
The uchiha dimensional restaurant

Guo Huang runs a dimensional restaurant and travels around the world And his employees are not good at all Around the restaurant, you can see Shisui handing out flyers outside, Madara as a security guard in the lobby, Itachi entertaining customers at the front desk, and Obito delivering food for you Ali is responsible for enticing customers to consume, and begging for food by the way. Nezuko is standing at the door, in charge of attracting customers

Mallison · Anime et bandes dessinées
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68 Chs

Chapter 22 One Snap Of Fingers To Kill Billions Of Lives? Big Boss Bull Batch!

Looking at the background of Guo Huang's departure, Thanos' eyes looked a little frightened.

According to Itachi, Guo Huang is undoubtedly the owner of this restaurant.

Even ordinary employees are so strong, how strong is the boss Guo Huang?

Thinking of this, Thanos sighed in frustration.

Originally, Thanos thought he was already very strong, but now it seems that there is a heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

"Dude, according to the boss, you must be an alien living in another world, right? I wonder what kind of planet you live in?"

While Guo Huang was cooking, Tony started chatting with Thanos again.

Since Tony doesn't know Thanos now, he doesn't know that Thanos lives in the same world as him.

Not only Tony, but Thanos also thinks Tony doesn't belong in the Marvel Universe.

"I've never settled on any planet, and I've been living in my own spaceship all these years. But I've found a cozy garden, and maybe I'll go there when I'm done with my mission. old age."

Thanos answered Tony's question very plainly, closed his eyes and fell into contemplation, as if imagining his life after completing his mission.

Tony, on the other hand, was attracted by the words of Thanos, and once again had a strong curiosity.

My God, this alien called Thanos actually owns a space battleship? Sounds like a tough character.

And the mission that the other party said? What exactly does that mean?

"If you don't recommend it, can you tell me what your mission means?"

I saw Tony began to ask questions again, wanting to know more about Thanos' mission.


Realizing that Tony wanted to talk, Thanos narrowed his eyes and became vigilant.

But on second thought, Tony didn't live in the same world as him anyway.

And just now, they invited me to a meal, so I have nothing to hide, so I just tell Tony directly.

So, Thanos began to tell Tony about his experiences over the years.

"My mission is only one, but it is very difficult to accomplish. In the world I belong to, the population is already full and the resources are poor. So I will destroy half of the life in the entire universe and reduce the population. In this way, the entire There will be peace in the universe."

"For this goal, I have been fighting for many years. During this period, I have visited many planets and killed many people. But even so, my progress is still very slow."

"I need to slaughter more planets and kill more people. At this rate, I'm afraid it will take hundreds of years before I can truly complete my mission."

"However, I don't want to wait so long. Recently, I'm looking for a treasure. As long as I can collect all this treasure, I can instantly gain unimaginable power."

"At that time, I only need to snap my fingers, and the universe to which I belong will instantly die of hundreds of millions of people, completely eliminating the other half of life in the universe."

When Thanos finished his past glorious deeds, Tony had already widened his eyes, his eyes full of shock.

In addition to Tony, the Uchiha spirit boys were also frightened.

Didn't expect that the other party's mission was to slaughter hundreds of millions of living beings? Really TM outrageous! Even Madara was a little shocked.

I saw Madara looked at Thanos with complicated eyes, and the purple-skinned guy in front of him was exactly the same as his own character.

Back in the day, Madara took everything alone, ready to sacrifice the few in exchange for the peace of the many.

Unfortunately, in the end, Madara's road proved to be a failure.

As for the tyrant, that's hard to say.

"Oh Mai! Dude, are you so fierce?"



At this time, Tony looked at Thanos with obvious fear.

What the hell! Unexpectedly, this ugly B, who looks like a purple sweet potato, is so popular!

Kill half of the life in the universe? It's just too scary.

And listening to Thanos' tone seems to be confident, as if destined to accomplish this feat.

At this time, Tony couldn't help but secretly rejoice, fortunately, Laozi and this butcher are not from the same world.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be shot dead by the opponent's snap of his fingers.

Thinking of this, Tony showed a schadenfreude smile. People who live in the same world as Thanos are really a bunch of unlucky bastards.

No, like this big guy, he must have a good lick.

If you are fortunate enough to make friends with such a big guy, you will have the capital to brag about in the future, right?

Tony has even begun to imagine the scene where he is bragging in front of others:

Laozi has a friend who is a ruthless man who can instantly destroy hundreds of millions of lives with a snap of his fingers!

How about it? Hang or not? Are you envious or not?

If you can know such an awesome boss, you will wake up laughing even from a dream.

However, just as Tony fell into his imagination, Guo Huang suddenly walked out of the kitchen with the dish.

Before Guo Huang reached the dining table, Thanos could smell the aroma of the food.

As a result, his appetite was immediately stimulated by this fragrance.

Oh my God! What is so fragrant?

I saw Thanos staring straight at the dish in Guo Huang's hand, and swallowed sharply.

"This is for you, try it."

By the time Guo Huang put the dishes on the table, Thanos couldn't wait.

Since he didn't know how to use chopsticks, Thanos reached out and grabbed a large handful of Mapo tofu, which he couldn't wait to put into his mouth.

what! The soft taste and the charming taste made Thanos close his eyes comfortably.

Afterwards, Thanos couldn't stop at all. He grabbed the dishes from the plate in large quantities, and the food became gobble and very barbaric.

Itachi, Madara, Shisui, and Obito are about to cry. Why do these people look so good? Makes them want to eat too!

You know, since they came to Dimension Restaurant, they haven't eaten the dishes made by Guo Huang.

At the same time, after seeing Thanos' eating appearance, Tony's eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this a good opportunity to kneel and lick the boss?

So, Tony turned directly to look at Guo Huang.

"Boss, give Thanos a few more dishes, and I will cover all the expenses."

After listening to Tony's words, Guo Huang forcibly suppressed his smile and nodded.

"Cough, okay, I'll do it for you right away."