
The Strongest Human among supernatural

Reincarnated into Twilight?! My sister is emo and in a love triangle? HWAT IN DA HELL --- This will be an AU No Harem MC is human, he has human emotions. He is not a sociopath or a psychopath. Don't like it? A valid argument, however, your mother, grandmother, and aunt.

Shimo_Kiba · Films
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Forks

I'm not sure who Sam will be paired with yet: Alice, Tanya, or maybe even Victoria... Come on, Bryce Howard, of all people, portrays her.


After chowing down on some Wendy's, the twins made their way down to the terminals near the luggage. "Come on, at least call him Dad," said Sam, nudging his sister. Bella had felt uneasy about calling Charlie 'Dad', and while she didn't call Phil 'Dad' either, she still didn't feel completely uncomfortable.

"I know I should, but like...I don't know, it's weird. We haven't been here for years. And-" Bella crooked out as they continued down the stairs, looking off to the side awkwardly. Sam sighed as he grabbed their suitcases, "Fine, just try it. Ok?" Sam gave up and let her be; he couldn't force her, but he wanted her to try at the very least.

"Fine." She agreed to try it at least; she would quit if she still felt uncomfortable. It didn't take them long to find their father standing outside, leaning on a dark blue police cruiser. He looked at the ground awkwardly, and his foot jumped uncomfortably.

He was around 6'0", with the same chocolate brown eyes as Bella. Charlie's hair was curly brown, like Sam's, but he had a bushy mustache instead of Sam's clean-shaven face. He donned a winter police jacket with his hands buried in his pockets. [Image] 

"Dad!" Sam called out, and Charlie glanced about for a moment, eager, before eventually sighting both twins. His face lit up with a smile as he got up straight and approached them. He hugged Bella as Sam placed the baggage down, then pulled Sam into it. "It's good to see you two."

"Yeah, you too...Dad," Bella managed to say, which surprised her because it seemed more natural than calling Phil 'Dad.' "Yeah, it's been too long," Sam added as he drew away from the hug. Charlie grabbed one of the bags while Sam held the other. 

"Let me help." Charlie smiled, opening the cruiser's trunk. To Sam's annoyance, Bella didn't bother with it and just hopped in the front. Begrudgingly, he went to the back, opting not to argue with her. 

The car ride was awkward, except for Sam commenting on signs or the weird bear statue. "So, you grew your hair out, both of you." Charlie tried making small talk, so Sam let Bella talk first. "I cut it since the last time I saw you."

"Oh, guess it grew out again."

"Yeah, I'm trying for long hair. One of my buddies in Arizona thinks it'll fit me better."

Sam replied, hoping to save the conversation. In the rearview mirror, Charlie stared back at him and nodded, unsure what to say. "This..uh, buddy, is it a girl?" Charlie questioned, hoping to learn more about his distant son. "Yeah, Summer, I think I told you about her once."

Charlie nodded again, attempting to think to himself: "Yeah, I think I remember her. I wonder what Leah will think when she realizes you replaced her." He chuckled to himself while Sam laughed dismissively. Sam and Leah had a similar relationship to Bella and Jacob. The only difference was that Leah didn't follow him like a puppy. 

The uncomfortable silence returned only briefly after Charlie pulled into the driveway. Sam looked at the massive home; it seemed almost too big for someone on a cop's salary, but then again, it was 2005. 

Getting the luggage out, the three headed up the stairs as Charlie spoke: "I cleared some shelves off in the bathroom."

"Right, one bathroom," Bella replied unenthusiastically as she placed some things in her room while Sam did the same in his. Charlie helped more with Bella's belongings as he attempted to conversate with her. "That's a good work lamp, and uh...the sales lady picked out most of the bed stuff." Bella gazed around her room, shuddering at her younger self, as Sam did the same.

"You like purple, right? Sammy, you like the navy blue, right?" Charlie asked, hoping he made the right choice with his children's bed colors. 

"Purple's cool"

"I like it; Navy and Grey are my favorites." 

