
This Anticlimactic Life Of Mine

Everyone wants that stomach fluttering, heart thumping, high squealing romance that you read in the middle of the night – or even during the day – right? So do I, but reality isn’t much of what I expected. I’ll achieve it…that novel romance!

DaoistXFKRnn · Teen
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7 Chs

Are You Mad At Me?

"Alexa, google how to prepare for a date."

"WikiHow says: Step 1, Talk to your date about the details of your plans; Step 2, Discuss food preferences if you're going out to eat…"

"No Alexa, I mean how do I get the confidence to turn heads when I strut down the street."

Her monotone voice responds. "Bathe, shave, brush your teeth and wear a nice outfit."

"Wow Alexa, tell me something I don't know."

"There isn't anything else."

"Thank you for wasting my time." I flop onto my bed.

I've got less than six hours to meet up with Jace outside the movies. Everything's been planned to a tee; from the outfit to the perfume, yet it still didn't feel enough. No, I'm not a perfectionist, I only want to impress Jace so much that he can't take his eyes off of me. Today's my day to truly blind him with my somewhat there beauty. My notification sounds.

Bestie: Come, now!

I grumble, making my way to her house in my cat pajamas. "What could she possibly want today of all days?"

I let myself in, only to be greeted by a stuffed bear soaring straight to my face. I'm momentarily stunned from the plush impact before retrieving it from the floor, ready to launch it at the assailant.

"Don't throw things!" Riley's boisterous voice yells from her kitchen, stopping me from my revenge – two pairs of tiny feet scurry out of the living room.

The once always polished granite counter is now stained with what an overturned mug of red juice and…is that mayo? I tip-toe around the Lego block trap scattered on the floor, on route to her kitchen.

"Pfft! What happened?" I glance around. The place is a mess; splattered food, a broken glass and a very pissed off Riley fuming at the center of it all with marker drawings of shapes on her face. It's hilarious! "Would you like some help?"

"Them!" She jabs a finger toward a room at the left. "Control those demons!"

"Okay." I chuckle at her.

I hear giggles – I'm creeping up to what's known here as the 'playroom'. There I meet Riley's nephews, Conner and Trey. They're prancing around a race track, chasing the cars that drove on it but they both freeze in their spots when they notice my head peeping in from the metal frame.

"IT"S MINI!" Conner, the cheeky chocolate-haired kid squeals.

"IT'S POLE!" Trey, the other half, bounces up to me with his wild caramel mane.

They both launch themselves at my legs, toppling me to the ground like a jenga – their eyes gleam as they bombard me.

"Mini, Mini!"

"Have you come to play with us?"

"Let's race!"

"Pillow fight!"

Their excitement has me grinning but I quickly conceal it when I think of a prank. "No games." I brush them off, regaining my stance. "I'm upset with you guys."

"What, why?"


I direct their attention to the living room. "Look at what you've done."


"No buts. I'm leaving." I bow my head as I walk to the front door. They cling to my pants in a hurry, teary eyes shining up at me. My lips quiver as my pretense character threatens to crack.

"Don't go." They pout simultaneously.

I release a heavy breath. "I'll only stay if you clean up."

"We'll do it!"

Their tiny feet propel them to the room, hands blurring as they shoved everything into clear containers before carrying them into the playroom. Riley, now finished with the kitchen, makes her way to my side as I throw sprawl onto couch.

"Why do they never listen to me?" She throws her hand up in frustration.

"Because kids love me."

She snickers. "If only guys loved you like that."

"Watch it." I point a finger at her, narrowing my eyes.

"Let's play now!" The twins now finished with their task climb onto my lap.

"What do you have to say to you aunt."

They cock their heads to the side. "We're sorry?"

"Don't ask me, tell her."

Riley waves us off, heading for her room. "Forget it, just go play. I'm going to freshen up."

"Oh, wait…I can't stay long."

"Why not?"

My cheek tints as a small smile appears on my face. "I've got a date."

"With who?" Her left brow rises. "It better not be Jace."

"Is it him?"


"No!" She slams her hand on the couch's arm. "You promised to help me watch them."

"That was today?" I ruffle the twins' hair.

"It was this weekend, you know, today and tomorrow." She rub her temples. "And of all people, Jace."

I shoot to my feet, toppling the twins over. "I don't understand why you dislike him so much."

"He rubs me the wrong way."

"You're being dramatic." I wiggle a finger to the twins. "We've got four hours to do anything you want, let's go wild!"

"Mini!" She grabs my sleeves, preventing me from escaping with the kids as they dash off. "Minami, you know I'm never wrong about my intuition."

"Clearly you are this time. He hasn't done anything wrong."


"Ugh can you lay off." I rub the back of my neck, making my way to the twins. "Nothing you're worried about is gonna happen and even if it does, I'll just break up with him."


"Yes, really." I groan, ending the conversation with the slam of the door.

