

When Lucas woke up he looked around and he realized he was in a hospital bed. He looked down to find a note.

..........Dear Lucas,

I have put you into the twilight series seven months before the series starts, you will receive all of the memories your body has assimilated over time. I gave you seven months to push your body to the limits, as the stronger you are before you turn, the stronger you are when you turn. You do not have to worry about any personality issues as Lucas Swan shares the same personality as you. I wish you happiness.


Lucas felt a shocking pain in his head which caused him to pass out. While he was asleep he remembered how he got into his current situation: as he was walking down the street from his friend's house he saw a boy running in the middle of the road following grab a ball. Then a minivan came out of nowhere heading for the boy, the kid was about to get hit do he ran and pushed him out of the way. Although he's safely maneuvered the boy out of the way, he didn't consider the momentum which sent him flying headfirst into a telephone pole, which knocked him out.

The next time he awoke, he was surrounded by a doctor and two familiar people he recognized as his mother and sister.

The doctor was telling his mother and sister about his condition " Lucas is suffering from a mild concussion after staying the night he'll be perfectly fine."

Hearing this Lucas say up. The noise that Lucas made caused Bella to turn and look at him and realize he's awake. Bella asked "Are you ok?"

Lucas responds " Yes although I have a little headache I'm fine."

His mother says while sniffing " You could've died!"

"But the boy is fine." Lucas counters.

.............*Several days later*.............

"This is the beginning!" Lucas states as he walks into a gym which he was going to train at.

When he walks in he sees a check-in desk with a man standing there with a name tag that says Chad.

Chad tells him "Welcome to CHAD's kickboxing and Mui Thai gym! You must be Lucas you made an appointment for a beginners lesson and conditioning from 3-6 P.M.

"Yes sir!" Lucas replies, as a member of the swimming team he had some muscles but as he was pretty new he had little definition. But he was excited to improve his condition in preparation for the future.

.........*The day before the move*...........

Lucas was staring at himself in the mirror. "Wow I look good." He states while looking at his well defined 8-pack and strong jaw-line. After seven months of training and assuming his peak condition, he packs his suitcase and heads to bed excited for his 2 hour flight and that which follows.