
Chapter seven.

Seeing the text message from Rejiana, Damien quickly excused himself from his calculus class and went upstairs to 'their spot' so they called it.

Opening the door and watching her Damein felt fire in his stomach.

Rejiana for up and gave him a whole hearted side hug.

"Hey", she smiled.

Damien responded with a simple 'hi'.

"Guess what?".

Damein blinked back at her.

"I pointed a gun at Samantha and you can not believe her reaction............it was priceless".

Damein thought back to the previous night but still decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. "Which Janny?".

Rejiana gave an easy smile "Your girlfriends friend".

Rage travelled from his tiptoes to the core of his heart "You what!!".

Rejiana laughed mistaking his reaction "Funny, right".

Damien raised his hands midway in the air "No it's not funny Rejiana!, you can't just point your gun at anyone when you feel like it".

Rejiana frowned "Why do you care anyway?".

Reduced to speechless anger Damein burned daggers into Rejiana's skull.

"She deserved it Damein, she will never talk to either of us like that again, I don't know why you getting all sappy she doesn't even like you!".

Damein couldn't stare back at her, he walked to the corner and slouched down .

Rejiana was undeniably confused, she sat next to him and put a hand on his shoulder, she knew something was terribly wrong when he flinched. "What's wrong?".

"Janny is my sister", his heartbroken voice told her.

"Janny Roxy is your sister?".

Damien frowned "Yes Rejiana, she just prefers to shorten the surname because I also have it".

Rejiana scoffed "And you don't think she deserved that".

Shaking his head in disgust, Damien slapped her hand off his shoulder.

"That's my sister!, no matter how much she may not want to be around me, I will love her and I worry about her, so you can't just point a gun at her and traumatize her for life, it's not right Rejiana!, this whole hating on the world you got going on is going to be the death of you and everyone around you".

Rejiana was shook up "I..........".

Damien raised a finger "Don't.......you can't think of anyone besides yourself, can you?, you'd bring the whole world down with you because of your selfish ego".

Rejiana truly wandered how she had never seen this side of Damein, this was the real Damien Roxford, he had surely had her fooled.

As he went on and on about how she was the worst person alive, every hit to the heart and profanity shredded any ounce of emotion and possibly love she ever felt for him.

Rejiana's eyes pooled "Damein.....".

Freezing for a moment at the sight of her tears, Damein quickly shunned out the feeling of sensitivity.

"You don't deserve to cry Rejiana, you told me, how painful it's was when your mother was shot, and you could have easily taken my sister from me, did you even think of how that would make me feel, I'm beginning to think it was better that your mother died. If you can give that pain to someone, then you might as well live with it!".

Rejiana stared at him, hurt more than she thought was possible.

"Bye Rejiana".

Damein shook his head and began to walk away until he heard the sound of three gunshots and the piercing pain in his chest had him looking down and gripping it instantly.

Damein pulled his hands away in indescribable confusion, he stared at his bloodstained hands.

Unable to move and talk Damein turned back and fell to the ground.

Rejiana ran to him and stroked his cheek "I'M SO SORRY DAMEIN".

Damein's vision blurred as he stared at her, he began to cough out blood.

Damein kept his hands on his chest and waited speechless as the life drifted from him.

Teachers rushed up and Rejiana back away from the body and raised her hands in the air.


After hearing the news, Richard Navison waited impatiently outside the police station.

Richard checked his watch three more times, before deciding to walk in.

"I'm looking for Rejiana Navison".

The woman simply raised a hand "Just a moment".

Richard fumed "you told me 'just a moment' three moments ago, I'd like to see my daughter now!".

The woman looked up at him "Sir you'll have to wait for about five more minutes, her lawyer only came in now".

Richard clenched his fists "What type of sick fucks bring a teenager in for interrogation but don't call her lawyer?!", He blasted.

"Sir we weren't sure whether she had one".

Richard's gaze burned into her, he decided to retire to the car before he said something he'd regret. She was loosing her job, that was for sure.

Inside the car Richard called the officer in charge and didn't stop complaining till he knew she was fired.

When Rejiana hadn't come out yet he began to busy himself with his phone.

Richard hired people for his company and fired some, he only looked up when the passenger door was pulled open.

Rejiana got in looked at her father "My lawyer wants to speak to you", she gestured outside.

Richard peered out and watched the small woman give a wave, whilst the woman from inside ran out of the police station with a box of belongings in hand tears streaming down her face.

Richard kept his smile at bay.

"It's not necessary", he drove off.

The car journey remained silent.

"How can you be so stupid?", he finally asked her.

Rejiana shrugged her shoulders "they think I'm innocent".

Richard gripped the steering wheel and kept his eyes zeroed on the traffic "It doesn't matter Rejiana, he was just pronounced dead, you are still their main suspect, if you're going to shoot anyone don't do it in a public place!".

Rejiana stared out of the window "I'm sorry", she told her father and Damien someone out there. 'I'm so sorry'.

Richard sighed "It's okay sweetheart, I'm not angry, just stressed that's all".

As they continued to drive in silence Richard spoke again. "We've killed plenty before, we even burned a hospital. Why does this particular one hurt you so much?".

Rejiana's eyes began to pool "I trusted him, and he said something, something that hurt more than anything I've felt in a long time".

Richard's heart melted "What did he say?".

Rejiana his her tears from him "He said 'this whole hating on the world I've got going on will be the death of me and everyone around me'".

Richard remained quiet.

"He was someone around me daddy, and I was the death of him", Rejiana cried "And I don't want to be the death of you, you're the only person left I care about in this world".

Richard reached over and wiped her tears with one hand "You're too special Rejiana, you're the sunshine of my life, you'll never be able to be the death of me. You're the life of me".

Rejiana nodded in silence.

"Do you think they will let this case go?", She asked once she had regained her composure.

"They will have to".

Rejiana turned to him with an arched eyebrow.

"We're going to Africa in two hours time, I just want you to get necessaries from the house".

Rejiana catapulted in her seat "What?". All the hurt, the pain, melted away in a nanosecond.

"We're finally going to get him snowflake".

Rejiana smiled 'finally'.

Something good did actually happen that day.
