
The Way Of The Evil Dungeon Seeker

Erin the young dungeon seeker traverses dungeons levelling up in all sorts of ways from killing monster to killing humans there is nothing he wont do to improve himself.

Velodorasan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Stretching his arms out as he woke up Erin's eyelids opened up revealing his bright blue eyes as his surroundings fell into view he made his way out of bed arriving at his window he took in the fantastic view that was his home the name of it being city Ares. This city was where he was lived in the year 2080, 30 years had gone by since the first dungeon had appeared and the world had a first-hand experience of the other dimension. This city was funded by numerous guild and corporations co-operating to make a haven for hunters to thrive the location being in a mountainous region discovered by an individual exploring, the guild caught on to this information and decided to build a new city there for the sole reason being the amount of portals in the area exceeding any other region by a hundred fold. The reason why they built a city there? It's a simple answer which is for the resources that came out these dungeons everything from crystals to orc horns can be found in these dungeons making this a modern day gold mine, as long as there is dungeons there will be business hunters In this city were also treated like gods as long as their rank was high enough they could get their hands on whatever they wanted.

The ranking of hunters went from:









This was the hierarchy of hunters where the law of the jungle comes into full effect the stronger hunter can snuff out weaker hunters as long as they were not affiliated with a guild of course. In correlation to this there was also the ranking of dungeons which were measured with a danger rating, these danger ratings are there to warn hunters of what monsters they could expect to encounter in the dungeons.

Erin still observing the towering sky scrapers dwarfing the mountains surrounding the city muttered "system" his voice still raspy from waking up, still a red semi translucent box opened up in-front of him showing his current stats.

Strength: 25



Skills: Blood Drain, Telekinesis

These were not normal stats for a 15 year old to have at all they were a result of Erin's daily training by looking at his slim chiselled body and glistening white skin he stood at 175 cm with glistening white hair to pair with his skin it would be an insult to only call him handsome he can thank his deceased father for granting him these traits. Although there was one other thing that helped Erin grow so much which was his skill "Blood-Drain" by sucking the blood out of strong animals and humans Erin had raised his stats to a ridiculous level for somebody who had never stepped foot into a dungeon before. Unfortunately the family dog had to die for his experiments of his skill but he made sure to get a new one for his sister who was in tears after the sudden disappearance of off her canine friend.

"Brother happy birthday and good morning" Sylvie burst into his room running towards her brother hugging him from behind her hands wondered over his chiselled body making their way down to the bottom of his abs, her hand stopped just above his manhood as it was poking at his boxers. "Brother! Your such a pervert" Sylvie exclaimed her face now blushing red as she realised she nearly just touched her brothers junk she hesitated for a second then slowly brushed her finger arounds his hips before letting go. "Hurry birthday boy Moms made breakfast you also need to go register as a hunter later so get moving" "Ok sister also I am 15 now and you are nearly 18 so you shouldn't barge into my room like that, ok?" "Hmph!" Sylvie stomped out the room, Erin couldn't help but turn around as he watched her slim figure walk off her ass jiggling as she walked provocatively, Sylvie must of felt his piercing gaze as she turned her head grinning at Erin which made him his junk twitch in excitement. "Ugh to much stimulation in the morning" he thought to himself, closing down his system he quickly got dressed and headed downstairs towards the kitchen where a lovely breakfast had been set out for him. "Happy birthday Erin, I bet you can't wait to go register as a hunter can you" Erin's mother said, Erin's mother was about as caring as a person could be her blonde hair and blue eyes were the exact same as her daughter and her young looks made her a beauty, she still supported Erin even after her husbands death in a dungeon. With the money she had from the insurance and her husband she bought a lovely apartment in the new city Erin had somewhat seduced his mother into this purchase as he new this would be the place he needed to be from a young age his looks and cuteness at that age were unrivalled his mother didn't stand a chance.

"Yes mother I'm looking forward to it, you're looking more beautiful than usual today did you dress up for my birthday?" Erin said in an alluring voice although he did not get a response his mother averted her gaze he could still see her red ears as she turned around, he accidently let out small grin and as he said so he felt a glare coming from his sister at the other end of the table. This seemed like his cue to leave as he quickly finished his breakfast he then headed to his room to grab his gear he would need for the dungeon which consisted of a small curved dagger and flexible but tough leather armour after dressing he walked through the hall and went to leave although coming to a stop his dog was stood in the hallway noticing his presence it let out a small yelp and ran behind his sister. "Hmm I wonder why that dog always avoids me" he thought to himself arriving at the door. "Bye Mother Bye Sister" he shouted as he left the apartment and made his way to the registration office.

The registration office was a quick walk away for him although he had been stopped a few times by women asking for his phone number the mountain breeze had woken him up feeling refreshed he finally had arrived at the office for a small second his heart fluttered finally his dream was coming true, the registration office was in fact a towering skyscraper this seemed like it was built to show off and scare the new rookies asserting the guilds strength there was many other grand building surrounding it but this one seemed to stand out from the rest it was a statement not to fuck with the guilds. Erin strode towards the grand counter avoiding the curious gazes of the numerous guild hiring agents looking him up from head to toe trying to evaluate him never the less he gave his age and identification to the worker to check and see if he was using a fake identity after the check was done he dropped a small drop of blood onto the magic ball to confirm he had mana, all the checks had been done except his status check this was the most crucial check for Erin. The fact was that he did not have a normal status, everyone has a blue screen except for Erin he also knew this from when his was young but his red screen and skills were almost a cheat, because most people who had awakened would most of the time start of with a basic skill such a "Slash". They would then awaken new skills that fit their play styles through the effort they put into killing monsters this is how player would level up, they would then take a power measuring test at the registration office to increase their rank. Erin's red screen was an abnormality and he could be in danger if people found out, it was lucky for him that he could temporarily change the skills and levels as well as the colour of his screen this did not last for ever though.

"Hmm pretty basic skill you have their darling, slash Is the skill that most rookies start off with so don't worry about it too much, now follow my friend here and he will show you to the dungeon we start rookies off in so you can get your bearings. Most rookies spend their first few weeks in this dungeon killing goblins to get some experience, I suggest you do the same" she gave his registration card to him with a smile, Erin walked toward the dungeon gate. Arriving a few minutes later further inside the building Erin could see people leaving and entering the gate, once again his heart fluttered as he could see the gate its appearance was of a large 3 meter high and 2 meters wide doorway he could see a lush green forest on the other side of this doorway a lush forest of green trees and blue skies were ushering him inside. With a grin forming on his handsome face he confidently walked inside his stomach turned slightly as he walked through his shoe hitting the dirt on the other side brought him even more pleasure as he entered through he felt a soft breeze hit his face bringing him to the realisation of what had just happened.

Although Erin was no longer ecstatic his mind was elsewhere he was now looking for his victims he was not just looking for goblins but also for some other hunters, he had never sucked another hunters blood before although when he had passed a hunter in the street before in the past he could tell straight away that their blood was far superior to just normal humans… "lets find some tasty hunters Hehe" he thought to himself.