With the respective answers, Charlie nodded happily as he walked out and down the stairs to the living room. Bella's and Sam's rooms were across from each other, and they shared a bathroom—something neither of them wanted to do again. Sam didn't bother with unpacking as he leaned on Bella's doorway. "Feels weird?"

Bella nodded in response to his question; neither had returned for several years. It wasn't only that for Sam but also being in a formerly fictional universe. Of course, he could tell her that, but it felt nice that she agreed without really understanding what he meant. "Yeah, though I like how Charli- Dad doesn't hover like Mom."

"You don't have to call him—" Sam felt a bit guilty for forcing her to call Charlie 'Dad', but Bella shrugged him off. "No, I'm..... OK with it, I think."

"Either way, don't forget that I'm here too if you want someone to talk to" Sam headed for his room, but he could still hear Bella talking; "Dumbass" With that remark, she slammed the door and began unpacking. He chuckled as he sat on his bed, looking around the room at the stuff his younger self had pinned up. 

His walls were navy blue, with pinned posters ranging from albums to boxers. They were the same bands he had liked in his previous life, including Wu-Tang Clan, Fall Out Boy, and even Green Day. The center poster showed Prince Naseem, on whom Sam based his Orthodox fighting technique. 'Tomorrow, that stalker shows up. From what I remember, they don't have any weaknesses like typical vamps. I wonder


The shop panel in front of him displayed various items ranging from clothing to gloves and weapons. The weapon list was significantly broader, including knives, swords, guns, and even high-caliber guns such as M249s and SMGs. Sam's jaw fell slightly as he looked at the prices that were not cheap. 'Buying this shit is out of the question right now; I don't even know whether it will take a fang down.'

Shows like Supernatural and Oringals and movies like Underworld and Blade all featured vampires with distinct weaknesses. Hopefully, the same may be true with Twilight. 

"Sam, Billy's here," Bella yelled, taking Sam's attention from the panel. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed it before slipping on some shoes and following Bella closely. Charlie leaned against Bella's soon-to-be red truck, speaking with an elderly man in a wheelchair, as the twins exited the house. This was Billy Black, Charlie's old buddy and twins' uncle figure. [Image]

His son, Jacob Black, stood behind him, pushing his wheelchair. He didn't look older than maybe 16, and his long hair reached his nape, which was tied. His russet complexion complemented his dark eyes and black hair. [Image]

Lastly, off to the side stood a 5,10 women with copper skin and long black hair. Her hair was sleek black and reached to her shoulders; it paired well with her brown eyes and long lashes. This was Leah Clearwater. [Image] 

"Bella, Sammy, y'all remember Billy Black, right?" Charlie semi-introduced the two of them. As Bella shook his hand, she said, "Yeah, of course, you look good." 

Billy chuckled and nodded; "Still dancing, I'm glad the both of you are finally here." 

Sam nodded and took his hand: "He didn't cause too much trouble, did he?" Charlie gave Sam an irritated look, and Billy laughed, "Other than talking, our ears dry about you coming home?" Charlie rolled his eyes and walked away slightly.

"Alright, keep exaggerating, and I'll roll you into the mud." He threatened, but Billy instantly wheeled over, rolled to him, and shot back, "Not before I run over your ankles." Billy attempted to run over Charlie's foot, but Charlie was too quick. The kids looked at their parents laughing before Bella asked, "Are they always like this?"

Jacob nodded and looked at the twins, saying, "It gets worse with age, but I'm Jacob." He looked between the twins as he prepared to speak again. "We used to make mud pies when we were little-"

"I'm Leah if you remember." Interupping Jacob, she smiled at Sam, trying to jog his memory. Jacob didn't look amused, but Leah didn't seem to care. Sam nodded and replied, "Yeah, I remember we got lost in the forest a couple of times." 

She laughed a bit; "You mean, you got lost." Sam would be quick with his retort, but the old men finally settled down from their 'fight' as Charlie smacked the truck's bed. "How you like it, bells?"

Bella looked at Charlie, puzzled, before he said, "Your homecoming present." Her eyes widened in disbelief before she eventually said, "You're serious?"

"I just bought it off Billy here, along with that one too." He pointed to another car, which was rusted and on the verge of breaking apart but Sam could still tell it was a 1969 light blue Ford Mustang.

