
The Strongest Fallen King

The story tells of a powerful king who rejected his own humanity in order to protect those who were once dear to him.

Ezrale · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


World of the Gods

 - Father, I have to give bad news.

 - It's not worth it, Ares. I've known for a long time that Shelley died.

 - Will we take revenge for her?

 - No. She broke the law, this is not just ordinary looting, this is the murder of her own brothers.

 "I won't be able to forgive her, even after her death." But my son did not go far, for he committed the same sin as his sister. It's a pity, but we won't be able to influence Achilles anymore. After all, now, everything that exists for him is like ordinary pages of a book.

 Infinite world.

 - Mira, how is Hazu's training going?

 - Everything is fine, he learns quickly, I think that in the distant future he will still be able to surpass Achilles.

 - It's clear. Recently, I received a letter from Parfely, I never thought I would see something like this, but as it turned out, he initially wanted to transfer Khaza to special training.

 "It's amazing, I didn't even think that he would support such an idea." Now you don't have to worry about his approval.

 - That's for sure. Now we must do everything possible so that he masters his father's power. I look forward to the moment when he will be able to kill me.

 - Hey, Neia, what are you going to teach me today?

 - Mister Hazu, unfortunately, but you have long surpassed me, I don't know what I can teach you.

 - This is the end?

 - Yes.

 - It's clear, I want to explore the world. Get Revy's permission to do this.

 - There's no point, he gave permission a long time ago.

 - So goodbye.

 - Goodbye, Hazu.

 Only two years passed, Hazura Scarlet turned five years old, during this short period, he could easily maintain parity with the captain of the capital Abragan.

 - Looks like I've packed my things, it's time to go. For some reason, dad predicted a long time ago that I would leave home at a young age, haha, I will definitely become the strongest, just wait for me, father!

 - World of fire and emptiness, open the gates.

 Hazura the Crimson was sucked into another dimension, a bright scarlet flame yawned around, this is the dimension of demons, they called it "Hell".

 - So it's you, son of God, whom we feared.

 - Lucifer?

 - Heard about me, haha. I think your father told you about my intentions?

 - There is such a thing, but why did you decide that I would help you return to the world of the gods?

 - It's all elementary, I'm stronger. The strong have the right to do whatever they want. To be strong means to be omnipotent. The weak are nothing more than food that serves to satisfy the needs of the strong.

- Ha-Ha, you think a lot about yourself, demon. Don't forget with whom you are having such a wonderful dialogue. You probably think that you are equal to your father, since you were able to create the whole world. I have to disappoint you. In the absence of my father, I am the strongest! Not Revias, not you, not the gods, I will prove to everyone that I am worthy of being called the strongest!

 - What vulgar speech, young man.

 A ball of black flame flew towards Hazura.

 Perfect hit.

 - Burn to the ground, son of God.

 - H... HA-HA-HA-HA.

 There was boisterous laughter.

 - Do you really think that such an attack will affect me? Don't be insolent, demon!

 - Eye of Ra!

 The space cracked, the sun the size of which was the entire world.

 -...Where does such power come from?

 - Since childhood, my father forced me to drink his blood, you know, it tasted like crap, but every time he glowed with a radiant smile, saying, "You'll thank me later!", then I didn't understand what his words meant, but Now, I understand this clearly.

 The heat of the sun fell on the world...

 Everything burned to the ground, not even the souls of the demons, who were considered Lucifer's strongest generals, remained.

 - Kha.

 - Ho, you want to ask "why am I still alive"?

 - ...

 - Don't worry, I'll answer. All because I want to turn you into my sword, this is my first time doing this, so excuse me if it turns out too painful.

 - N... NO!

 - Transmutation.

 Lucifer's body began to gradually disintegrate, leaving behind only dust, it was not ordinary dust, but dust filled with power.

 - Let's get started.

 Hazura created an ordinary sword, into which he poured all the elements, the souls of dead demons, chaos, and in the end the dust that Lucifer left came out.

 - It turned out great...

 The sword that they managed to create was imbued with malice, the bright scarlet blade gaped with all its strength, the sword was similar to a real world treasure.

 - Ha-Ha. This is very interesting, well it's time to get out of here, the world is falling apart...

 When Zeus cast Lucifer into hell, Lucifer swore that he would take revenge on his father. He created his own world, in which bloodthirsty demons reigned, he created concepts, rewrote the history of his world countless times, but nothing helped destroy the son of God...

 Hazura Crimson became famous among the gods, now he is under strict surveillance, because even Ares, who was considered one of the strongest gods, could not destroy Lucifer.

 "I didn't give you a name, from now on you will be called Firion, the sword of the future god, don't let me down, partner."

 - It seems that I was transported to some city, so I need to find a guild.

Hazura saw a guild nearby known as the Pleiades.

 Walking inside, he immediately caught a bunch of looks that reeked of the desire to kill.

 - Hey, register me here!

 - Fill out this form as you wish.


 - Hazura the Crimson? Unusually, we are glad to welcome you to our guild, you will start with D rank.

 - Okay, I'll come by later.

 - Hey, kid, come here!


 - You to me?

 - Who else, come as I said.

 - Don't be insolent, scum. If you have any business, come to me yourself.

 The adventurer, moving at the speed of light, tried to cut Hazura's throat, but...

 - Blocked?!

 - Die, nonsense.

 S-rank adventurers were considered the strongest of all adventurers, and only SS-rank adventurers and the gods of this world were stronger than them.

 The entire guild panicked...

 - Anyone want to die?


 - I thought so.

 Hazura went to the dungeon that Achilles created a long time ago, it was believed that the minimum difficulty rank in this hell was S-rank.

 - Father, I will definitely find you, just wait...