
The Way Of The Evil Dungeon Seeker

Erin the young dungeon seeker traverses dungeons levelling up in all sorts of ways from killing monster to killing humans there is nothing he wont do to improve himself.

Velodorasan · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Assisting the siblings

Stepping out into the forest Erin honed in his senses using his ears eyes and smell in unison he was akin to a starved predators being let out its cage, Erin's main battle tactic for his first kill would be to get hands on without relying on the safety of his skills to carry him to do this he darted from tree branch to tree branch scouring the green forest floor filled with life while doing so his nose twitched, he could smell a foul stench coming from the north of him following this scent he had come across a small green goblin. Erin nearly let out his voice as he was about to say "that's fucking disgusting" although he held back his thoughts what he was looking at was truly foul it was about the size of a child with dirty green skin a small rag covered its penis, its teeth and eyes seemed to protrude from its face in the most freakish way, armed with a jagged knife it did not look like a threat at all. Seeing this Erin did not waste his time on watching this horrible little thing and instead positioned himself right above its head without the goblin realising, suddenly like a flash a curved dagger protruded into the little goblins neck turning around it got a single glimpse of Erin before the whole of his head had been sliced open vertically from the position where Erin had pushed his knife into. "hmph that was far too easy for me I suppose my stats seem to outclass this goblins easily, maybe I should just go and find myself some hunters instead."

After running through the forest for a while Erin had started making use of his telekinesis skill whilst simultaneously running over the tree branches when he spotted a goblin or a pack of goblins his curved dagger would slip out its holster and make its way towards the goblins necks with next to no friction it cleanly sliced through them this was surely a cheat skill even the mana consumption wasn't that high, nevertheless it did consume mana so after killing at least 20 goblins Erin found a thick tree branch to sit on and take a break looking inside the front pouch of his backpack he let out a small grin as it was filled with goblin teeth. Goblins were valuable as they all possessed a single small tooth in their mouth with special healing properties, luckily for Erin although he was still a beginner with his telekinesis he did have the strength to pull out this tooth with it saving him time, there was another reason for this though that being the goblins disgusting mouth, the new rookie's had to put their hands in the mouths of the goblins and pull out their teeth Erin would not degrade himself to doing that and instead cleverly used his skill.

"AHHHHH!!!" a loud scream momentarily echoed in front of him, Erin could tell somebody was in danger quickly securing his bag he silently snuck towards the direction of the sound, in the matter of minutes he came to a small clearing where he got a grasp of the situation unfolding in front of him his sparkly blue eyes darting around seeing a young couple in the clearing fighting three slightly larger goblins then he had seen before looking towards the young male fighting the goblin he could see that they were about evenly matched in a fierce battle. Erin's lips slightly curled upwards as his eyes laid upon the young female she had a nice slim figure with jet black hair she was pretty petite but alluring none the less, her current situation however was dire surrounded by 2 goblin's and her sword many meters away from her it was certain death. However the goblins were drooling profusely staring at the young girls crotch seeing this his smile once again widened as the goblins small penises rose through the small piece of cloth which was once covering them, the two starting to rub against the girl it looked rather erotic although instead of letting this scene carry on he decided that the hunters were instead going to be his prey. At an instant his dagger flew into the sky, hurtling towards the goblins Erin kicked through the goblin trying to mount the young girl its head sprayed into red mist suddenly locking onto the second goblin it seemed to have seen a ghost it stood unable to move shaking slightly all over "what is this?" Erin inwardly thought never the less he performed a perfect head kick on the distraught goblin once again turning it into blood mist. "phew" said Erin directing his gaze towards the last goblin as the man had managed to pierce its chest with his sword, looking exhausted he fell flat on his arse.

"Brother a-are you ok?, are you hurt anywhere?" the petite girl rushed towards her brother in her slightly ripped clothes checking over his body for any serious wounds luckily for her he had only sustained a few minor cuts that any hunter can shrug off. "Yes don't worry about me I'm fine Akino thank you for worrying about me" a warm smile was plastered on the mans face as he looked at his sister. "More importantly Akino we should both be thanking that kind boy for saving us" realising Erin's presence she quickly turned her head. Her gaze fell upon him looking at him her face turned a bright shade of red as she saw his handsome figure, further realising her attire had been ripped where her chest was, partly exposing what little boobs she had to him quickly gathering her thoughts together she instinctively bowed her head towards him "t-t-thankyou sir for saving me I don't know how to repay you." Seeing Akino's black eyes looking up towards him his mind was flooded with lewd ideas of what he would do to her later however calming his mind it seemed his expression had leaked a bit as Akino was starting to look somewhat scared, returning back to his normal stoic expression he told the siblings "haha don't worry about it guys I'm sure anybody would do the same thing if they saw what had happened, if you could grab them goblin teeth and put them in my bag I'm sure that would be plenty compensation." "ah of course mister r-really I can't thankyou enough m-my name is Akino and this is my brother" Akino said "don't fuss about it Akino I'm sure you can repay me later" this time Erin was able to control his expression but as Akino looked into his eyes she didn't know why but she felt hopeless like a rabbit trapped in a snare.

Akino and her sibling felt somewhat reassured as Erin had offered to walk them back to the portal as they were not in peak condition to fend off any goblins, little did they know he was instead leading them deeper into the forest until he found a suitable spot to continue on his plan, the trios footsteps still echoing in the forest there was an eerie feel permeating into the siblings bones which they found hard to ignore still they pushed on… finally Erin's soft voice pierced through the air. "Hey guys we are about half way there seeing as your both not in good shape we should take a small break before heading onwards" the siblings agreeing in unison to what he said they both nodded their heads in agreement as they did so this eerie feeling now grew stronger as Erin smiled and said "oh look at that cave over there that should be the perfect spot to recuperate hehe~"…Up above the thick tree line his curved dagger seemed to wiggle with excitement and Erin's expression changed once again, a crimson red could be seen in his eyes if you looked close enough.