
The Strongest Pocket-Monster.

Wishing to be Reincarnated as a Master of Pokemons but instead got reincarnated as one, follow the life of Alex turned into a blissful tragedy to 'read' how he Adapts and Overcomes the Challenges posed by Legends themselves in his path. — A newbie as a author and I don't really know much about Pokemon world in detail, so excuse me if I make some mistakes. My English should be readable. At least, I won't gender-bend my characters by each paragraph, that I can assure. To be honest, I am writing this because I have spare time and a idea to what I would be writing, so there might be some cases where I miss the regular updates, or even, drop this story if readers don't like it. I mean, what would be the purpose to continue when nobody wants to read this, right? Just write "Drop" in the comment section to let me know.

infinite_glory · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

First meeting.

By the next morning, professor Oak was desperately searching for the stubborn girl that had ran into the Viridian forest without a Pokemon of her own to protect herself.

The girl's name was Scarlet, and she was fourteen years old. Professor Oak personally knew the girl, tell why? Because she was the Daughter of the legendary Pokemon Master, Red.

He would be in great trouble if something happens to her, even by mistake. Not to mention, Red adored his daughter even if he was absent from his hometown most of the time because of his duties. He wouldn't want to guess what would happen if it was a bad news about Scarlet.

That's why, professor had sent Scyther and Pidgeot out in the forest to search for her, while he was riding on his Dragonite and searching for her from the sky.

"Maybe our little friend can help us in this case." Professor thought aloud and looked at his partner, "Dragonite, let's go to the Charmander's Den. Maybe he might be able to help us."

The Dragonite cooed at the mention of his little wild friend and rushed in the direction of Charmander's Den.

Once they had reached, they saw that the boulder was still closed probably because Charmander had not woken up yet. Which should be obvious, since they had started searching for Scarlet just half an hour ago and it was still very early in the morning.

The reason why they didn't search for her in the night was because Pokemon don't stay awake in the night, exceptions excluded. Even so, Professor Oak had sent a Noctowl and Haunter in the forest to search for her but they hadn't reported back, which meant that they hadn't found her yet.

After landing and getting professor Oak off of him, Dragonite couldn't hold back his excitement and went to open the boulder to greet his friend. But he also smelled the scent of a human coming from inside and immediately called for Oak.

"Drag, Dragonite!"

"What, you say that there's a human inside?" Professor Oak was immediately understood what Dragonite was saying, and rushed towards the Den.

Dragonite saw this and moved the boulder to open the entrance. But what they saw inside shocked them to a great relief and also scared them a lot.

Scarlet was happily cuddling the strongest Charmander in the world, while the both of them were peacefully asleep.

There was also a lot of food inside the Den, mostly cooked Beedrills and Caterpie munchies, but professor Oak also saw that there were berries laid on a leaf on the side as well.

He understood the Charmander's intention and subconsciously smiled fondly at him. Secretly, before any of the two could wake up, professor Oak clicked a picture of them in his smartphone and texted it to Red with a morning message.

And right after that moment, he could see that Charmander was waking up probably because he felt the presence of intruders in his Den.

'Professor Oak.' Alex thought as he groggily released a yawn with bits of embers coming out of his mouth.

Alex saw that the girl from yesterday was hugging him in her sleep, so he moved her away carefully and got up to greet his visitors.

"I found her in the forest last night, she was attacked by a flock of Beedrills when I found her." Alex stated to the Dragonite in the universal Pokemon language.

But to humans, it would only sound as if he was repeating his species name again and again. He really didn't understand how the rules of this world worked, so he also didn't bother understanding them.

Though, Alex did know that Telepathy can help him converse with other humans. He was waiting for the moment for when he would able to learn that skill, even if he didn't know if it was possible on him or not. The least he could do was try and hope that his system made it possible somehow.

Dragonite heard this and told Professor Oak what happened, making the older human sigh in relief and then look at Alex with gratitude.

"Thank you very much, Charmander. You have helped me a lot by saving that stubborn kid."

