

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Urban
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59 Chs

Not Weak.

"Darling, if we're actors, what kind of role are you playing?" She wondered, resting her head on my chest.

What role do I play in this life? I came to a dilemma. I never thought of this before. I enjoyed life as it is.

My plan to the future was simple, as soon as I graduate, get a decent job with stable income and also helping Zero to find someone, maybe get married, have four children, regardless of the gender as long as they were healthy, get older together with my spouse, or maybe alone as fate separate us, waiting my death in my home.

However, with everything going on right now, I believe life won't let me live ordinarily. From yesterday until today, I only did what I thought was right.

Merging with the lessons and fictional experiments I learned from reading fictions, the answer took form.

"My role is to be everything. A villain to someone, a hero to someone, an anti-hero to someone and maybe, just maybe, a hope to someone.

"It doesn't really matter, honestly. I'll just live the way I want. Haha, such a strange corny line to say out loud." I chuckled awkwardly.

"What you said surprised me, but very you. Then, my role is to support you."

"Are you sure? I'm happy with what you said, really, but there are many things in life. Why settle on being my support? You're much stronger than me." I inquired after a thorough look at the situation.

"I'm different from other girls." She made a grin, and didn't really answer my question. Nothing I could do, is there?

"Speaking of which..." She paused, releasing my hands and leaning her body forward, prompting me to release her from my embrace. I heeded, sadness flashed through my eyes as we got separated. "...the guy we are about to meet, I met him after saving you from that black thing. This is a good time, here. It's dropped from it." She pulled out a disc from her pocket and gave it to me.

I observed it before storing it into my inventory. It revealed the name, Fragment-5.

"It's such a strong enemy yet it only dropped a vinyl record." Disappointment evident in my voice, I held my tears too. "Thank you for saving me back then, Airi."

"It's only natural," she waved her hands.

"Wait, what happened to the cave after I fell unconscious?" I realized something and a bad premonition soon loomed.

"It still exists. I don't know what happened to it. It never occurred in my timeline before." She shrugged her shoulders, paused briefly and added, "Do you want to close the cave with your powers?"

"Worth a try. Let's go there first before we sneak into the sect." I agreed and devised a plan on the spot.

"Now then, shall we go?" She stretched her body.

"How are we going to find him?" I inquired with the thought that this city was pretty large and there were many people.

"He got a disgusting thing inside of him. It won't be hard to find him." Confidence in her voice. Next, her hands moved swiftly, her fingers danced elegantly and gracefully when she drew an aqua blue magic circle.

The circle took form. She tapped it three times with each tap making a ripple like water on the circle. The circle trembled slightly and a line flowed out of the circle, flying in the air to somewhere.

Airi came to my side, touched my shoulder and I floated. We flew right behind the line guiding us. Not for long, the line abruptly stopped before a skyscraper.

"This must be it. I senses barriers around it and the guy is inside the building." She remarked after a short observation of the building.

I looked at what seemed to be the entrance; heavily guarded with people in a suit wearing black glasses. They looked ordinary except from the supernatural energy they exude. They can easily beat four elite soldiers.

"How are we going to get in?" My eyes darted around the building, trying to spot a weak spot. As I was doing so, she held my hand. Two magic circles appeared above and below us.

The magic circles slowly got closer and swallowed us, my vision went blank and I felt floating underwater with muffled noises. From the outside, we vanished on the spot.

Soon, the sensation vanished and I sensed my body moved to somewhere else. I opened my eyes, looked around.

The top of the aisle welcomes me. In the distance, I recognized aisles of black binders neatly ordered. I immediately knew where I was.

At the same time, I finally realized I'm on top of the aisles. My senses also caught a powerful person with a sinister aura deep inside of him, connected somewhere beyond human comprehension, not from this world.

I picked up his cautiousness and vaguely felt he circulate his superstitious energy, preparing to attack.

I silently take a closer look at him from above to bottom. His eyes were fixed on Airi, she's pretty after all, so I'm not surprised.

Okay, to know how pretty Airi is. Imagine any beautiful girl you've seen. Done? She is twenty times prettier than any girl you imagined. I'm not exaggerating.