This time, he looked at Sam, who glanced back and forth between the car and his father; "You're kidding."

Charlie shook his head as both of his children grinned; Sam bear-hugged his father and even picked him up; "Thank you, thank you, thank you," Charlie awkwardly chuckled, hugging him back, while Bella nodded her appreciation. Sam didn't bother with Jacob and Bella before he quickly ran to his new car. 

Leah and Billy followed behind, while Charlie stayed by the truck, observing his child and their excitement. "She runs, but I don't recommend driving her right now; she still needs a bit of fixing up," Billy said, his son focused on Bella's truck when he could have been fixing both. Thankfully, he managed to get it running. "Jacob fixed your sister's truck; he said he wouldn't mind coming around to finish fixing yours."

Sam rolled his eyes before glancing at the truck and the love puppy sitting oddly close to Bella; "I'm sure he would." He grabbed the door handle and tried to speak again, but the handle snapped off. He raised it, looked at Billy, chuckled, and shook his head apolitically. Sam turned to show his father, who grimaced at the broken handle. "Yeah, thanks, but no thanks; I'll fix it myself." 

"Don't want him trying to drool over Bella, huh?" Leah asked with a giggle; Sam shook his head as Billy turned to leave. "So you still going to school on the reservation?"

"Yeah, but a new school should not be bad; you got Bella." She tried to look brighter as she leaned against the car. "Don't lean against my baby like that," Sam pushed her off, scolding her. "And for your information, She's anti-social; I'll have to help her out."

Leah nodded in understanding; "Yeah, I guess so." The two started to return to the truck when Billy looked at them; "So, I take it you both like your gifts?" 

"Definitely. Thanks again, Dad," Sam said excitedly, as Charlie smiled; "No problem. Oh, I talked with Billy here, and since they couldn't finish fixing your car on time, he's agreed to let you have one of their toolboxes."

"Oh wow, really? Thanks, Uncle." Sam smiled as he fist-bumped his uncle's figure, and after some more catching up, they finally left. Charlie glanced at the time and glanced at his children: "So uh.....Do you guys want to go grab something to eat?" 

Bella glanced at Sam before nodding; the question was more towards Bella. Charlie figured that Sam would want to go; his son, after all, was a lot like his mother. It hurt to be reminded of her. After all, he still wasn't entirely over her. 



I thought to myself as the same panel from earlier had appeared. Dinner was... ok-ish; I talked for both of them. Dad listened, and Bella quietly ate. She talked some, but only when I would nudge her. Calling Charlie 'Dad' was an excellent first step, but it's a small one toward fixing their relationship.

I still couldn't wrap my head around this whole reincarnation thing. I have the memories, but it still doesn't feel real. It's almost like a fever dream; I'm Kristen Stewart's sibling and even look like a young Aaron Taylor Johnson. It can't get more wacky than that. Oh, wait; depressed vampires and discount werewolves. 

Laying in a messily made bed, with my hands behind my head, reading a floating screen. Wacky shit, man. Pushing my useless thoughts away, I read through my giving quest and request for now. 

(Author: There will always be and will always be only one main quest. Anything else will be optional)


Main Quest-

[Human Supremacy]: Challenge the supernatural hierarchy, change the course of events, and create fear of humans in this world of supernatural beings.

Optional Quest-

[Mending Relationships]: Fix the relationship between Isabella and Charlie Swan

[Giving Baby a Second Chance]: Your car is bust! Fix it up. 

[Stalker Alert]: Make a stalker fall off a roof!

[To Be or Not To Be Lonely]: Find a date to the school prom

[Pedal To The Metal] Test the limits of yourself and the system.


'They don't have rewards listed? Maybe I can get them after completing them?' I thought to myself as I swiped away from the quest tab. [Pedal To The Metal] would be the easiest to start with; I've already tested through most of the system, looking into 'Status,' 'Shop,' and my inventory. 

The only tab I have yet to look into is; 'Training.' The same blue panel appeared before him with a list of my skills, each only glowing a different color.

