
Traveling the Frozen Earth

Michael_v1 · Romance
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Creatures

As they settled into the building, John was tasked to explore a section of the building. Others worked to check on the pipes and other areas to see if everything was still operational or if any adjustments needed to be made.

John crawled through a collapsed portion of the walkway, stone rubble blocked the path. Taking his shovel, he took two hours to get through the debris and into a small shaft. A glowing white creature started to move.

John stood still as he watched a tiny slug-like creature carefully walk towards him. For whatever reason, it looked curious and harmless.

Still tense, John cautiously backed away. But the creature holding something in his hand put it down. Seeing as it wasn't hostile John approached the object and picked it up, it was a keycard with a ring of keys on it.

The creature waited to see John's reaction. John nodded at it as if to signal he could follow him. It did, but at a cautious distance ready to leave at any sign of danger.

Suddenly, it's ears perked up. As if it sensed some sort of danger it scurried away.

Confused for a moment, John decided it was best to follow it. Moments later creaking noises could be heard behind him.

John keep going deeper and deeper into the section of the building barely able to see the white creature as it darted away. Soon it stopped, the air felt slightly warmer as fresh green grass covered the ground.

The creature and John stared at each other. The animal tapped the floor as if expecting something.

John spoke, "um... you want something".

The creature just stared back.

John went through his pockets, empty snack wrappers and food was too important to give up.

He did find a wind up toy car that could move by itself. A fun novelty for him to pass the time.

'This'll do', he thought to himself as he wound it up and set it on the ground.

The car slowly started driving to the white creature.

It got spooked at first and started inching away from it. The car stopped and the white creature stared at it for a moment before grabbing it and inspecting it.

When it was finished it put the car in it's belly pouch.

John waited before speaking. "So what now?", John asked the creature. He gestured his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

The slug-like creature didn't respond. It curled up and looked like it fell asleep.