
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Goblin king and mr p...?

"Normal slash" [Louis]

"Taunt!, Provoke!" [Louis]

"Slash" [Louis]

"Come at me if you want to catch me!" [Louis]

"Taunt!, Provoke!" [Louis]

"Normal slash" [Louis]

"Hold on... that Goblin carcass!, ok this could be a clue to the irregularities that occurred on the third floor of this dungeon." [Louis]

"Ryoma, do you hear me?" [Louis]

"Very clear, Louis-san" [Ryoma]

"I'm going to lure all of these Goblins to different areas, after that take care this Goblin King's carcass, we need it as evidence for the report to the guild later." [Louis]

"Leave it to me" [Ryoma]

"Taunt!, provoke!" [Louis]

"Follow me stupid Goblins!" [Louis]

"Slash" [Louis]

"Taunt!" [Louis]


"Ryoma...!!" [Louis]

"(These smoke bombs are very effective at fooling low rank monsters, but when we come up against a more intelligence monster or a high rank monster, things change.") [Ryoma]

"Use that smoke to retreat Louis-san!" [Ryoma]

"As soon as we are in a safe point of attack range Kasumi, immediately sends a signal to them to immediately release the attack." [Louis]

"Hikari, Kasumi attack!!!" [Ryoma]

"Raining Arrow" [Hikari]

"Inferno Blast" [Kasumi]

"(The magic Kasumi uses always looks cool, no matter how many times I saw it)" (Ryoma)

"As expected from one of the best graduates of Wakayama magic institute" [Louis]

"Don't make fun of me Louis-san, there are still many people out there who are better than me." [Kasumi]

"I had no intention of making fun of you, I was complimenting you." [Louis]

"In addition to Kasumi, the rain of arrows that Hikari launched before the spell landed also had a great impact on paralyzing the Goblin horde, with bodies covered in wounds, leaving them with no chance at all to avoid Kasumi's spell, good job Hikari." [Louis]

"Umm yes, since Ayane-san is watching around, we can focus on the front." [Hikari]

"Well, it's true that you all did a good job, not forgetting Ryoma who helped me on the front line to be able to easily retreat whenever it was safe." [Louis]

"Good job everyone!" [Louis]

"You too Louis!, don't forget yourself, if it wasn't for your initiative to gather those goblins at one point for extermination, this mission might have taken even longer." [Ayane]

"Well that's right, Louis-san" [Kasumi]

"Before praising others, at least take a good look at yourself." [Hikari]

"Agreed" [Ryoma]

"Haha haha haha, this uncle doesn't need praise anymore, as long as all the members of this party are fine, that's enough." [Louis]

"Stubborn" [Ayane]

"Yep" [Hikari]

"Indeed" [Kasumi]

"(Without a doubt, Louis-san is the the best leader.)" [Ryoma]

"Okay, then it's time to monitor the surrounding area, whether there are still other Goblin hordes or not." [Louis]

"Ryoma, I leave it to you!." [Louis]

"Okay." [Ryoma]

"Show us where you kept the Goblin King's carcass earlier." [Louis]

"Eh Goblin King? [Hikari]

"Yeah, and I think that's the cause of the mess on this floor." [Louis]

"Over here." [Ryoma]

"Waah, this is really the Goblin King." [Kasumi]

"In that case, I will keep an eye on the surrounding area, if there are any other strange things I will report it immediately." [Ryoma]

"Do you need help, I can accompany you again?" [Hikari]

"This time there is no need, I want to move faster so that this mission can be completed quickly." [Ryoma]

"Okay then." [Hikari]

"Be careful, Ryoma-kun. [Ayane].

"Back as soon as possible if there's any danger, Ryoma" [Kasumi]

"Thank you all, I'm off." [Ryoma]

"Louis, did you beat this?" [Ayane]

"In such a short period of time, it can't be that easy, anyway take a closer look at this Goblin, it died as if without much resistance. Its head separated from its body very neatly, as if it was cut off with a very sharp weapon used by its expert." [Louis]

"or it could be a high-level spell." [Kasumi]

"That's right, although the Goblin King is not a threat to the middle and upper rank parties, it's just that he is quite troublesome to hunt down, with area buffs that increase the ability of his soldiers and him as the highest chain of command that unites all Goblins will definitely make it difficult for middle and lower class adventurers to defeat him." [Hikari]

"Not to forget, the Goblin King's own individual abilities are very strong, because he belongs to the floor boss category." [Kasumi]

"The question is, who defeated this Goblin King?" [Ayane]

"Hey, Louis. Did any other high-ranking party enter this dungeon before us?" [Ayane]

"I don't know that either, we better take a picture of this Goblin first before his corpse is swallowed by the dungeon completely." [Louis]

"...Ok" [Ayane]

"Ah! We are quite lucky, even though the crystal drop is gone but that part is still intact." [Louis]

"Don't tell me..." [Hikari]

" -_- " [Ayane]

