
This Anticlimactic Life Of Mine

Everyone wants that stomach fluttering, heart thumping, high squealing romance that you read in the middle of the night – or even during the day – right? So do I, but reality isn’t much of what I expected. I’ll achieve it…that novel romance!

DaoistXFKRnn · Teen
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7 Chs

Candidate #1

"Minami!" My heart skips as I'm yanked out of the clouds by the pounding resonating through my room. "Come, let's have a talk."

I groan and make my way to the door, already knowing what it's going to be about. I get to the couch where Darius sits with a cast on his left arm. I lay on his lap, sleep already taking me under again.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" I vaguely hear my mom ask.

Darius roughly pinches my neck.

"Ow, ow ow!" I cover my neck, wide awake from the onslaught. "That's gonna bruise you know!"

"Mom's talking to you."

"I'm talking to the both of you." She smacks his shoulder.

"Huh?" His eyes widen, "What did I do?"

"Let's not drag this on longer than it should be, you both know what you did wrong."

Sighing in sync we look at each other, unamused.

"I'm sorry I pranked you with hair dye."

"I sorry I hit you with a bat and sprained your hand."

Cue the fake smile and embrace. "Hugs!"

"Alright, we've made up." I rise and head to my room to get ready.

"I've got practice to get to." Darius grabs his bag and leaves.

I'm somewhat robotic as I go through my skincare steps and freshen up, only breaking character to admire how my hair appeared to suck out all the light around it. I don't look bad with black hair, do I? I may have the appearance of a ghost but still, guys may like this. Donning my uniform, I once again exit this room with high school as my destination. I wave to Riley when I see her approaching.

"Good morning."

"Don't "good morning me." She smacks my hand down. "You never explained why you abandoned me yesterday."

"I didn't abandon you." The wind lashes my face as if to reprimand me for my obvious lie.

"Right, right. You only bolted out of the school without me." She describes the action with her body, causing my shoulder to shake at her antics.

"I did not look like that." I wheeze and catch up to her.

"You did!" She clutches her chest as her booms. "I thought there was an emergency but then you texted me last night with a simple 'I went home, sorry.' Like what was the reason?"

"I had an altercation with you know who." I lower my gaze.

"Ryan?" She grabs my shoulder, worry lacing her voice "Hey, what'd he say to you?"

"He said…"


I expose my pearly whites. "He said to stay out of his sight."

"You don't care huh?"


"Had me worried for a second." She lightly punches my arm.

A firetruck suddenly blares.

"When are you going to change that alarm." I hold my chest.

"Crap, I forgot I had to prepare my brother for school today since mom left early." Her feet thumps loudly on the cobblestone as she bolts back home. "I'll see you at school!"

The walk takes almost no time and I merrily skip my way through the empty bleach filled hallway to 2 B. Upon entering I notice a guy with his headphones on lounging in the chair next to mine. He pays me no mind as I move toward my desk but the moment I place my bag down, he suddenly slides them off his head and greets me.

"Mornin'" Sounds like it's the first time he's spoken for the day.

"Good morning." I hope I didn't betray how impressed I was by the tremors.

"You seem to be in a good mood." He observes. "That's good."

I don't know who this guy is but is he possibly candidate number one for a boyfriend?

Or so I thought but he slips his headphones back on, ending any sort of conversation before it even began. I survey the room, mentally applauding myself for being early enough to admire the sight of the twenty-eight vacant desks. Taking advantage of the peace, I use this opportunity to continue where I left off in a romance novel I was reading titled 'Bad Good Girl Boy.' Honestly, the scenes described so far were so drool worthy, I might have accidentally stained one of the pages.

As I become engrossed in the book, the classroom slowly fills itself, coming alive with the presence of others. One minute there's only simple chattering and the next, I hear squealing coming from down the corridor, almost as though a celebrity arrived. The high pitch stops outside the classroom and my curiosity got the best of me, so I glance up but instantly regret it when Ryan and mine eyes meet.


I display a face full of disgust and return to my book. It's just about to reach a good part when someone thought it was funny to grab my book.

I look up in annoyance. "Give me my book."

"Are you really reading smut right now?" She cackles.

"I'm actually surprised you know the name of a genre. Now give me back my book."

I try reaching for it, but she jerks back. "Uh, uh, uh." She points a well-polished, pointed nail at me.

"Tell me," I rub my temple, "What could possibly be your problem this early in the morning." Maybe if we talk about this civilly we can end this on a good note.

"How dare you read this kind of thing in a place meant for learning?"

I should not mention how she's probably done those scenes in class. Instead, I muster "Please give me my book." Kindness straining to see the light.


I'm aware that we're beginning to garner attention. Not wanting this to drag on any longer I swiftly reach for the book, successfully claiming it and placing it in my desk. The action may have caused pain to her nails because she takes one glance at them and next thing I know, her palm is closing in on me. I close my eyes, prepared for the impact but there wasn't any. Squinting through my lashes, what greets me is my desk mate roughly holding her hand back.