The sun scorches my skin as I cross the crowded street to the movie theatre. Its violet walls stood boldly in contrast to the off-white stores beside it. I ended up arriving an hour earlier to Jace and I's arrangement. My intention is to relieve some of my nerves by searching for a gift in the nearby shops, but that plan's flushed down the drain the moment I spot his chestnut mullet by the entrance. For a second I consider going about my original idea when his head turns my way, flashing a smile. I'm stunned as I approach. His naked ears now twinkle with earrings – metal jewelry dangle from his neck and wrist. He wraps an arm around my waist when I reach close proximity, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"You're early."

I stand stiffly in his embrace staring meekly at my rainbow colored toenails.

"You look nice. That dress is giving me ideas." He pulls my chin upward, surveying my face. "You even matched the blue to the color of your eyes. Was this to impress me?"

I slowly nod my head.

"I bought tickets already for three o'clock, so what do you want to do in the meanwhile. Should we get something to eat first?"

That reminds me…" Why are you here so early?"

"I had some business to attend to." He steers us to a coffee shop with a wooden sign out front. "Should we try there?"

We enter the café. The smell of freshly ground coffee beans waft through the air – It completely wakes me up from my nervous stupor.

"Can I have a medium vanilla cinnamon milkshake with two breakfast muffins: a blueberry and a chocolate." He relays to the cashier before glancing at me. "What do you want?"

"A mango passionfruit smoothie."

"Is that all?" He raises a perfectly sliced brow – I reply with a nod. "Okay, and a medium mango passionfruit smoothie."

He takes the receipt and we move to a pair of wooden bistro chairs and table at the left corner. We both sit in an awkward silence until our orders are called a few minutes later. When we return with our drinks, I continue staring at the glass table as though intrigued by the pattern of swirls. I barely even taste the drink though I'm continuously sipping at it – I feel Jace's gaze burning into my head until he breaks the silence.

"What should we talk about?"

I clear my throat – slowly raising my eyes to meet his. "Should we get to know one another?"

"You want to know me?" He guffaws – choking on his chocolate muffin before swilling it down with his milkshake.

My eyes flitter between him and our surroundings. "I mean, you're my boyfriend right?" A series of rhythmic tapping plays from my fingers on the cup lid. "Then shouldn't we get to know one another?"

"What would you like to know?"

I think for a second before choosing a question that didn't sound too personal. "What's your full name?"

"Why are you asking as if you don't already know?" He narrows his eyes at me.

My eyebrows scrunch as I return his gaze. "Because I don't know."

"Really?" His tone rises again. "It's…Jace…Moors."

"Moors? As in the principal?" Now it's my turn to sound surprised. "You're related to the principal?"

"…I'm his son."

"Oh crap! You- You're his son!" I jump to my feet – only to quickly retake my seat when I notice the eyes that fell on me. I continue in a whisper. "You're really his son?"

"Yes." He rolls his eyes at my reaction. "Shouldn't you already know that?"

"I was too busy being an outcast to bother learning about someone else." I shrug.

"You were an outcast? You expect me to believe you…" He gestures up and down with his hand. "Were an outcast."

"You wouldn't even recognize me."

"I guess we both shocked each other." He laughs, resting his hand atop mine on the table. "What else would you like to know?"

"Umm…Is vanilla your favorite flavor?" I ask, pointing at the drink.

"Yes. Next."

"What's your favorite movie?"

"Fast and furious 2. Next."

"What's your favorite color?"

"Seriously?" His face draws near mine – tone lowering to a soft caress. "Ask me something personal."

"How many girls have you slept with?"

He slowly removes his hand. "Hmm..." He glances at his phone before scooting his chair back. "I'm going to the washroom."


He's gone before I can finish my sentence.

I knew it! I knew I shouldn't have asked that. Wikihow informed me that one shouldn't bring up the topic of past relationships on the first date, yet I still did it. Man, I'm such an idiot! What if he decides to sneak out when I'm not looking and break up with me over text. It hasn't even been a week yet!

"Hey…" I almost spring out of my seat. "The movie's about to start, we should head in."

"O- Okay."

A silence warps around us as we make our way into the theatre. We each separately order our food and head inside – Jace plodding a step ahead of me. I settle onto the recliner beside him.

"Hey I-

"Talk fast, the movie's about to start." He interrupts me in a dry tone.

I swallow a sip of my lemonade. "I'm sorry I asked you that question."

"What question?"

"You know, about-

He curtly cuts me off again. "Let's just watch the movie."

The lights come off at that moment and the introduction of a film begins on the big screen. I just realized that I don't know what we're viewing. I glance at him – open my mouth but decide against it as I might annoy him further. I numbly stare at the screen, munching away at my salted popcorn while taking an occasional sip of juice – That was, until the most disturbing figure I have ever seen jumps at the screen, causing my popcorn to rain over us before I end up in a coughing fit.

"Oh my gosh!"

A grotesque creature – one that took on the form of a chimera. With the top half being a frog sporting roach wings and the lower part, grasshopper feet but with a crocodile tail. It's pointed teeth drip red as it yanks the organs of a lady who was on her way home from a date. I thought this was a romance!

"Hey." I harshly whisper at Jace. "What is this?"

"A movie."

"It's a horror." My eyes bulge out of their sockets as the monster begins terrorizing a family of four. "I can't watch this."

"Just relax." He palms my thigh – I freeze.

