
The Strongest Pocket-Monster.

Wishing to be Reincarnated as a Master of Pokemons but instead got reincarnated as one, follow the life of Alex turned into a blissful tragedy to 'read' how he Adapts and Overcomes the Challenges posed by Legends themselves in his path. — A newbie as a author and I don't really know much about Pokemon world in detail, so excuse me if I make some mistakes. My English should be readable. At least, I won't gender-bend my characters by each paragraph, that I can assure. To be honest, I am writing this because I have spare time and a idea to what I would be writing, so there might be some cases where I miss the regular updates, or even, drop this story if readers don't like it. I mean, what would be the purpose to continue when nobody wants to read this, right? Just write "Drop" in the comment section to let me know.

infinite_glory · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Struggles of a new life.

Over the months, or let's say almost a year, Alex had gotten into multiple fights with wild Pokemon and Duels with trainers ranging from Rookie to Novice level.

He had grown a lot stronger and based on his stats, he had already reached the 100-Level mark two months ago. But still, he was in his initial form of a Charmander and there was a valid reason behind this.

Alex had been forcing a stopper on his evolution even when he had faced many challenging opponents in the past. Evolution seemed like a easy option to overcome those challenges at that moment, but he forced his way by pure will power and sheer strength of a Charmander.

And because of this, his Base stats were about 10 times higher compared to what a average Charizard should have. Though, this also meant that he didn't have the privilege to use moves like "Fly" and "Wing attack" Which required his evolved state, but it was still worth it.

This also meant that due to his abnormally high stats he was a lot huger than a normal Charmander, about ten times larger which puts him into category of an average sized Nidoking.

Unlike every other Charmander or its evolved forms, Alex didn't have a pot belly and small limbs on his upper body. His body was chiseled with dense muscles due to his daily workout and gradual fights, and his hands were buffer and much longer than a Charmander should have. His body was slimmer, more flexible and agile, while his attack carried a huge impact due to his strength.

Alex had already trained all the abilities to a Master level that a Charmander should be able to learn. And because of this, all the other Pokemon in the deep part of Viridian forest feared him and never strayed around his Den.

Charmander was a carnivorous Pokemon, hence Alex had to hunt in the wild to feed his stomach. Even so, he never ate his meals raw and always cooked their meat properly. It was one of the benefits to be a fire-type Pokemon to conjure Fire whenever he wanted.

As he felt the warmth of early morning shining outside his Den, Alex came out with a roasted Beedrill in hand serving as a early morning snack and started his early morning daily Workout.

Leveling up these days was getting a lot tougher because not many Pokemon were posing a challenge to him in this Forest.

Veredian Forest might be a beginner's forest in the game, but that's not to be said for the real life. There were many Max evolved Pokemons dwelling in the deeper part of the Forests and in earlier days, they always challenged him into a fight.

Let's just say that some annoying ones were turned into food, while the ones who accepted their defeat were sparred by Alex for their life. There was no healing Potions in the forest for minor injuries or major wounds, so life was tough without a trainer in the forest.

Though, this only benefited Alex more even in such dire situations, because he had developed a natural healing factor due to his body going through many struggle in his weakling days.

Though in the current day, many Pokemons just ran away at his sight. It didn't help that he was larger even as a Charmander, because his size alerted the Pokemon to run away before he could make them his food.

Though, that didn't mean he struggled in getting his meals. Compared to ANY Pokemon in the forest, he was a lot faster and stronger even if he cannot fly. Alex's base stats were just that high and the System still motivates him to improve further.

What Alex liked about this System was that it provided TMs and HMs on completing specific tasks, and by now, he had already learnt and mastered high impact moves such as "Giga Impact" "Hyper-Beam" "Solar-Beam" "Focus Blast" "Earthquake" and many other moves.

He still had many TMs and HMs stored in his personal inventory, which he would later learn after evolving.

His current Stats were:

[Name: Alexander Pendragon

Form: Charmander

Type: Fire/True Dragon/Fighting/Ground

Abilities: Adapt and Overcome

Gender: Male

Level: 142

HP: 5930

Attack: 468

Defense: 980

Sp. Atk: 489

Sp. Def: 670

Speed: 890

Total: 9427


The list of moves was so long that it could conveniently be ignored. Alex already knew all the moves that a Charmander should know, plus the moves that he had learnt through the usage of TMs and HMs. And it should be obvious that he had Mastered those moves over the time of long stay in the forest.