"Stubborn kid?" Alex looked at Dragonite for answer.

"Well, she delayed her Pokemon trainer exams due to getting sick." Dragonite answered with a sigh, "And because of this, she was a month late from the other trainers to get her first Partner. All the Starters were chosen and none were left for her, even that rebellious Pikachu was gone."

'Rebellious Pikachu.' Alex rolled his eyes, knowing very well who's the Pikachu that was described this way.

Yes, he had already seen Ash Ketchum a few weeks ago pass by the Veridian forest, and Misty was also tagging along with him. He had also saved them by a enraged Fearow that wanted to hunt them down for hurting the Spearows, but not that they knew about it.

"Fine, take her away." Alex stated with a shrug and looked at professor, who was in the Den and checking the girl.

"Scarlet, wake up." Professor Oak tried to wake up the girl by shaking her body, 'How the hell is she even in a deep sleep on a ground like this? Really, she does go on her Father in cases like these.'

"Mm.." Scarlet rubbed her eyes as she irritatedly got awake, "A few more decades.."

"Girl, do you even know what situation you are in?!" Oak scolded in a loud voice to wake up the girl, which seemed to be a lot effective.

Scarlet immediately sat up with her eyes going wide, "Where am I? Professor Oak?"

Oak just gave her a silent stare, indicating that she start explaining things.

Scarlet sheepishly scratched her cheeks when she understood that she's in trouble, "Well.."

"Well?" Oak raised an eyebrow.

"I am sorry, don't tell this to father!" Scarlet pleaded by clapping her hands together.

"Well, fine." Oak stood up with a sigh, "Now get up and thank the guy who saved you yesterday."

"Yesterday." Scarlet realised yesterday's events and got up in shock, "I was being chased by swarm of Beedrills! I hadn't even done anything to provoke them!"

"Are these those stupid Beedrills?" Dragonite asked, as him and Alex were snacking on roasted Beedrills while watching the humans.

"Yeah, I gave the rest to those Spearows." Alex replied casually as he looked at Professor Oak and the girl named Scarlet.

Scarlet then looked straight into his eyes and Alex sweatdropped when he saw a twinkle in her eyes. Almost all of a sudden, she dashed towards him and pulled him into a bear hug.

Alex didn't move against her since he knew that she wasn't attacking him. Not to mention, humans can barely harm a Pokemon without facing consequences in return. Exceptions like Bruno to be excluded from the said category.

"So it was true!" Scarlet cheered and looked up at his face, because Alex was oddly taller than a average human even as a Charmander.

"Professor Oak!" Scarlet looked back at the said person with a grin, "I found my Starter. Now I can start my journey right? I also can't believe that its a Charmander like I wanted, like how Father had got his own Starter."

"Scarlet.." Professor Oak gave a wry smile to the girl, "If you haven't noticed yet, that Charmander is not a normal Charmander." Maybe she was blinded by her happiness to miss such a huge detail.

"Now that I see.." Scarlet looked back at Alex and subconsciously gulped in fear at his intimidating size and the twin fangs coming out of his closed mouth.

Even so, she closed her eyes and tightly hugged the Monster, "No, I have made my choice! He's going to become my partner!"

"Charmander, don't worry, okay? I'll handle this." Professor Oak stated in assurance with a troubled expression.

He didn't wanted the Charmander to start attacking them by thinking that he was going to get captured. Oak trusted in his Dragonite's strength, but they had already faced defeat from Alex a few months ago. That's also why his Dragonite respected Charmander a lot and considered him as his friend.

Alex looked at the girl and surprisingly remembered the thoughts that he had from his spare time. Did he wanted to stay in this forest for the rest of his life? He did have a option to evolve and travel other regions, but that would be doing the same thing that he was going here. Only that, the Pokemons will change based on the regions.

Professor Oak steadily moved towards the hugging girl to get her back from Charmander, but much to his shock, Charmander thoughtfully shook his head and hugged the girl back.

Even Dragonite was confused seeing this, "Alex?" he did know his friend's self-granted name.