"Let me go!" She struggles but to no avail.

I'm about to suggest he release her so as to not create even more of a scene that we already have but Ryan emerges out of nowhere and seizes his hand from hers.

"What the hell man." Ryan shoves his hand away.

"You got a problem with me?" My desk mate rises from his seat, easily matching Ryan's height that appears to be about six feet. "Did you not see what almost transpired."

"Should've just let her be hit." He eyes me sourly.

"So that's the kind of guy you are." Desk mate retakes his seat. "Pathetic."

Ryan, clearly offended by his words grabbed his collar, yanking him off the chair with ease. Desk mate, seemingly not timid at all, roughly clutches on to Ryan's as well.

"Umm, guys, I think you should calm down now." I do my best to ease the tension while keeping a lookout for any teacher that might enter.

"Yeah, Ryan, Miss Patterson could be here any minute now." The beauty tries to reason with him, and I find amusement in that act.

"You caused this."

She has the nerve to look shocked. "How did I cause that?"

I state the obvious. "You shouldn't have tried to hit me."

"Who told you to read smut?"

"Who's reading what?" Ms. Patterson queries. "What's going on in here?"

She takes one look at the four of us. "Office, now." Her arm jiggles as she directs her finger out the door.

How is it that I've been here two days in a row? We reluctantly enter the office, shuffling across the mahogany rug and plastering ourselves to the wall. When Mr. Moors notices our party, his eyebrows scrunch down.

"What seems to be the matter?"

"I saw those two," she points at the guys, "going at it and those girls mentioned there being a book with sexual content.

Deciding to deal with our issue first, he outstretches his hand. "Where's the book?"

"Here." Beauty places the book in his hand. When did she pick that up?

"Tell me what this book entails." He flips through the pages.

"It's about a guy and a girl who compete with cooking, except that the girl can't cook so the guy always has to help her." I explain.

"So, what's this talk about it being smut." Ms. Patterson asks.

"She misunderstood because of the title and cover."

"Is that so?" Mr. Moors pipes in. "Well, I can see how one might with that shirtless man."

"Now then," he returns my book, "tell me what went down between you two."


Ryan starts but my desk mate cuts him off. "Stephanie over there tried to slap her so I intervened when this imbecile suddenly got in my face."


"I'm Stephanie." She stiffly lifts her hand.

"Okay, look." He glances at his watch. "I'm actually quite busy but from what I know, you're supposed to go on a bonding trip today." He looks to Mr. Patterson for confirmation.

"Yes, that's correct."

"Good. The four of you should form a group and bond." He claps as though it's the greatest idea he's ever had.

"Good idea." Ms. Patterson nods. "Let's be on our way."

On the way to the bus, I nudge my seating partner. "Thank you."

He grunts in response and walks ahead. Before we enter the bus, miss does a little announcement.

"Alright, you guys are to be in groups of five, either three boys and two girls or the other way around." She declares. "Take this time to form your groups, the class president should note them down and hand them to me before we depart. After you've done that, get on the bus."

"Let's go." Stephanie pushes past me.

"But we don't have our fifth person."

"Sure, you do." My head swivels at the voice and there standing behind me is the otherworldly being from before.

"Name's Elliot." He flashes a smile and glides his finger through his hair, easily drawing my attention to his platinum mullet. "Call me Eli, we'll get along just fine."

I gawk like a moron. "Hello."

He only chuckles and enters the bus.

The bus ride was uneventful and short. We arrived at a nearby park with lush grass and blooming trees of all kinds. Multicolored benches were scattered about, and each group was assigned an area. The goal was to discover something in common we might have with each other but the moment we arrived at our spots, everyone did their own thing.

I sat on a lone bench and closed my eyes, listening to the sound of the leaves that were rustling in the breeze while the birds sang their tune. I was beginning to relax as the gentle rays kissed my cheeks until a loud squeak broke my tranquility. As I opened my eyes in the direction of the noise, I notice Stephanie and Ryan at a bench together at a distance. She seemed to be inching onto his lap ever so slowly and as if sensing my gaze, she shoots me a glare and promptly plants her butt on him.

I remove my innocent eyes and observe that Elliot was on my far left flirting with some girls from another group causing them to giggle. That reminds me… this day's practically over but I haven't even gotten my foot through the door at assessing the scenes for potential boyfriend candidates and to think, Stephanie was the only person to approach me today yet with evil intentions. I frown her way for a bit with that in mind. I'm so caught up in my own thoughts that I don't even notice when my seatmate planted himself beside me until he speaks up.

"What's got you so deep in thought?"

I jolt. "Nothing much."

"Huh." Pursing his lips, he glanced in the direction of my stares. "Doesn't seem like it, you're gonna cause a fire with that gaze."

"It's nothing like that." I cough and trace my fingers on the textured bench, "but I guess it's because I see them like that and sort of wish that was me with someone."

I shouldn't have said that, I mentally scold myself. Before I could correct my words my thoughts were interrupted. "Interesting." He eyes me. "You want to do PDA?"