Alex had finished his morning workout by the time sun was shining on the top of his head. He didn't need breakfast because his way of having breakfast was by munching on light snacks in the small breaks that he took in his workout routine.

These small snacks worked like a energy potion in earlier days to continue practicing without bothering much about his stamina.

But nowadays, he was not getting tired at all. Alex had come to understand how Saitama must've been feeling all that time when he was on the top of food chain, 'I mean, the strongest person in the world.'

'Really, being a carnivorous and living in a forest is sure affecting my mind.' Alex thought, but he knew that he had eventually and gradually overcome such emotions. After all, he wouldn't like to die by starving after reincarnating into his favourite world as his favourite Pokemon, right?

Being a Charmander was already a great enough motivation in itself to become the strongest. He loved its Max evolved form, but that didn't mean he would just rush his evolution.

Alex did just the opposite of that.

He trained himself so much that he was already strong enough to take out strongest of Pokemons in his first stage form.

Though, that didn't mean other Pokemons didn't pose him a challenge. Water-type pokemon were still a weakness to him and Flying-type a headache to deal with. And even if a Water-type were his weakness, it wasn't a weakness compared to what a normal Fire-type would face. Because of his True-Dragon-type status which he had earned at level 100, and swimming training in small ponds or pools, Alex had developed a resistance to Water-type attacks.

In simple words, Water-type attacks deal him damage, but only as much as they would normally do to a average Pokemon without considering the weakness part.

"Time to hunt!" Alex roared with flames erupting from his mouth. He made his way into the forest to either find a worthy Pokemon as his opponent, or just to search for some food that he could store for a few days in his Den.

His Inventory cannot store food and Water, after all. But it can store objects like Potions and other stuff that a trainer usually carries, this, he had discovered by slaying some annoying Team Rocker members that came into the forest to specifically capture him.

Yes, he was the Myth Pokemon of Viridian Forest and its ruler. And only Professor Oak, who had found him luckily in the forest due to his Dragonite, was the only person who had returned home alive after facing him.

Team Rocket Members who came for him were turned into corpse and their Pokemon as his food. Sometimes, they even carried rare materials like evolution stones and Hyper Potions with them, which Alex had stored in his Inventory for a long time now. They don't expire.

Where else, for normal Trainers, Alex had been avoiding them after his growth in size. Most Trainers passing by the Viridian Forest are beginners for Kanto Region, while some Novice trainers come here to get their hands on Kanto region Bug-Type Pokemons.

If somebody pisses him off, it's obvious to say that he's dead. That's the rule of the jungle. Even so, he had allowed Professor Oak to check on him on monthly occasions, because he knew that the guy wasn't a freak and just had a fascination with strong Pokemons.

Oak had of course invited Alex to join him, but was rejected ruthlessly. Alex wanted to live the forest, it was a good opportunity for him to learn the true nature of Pokemon and grow stronger, rather than getting babysit in the professor's Pokemon farm.

'Fearow's area.' Alex thought as he stepped into the nest of annoying bird species. He was snacking on a well cooked Metapod while walking leisurely into the area that is dangerous for most Pokemon in the forest, that's because Spearows and Fearow are carnivorous species and preyed on weaker Pokemons than themselves.

Pidgey and their evolved forms are also carnivorous, but they only prey on Bug-type Pokemon, like the one he was eating right now. Where else, Fearows could be compared to crows from his previous life due to their similarities in nature. They usually hunt for Rattatas most of the time and even eat thier own species corpse without any disgust.

"Mankey!" The loud voice came from the tree and the said Pokemon landed in front of Alex with a challenging gaze.

Alex studied the Mankey and saw its current level being 45. Probably it came from the Pewter city route to the forest, because that's where you would find the ape species living in a group.

"Here to challenge me?" Alex growled in the universal Pokemon language as he gave Mankey a bored look.

Alex had fought Mankeys and Primape with levels ranging from 50-70, so this ape didn't pose a challenge to him at all.

"Fight me with Physical attacks!" The Mankey shouted in demand, excitement and anger, the latter being a permanent trait for his speices, "I know that I am closer to evolving so I want to challenge a strong person, and I heard you're the strongest!"

"Hm, sure." Alex nodded and took a fighting stance, "But do know that you cannot defeat me!"

"I won't give up without trying!" Mankey challenged as he took a boxing stance as well and started hopping around as if warming itself up.

