
Flight and Forks

Lucas and his sister Bella got off the plane and headed toward Charlie.

"Hey Dad!" Lucas exclaimed while hugging Charlie.

"Hi Char- I mean Dad." Bella mumbles while giving Charlie a christian side hug.

"I'm glad you two are here!" Charlie replies while taking Bella's suitcase.

"Dad you took Bella's not mine!?!" Lucas joked.

"With your muscle you should not have a problem." Charlie counters.

Lucas laughs and replies "I guess you're right."

Charlie led Bella and Lucas to his police cruiser and put their bags in the trunk.

Bella sat in the back and popped in earbuds listening to emo music.

Charlie and Lucas hopped up front and Charlie asked "How was your flight?"

"It was great!" Lucas exclaimed." There was a screaming baby and his sleeping mother to my right and a small child who seemed to have an obsession with kicking my seat! I was completely at ease." Lucas continued in a only slightly sarcastic tone.

Charlie was flustered and mumbled an apology which caused Lucas to laugh and say "It was fine, I am excited to be here." He really was it was the place where he would become a vampire and meet Jasper.

The rest of the car ride was silent. With only the passing trees and houses as entertainment.

When they approach the house Charlie got Bella's attention and said "I have a surprise for you Bella!" Bella sat up with intrigue as she was curious as to what the surprise was. As soon as she saw the house she realized what it was a truck! Charlie pulled in and told Lucas "Sorry I could not find another affordable car."

Lucas responds "It's no problem I am just glad Bella looks happy." while looking at Bella's version of a smile.

Bella is the first one to get out and walks up to the truck and is greeted by an older man in a wheelchair and a boy her age pushing him around.

Bella recognized the older man as Charlie's friend Billy but the boy rung no bells. "Hi." Bella responds shyly.

Charlie walks over and says "You two remember Billy Black and this young man is Jacob Black."

Lucas follows Charlie and adds "Nice to see you again and meet you!" with a handshake.

Billy hands Bella the keys and says "Shes all yours."

"Thanks." Bella responds.

"Be careful she kinda malfunctions if you push her above 60mph."

"Ok. Thanks." Bella says. Then all of the Swans see the Blacks off.

Bella and Charlie take their things up to their rooms and Charlie says "Tell me if you need any help settling in." before leaving them alone.

They set up their rooms that have not changed since they were children directly across the hall from each other.

After setting up his room and eating dinner, Lucas changes into pajamas and lies down saying "Tomorrow will be great." and fell into a deep and pleasant sleep interrupted only by small mutterings of "Jasper..."

My first time writing a fanfic, which I am writing so I can read a new gay twilight fanfic. I'll try to read comments so please leave tips.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Skywalkarajcreators' thoughts