

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urbain
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59 Chs


"Then how should we stop them?" I asked for suggestions. No matter how hard I think, I couldn't think of one.

"There are two ways. We sneak into the Demonic Sect, destroy the resurrection pillars, save the sacrifices and leave, or we can interrupt it when the ritual is almost completed." She showed two fingers with the rest curled.

"How tight is the Demonic Sect security?" Airi pondered. Depending on the information, it would help her decide which one's better. Yes, she might be powerful, but being safe is better than sorry.

"Quite strict. The sect is five times larger than the size of a regular palace and there are barriers in almost every room and building.

"The disciples can pass through them as they have a card. Not only that, they have strange creatures that act as guards.

"They're ten times better than a military trained dog thanks to their extremely sharp nose and ears. Furthermore, their eyes can determine an impersonator from a student.

"It also has traps only the disciples knew. The sect also has complicated halls that look like a maze." She pulled out a scroll from her sleeves and put it on the table next to me. Airi and I got closer. The scroll revealed the sect's outlay.

"We call these creatures goo, they looked like geese but with black and red feathers. They're smaller than an adult pug, but don't let their size put your guard down. Their beaks can easily pierce your skin and tore you apart," she said solemnly.

I listened quietly, comprehending the information and making simple points.

One, the sect is tightly secured with traps. Two, it has creatures that look like a dog guard. Three, barriers that only the discipline can bypass. Four, maze like halls.

If they had the card that allowed discipline to bypass the barriers, knew where the traps were, avoiding goos, and knew exactly where the ritual took place so we don't get lost in the maze.

"We need a lot of things if we want to sneak in." I tapped the table a few times and noticed the small dots all over the scroll. I pointed at one of them, "What are these?"

"They're the goos." She replied without pausing and added, "You don't have to worry about anything, Mr. Ryuta. We already prepare you everything you need." She clapped her hands and two maids walked into the room.

Looking at the maids, my eyes widened in surprise. I couldn't believe I would see a real life maid, not those from maid cafes! My expression calmed immediately when the maids stood next to Airi.

They carried two black briefcases. They opened them.

One briefcase has a card, a white mask with ornaments, a book and a daoist robe. The other one filled with the same thing with a plus of one time, a tiny and an empty glass of bottle.

"These will help you to sneak into the Demonic Sect. The book is a grimoire that lets even people with no superstitious energy use a flame spell that is imbued with virtual energy. You use it to destroy the pillars.

"The mask is to change your identity as a disciple and will conceal your real identity. The robe has an enhanced concealed effect, turning you into a genuine Demonic Sect disciple. The card has the highest permission.

"The bottle glass is made with special materials to store the blood of the Divine One, a person with superstitious energy flowing inside him. Once you arrive at the resurrection site, please pour the blood in the middle of the site." She instructed.

"How could we find him? I don't think someone with three energies inside him is easy to find?" I asked in doubt.

Hae Shi turned her head to Airi. I understood the meaning.

"Airi, did you know someone?" I pondered.

"I know." She nodded and immediately fell into a deep thought as though realizing something. Her expression turned into disbelief before returning to normal

"Airi?" I wondered, vaguely knew she found out something terrifying from the brief change in her expression.

'It seems there's no choice...' she whispered.

"Airi?" I called out again. She shifted her face to me. "We should ask him for his blood and immediately sneak into the sect. Hae Shi, we will return to earth. Can you activate the passageway?" She looked at her.

"Sure." She agreed and threw a colorful stone on the floor. It transformed into a door.

"Let's go, Darling." She grabbed my hand and looked straight into my eyes. At this moment, I sensed fear in her eyes. I was stunned for a short period of time before nodding.

I got up from the bed, stored the glass bottle inside my pocket, gave my gratitude to Hae Shi with a bow, and went to the other side of the door.

After going through the door, the latter vanished and we looked around. We stood at the top of a skyscraper. The wind blew. Hair and clothes fluttered.

"Will you trust me no matter what?" She abruptly asked, her voice seemed distant and lonely. I didn't respond immediately.

Her eyes grew larger, surprised, when she sensed two pairs of arms embracing her abdomen and warmth spread from behind. She also sensed weight on her right shoulder, where his head was.

She could feel his breathing on her cheek. Her heartbeat relaxed slightly and her worries washed away instantly. Her muscles seemed relaxed when she wore a peaceful expression. She caressed his head with her right hand.

This lasted a minute in silence.

"You aren't alone, I'm here." I released her from my embrace, thinking she probably got uncomfortable being hugged this long.

Well, I tried to when her hands held mine, preventing me from letting her go. She had a terrifying raw physical power that amazed me.

"Darling, thank you. I will tell you what I found out once everything is over, but right now, I can't tell you," she said when forcing my hand to hold her abdomen and then softly stroke my hands.

"That's okay. I don't know what you're facing, I'm sorry I can't be of help, but I know you will make it through." I smiled, unknowingly that it exudes warmth in her eyes.

"Hey, do you think we'll be together in every universe?" She wondered playfully and curiously, becoming an entirely different person compared with other people.

"Yeah, I think we will be." I agreed without hesitation.

"I thought the same thing too." The corners of her lips curved up into a bright smile. Then, it slowly vanished when she asked, "Darling, what makes a stage play amazing?"

"The actors. They bring the story to life." I thought for a moment.

"Indeed. Do you think the play would become disastrous if the actors didn't follow the script?" She continued, I played along with her question.

"Yes, but to me at least, if the actors make the story more interesting. I won't mind and stay watching, curious about what this actor is trying to do." I replied while looking at the city.

The bright lights like glowing gems, distant cars roaring on the road, echoed noises from speakers advertising their products, honks of cars every now and then, the people walking on the street. From a distance, they were tiny like bugs.

Some of them wore their work suits, some in fashionable clothes and some wore casual clothes.

Walking alone or together with friends. Having a smile or reality slap you so hard that it removes your smile.

A person running in his work suit while looking at the watch and his briefcase, waving his hand for a taxi, while a person not far from him, a homeless old man, sitting under the shade of the tree, has a smile on his peaceful face.

I could see them as though I stood next to them, and it made me wonder. Aren't we all just like actors in a stage we called life? Some play the role of the rich and the poor. Some play the villain and the hero.