"Louis-san, isn't this strange, why would anyone kill the Goblin King just to take his crystal, why wouldn't he take his other body parts, the heart of the Goblin King itself is quite expensive if sold in the guild isn't it?, not to mention the body parts of the Goblin King itself those mr, mr mr-" [Kasumi]

"If you think about it, maybe Kasumi has a point, ummm... do we have to give up all this? The Goblin King's heart itself if sold to the right hand can help many others, not to mention the mr-p of the Goblin King, there must be many men out there dreaming of the legendary pill made from its products." [Louis]

"Louis!!! - __ -" [Ayane]

"I didn't mean..." [Louis]

"How about we just bring all his valuable body parts to the guild with the note that we don't sell them immediately, we leave them with the guild to be kept for a period of one month, if there are no other adventurers who claim this belongs to them I think we can sell it." [Kasumi]

"Hey, isn't that impossible Ka-chan, let alone one month, just one day or maybe even sooner, once the guild announces about the case, there must be a lot of adventurers who admit to having done it, right? The case of the boss floor appearing itself is quite a rare." [Hikari]

"That's right..." [Kasumi]

"I think we can consider Kasumi's idea, we just add a condition that before the adventurer wants to claim the body parts of the Goblin King, they must be able to answer the questions we give, for example under what circumstances the Goblin King died and where he was injured, if they really killed the Goblin King, they must be able to answer these questions easily, right?" [Ayane]

"That idea is interesting, not to mention that the condition in which this Goblin King died is quite unique." [Louis]

"Is it odd for the Goblin King to fall with just one attack, Louis-san?" [Hikari]

"Actually, that question is quite difficult to answer, if you ask if there are no people who can do the same thing to the Goblin King, the answer is a lot. But the people who can do this must be at the highest rank or else they are a very famous party." [Louis]

"People like them rarely undertake missions that provide such meager rewards." [Louis]

"No wonder you said that the dead condition of this Goblin King is unique." [Hikari]

"Alright Louis, we'll leave the dismantled parts to you." [Ayane]

"Hey hey, at least do me a favor too." [Louis]

"We leave it to you!" [Ayane]

"Yes mam!" [Louis]

"Come on Hikari, Kasumi we're looking for the crystal that the Goblins might have dropped over there." [Ayane]

"Alright!, Ayane-san" [Hikari]

"Mooo, Hikari you don't need to be tense like that." [Ayane]

"I'm sorry, Ayane-san." [Hikari]

"Eeeh? You don't have to apologize to me, Hikari." [Ayane]

"We'll leave this one to you, Louis-san." [Kasumi]

"Come on Kasumi, we have to hurry before Ryoma-kun returns." [Ayane]


"After I explored most of this third floor, there aren't any Goblin hordes like in this area anymore, but there are still some Goblins wandering not far from this place." [Ryoma]

"Then it's settled, the cause of the Goblins on this floor becoming more savage is this Goblin king." [Louis]

"Do we need to hunt down the other Goblins that are wandering around? I've marked their location." [Ryoma]

"I don't think that's necessary, we're not here to hunt Goblins, our main mission has already been completed." [Louis]

"It's finally over, I can't wait for our vacation, hehehe." [Hikari]

"Before that you should apologize to Altair for what you did." [Ryoma]

"Why are you treating me as if I've done a crime?" [Hikari]

"Don't forget to apologize, Hikari" [Kasumi]

"Ehhhhh? Ka-chan..." [Hikari]

"I will also apologize with you, Hikari." [Ayane]

"Ayane-san... you're the only one on my side." [Hikari]

"I'm also on your side, Hikari." [Louis]

"I can't believe you Louis-san, you didn't hesitate to name me as a suspect before." [Hikari]

"Umm well, if everyone is gathered, let's go back to where Miura and Altair waiting." [Louis]

"Don't change the subject, Louis-san!" [Hikari]


Talking to Miura gave me a lot of interesting information about this world. Because he thinks I'm losing my memories, he gladly told me all I needed to know, it's a good thing Louis-san appointed this person to accompany me. [Altair]

A lot of the information I received was useful for me in the future, but with all this information I was increasingly confused about responding to it, for example, this dungeon is called Gomadan, this dungeon is located at the foot of Mount Gomadanzan which is located in Wakayama prefecture, Japan. [Altair]

Hearing the familiar things above makes me wonder, am I in another world or is it just a coincidence that the name of the place is similar to the one on earth?. When I get out of this dungeon, I guess I have to confirm again what Miura said is completely true or not. [Altair]

In addition to the important information I got from Miura, he also provided other info that I didn't really need, such as info about his dream of becoming one of the strongest warriors of this world, or info about the ideal type of woman he likes. Although I wasn't interested in the topic and tried to keep quiet hoping that Miura would change the topic, but I underestimated Miura. He had no problem to keep talking, even if it was only one-way. [Altair]

Fortunately, all of Miura's babbling came to an end as soon as we saw Louis-san and the others approaching, I guess their work was done, now it was time to get out of this dungeon. [Altair]