Anyway, while observing him. I noticed he had jet black hair, brown eyes with average looks yet sharp and mature. His body appeared physically fit as his tight business suit slightly accentuated his biceps.

As soon as I finished memorizing his looks into my mind, he turned his eyes to me. His eyes filled with killing intent. I'm surprised, yet not afraid.

I raised my hands up, revealing my palm, "Hey, easy. We're here not to fight."

"Hello, boy. We will meet again." Airi greeted him casually as she waved her hands.

"Is the cave your doing?" He asked cautiously when he put the binder in his hand to the aisle behind him and carefully plus slowly walked away.

Airi cast her eyes to me. He followed her gaze, "It's you?" He wore a shocked look of disbelief. "What are you planning by spawning those monsters into this world?" He assumed a fighting stance, his fists covered in a yellow energy. I already knew he jumped into a conclusion and saw me as a threat.

Perhaps in his eyes, I'm a person that can summon different monsters to destroy this place? His actions would make sense if that was the case.

I read his expression, wondering if I could talk to him. Judging by his fists, it seemed he won't listen to any words I speak. I shifted my head to her, requesting assistance.

"Easy, boy. Think this through. If we want to destroy this place, why would we teleport ourselves into the library instead of a more important place?" Her voice echoed in the empty library. Unbeknownst to him, Airi imbued hypnotized effect into her voice. "Calm yourself down. You seem tired, why don't you close your eyes and sleep?"

Her magnetic voice seemed to be taken effect as his eyelids dropped and he slowly lowered his head. His body lost control as he swayed around like a drunkard before eventually collapsing on the ground and his body hitting the aisle. The aisle trembled slightly with a few binders falling.

His back leaned against the aisle. He looked up at the two of us with a sleepy face. He tried his best not to fall asleep, futile nevertheless.

"You should be quick. Its effect only lasts around three minutes. By the way, I can't use magic for a minute and a half. What I used is an innate ability from being a vampire." She informed me, still sitting on top of the aisle when I jumped down.

I summoned Zero's blade and carefully cut his arm. However, just before the blade touched his skin.

My vision blurred and when I realized it, I felt a painful grip on my neck. I groaned as my expression twinged in pain. I lost my strength as the blade fell to the floor with a clang.

I looked down while in excruciating pain at the person before me. He slowly stood with eyes still closed, my body slowly rose and my feet couldn't feel the floor.

He opened his eyes, filled with malevolent and killing intent. I looked him straight in the eye, thinking as best as I could to get free from this.

"I like your eyes, worm. Unfortunately, your luck runs out when meeting me." He smirked and tightened his grip. My expression twisted in pain. My face turned blue due to lack of oxygen. My eyes blurred and my line of thought faded away.

"Hum?" He looked to his left, slightly confused when he saw a woman with white hair, throwing a punch at him.

He looked bored seeing her as he raised his right palm, planning to catch her fist. She looked incredibly weak as he couldn't sense her strength. Her fist crashed against his palm, nothing happened.

He chuckled and thought about what to do next. She looked delicious and incredibly beautiful. It has been a while since he enjoyed a woman, maybe he should have fun with her first. The thought spread joy in his face.

Just then, his joyous thought got interrupted when he felt a burst of strength coming from his right arm.

"Huh...?" He let out a confused yell before his right arm exploded and blood spread everywhere! He looked at his right arm in disbelief, quickly turning his head to her. He reacted, yet she moved faster. In his perspective, everything seemed to slow down, yet she moved normally. Even to the eyes of a normal human, their movements became blurry.

Is she even a human? This line of thought flashed through his bewildered mind.

She approached closer with her body lowered and punched his body three times. His skin seemed to cave in with each punch and the impact caused his body to knock back into the air, releasing me in the process.

At the same time, he spurted out blood. Immediately afterward, she gathered enough strength into her right fist and used an uppercut on his chin. The power of that fist caused his body to fly upward. His head crashed through the ceiling. His body was dangling.

I can't sense her strength, not because she is extremely weak. It's the opposite... he slowly came to a realization.