
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Altair's cry, rice and fried chicken...?

"Altair-kun, can you wait here for a moment, we will investigate this floor as soon as possible." [Louis]

"Can I ask you a favour?" [Altair]

"Of course Altair-kun, as long as it's not impossible, I'll help as much as I can." [Louis]

"Did you bring any food, can I have some to eat?" [Altair]

"Hahaha, I thought you would ask for something troublesome like revenge or something, if it was just food you wouldn't have to be that uptight when asking for it Altair-kun" [Louis]

"Give him some of our supplies, Ayane. We have prepared more for unexpected situations like this, right?" [Louis]

Of course I have a serious look on my face, how long do you think it's been since I've eaten and drank? Anyway, I'm thankful for this. One day I will definitely repay your kindness as well as everyone in this party. [Altair]

"Okay, there's even plenty left even if we have to add two more people to this party." [Ayane]

"Thank you very much Louis-san, Ayane-san and sorry for the trouble" [Altair]

"Don't mind Altair-kun" [Louis]

"We're not bothered at all." [Ayane]

"In that case, one person should stay here with Altair." [Louis]

"Yeah, agreed." [Ayane]

"(nods)" [Ryoma]

"???" [Hikari]

"(I hope it's not me who stays, I don't know what to say to him if it's just the two of us)" [Kasumi]

"Uh why? [Miura]

"There should at least be someone here for Altair to chat with while he eats his lunch." [Louis]

"Kasu, - I don't think it's possible, hmmm well, Miura be Altair's chat buddy here." [Louis]

"Well it's fine but can you handle the front line by yourself Louis-san?" [Miura]

"Don't underestimate your party leader, Miura." [Louis]

"Oh before that, there's something I need to discuss alone with you Miura." [Louis]

- - -

"Other than Miura who stays here, the other members follow me, we will investigate this floor as soon as possible and then return to the guild to give a report." [Louis]

"Okay" [Hikari]

"(nod)" [Ryoma]

"(nod)" [Ayane]

"Agreed" [Kasumi]

"Keep in mind what I said previously, Miura." [Louis]

"Of course louis-san" [Miura]

After that, Louis-san and the others continued their main mission, now that it's just me and this Miura, I guess it's fine if I eat this lunch now, right? [Altair]

Wow, it turns out that this is the lunch of adventurers in this world, with simple and efficient contents, here there is rice and fried chicken and....- that's all without any other side dishes. Although I was a little hopeful about this lunch because I heard that the language they speak is Japanese, but it doesn't matter as long as I can eat again, it's enough. [Altair]

The aroma of warm rice and fried chicken began to waft and made me impatient to taste it. [Altair]

"Nyam-nyam, ummmmm this fried chicken is delicious." [Altair]

"I think this is the best food I've ever eaten uuuuh (I've been eating just monster drop crystals recently.), is this enough? Uuuh" [Altair]

"Hey take it easy buddy, there's no need for such dramatic crying, you can still add more if Ayane-san returns if you still want." [Miura]

I'm crying? I think everyone would cry if they were in my current situation, it's not that I haven't touched food for a day or two, but I don't know how many years I've been in that Dimensional Rift. [Altair]

Well fortunately there are only two of us here, it would be embarrassing if I was seen by the others, anyway I don't care anymore, as long as I can taste the delicious food like this in the future again. [Altair]

"You don't understand how delicious this food is." [Altair]

"Well, I guess everyone has their own taste." [Miura]

(This is the first time I've seen someone crying while eating Hikari-chan's homemade lunch, is it really that good? The Hikari I know is always ignorant of her homemade lunches, isn't she?) [Miura]

"What's wrong?" [Altair]

"Oh no, just continue eating." [Miura]

"By the way, does the thing you talked about with Louis-san earlier have anything to do with me?" [Altair]

"Wow, it turns out you're sharp enough to realise that too." [Miura]

"Other than me, I think all the members of your party have also realised it." [Altair]

"Seriously, at least Ryoma and Hikari must not be aware of this, right?" [Miura]

Why would he even want to compete over such a trivial matter? [Altair]

"So, what kind of things did you talk about with Louis-san?" [Altair]

"Hmmm, Louis-san only asked me to stop you in case you decide to run away before he returns, he doesn't want you to do anything stupid like revenge or the like." [Miura]

"I don't understand why he didn't tell you this right away, all I understand is that Louis-san really cares about you, it's obvious from the look on his face when he told me." [Miura]

Right now I have a hard time trusting others, I also don't know Louis-san's true intentions, now might be a good time to run away, but somehow I feel a little comfortable with this party. [Altair]

"Ah about that revenge, I don't think I want to do it, it's just a waste of time, I'd better focus on other things." [Altair]

I also don't have any grudges against them, although they are known as the evil side of this world, I as a newcomer have nothing to do with it. [Altair]

. . . .

