
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Altair first contact...? (2)

{Back to main pov}

{Go back in time before Altair met the Cup of Tea party.}

"The Goblins here are surprisingly weak, unlike the Goblins in the Dimensional Rift." [Altair]

Even without weapons, I could have defeated this horde of Goblins but the problem was that there were quite a lot of them.

"Oops, that big Goblin almost landed an attack, he's pretty tough too even though he already received a kick from me and was thrown away, well there's no other choice." [Altair]

"Wind Cutter." [Altair]

With its head detached from its body, there's no way it's going to get up again, right? I guess I should check whether there's a drop item or not, the Goblins in this area are a little different from those in the Dimensional Rift, for example in terms of strength and also in terms of drop items, if in the Dimensional Rift each Goblin would drop a crystal when killed. However this Goblin, not all of them drop crystals.

Not to mention the shape of the crystal is also very different, the crystals that these Goblins drop are smaller, more or less like pebbles.

"Nice!!! This time there is a drop item, The body's size of this Goblin is not a waste. Hmmm it's a bit different from the smaller Goblin crystal, if you look closely, it turns out that there is a kind of small crown on this crystal. [Altair]

I guess killing this big one made the little Goblins angry, I don't know what sound they made, whether it was crying or screaming but one thing is for sure their anger was all directed at me.

"Oh, you can't accept your friend being killed, can you?" [Altair]

"But if I were in a weak position, you'd be happy to see prey approaching this area right?." [Altair]

My provocation was like pouring oil on a smouldering fire, it worked perfectly, his friends from the nearby area also started to arrive. Whether they heard the signal from each other or not, this was enough to help me annihilate them while using an attack spell that had a wide scope.

"Okay, line up neatly, Fire - - ah shit, from behind!!" [Altair]

Enemy attack misses?

What is this smoke?

"Ooooy quickly get out of there, use that smoke to trick the enemy's vision" [Hikari]

Eeeeh? People's voices? I thought I wouldn't be able to see people anymore.

. . . .

"So, what are you doing there by yourself? [Hikari]

Japanese? But I could understand what she was saying, oh so this is the meaning of one of the new skills I got. Uh wait a minute the ears are a bit different, ELF? Is this true!!? Is it a native of this area? [Altair]

"Heii did you hear me?" [Hikari]

"I don't know what I'm doing there either." [Altair]

I hope she understands what I'm saying. [Altair]

"Huh? You didn't know?" [Hikari]

"Don't tell me you don't know your own name either?" [Hikari]

Thankfully she understood what I was saying, it would have been troublesome if this skill only made me understand their language but they didn't understand what I was saying. [Altair]

"At least I remember that, I'm Altair." [Altair]

"Oh nice to meet you Altair, I'm Hikari." [Hikari]

"Where are the rest of your party?" [Hikari]

"Party? I'm here alone." [Altair]

"You entered the dungeon alone, isn't it dangerous?" [Hikari]

"Dungeon?" [Altair]

From the Dimensional Rift through to the dungeon? And here I'm hope those light vortex will bring me to normal place. [Altair]

"What!? You don't know where we are either?" [Hikari]

"Uggh my head hurts, we better wait for the rest of my party to catch up, this area seems safe from those Goblins." [Hikari]

Wow, is there anyone else? Is the party all elves? Or are there other races too? This elf girl also said that this was inside a dungeon, so the possibility of me being in another world was getting clearer. [Altair]

"Hikari-san, is your party working on a mission or something?" [Altair]

"San? (am I that old in his eyes?) ah yes like that, our party received a mission from the adventure guild to.....-" [Hikari]

Thanks to the information I received from this elf girl, I got a little idea about this world, not long after our conversation Hikari saw her party members from a distance and called them. [Altair]

{The conversation goes back to the previous chapter}

"I'm one of the victims?" [Altair]

What victim is Louis-san referring to here, does he know about the Dimensional Rift, or is he talking about something else? [Altair]

"Victim of what, Louis-san?" [Miura]

Nice cover, as the saying goes, silence is gold, I'm currently harvesting that gold. [Altair]

"As you know, this world is rich in culture and beliefs, Altair might be one of the victims." [Ayane]

"Oh yeah, just like the news we watched yesterday Ka-chan, there are still people who practice the traditions of ancient traditions until now." [Hikari]

"But I didn't expect us to meet the victim in person, which is still quite young." [Kasumi]

"Can you explain the details to me? Ryoma and I don't understand what you're talking about." [Miura]

Nice double cover, this Miura is very helpful, I don't have to talk much, it makes me not suspected. [Altair]

"Don't mix me up with you Miura, at least I follow the news that's a hot topic these days." [Ryoma]

"Read the atmosphere Ryoma..." [Miura]

"Said someone who never cared about the atmosphere around. [Ryoma]

"Let me explain the phenomenon." [Louis]

"These heretical syndicates have emerged from ancient times, and are still active until now, their activities vary greatly but on average harm other parties, they are not afraid of the law, the government or anything else. Once they move, all of their members do not hesitate to commit crimes, kidnappings, murders, smuggling, sacrificing living beings, strange rituals, everything they do always has a negative impact." [Louis]

"If possible, you should not deal with this syndicate, once you enter their target network then you will have a hard time getting out, and I think Altair is a sacrificial victim for this dungeon." [Louis]

"Does that mean we're thwarting their work? What will happen to us? Are we going to be the next target of their syndicate?" [Kasumi]

That's right, if there really is a heretical syndicates that seems to have become immune to the law and is not afraid of the government, what they (cup of tea) are doing right now is against the syndicate, the problem is that I am not the sacrifice of the syndicate for this dungeon. [Altair]

Should I run away from this party? But I don't know the way out of this dungeon, or should I just be honest about my situation? No. That's not an option, I still don't know who's an enemy and who's an ally,- [Altair]

"Calm down Kasumi-chan, the syndicate doesn't care about the person they sacrifice, even if that person can survive after being sacrificed they don't want to bother looking for that person again, right Louis?" [Ayane]

"Umm, that's right, although they don't care, there is one thing they take from these victims." [Louis]

"What is it, Louis-san?" [Miura]

"The victims are always made to forget their memories, they do this to make it difficult for investigators to track them down in case there is a step event where the victims survive." [Louis]

"So, don't worry too much Kasumi-chan, we'll discuss this again after we finish our main mission." [Louis]

"Altair-kun, can you wait here for a moment, we will investigate this floor as soon as possible." [Louis]

"Can I ask you a favour?" [Altair]