"I want to be her partner." Charmander replied with a serious nod.

"You want to be my partner?" Somehow, Scarlet had understood him as well.

Dragonite decided to explain seeing the confusion on Alex, "She has experience talking with her Dad's Charizard, so probably she can understand you a little."

Hearing the answer, Charmander looked at the girl that was tightly hugging him. But now, she was expectantly smiling at Alex without getting scared of him.

Dragonite told Oak about Alex's intentions, much to the professor's shock.

"Is that true, Charmander?" Oak asked with his eyes going wide.

"I think I am ready to start my own journey." Alex responded with a nod so that the human could understand him.

"Well, that's a surprise." Professor knew the Charmander's abilities very well. And to say that he just chose a partner to face the league? That was a very good and horrifying news at the same time. Good for Scarlet, while Horrifying for the trainers that would fight them in future.

'It's as if they have a legacy running in thier family to get freaky Charmanders.' Oak thought with a pleasant shake of his head and then looked at the duo, "Charmander, you have to come with us if you want to start your journey with Scarlet. But first let me ask you something, are you sure that you want this?"

"I am sure!" Alex forcefully affirmed in excitement, and released a gigantic flamethrower in the sky.

The "Flamethrower" was enough to wake up the sleeping Pokemons and clear the radius around his Den.

"Well, then." Professor took out a empty Pokeball from his pocket and threw it to Scarlet, "Get your starter."

"I don't wish to stay inside a Pokeball! That's the worst!" Alex immediately complained as he remembered this one bit of information that he had forgotten.

"But you have to get into this Pokeball at least once to become mine, you know?" Scarlet told him with pleading eyes, "Please?"

Alex knew that this was a necessary procedure, but even so... In the end, he gave up his internal conflict and looked away before nodding his head.

He had a general idea how the Pokeball worked. And right now, he was sure that only Masterball was strong enough to keep him trapped at his current level. So if he felt betrayed or displeased by this girl, he wouldn't hesitate to abandon her at any moment.

Seeing his response, Scarlet leaped in joy with a loud cheer.

She tapped the head of Pokeball on Alex's chest, and the next instant due to not struggling against the ball, Alex was inside the subspace of the Pokeball. He didn't reject the scanning like process from the ball and just calmed down his anxiety.

Inside the ball, it was very calm and silent. He felt like he was half asleep and put into a resting place. Which in Alex's opinion was waste of time. Why would he want to rest most of the time in the ball when he can easily do better things outside?

"Congratulations on getting your first Pokemon, Scarlet." Oak greeted with a smile.

"I am very happy right now!" Scarlet cheered happily, "I will turn him into the strongest Charizard in existence, even stronger than Dad's!"

'Well, that's easy.' Dragonite thought with a roll of his eyes. He knew the Charmander's capabilities very well, and it did made him shudder in fear at the imagination of what Alex would turn into in future.

"I should warn you, Scarlet." Oak said by suddenly getting serious, "That Charmander is not a normal Charmander. He was the ruler of Veridian forest, and all the Pokemon here either respect or fear him. You should know that you'll have to treat him with outmost care and not to enrage him. Even if he's way too strong, he's sensible enough to take suggestions into consideration, but that doesn't mean he lacks pride."

"I want my Charmander to full of pride." Scarlet frowned in answer, making Oak nod for the last time at her.

Professor Oak then called for Pidgeot and Scyther by blowing specific whistles for each. He told the Scyther to look for Noctowl and Haunter and ask them to return to the farm with him. While Pidgeot was commanded to take Scarlet back with them.

Oak got in his Dragonite, while Scarlet on the Pidgeot, and from there they went back to the Pallete town, which was going to be the starting point of creating a new legend in the world.

Scarlet was beaming in happiness all the time on their travel back, unaware that her Starter was not just a 'not normal' Charmander like Professor Oak had said.

But that, would be for a later time.

Playing Pokemon Fire Ash just for old time's sake. Plus, I am using cheats.

infinite_glorycreators' thoughts