"Louis, so what was the other reason behind Miura having to stay behind to accompany Altair?" [Ayane]

"Is there another reason? I think Miura stayed to guard Altair from the Goblin attack." [Hikari]

"I thought so too, even though the area is fairly safe, but it's better to have an umbrella before it rains, right?" [Kasumi]

"I'm curious too." [Ryoma]

"Well, it's true that there are other reasons, but Miura staying behind is to guard Altair from Goblin attacks and at the same time to prevent him from doing stupid things." [Louis]

"Stupid thing?" [Hikari]

"What is it, Louis-san?" [Kasumi]

"(I guess I got the hint.)" [Ayane]

"Usually people who know who is the mastermind behind the bad things that happen to them will always act carelessly, I've mentioned it before, right? When he asks for something, I will help him as much as possible if it's not impossible, to my surprise he only asked for food." [Louis]

"I don't want him to waste his future life just for revenge, so I asked Miura to stop him if he tries to escape this dungeon just to do something stupid." [Louis]

"Also, Altair still looks so young, he still has endless possibilities waiting for him in the future." [Louis]

"Speaking of food, if I'm not mistaken the meal I gave Altair earlier was Hikari-chan's." [Ayane]

"Oh no, I guess Altair decided to take revenge after eating that" [Ryoma]

"Hoi, I heard that Ryoma, what do you mean by that, my food doesn't taste that bad." [Hikari]

"But I think Ryoma has a point." [Kasumi]

"Eeeeh, even Ka-chan agrees with Ryoma's words?" [Hikari]

"Maybe it's not that bad after all, it's just food, maybe..." [Ayane]

"At least if you're going to defend me, do it wholeheartedly, don't doubt your own words, Ayane-san!!! [Hikari]

"Umm, sorry Hikari-chan" [Ayane]

"Do we have to go back and exchange my food for something else, he probably hasn't eaten it yet, right?" [Hikari]

"That's already Miura's job, he should be able to stop Altair from getting out of this dungeon by himself." [Louis]

"Louis-san didn't even deny that my homemade food supplies could make Altair choose a misguided path." [Hikari]

"As the head of a party, I must be able to see the worst that could happen." [Louis]

"..... Agggh, Louis-san is evil." [Hikari]

"Haha haha" [Ryoma]

"Hey don't laugh Ryoma, this isn't funny!" [Hikari]

"We'll apologize to Altair together, Hikari-chan. All of this also happened because I gave him the wrong supplies." [Ayane]

"Umm... alright, Ayane-san" [Hikari]

(Please stop discussing this food topic, listening to them already hurts my heart.) [Hikari]

"Ryoma, can you lead us to the location where you found Altair? You found him when Altair was surrounded by Goblins, right?" [Louis]

"We will start the investigation from that point, there could be clues in that area. [Louis]

"Ok, follow me." [Ryoma]

"Just behind those trees was a little open area, we saw Altair who was almost attacked by the Goblins." [Ryoma]

"Look, they're still gathering in that area." [Ryoma]

"Uh, is that normal? What are they doing there? Although Goblins are monsters that live in groups, I don't see any caves nearby." [Kasumi]

"(What Kasumi said is true, normally Goblins would gather in their respective lairs, they wouldn't risk wandering around in this many numbers, except for the hunting squad but with smaller numbers than this. Or maybe there is another trigger that makes these Goblins have to gather at this area?)" [Louis]

"Prepare for battle, we will eradicate these Goblins in search of the necessary clues." [Louis]

"Ready any time" [Ryoma]

"Ok" [Ayane]

"Should I start the attack now, I can just shower them with my arrows." [Hikari]

"Wait a minute Hikari, I have a more efficient plan." [Louis]

"I will agro the surrounding Goblins to gather at one point before I retreat back here, I need Ryoma's help later to escape, before that Kasumi must be ready to cast magic that has a wide attack area, you can shower them with your arrows before Kasumi releases her attack, for Ayane always be ready in case someone is injured, please watch around Kasumi and Hikari when they focus on the target later." [Louis]

"Leave it to me" [Ayane]

"I think Inferno Blast is enough for those Goblins." [Kasumi]

"Ka-chan, please don't pour too much mana into the spell, remember we're close to the trees, I don't want my career end just because of partymates' own carelessness." [Hikari]

"As a fire element user of course I will consider the surrounding area, Hikari-chan, I'm not as careless as you, even if the fire spreads I will extinguish it with my water element." [Kasumi]

"As long as you understand that, it's enough to make me calm." [Hikari]

"I'll follow you at a safe distance, give me the code if you want to escape, Louis-san." [Ryoma]

"Ok, let's get started!" [Louis]