
This Anticlimactic Life Of Mine

Everyone wants that stomach fluttering, heart thumping, high squealing romance that you read in the middle of the night – or even during the day – right? So do I, but reality isn’t much of what I expected. I’ll achieve it…that novel romance!

DaoistXFKRnn · Sports, voyage et activités
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7 Chs

I Just Might Fall For You

It's finally morning! I almost couldn't sleep a wink last night as butterflies swarmed my stomach whenever I thought of Jace. We spent the entire time exchanging minor details about ourselves until the devil's hours advanced upon us and the conversation swerved to a dangerous zone, sex.

I, of course, was overflowing with knowledge via my romance obsession so I aced those questions like a pro – fingers flying over those keys to describe all that I'd learnt. He seemed impressed but tried to test my resolve with a tricky request. Send me a picture of yourself. What did he mean by that? Was I to go with the mood of conversation and take a chance? Or should I take a simple selfie with my carrot pillowcase squished beneath me? I went with the obvious choice. I swept a bit of gloss and mascara on before doing my best to lay on my seductive charm.

Attempt: Failed. My message was left on read after that. That's how I spent the rest of the night stressing before the fog of sleep eventually claimed me.

I'm awoken by the screeches of my number one annoyance. Darius, bless his soul, thought it was a good idea to clang the kitchen pans behind my door.

"Wakey, wakey!" The incessant metal against metal scratched my brain.

I snatch the door open, swinging my fists in an instant. He reels out of the way and cackles as he waddles down the stairs, stopping only to return the cooking utensils before snagging his bag and shooting me a salute as he leaves.

His arm's alright it seems. I trod across the fluffy carpet, yawning as I hunch over the rustic vanity, angling my head side to side in the mirror.

"I look okay." I thought aloud, concluding that Jace probably fell asleep.

I complete the meager process of readying myself, grooming my rats' nest into a gelled ponytail and right as I'm closing my windows I sight Riley in a heated discussion with…Is that Jace? I zoom to where they stood, hair swishing across my back.

"Hi!" I chirp. "What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious that I'm here to go to school with my girlfriend." His eyes roll skyward.

She sizes him up. "Is she supposed to feel grateful to you because of that?"

He shrugs.

"You've only just started dating, there's no reason for you to do that." She eyes him up and down. "Come on Mini, let's go."

"No can do, she'll be going with me." He pulls me close, holding my eyes captive. "Right, babe?"


"Maybe I-I'll go with him Riley." I splutter.

She pinches her nose bridge, releasing a rough exhale. "Are you honestly that much of a sucker because he called you "babe"?"


"Can't you see that he's playing you because you're oozing of desperation?" Her voice swells.

Jace barks a laugh. "That's harsh."

"I don't mean to be but I'm stating an obvious." Her words fall on deaf ears.

I tug his sleeve as I depart, signaling his compliance. "Let's go."

"Mini are you serious?" My defiance holds fast. "Minami, I'm warning you for your own good."

I proceed without pause.

"Fine, but don't you dare call me when you see that I'm right!" She stomps ahead of us, swerving the distant sharp corner that led to our school.

I peek up at Jace. "I'm sorry you had to witness that."

"It's nothing." His reply was curt as he gazed ahead in a daze.

I was never one to appreciate the beauty of this residential area, but today as I leisurely stroll beside Jace, I notice how the sky paints a glow of prismatic tints, creeping along the bricked houses, alighting our way in silence. The wind danced in the tulip trees and rustled the oaks that were scattered around, greeting the hatchlings that cooed for their mothers. I'm so intrigued by the neighborhood cats that prowled through the daisies lining the outside walls that I almost missed the way a trail of ants orderly marched beneath my sneakers into the streetside garbage bins, possibly getting an early start of hoarding for the hibernation.

"Where are you going, school's this way." I shoot a thumb in the direction behind me as Jace ignored the turn for our school.

Without so much of an acknowledgement, he places his hands behind his head as he struts down the street.

"You're going the wrong way."