"No, I want a boyfriend." I blurt out, instantly covering my mouth for betraying me.

He shuffled closer and for the first time since the beginning of the conversation, I turn my full attention to him and notice how his high cheekbones gave him the vibe of a model. "Then," he paused. "How about me?"


"Come again." My eyes widen.

He leans in. "You want a boyfriend, right?"


"And I'm guessing anyone would do?"

"Huh, yes," I splutter. "Wait, no."

"Well then," he's mere inches away from my face now, "Let's date."

"Wait!" I take a deep breath. "I don't even know your name."

The corner of his mouth lifts, "It's Jace."

"Okay, umm, Jace, why are you doing this?"

"I mean you said- "He starts but I cut him off.

"I know what I said but why would you offer yourself?"

"I mean, I've got nothing better to do so why not?" He backs away.

"Well then…okay."


"Okay." In the next moment, my lips were given a quick light kiss and I was left in a state of confusion as he walks away, going toward the bus.

What just happened?

"What did I just see?" Riley emerges out of seemingly nowhere, causing my heart to almost jump out my chest.

"Umm…I guess I have a boyfriend now." I say, bewildered by my own words.

Jace pops back in, phone in hand. "Give me your number?"

Still in a dreamlike state, I relay my digits and watch as he retakes his seat, placing his arm over my shoulder.

"This." She flicks her finger between us. "What is this?"

"I asked her out." Jace's matter of fact tone has her eyebrows raising.

"Not to sound mean or anything but…why?"

Rather than replying he simply shrugs.

"This won't work." She shakes her head. "Mini, this isn't how it works."

Knowing exactly what she's trying to say, I pause her. "Let's talk about this later."

"No, no, let's talk about this now." She folds her arms.


"No, don't 'Riley' me." Her lashes rise, revealing the expressive sea green behind them. "I'm telling you something's up."

Jace interrupts. "Nothing's up."

"Like I'd listen to you."

As though they also witnessed what happened, Ryan and Stephanie cross the short distance between us and joins the conversation.

"Are you guys a couple?" Stephanie blows a bubble. "That'd explain why you defended her this morning."

"I just asked her out." Jace locks his fingers with mine.

"Oh-ho, so it's a fresh relationship." She looks pleased. "I'm just glad there's one less person pining for Ryan's attention. Right Ryan?"

Ryan stands frozen, staring at our interlocked hands as though perplexed.

"Ryan." She jabs him in his side.

Snapping out of whatever daze he was in, his face contorts. "Huh?"

"Aren't you happy for them?" She nozzles into his side.

Ignoring her question, he pins me with his piercing eyes. "Since when were you guys talking?"

"We weren't." Jace answers for me. "I just wanted her."

My cheeks heat up and the wind chooses that moment to toss my hair to the side, as though wanting to create an uncomfortable situation on top of this one.

"Oh my God is that a hickey?" Stephanie shouts, causing heads to flip our way.

Jace surveys my neck, confusion flashing across his face. I draw close to his ear to explain what transpired between my brother and I this morning. He shudders as though tickled by my breath and reach for my hair, carefully covering the bruise.

"I got to be careful next time." He smirks, leaving our jaws on the ground.

Ryan draws a sharp intake of breath. "So, this is who you are?" The question sounds almost like a statement.

"Who I am?" His audacity has me glaring at him. "You're one to talk."

Sensing the tension beginning to grow, Stephanie sinks her claws into Ryan and departs. "Let's leave the happy couple to do their thing."

With them gone, I face Jace. "Why'd you lie?"

"They wouldn't believe anything else." He lifts our interlocked hands. "Besides, it's not like we won't be doing stuff like that soon."

I stare at our hands, unaccustomed to the unfamiliarity of Jace's slightly colder ones.

"So, how do we do this, this relationship thing."

"I'll guide you." He winks and the butterflies go wild.

"Please guide me well." I mutter, still staring at our hands until Jace brings them toward his lips, placing a soft kiss on mine.

"Of course."

"Uh, I'm still here you know." Riley cuts our moment.

I snatch my hand from his, cheeks firing up as I realize what had happened.

"That's cute." Jace stands up to leave but not before boldly kissing my cheek in front of the onlookers. "See you on the bus."

"So, you're really doing this?" Riley asks as she jerks her chin in Jace's direction.

I crumple the pleated skirt, releasing a deep breath as the tension leaves my body. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"This isn't like one of your novels you know."

"I know." I clap my knee before taking the time to stretch out like a cat. "Just be happy for me okay."

"I mean, I'll try but…" She pouts her lips.

I leap up, tossing my weight on her and causing her to stumble. We giggle a bit at my childish action before retreating for the bus, with her teasing me on the way.

"They wouldn't have believed anything else." She mocks, dramatically clasping our hands. "I'll guide you."

I whine. "Stooopp."

She hollers as I bury my enflamed face in my palms, shaking my head in embarrassment.