My heart's beating out of my chest. I don't know if it's because of the movie or the move Jace just pulled. Maybe it's both. I close my eyes – releasing a shallow breath. He mistakenly takes that as a sign and trails his hand below my dress. The heat I start to feel becomes uncomfortable against the leather chair. When I feel a pull at my underwear I immediately leap to my feet.

"I need to use the washroom!"


I scram from the screening into the nearest lady's room. Thankfully it was empty, else someone would've seen a wild eyed girl practically running for her life. I shut myself inside a stall – sliding to the floor as I groan.

"I must be crazy. He must think I'm crazy." I bury my face into my knees. "What have I done?"

My phone pings from my purse. I unlock it expecting a text from Jace cancelling the rest of the day but instead it's from Riley.

I hope you choke on your popcorn!

I snort, finding it humorous. I send her a quick 'thank you.' She doesn't know it, but she instantly made me feel better. I gather myself – I fluff my self-made curls, give a slight touchup to my makeup in the mirror then went back to the battlefield.

Jace whispers into my ear the moment I sit.

"Did I startle you?"

"No, no, I'm fine. Just…really needed to pee, that's all." I clear my throat. "Let's finish the movie."

The next hour is excruciating. I spent the rest of the movie peaking between my fingers, flinching whenever a person was mauled by that beast. Those jump scares were out to get me! Jace on the other hand actually laughed during some of the scenes. I eye him warily as we make our exit.

"That movie was awesome. Hey," He nudges my arm. "What'd you think?"

I plaster a fake smile on my face. "It wasn't too bad."

"You're lying." He stops our stride – tugging me to the side so we don't obstruct a passerby. He squishes my face to resemble a duck. Those honey orbs assess my face. "Why did you lie?"

"I vont vo wav ou mea-

"You think I didn't see you covering your eyes for most of it." He frees my cheeks. "If you didn't like it just say so."

"Truth is…" I begin picking at my fingernails. "I don't think I'd be able to get a wink of sleep tonight."

"That's better." He checks his phone. "I think we should head home now. He pats my shoulder – turns and begin walking in the opposite direction of my station. "See ya."

"Wait!." I cling to his t-shirt.

"What is it?"

"I…I don't want to go home yet." I mumble, burying my face into his back.

His body starts shaking – folding over as he clutches his stomach. I flush in embarrassment and withdraw my grasp. He regains composure, shoving his hair away from his face.

"Come to my place." He wraps a curl of mine around his finger. "You can sleep there for a while then head back to your place."

I shake my head, already regretting my words. My eyes bulge as I remember what occurred in the theatre a moment ago. "May- maybe we should go home."

"Why? Do you not want to stay with me?" He cocks a brow.

"It's not that, it's just…"

Tsk. "Forget it." He pulls away. Dissatisfaction plows his brow before he whirls around.

"Wait." I pinch his shirt. "I'll go but…No funny business, okay?


I search his eyes for any signs of mischief – Finding none I decide. "Lead the way."

He wraps his slender fingers around my wrist and departs. Contrary to my assumption of traveling via train, we stop at a curb where a BMW was parked. Without a word Jace enters the sleek, silver car giving orders to the salt and pepper haired man that sat in the driver's seat.

"Take me home."

There's no response from the guy only the movement of the car as it's put in motion. The ride is silent. My mind reels with the thoughts of what might occur after we arrive. We aren't going to…no, we can't. He mentioned sleeping so maybe that's all we'd be doing but what if he wants more. He's my boyfriend so it should be expected of us to do these things. How does it usually go in the novels again? If I remember correctly, there was one where the female and male lead slept together on the night their relationship was established. Some even do it when they're not official, but I don't want that. What if it's a one night thing and he breaks up with me afterward! I peek over at Jace – He stares blankly out of the tinted windows, revealing nothing of his thoughts. Meanwhile I feel like one glance at my face will expose all the panic that's building.

We're driven into an underground parking lot. Dim lights glow eerily, casting shadows upon the pillars whenever the car rolls by. The moment the vehicle parks Jace exits, pulling me along with him.

"Thanks." I mutter to the driver. He's expressionless as he watches me in the rearview mirror.

I stagger into an elevator. I'm motionless beside Jace as he press the button for the thirteenth floor. The silence breaks with a soft ding when we arrive. In comparison to the garage, the hallway exudes elegance. Aglow with circular drum chandeliers and antique sconces, cream walls pair with their Corinthian pillars and marble flooring.

The apartment is no different. A three set Victorian styled sofa is the focal point of the living room with a baroque coffee table as its center piece. Side tables topped with lamps and red roses as well as shelves stacked with books. A classical crystal chandelier shone beautifully above it all while beneath lay a white oriental rug.

The first thing I realize is how out of place Jace and I look among everything. The next is the lack of anyone's presence and what Jace says next confirms my suspicions.

"No one will be home for a while."

He draws me into a long unlit hall to the right where a white panel door stands. With quick observation, I notice two others further down. I'm almost certain he can feel my pulse leaping under his grasp, but he makes no mention of it while we enter his bedroom.

This chapter needs to fix. I'll get back to it before the week is up. In the meanwhile, I hope it doesn't suck too badly

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