"Hey!" I close the distance, stepping in his path with my arms outstretched at the sides. "Where are you going?"

"Just follow me." His eyes alight with mischief as he smirks down at me.


"Go to school if you want." He nudges his head in the direction Riley went. "You can even make up with your friend while you're at it."


He overtakes me. My lungs burn as my head whips to the school's path and Jace's retreating back. I take a step his way, but just as soon, retract it and back pedal for a moment. My heart constricts as Jace grows smaller. I take one last glance behind me and dash toward him, squeezing my arms around his waist.

"I'll go with you."

"Great." He dislocates me from his body. "Let's go."

I hop beside him, nerves playing throughout my body as I begin this adventure to…

"Hey where are we going?" I glimpse at him, sighting an array of undressed piercings.

His bored gaze dig into mine. "You'd see when we get there."

I drifted alongside him, preoccupied with my sunflower laces. I can already imagine the disappointment in Riley's eyes when she realizes I'm missing. My classmates would think we're playing hooky. I don't even know what we're doing. I want to ask again but I'm afraid he changes his mind and chase me away.

"Take this." I'm tossed a navy hoodie. "Put that on?"

"Why?" I almost gag at the overwhelming orange blossoms and vanilla that engulfs me.

"Do I need to spell it out for you." He slips into a matching one. "Anyone would recognize this grey and red from a mile away."

I begrudgingly don the hoodie before we enter a bustling street. It stood in contrast to the dullness of my neighborhood, with its blaring horns, rushing feet and raised voices as people hurried to their various locations. No one bats an eye at us. After ten minutes of maneuvering through the hot crowds, we enter a building and I'm immediately thankful for the air conditioning. The jingling of coins ring throughout the space, accompanied by the grunts and satisfaction of those that played the games surrounding us. Jace approaches a glass display case to our right containing an array of toys, returning after purchasing a pouch of tokens.

"Hey, is that you Skater?" A group of boys who I figured were our age stepped inside the arcade.

"Yo!" Jace hollers and pockets the tokens. "I'll be back."

He nears the guys, greet each other with a handshake. As they chat, one of them look my way, confusion written on his face. I awkwardly wave at him, and he wiggles his fully ringed fingers in response. I thought I would be introduced but instead Jace returns to my side and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pivoting me around as he heads further into the arcade. I glance back at the boys and notice them suspiciously smiling at me.

"Were they your friends?" We stop at two EM car racing game.

"Yeah." He puts coins in both, and they come to life. "They're from another school."

My eyes widen at the screen, mouth slightly agape when the game begins. "You can hang out with them if you want."

"No. I came here with you." His car surpasses mine.

I do my best to swerve the obstacles. "But who knows when you'd see them again."

"Don't worry about that." My car crashes into his from behind. "You're playing dirty."

I giggle as I smash into him again. "Anything to win."

"I like that." He accelerates. "But, you can't win against me with those petty tricks."

The game comes to an end as he crosses the finish line. He turns to me. "Now, lay one on me for winning."

I tilt my head to the left. "What do you mean?"

"I just won, so give me one." He puckers his lip.

I feel the heat permeating my cheeks. "What? No!"

"Every time I beat you, you've got to give me one." He moves to another game.

I cup my cheeks as I trod behind him. "I never agreed to that."

"No, but you'd do it anyway," He smirks as we raise the weapons for a zombie themed game. "Won't you?"

I gulp for air. "Yes."

"Great." The countdown on the screen begins.




He smashes a peck to the side of my chin. "Next time, it's your turn."

My eyes gleam as I tried to defeat him in every game we battled on, but it was much to my avail. Each time YOU LOSE shone on my screen, I was forced to comply to my punishment, so I would discreetly moisten my lips with saliva and lightly graze them wherever he pointed to on his face. Our adventurous trip came to an end as the afternoon sun blazed. We took off to a nearby food establishment hidden in an alleyway. It exuded a homey atmosphere with its rustic theme and aromatic smell of grounded coffee. We hunkered down into a corner seat and placed an order of chicken tenders and fries. I tried for small talk.

