
The Vice Captain of the WhiteBeard Pirates

In the Desolate world of one piece, a young man finds himself wrapped right in the middle of it all. Follow him as he follows his captain and proclaimed "Father" Whitebeard as they explore the sea, fight pirates, marines and God knows what in this fan fiction web series. DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT. MUCH LOVE

Leo_DiAngelo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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231 Chs

The Start Of The World Conference

[ Third Person POV ]


Admiral Zephyr was slowly walking towards the Pagea building when he met the three candidates. During their time within the marines, their ranks had skyrocketed. Earning the name, "The three monsters".

Even Zephyr had to give credit where it was due. Every once in a while he would host a training camp for new recruits. When these three were in there, they had dominated every program compared to the rest, and it wasn't even close. As of now, they were kept in the position of Rear-Admirals. 

It was too soon for them to be put into Vice-Admiral positions, and they were a long way from attaining the honorable title of Admiral. The three of them were all talented, but they each had their own eccentricies. 

Sakazuki had a very deep hatred towards pirates, and anything that conflicted with justice. Normally, there isn't anything wrong with this kind of mentality; but Sakazuki had a tendency to take it to the extreme, injuring innocents every once in a while mid-pursuit. 

Borsalino was a rather lazy individual. He mostly operated under the philosophy of 'If he won't have to, he won't; and if he has to, he'll do it quickly'. This mentality led to him capturing many pirates in record timing. However, this was only when he was caught in time before he made his escape. It was rather infuriating for Sengoku, but he often ignored it as long as he did his work right.

Kuzan was a steadfast individual, he was put right under the tutelage of Garp. Making him witness Garp's numerous attempts to capture Roger. However, the constant training with Garp had made him a pacifist of some sorts. Although he admired Garp, he wouldn't go as far as Garp did to catch pirates. If he could, he'd let the pirates that seemed to do no wrong go. This wouldn't go unnoticed by Garp, but he didn't seem to care enough to correct his behaviour.

Each of them had their own quirks, but they were vital assets for the Marines. Currently, they were free to work anywhere within Marine jurisdiction. However, they had very restricted access when patroling the New World. With the likes of Whitebeard and Bigmom, it wouldn't be long they clashed. Causing even more turbulence within the chaotic New World. As a result, Kong made sure to keep them in the New World for a short period of time.

However, during the time of the World Conference like now. They had been ordered to stay in Mariejois for the entirety of the World Conference. It wasn't likely that pirates would attack, but they could not trust the whims of pirates. 

Zephyr promptly greeted the three of them before heading into the Pangea Castle's doors. It had been a week since all 50 members were successfully retreived from their respective kingdoms. Their first meeting was going to be commencing in a couple of minutes. Zephyr was required to be there to give his own accounts of the current rumblings of the sea. 

Silence prevailed after all the alliance members settled down and took their seats. The chairman, who was also an affiliated member, made a brief introduction and gave out a list of what they were going to be discussing; curtesy of the Five Elders. A lot of buzz stirred when the topic of the New World was brought up. 

It was obvious that the topic would be the top of their list, and it would be something that was going to be discussed for the first day of the conference. They needed to come up with a policy of how they were going to handle them going forward from here on out. Although the Five Elders make commands for the World Government, their opinions wouldn't mean much if the entire World Government which was under them was against it.

As a form of compromise, they would need to find an agreeable way to handle the situation in the New World. However, this was going to be a topic that would bring alot of opposing opinions clashing together.

"We need to go to war against the pirates!" One member demanded.

"A war?! Are you mad?! Since when did you have the confidence to go against the likes of Whitebeard?!?!?!" Another member objected.

"A war with the pirates would only brew more chaos and disfunction! We need a policy of non-interference." Another suggested.

"Since when do we compromise with those disgusting pirates?! What's the point of the World Government if all we are going to be doing is pandering to these criminals?!?!" Another member aligned with the interest of the first proposer objected.

Just as the conference was about making the right decisions to move forward with the world. It was also a battlefield in which political opponents would test the waters of their fellow members. It wasn't surprising to find an entire affiliated kingdom destroyed and replaced before the start of another World Conference.

"We're not going to ignore the fact that those pirates you call disgusting killed six World Nobles, decimated an entire Buster Call and still lives to see the day." The Chairman announced.

This statement made Zephyr clench his fist in fury. Those Celestial Dragons had no business being on that island, and the fact that the Marines were sent to clean up that mess made it all the more infuriating. 

The Chairman ignored the fuming Zephyr and continued with his proposal.

"Instead of going into conflict with the likes of Whitebeard, I suggest we form a loose relationship with them." 

The rest of the members murmured to each other quietly.

"We won't go out of our way to antagonize the territories of powerful pirates. Everyone already knows not to touch any of Whitebeard's and Charolette's territories. However, we won't sit by and let minor pirates do as they please in the New World." The Chairman proposed.

"Moreover, we can use this oppurtunity to open trading oppurtunities with them. Can you imagine how profitable trading with Fishman Island could be?" The Chairman finished.

It was an attractive proposal to the ears of the rest of the alliance members. Well, except for a few.

"I object, Chairman! You are willing to trade with territories affiliated with dangerous people! There is no gurantee that these pirates would willingly let our merchant's ships pass through their waters untouched! How naive!!" The original member who started with a proposal interjected. 

Slowly, more and more members of the alliance slowly began to agree with what the objector had stated. The very concept of trade was based on the trust of the two parties participating within it. It would make no sense for one party to willingly participate in the trade, only to be ripped off by the other party without anything getting anything in return. However, the Chairman had a plan just for this scenario.

"Then why don't we establish contact with those dangerous pirates first? They need our resources just as we might find ourselves needing theirs. It is imperative that some form of compromise be formed between the World Government Alliance, and the powerful and territorial pirates like Whitebeard. If we kept our relations as strictly hostile, there would be no telling when someone like Whitebeard sent a menace like the Storm Dragon our way."

The mere mention of the Storm Dragon made the entire alliance meeting feel a shiver up their own spines. Boris' actions were resounded throughout the entire world, he was currently only known as the Chaotic dragon of the Whitebeard Pirates. Often noted for patrolling all of Whitebeard's territories, destroying anyone who dared make trouble.

"We can start with someone like Big Mom, she has always been open to negotiations with the World Government. Let's run a test trial on this relationship and see where it will lead us to." The Chairman concluded. 

It seemed that the rest of the alliance was open for this proposal. Even the opposition had went quiet after that reasonable explaination. Thus, the motion was passed, the Chairman quickly went to the next topic of debate.

Let me know what y'all think!!

Love y'all!!!!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts