
Trap in arranged love

Stolen_heart_19 · History
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12 Chs

sorry for late coming

He grabbed her hair full hand and dragged her into a dark area of the cave. There was not a single ray of light. Her tussle was futile; he was stronger than her. He throws her inside the dark room like she weighs nothing. She crashed on the hard floor with a loud cry of pain.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the room was lit up. She crashed right in front of the bed. Suddenly a strong hand again grabbed her hair "I am begging you, please let me go…..please" Her voice was a mere whisper. "You know what I enjoy your cries of pain" he hissed in her ear.

He harshly throws her on the bed and slowly comes closer to her. He looks like no more than a monster now. She screamed for help but in return, only her scream echoed in the quiet room. He holds both hands in his firm grip making it hard for her to move. She kicked her several times but he didn't budge even an inch.

"I am going to leave a deep scar on him through you" and his manic laugh shatters every hope that was left within her. He tried to kiss her lips but she tugged her lips inside her mouth and moved her face away from him. "Still trying hard, sister-in-law" than a hard slap landed on her face and her lips opened from the cry. He took advantage of it and crashed her lips on her, she struggled in his tight grip.

A hard kick landed on his back and caught him off guard. He crashed on the hard and cold floor but before he could sense the situation, a bunch of kicks and punches left him unconscious on the floor. "How dare you to lay your filthy hands on my wife" Adric barked like a crazy while kicking continuously on his unconscious body.

A continuous sobbing grabs his attention and what he saw was enough to raise his blood and kill this bastard. Amelia was a total mess her hair was tangled all over her face, her clothes were muddy and her cheeks were swollen. All her body was covered with bruises; she didn't look like a princess. Due to continuous crying, her eyes were red.

Adric's gaze softens after seeing his wife's helpless condition. Her sob got louder after seeing the Adric. A bunch of footsteps tried to approach them but before they entered inside, a deadly warning stopped them "Don't you dare to take another step; otherwise I will throw you all alive in front of hungry lions". And that was enough for them to stick on their spot.

He took a sheet and wrapped it around her, he tried to console her. "Stop crying, I am here" his voice was soft and reassuring to her. She started throwing punches at his chest "You are a liar, you said that to me earlier also but you left me alone" her words were trembling "I am sorry" it was just what he said and he pulled her closer in his embrace. She stopped fighting and got lost in her husband's warm embrace.


I am sorry for the late updates and short content. I was sick and still recovering from it but I will try to continue with my updates.