"Do you come here often?"

"About once a week." He leans his elbows on the table. "Do you like it?"

I surveyed the area, spotting a line of dazzling chandeliers at the center that felt out of place. "It's cozy."

He sizzles into the space beside me. "It's perfect for dates."

"Is it?" I glide my fingers on the penny tiled panel.

I'm startled when a smouch lands on my neck.

I scoot to the wall, trapped. "What are you doing?" My voice trembles.

He snuggles into me, placing featherlike kisses to my collarbone.

"Hey, we're in a restaurant." I arms grow weak as I push against him.

He continues his onslaught. "That's why we're in a secluded spot."

"But." I yelp as he bites down on me." The waitress can come anytime."

"Guess we'd have to finish up fast." He pulls my skin between his lips, causing a stifled groan to escape me.

He chuckles. "You can let it out."

"No!" I squeal, embarrassed when I see the waitress return with our food.

Up went her brows when she realizes what's happening. Her lashes sweep upwards as she blinked. "Here's your food," she says then eyes Jace up and down.

"Thank you." I cover my embarrassment in my hands.

She takes one last glimpse at Jace and huffs as she leaves.

He bursts into laughter. "We got caught."

"I'm ashamed."

"Don't be." He pulls my chin to face his.

I'm beat red, my eyes shifting to anywhere but his.

"You've had the cutest reactions." He mutters.

I furrow my brows. "What?"

"Let's eat." He evades my question and it's simply forgotten when we chow down.

It's delicious and the plates are cleared in no time. The waitress comes by to deliver our bill, to which Jace offers to pay and I'm practically sprinting out of the restaurant. Jace casually exits after me and ruffles my hair. He suggested we spend the remaining hours of daylight at school because he "felt sluggish from the meal," and I agreed. We raced through the streets until we arrived behind the school's castle walls.

"Come on, I'll hoist you up." He clasps his fingers and gives me a boost. I begin to wonder how he'd get up, but he runs up the wall with ease before settling down on the other side and stretching his hands up to me. "Jump."

I bite my lip. "But I'm heavy."

"Just jump."

I take the plunge, landing safely in his arms.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" He carefully places me on my feet and brushes the stray strands behind my ear.

"Thank you."

We crossed the concrete ground, entering the halls that led to class.

"Minami!" Riley's ear-splitting scream echoes throughout the hallway. I catch sight of her at a distance stomping my way. I know how furious she must be at me right now and it's going to make matters worse...but I wheeled around and fled. I zigzag through the halls, doing my best to get lost in the horde of students. As I sharply bend a corner, I accidentally collide with a solid body that upon observation, recognize belongs to Ryan. He cast a glance in the direction I came from, sensing the predicament I was in and tugged me into a nearby empty classroom.

I'm wheezing from the lack of air. "Thanks for that."

"Where'd she go?" I pick up her voice outside the door. Neither of us say a word until her steps retreat.

"I'll stay here for the meanwhile." I plopped down on a cold desk. "You can leave."

He sat himself in the chair situated in front of me. "Where have you been?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business." I squint down at him.

His calloused hands grasp my thigh, sending a current of electricity buzzing through me. "I'll make it my business."

"If I remember correctly," I shake my leg, but his grip tightens. "You told me to get lost, am I right?"

"Somewhat." His hand rises dangerously - my breath hitches. "But, I regret that now."

"Can you stop that?" I go to kick him, but his free hand catches my calf and hoists it up. He stations himself between my legs, releasing my ponytail from its hold.

I lurch back in surprise. "Hey, cut it out!" I try scrambling out of his grip, but he pins his weight on me, making it impossible to flee. "What's your problem?"

"You were out with him." Malice drips from his voice.

It wasn't a question, but I answer anyway. "Yes!"

"He's not as nice as you think." He rasps.

I glower. "He's my boyfriend, I'll be the judge of that."

"I bet he likes how easy you put out."

My hand reels back and strike his face, stinging upon impact. A bitterness creeps into my mouth.

"You're a piece of shit." I spat.