Alex could see through his observation that the Mankey had moves like "Mega Punch" and "Mega Kick" in his arsenal, so he knew that this might be the reason why this Mankey was so full of himself. Even so, he was tolerable compared to most Primeapes he had come across.

The fight began and Mankey made the first move by rushing straight at Alex and using "Quick Attack" then "Fury swipes". He was also using Moves like "Mega Punch" and "Mega Kick" occasionally in his barrage of attacks, which Alex was dodging without any trouble.

Alex knew that the Mankey would go down in a single "Tackle" if he tried, so he was just using moves like "Smokescreen" and "Intimidate" at him.

And as expected, the Mankey levelled up in the midst of their fight and started evolving. It was the natural and sacred rule known by all Pokemon that to not disturb or attack any Pokemon when it's evolving.

The Mankey was worn out, so Alex knew that he wouldn't be able to do much as a Primeape as well. Even so, he waited untill the light wore down and a fine quality of Primeape was revealed.

"Thank you." Primeape nodded his head with a fierce glare and took a fighting stance again, "Let's continue what to we started."

"Fine." Alex rolled his eyes and decided to end this bout with a "Ember" attack. Even his "Ember" was stronger than the most fiercest of "Flamethrower" attacks, so this should be enough to show his place to the Primeape.

Once the Primeape was down and out of fight, Alex retracted the Ember by swallowing back the fire before it could spread around. The last thing he would want is to put the forest on great fire and endanger the Pokemon residing here. That would be a real waste of food.

Alex also noticed that the Spearows were now hungrily staring at the Primeape, and were only waiting to see if Alex would prey on him first. Hell, they would even eat the remains left by Alex.

But, Alex wasn't interested in eating this ape, nor letting it get devoured alive. So he grabbed the Primeape's leg and started dragging him out of the forest to the Pewter city route, which would be a safe area for him amongst his own species.

Though, he wasn't expecting that a trouble was awaiting him even there.

Once he delivered the Primeape back to his group, who were very happy to see that the Mankey had evolved, Alex was on his way back to his Den because the sun was setting by the time he had reached the Ape area.

He was munching on some berries that he had gotten from the Apes as a gift for safely returning that Primeape back, when he found a girl getting chased by a flock of Beedrills behind her.

Alex noticed that the Beedrills didn't seem to be angry at the girl, rather, they were enjoying giving her a chase. Beedrills were annoying creatures like that.

"Save me somebody!" The girl shouted in sobs and stumbled down on a rock.

The Beedrills surrounding her seemed to be a lot of stress for her to handle and she fainted. But this didn't mean that the Beedrills would stop chasing the girl there, they would severely harm the girl and might even kill the girl for their entertainment. Alex knew this very well.

So a good amount of "Flamethrower" from his direction seemed to have done the job and turned the Beedrills into his fried snacks for the evening.

Seeing that the girl was bleeding on her knees and elbows due to the fall, Alex picked up the unconscious girl on his back with a single hand and started collecting the fried Beedrills with another.

There were a lot of Beedrills, over a dozen, so Alex only took four of them with him and left the rest for Spearows to prey on as a compensation for the Primeape earlier.

Primeape was too noble of a Pokemon to prey on, even if it was angry all the time. Though there are some annoying exceptions some of the times, which Alex would gladly not hesitate to turn them into his meals.

Once he had reached his home by the night time, he placed the girl in his Den and saved some berries for her in case she was hungry when she wakes up.

Alex also knew which berries work as a medicine due to his experience of living in wildlife, so he crushed those berries in his hands and applied the juice on her injuries. Luckily, she hadn't suffered any major wounds.

After that, Alex had his own Dinner and night workout in the open field in front of his Den, before he went back into the Den, closed the door which was actually a large boulder and then hugged himself to sleep beside the girl.

After closing the entrance, there were only gaps in the ceiling big enough to fit a Caterpie to come in. These gaps also worked as a indicator to tell him when the sun was up due to the sunlight that come in through those gaps, and kept the air fresh in his house.

The flame on his tail never weathered down, so it also worked as a lamp in the darkness inside.

Usually, Alex won't bother to close the entrance since not many Pokemon dared to come this way, but tonight he had to be safe since there was a human residing in his home. The light from the flame on his tail should also help if the girl wakes up in the middle of night and wasn't aware of where she was.

Though, it's another case that she would be scared for her life to see a huge Charmander sleeping right beside her.