[Boxing] beamed a bright emralde color; it gave off a prideful feeling like I was the best of the best 

[Muay Thai] shined crimson red, a more ruthless aura like it wanted blood. 

[Mechinces] glowed differently than the rest; rather than a vibrant color that gave off some fighting aura, it gave me a more tame aura, calm with a Teal color. 

"Hmmm," I hummed, thinking about which to train for now. It was only 7 o'clock, meaning I still had a couple of hours before I needed to sleep. Sleep is just as crucial to fighting as training is; proper rest = stronger mentally and physically. 

I stayed away from [Muay Thai] for now and picked [Boxing]. The moment my finger pressed against the panel, my vision faded, and almost like a game, the world began to form around me. As it slowly built itself around me, I could feel the sun's heat creeping up, cooking my skin and boiling me for lunch. 

Instantly, my clothes changed into breathable pants with bootcut cuffs. My shirt was gone, and my torso was bare for the world to view.

The world began to look like something, almost like a city, no more like some countryside town. People began to fill the streets, giving me odd looks as they talked in a different language I didn't understand. Some even took pictures of me while snickering. I held my emotions back; it's only a simulation, after all, at least I think.

I could barely make out some of the world. It sounded like 'silly American' or something along those lines. Before I could retort, a faint blue arrow formed in the ground, almost as if it were painted into the ground. It pointed to a red Buddhist gate with brown steps that led up a mount. 

Shrugging my shoulders, if this is training for a boxer, then I'll do it. It didn't take more than maybe 30 or 40 stairs before I was forced to stop to catch my breath. This heat is unbearable, and to think I'll be training in this heat. I don't know how those other people casually walked around with this heat. 

It felt boiling, like I was in the middle of a saucepan. Eventually, after what felt like years of climbing these stairs, I made it to the top. My body borderline collapses at the top, forcing me to lean while hoisting my knees. Before I heard two voices: "A Kid?" It was a gruff voice that spoke in English. 

"It seems Lord Buddha had sent him our way." His voice was the opposite, more soft-spoken, calm, and higher pitched. "Eh? You and the Buddha shit, you goddamn faker."

Looking up, I saw two men arguing. The gruff-voiced one was a muscular, tall, hulking man. He has black, untidy, medium-length hair pulled back with a black headband. He has a craggy face with facial hair, a missing right eye, and a scar in the same place. [Image]

The soft-spoken one was a tall, muscular man with pale skin and black hair. His hair was buzz-cut, and he had a trim beard. The lobes of his ears were extended to match the Buddhist robes he wore. [Image]

"Buddha works in many ways, Dog-Taesoo," the monk said. He was fuming, his chin tight, and I could even hear the wooden moktak in his hand cracking. The other, now known as Taesoo, had a mocking grin as he spoke to the monk. "Don't patronize me, Gongseob; I'll smash your skull."

"Really? You think that fist of yours can break Buddha's Iron Wall?" The monk smiled smugly but tried to hide it from the other one. Taesoo's face contorted into anger, and I could see his vein bulging out of his forehead before he forcefully calmed himself down. His gaze fell on me as I finished catching my breath. "You boy, which would you prefer? An Iron Fist?" 

Taesoo spoke with his fist raised high, his veins extremely promenade, and his knuckles nearly ripped from his skin. His knuckles reminded me of a movie I've seen before; I think it was called "IP Man."

"Or an Iron Body?" the monk asked, his vein bulging out of his skull, the wood in his hand cracking more and more from his grip strength alone. 

"Uh," Was all I could muster out as I stared at both men before me. Time seemed to freeze before me as two options appeared; 


Iron Fist: Harden your knuckles, destroy your hands, and rebuild them better and stronger. You must be committed to your craft, believe in yourself, grit your teeth, and keep the fight going. Your fist will be the only weapon you'll ever need. 

Iron Body: Believing in oneself is the first step; withstand the agony and endure. You cannot fall and will never fall to your knees; instead, your body will become an impenetrable temple built on your beliefs. 



So I'm in a bind, Alice or Victoria? I can't choose, but I am leaning more toward Victoria, in all honesty. 




Any questions?

Bye Bye

3146 Words

Shimo_Kibacreators' thoughts