
The Vice Captain of the WhiteBeard Pirates

In the Desolate world of one piece, a young man finds himself wrapped right in the middle of it all. Follow him as he follows his captain and proclaimed "Father" Whitebeard as they explore the sea, fight pirates, marines and God knows what in this fan fiction web series. DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT. MUCH LOVE

Leo_DiAngelo · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
270 Chs

A Decision To Make

"Hello?" I asked in a lazy voice.

I had been sleeping on my bed in the ship before I got a call from some weirdo. I had half of a mind not to pick up, but I figured it would probably be too much of a hassle to keep listening to the constant ringing noises of the transponder snail.

"Boris? *huff*" the voice on the other end of the line asked hopefully.

"Who's this.....that voice," I muttered as I tried putting a face on that voice.

My mind was still trying to wake up, so I would take some time to wake up.

"It's me.....Ginny," the voice responded.

Ah. Now, she was familiar.

"It's been a while, how've you been?" I asked curiously.

"I'm...*huff* not doing too well, as you can hear," Ginny replied.

"Where are you? I doubt that this is something that Dragon couldn't be able to help you with," I replied.

"Well....I'm in Mariejois....*huff* I'm stuck here," she replied.

"Ah..was it a mission for the Revolutionary Army," I asked curiously.

Her silence was all that I needed to affirm that I was right on the mark.

"Where's Dragon?" I asked.

"He's supposed to be helping Kuma....and my child," Ginny replied.

"You have a kid?" I asked.

"Yes...she had the same Sapphire Scales disease that I had before, so I sent her with Kuma to see whether Dr. Vegapunk would be able to help me....help us," Ginny explained.

"Hm...." I didn't say too much and remained quiet.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

Ginny let out a chuckle.

"Am I being too selfish?" 

"Not really, there's nothing wrong with seeking hope and salvation," I remarked.

We were silent for a while; it seemed she was waiting for my response to her request.

I thought about it for a while before I came up with a reply.

"Hang tight for a while." 

I didn't say anything else and I hung up the call. This mainly concerned the Revolutionary Army, but Ginny was somebody I had known long before she, along with Kuma, had joined the Revolutionary Army.

I didn't really owe them any favors; if anything, they owed me a lot of favors in return.


I got out of bed and left the cabin. Arriving on the deck of the ship, I was greeted by a nice, cool morning breeze.

Training on the deck was none other than Ken. Who was performing extra training on top of the normal training he did with the rest of the crew. However, he froze and turned to look at me.

"Commander! What are you doing up so early? You normally sleep until mid-afternoon?" Ken asked curiously as he walked over to me.

"I wanted to get some fresh air to breathe; I'm thinking about something," I replied.

"May I ask what exactly you're thinking about?" Ken asked.

"Whether or not I should raid Mariejois," I remarked.

A brief moment of silence ensued between the two of us as we both stared at the sea. It sparkled because of the rising sun that was in the distance.

"May I ask why?" Ken asked after a brief moment of silence.

"Someone I know is in trouble, and she called me for help," I replied.

"Is she in trouble?" Ken asked.

"She wouldn't be calling me if she wasn't, now would she?" I remarked.

"hmm....I don't think Whitebeard would approve," Ken remarked.

I looked back at the island, more specifically, where Whitebeard had been snoring. Nico Robin and Stussy had been sleeping nearby, and the camp was generally still sleeping.

"I was thinking about going by myself. This is more of a personal matter than it is a pirating affair," I replied.

I left Ken pondering as I slowly got out of the ship and approached where Whitebeard was sleeping. Somehow, Shanks had somehow made his way to the camp, and was currently passed out on the ground.

I stopped right in front of Whitebeard's seat, he had been snoring peacefully for quite some time now. 

"I know you're awake," I remarked.

Whitebeard's snooze bubble immediately popped as he narrowed his eyes down at me.

"Where are you off to?" Whitebeard immediately asked.

"Mariejois, I'm grabbing a kid who got caught up," I replied.

"Personal affair?" Whitebeard asked. 

"Pretty much; which is why I'll be going alone," I remarked.

"Then your division will be staying with me until you get back; just don't take too much time over there," Whitebeard remarked.

I didn't say anything else, and I began walking back to the ship to get ready.

"Leaving already?~" Stussy asked.

She was still lying next to Nico Robin, but she was sitting upright as Robin lied on her lap. She didn't seem to be completely awake, but it didn't matter because her eyes remained focused on me.

"You should go back to sleep, I'll be back soon."

"You've grown a habit of rushing off by yourself and doing random stuff....you should spend more time with us....with me," Stussy remarked as she rubbed her eyes.

I walked up to her before kissing her on the forehead. 

"You should go back to sleep, I'll be back before you know it," I replied assuringly.

Robin shifted a bit before resuming her peaceful slumber. The more I walked away, the more I began look at Stussy and Robin like a mother and child.

I was probably going to have to spend a long time with them when I got back.

Arriving back on the ship, I was surprised to find Ken standing there geared up as if he was getting ready to head out as well.

"I cannot let you go out there alone, please let me go with you!" Ken remarked with a determined gaze.

"You sure? I'm not going there to pay a simple 'visit' like we did earlier," I remarked.

"We are pirates, everything we do risks our lives," Ken remarked.

At least he had resolved himself to it.

"Do you know her?" I asked as I showed Ken a bounty flier of Ginny to him.

"Hm? Ginny of the Revolutionary army? This is who we're saving?" Ken asked.

"This who you'll be saving, I'm going there to fight," I replied.

Ken was confused for a bit before eventually slowly beginning to understand what was going to be happening. 

"Are you sure that you want to do this? I don't believe that this is somebody who you have personal ties with," Ken asked.

I stopped for a while before thinking about it. Honestly, he had a point, because it had been quite sometime before we had met up with them.

However, the more I thought about Ginny, Kuma and Bonnie, the more I was beginning to feel sorry for them.

Kuma didn't have the best childhood. When I had first met him, the boy was literally trying to escape slavery. Ginny was practically on the same boat, with the exception that she had a disease that would make her suffer for a long time before she died.

Leaving their only child alone, and prey to the World Government and other nasty figures who'd probably want to use her for their own selfish desires. 

It wasn't something that I'd want to watch in real life, so this wouldn't hurt, right?

Looking back at Ken, I merely sighed before heading to the cabin to grab my axe. 

It was time to attack Mariejois again.

To be honest, I wanted to preserve this till the final arc, but it's not something that would be too much of a stretch, right?

Let me know what y'all think!!!

Love y'all!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts