

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
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59 Chs

Hol On, Let Him

"He can influence the organization's decision and perhaps, he wants to get rid of you. I am saying this not without proof. You two are in bad terms with each other. To save time, I won't say why, you already know.

"I've seen his attempts to get rid of you and he failed many, many times. This time, he get the chance and quickly grabs it. In short, he might be the reason why the news are leaked and use you as a scapegoat to get rid of you," he said calmly after carefully analyzing the situation.

"Okay, I follow. What should I do?" She asked, seemingly knowing this.

"Go to the meeting, Ma'am. I would like you to find more clues and information from the higher-ups regarding this, even the smallest of things that doesn't seem important can be a clue.

"Meanwhile, I will find more about this and bring you justice." He declared.

"Your suggestions make sense. I will follow your words." She get up and walked to the exit. Her words overjoyed him. He wanted to be praised like that one more time!

Just as he thought of this, his cheeks blushed and his lips curved up in a perverted manner. He soon realized the ugly expression he made and make a normal face.

He shifted his head to the table, something caught his eyes. She still had a bit of paperwork left, it could be finished in a few minutes though.

He looked at one paper in particular. A form about transferring the right of a property to the organization.

He frowned, bewildered and feel something's off, why would such a form end up in her table? Her work doesn't involve something like this.

He observed the paper and said under his breath, slightly surprised as he recognized the name, 'Tamura Sakoto.'

He looked at the rest of the papers. They were normal, only this stand out. A line of thought appeared in his mind, is she try to tell me something? I will keep this in mind.

"I need to informed her team first about this situation." He texted them one by one and how they should react.

Of course, as her assistant, he had their numbers for emergency occasions like this where she couldn't contact her time.

"Now then." He fixed his tie and he walked towards the exit with determined eyes.




In the empty library, in a tightly secured archive room, stood a youth with a black binder in his hands, reading it solemnly. The binder– plastered the name 'Tamura Sakoto' on the cover– contained all the reports of the mission this personnel had created.

Tamura Sakoto had a style writing his reports. Concise, easy to understand and precise. He only included important details.

'Huh?' The youth sensed a vibration from his pocket. He opened his phone and was greeted with a message from head chief's assistant that she's in a meeting regarding leaked information to the public regarding her team's discovery.

"What's going on?" His mind went blank for a moment before ren different speculations circulated in his mind. As a result ohis head throbbed in pain. He messaged his glabella with eyes closed.

One thing for certain, this wasn't his doing. As the pain eased, he started to connect the dots with what he knew.

He believed everyone in his team, even Kana who just joined their team today. No one in the team betrayed her, and he strongly believed the head chief would do the same too.

This left him with one speculation. Someone else inside ETC has sell them out and pin the blame to her!

Someone that might benefit from hurting the head chief's reputation. Taking into consideration ETC has strict rules regarding things like this, she might be removed.

The only parties involved with this were the Research Department and their unit. A person surfaced in his mind. The head of the Research Department.

"Cunning old man." He remarked with a faint hatred, keeping his calm as much as possible. Abruptly, his expression changed when he sensed a presence coming from above. He looked upward.

A girl, the same beautiful girl like a fairy descended to earth– one he encountered this morning, was sitting on the top aisle with a man next to her, staring down at him.

He raised his guard up and circulated his superstitious energy, preparing for the worst.

"Hey, easy. We're here not to fight." The man raised his hands upward with revealed palm.




So much sh*t happened. How about we rewind back before this encounter? Around evening after I lost consciousness in that cave.

I didn't know how much time had passed. I woke up in a large bed which can fit three people. I observed my environment. Expensive and high quality furniture. The bed had a soft quality that almost absorbed my whole body like a quicksand.

The door opened. Airi walked in with a brown haired girl walking behind her.

"You're finally awake," said Airi with a smile and relief evident in her eyes. Her expression looked happy too. "Let me introduce you to Overseer's friend, Hae Shi. She will help us to know more about what the bastard's doing in the Demonic Sect and what is the condition there right now."

"A pleasure to meet you, Ryuta." She bowed slightly.

"The pleasure is all mine." I responded with a bow of a sitting position.

"I've heard about you from His liege Himself, Overseer. You're a powerful fighter and an excellent swordsman, if possible. I'd like to spar with you." She had a soft and soothing voice.

I smiled kindly, "Your words flatter me and I am pleased to hear Overseer's high opinion of me. However, my skill needs further development. My swordsmanship couldn't be more powerful than you, a person Overseer deemed as a companion."

"Please, it's simply to hide my identity. I assume it won't be troublesome to announce this to you. I am not his friend, but a member of his organization." Her voice filled with pride.

"I see. Then Hae Shi, can you tell us more about what Jahil is trying to do in the Demonic Sect?" I bring the subject.

"Yes. He and the Demonic Sect is trying to resurrect a dangerous cultivator that toppled the heavens and earth in the past. He is the strongest cultivator ever lived in the long history of cultivation.

"With the death of the ruler of the cultivation world. No one can stop this dangerous individual if he is unsealed."