
Trap in arranged love

Stolen_heart_19 · Histoire
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12 Chs


About five years ago, Draven tried to kill Adric, he survived but nobody knows who was behind the attack. After the investigation, Draven was found guilty and exiled to commit a treason. But after a year he again attacked and got killed by Adric. So how is it possible that he is alive?

Draven was known for his anger, cruelty and his strange way of giving punishment. And that was the reason even being a firstborn he was not crown prince. She has heard many stories of his cruelty, he cut the hands of his servant just because the food was a little salty. He forced a maid to strip on suspicion of rob. He is like a sick person, who can do anything without any further thoughts. He is a psychopath.

The carriage strode towards deep in the forest. Every second feels like years and terror rushes in her veins. "Let me go, please" she begged, with a shaking voice. A chuckle leaves his mouth "Why are you in a hurry sister-in-law, we didn't even meet properly yet and you want to leave" his lips curl in a smirk.

She didn't know what to do so she started screaming for help. But there was no one to help her in the dark and cold forest. Her voice was echoing in the dense forest. A manic laugh starts echoing in the forest with her scream. That was so horrible. "Shut your mouth otherwise I will silt your throat into pieces and feed the dogs" his threat was deadly and scary.

She gulped throw her dry throat, she wished Adric would come from anywhere to save her. She sobbed in her hands, her tears were drenching her clots and her eyes were red.

The carriage stopped somewhere in the forest. She could feel that someone was trying to open the door but she closed it from inside. She keeps quiet in the carriage and wishes that the door didn't open. After struggling for a few minutes, he loses his patience and growl "open the fucking door". He moves his hands throw his hair in annoyance and this time he screams "Open the door otherwise I will burn the whole carriage being you sitting inside".

She shivered from his threat but didn't dare to open the door and next a loud bang came on the door. He was kicking the door as hard as he could. Within no time the door opened with a loud thud. She screams when he rushes inside, grabs her hand abruptly and yanks her out of the carriage.

She protests, throwing her hand in punches on his back but her weak punches hardly affect him. He drags her towards a cave that is hidden behind the rocks. The cave was cold and dark, he dragged her inside where there was enough light to see.

He looks somehow similar to Adric because they are brothers. He has a perfect male physique with toned muscles. He had a handsome face but it can't hide his cruelty. He may look like a god but he is a demon in reality.

He throws her on the hard floor, and her whole body shivers in pain." Please… please…..let me go, I am begging you, please" she pleads when he starts coming towards her with steady steps. He looks like a wild animal who is watching his prey with hungry eyes. "Why are you doing this" she brunt out. "Don't you know why I am doing this" he chuckled and sat on his feet in front of her "You don't know, why I am doing this" his voice was calm. "For the thorn" she snapped out.

He laughs hard "See you know" he places his knuckles over her cheeks and rubs. She quickly removed his hands "Don't touch much me, you…" she stopped before completing her sentence "Basted" he finished her sentence. He grabbed her cheek tightly and squeezed it making her look at his eyes "Dare to say that again and I will throw you in front of animals" his expression was fatal.

"You are a coward that's why you kidnap me instead of directly fighting with Prince Adric" she yells and instantly regrets it because his eyes were gleaming into something scary. He clings her hair and lands a hard slap on her cheek, and a cry of pain leaves her lips.

"I am a coward? Hmm," he hissed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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