme: We know you're going through a difficult time, come to the ceremony.

 Jacob: I doubt it a little. Actually, I'm thinking about leaving here for a while, this place is...tiring me.

 Bella: Jacob please...

 Emmett: You don't have to leave.

 Jacob: Thanks Emmett but I've just had enough of this and I guess Bella won't have any more worries. After the wedding she will probably be transformed and those who wanted her dead are no longer in this world, Charlie is also safe. There's nothing left for me here.

 He got off the motorcycle from where he took a cooler and opened it although there were bags of blood inside.

 Jacob: It's...pig and cow blood. I convinced a large nearby breeder to provide me with this regularly, Seth will come and drop them off every three days so I don't know if it will be enough but it might help you and avoid putting the local wildlife at risk of extinction.

 They were amused by the joke and Carlisle sincerely thanked him, telling him that it would be more than enough.

 He moved closer to Bella and took her in his arms.

 Jacob: I wish you all the happiness in the world Bella. I hope eternity will be successful for you.

 "Jacob…" She cried and he broke away from her to look at Danielle.

 Jacob: They will take care of you, Goodbye Danielle.

 He went down to leave but Danielle called out to him.

 Danielle: Jacob…I'm sorry…

 Jacob: It's not your fault, you were caught up in a chain of events that cost you your life. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore.

 He started his vehicle and drove away, leaving them there.

 Rosalie: For a wolf, he was pretty nice.

 Edward: He was unlucky, I would have liked to thank him for everything properly but that's impossible.

 Alice saw that the mood was bad so she quickly changed the subject to talk about wedding planning.

 Jacob, for his part, left a note for his father and told him that he was going to be gone for a while but that he would come from time to time to see him and the others. He had to get away from it all and wander as a lone wolf.

 (end of events of the third film)

 [The entities]

 Death: Poor Jacob…

 Eternity: It's really sad.

 Death : Bastard, you couldn't keep Danielle human?

 Reality: I told you before, I did not try to control events. I only gave a few gifts to Jacob other than that, I didn't do anything else.

 Eternity: Let's just hope it gets better.

 Reality: Ahahah it looks like you like the story huh!

 Death: Shut your mouth and send the rest.