A faint tremor of amusement plays on his lips. "I wonder how he'd react if he saw you in this position?"

"I hate you." I was seething as I gazed up at him.

His nostrils flare. "The feeling might be mutual."

As tears simmer in my eyes, his forehead furrows before he jerks away, clutching his hair.

"I-. He hangs his head. "I didn't mean…"

I flew off the desk, staggering as I make my way to the door. I trod down the halls, devoid of all emotion when I step inside the classroom. Riley's nowhere in sight so I'm able to drift toward my desk without being bombarded with questions. I lay my head down and thankfully Jace doesn't pry into my mood but instead silently rake his fingers through my hair. We remain like this until the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. My classmates stroll inside.

"Dude what's wrong with your face?"

"A wild animal attacked me." My body stiffens at his voice.

"Where have you been?" Riley knocks on my desk. "What's the matter with her?"

"You're not the cause of this?" Jace softly taps my head.

"I haven't seen her since she disappeared." She pats my hair. "Mini, what's wrong?

I sniffle as I croak out a curt "I'm okay."

"No, you're not." She lifts my head, revealing my tear stains. "What happened?"

She gives Jace a look of suspicion. "What'd you do?"

"Nothing, she entered and placed her head down." He defends himself.

"And you didn't think to ask her anything." She rolls her eyes. "Some boyfriend you are."

"Thought you didn't approve of us."

"I don't." She shot back. "But if you're gonna carry that title, then at least act like it." She lifts my arm in an attempt to raise me up. "Come on let's go wash your face before the teacher arrives."

She turns the faucet on when we reach, carefully leaning my face over the sink and wiping water over it. I'm appalled at the person staring back at me in the mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen against her paleness. That can't be me.

"Are you going to tell me what happened to you, or am I gonna have to pry it out?" She sits herself on the countertop.

I snigger and do the same. "Well, you can pry."

"Don't play." She pokes my side, causing me to giggle. "Tell me, is it Ryan again?"

I nod.

Her expression hardens. "That mother-

"Don't." I clutch her hand. "I'm already over it."

"No, you're not." She wipes a tear that appears to have strayed.

I force a smile. "Then, I will be…soon."

"I know you will." She side hugs me, swiping her hands in an up-down motion on my upper arm. "But still, tell me what he did."

I shake my head, leaving her buried in the quicksand of ignorance.

"Okay, maybe not today, but another."

I softly smile. "Let's go to class."

"Let's skip it." She declares, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

I chuckle. "Class president skipping, who's the cause of this influence?"

"Are we doing it or not?"

"Not, I've already been absent for half the day." I straighten my hair into another ponytail.

"Yes!" She pops off the counter, an eyebrow slanting in strong disapproval. "Where have you been all day?"

"An arcade." I open the door, ready to return to class.

"With Jace?"


"Mini, are you truly serious about this?" She screws up her face. "Can't you see there's something strange about it?"

"Yes, yes." I give a dismissal wave of my hand.

She slaps her hands on her hip. "You're not listening to me."

"That's for sure." We make our way back to class.

"You can be so annoying when you get like this." She smacks her forehead.

I only shrug.

"By the way, can you help me look after my nephews this weekend? You know they enjoy playing with you." Her tone softens.

"Sure. I like those kids."

We arrive back at class just before the teacher and as I take my seat, Jace connects our hands under the desk.

"Are you better now?" He whispers.

I nod.

"I figured out a way to cheer you up." He continues. "Come with me to a place this Saturday."

"Where?" I lower my voice to match his, placing my head down.

His eyes sparkle. "That's a secret."

"I'll be there."

"Yeah?" His eyebrows raise.

My eyes close on themselves. "Yes."

"Would you go anywhere with me?"

"Yes." I hum.


I squeeze his hand. "Yes, truly."

"You're a funny girl."

I peek out my left eye. "Why do you say that?"

"No reason." He releases my hand to twirl my hair. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when class is over."

"Okay." I yawn. "I just might fall for you."

His hand pauses for a second before continuing its play.