
The Strongest Fallen King

The story tells of a powerful king who rejected his own humanity in order to protect those who were once dear to him.

Ezrale · Fantasy
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17 Chs


The dungeon was named Helheim, it was one of Achilles' best creations, as the story goes, Achilles personally added monsters to the dungeon. There were many who wished to pass Helheim, but after entering the dungeon they were never seen again.

- It's huge in size, haha. I can't wait to see what's so dangerous in there.

Hazura felt thirsty for blood.....

- Human blood? No... Dragon! What brings you here, young companion?

Lich? No... Probably the undead god himself.

- My name is Hazura Crimson, and I wish to pass through this dungeon! 

- Go through? Ha ha. It's been over a hundred years since the last human entered this place. You have my permission to pass through, dragon. 

- Uh-huh.

Strange freak. But his aura is something even Lucifer didn't emit such an aura of death. Father really went to a lot of trouble to create this masterpiece.

- First floor.

What? What is this? Why am I seeing my stats? It can't be that I'm in the game?

Hazura Crimson

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Level: ????

Race: Draconite

Strength: ????

Vitality: ????

Speed: ????

Fortitude: ????

Skills: Elemental Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Speed Manipulation, Transmutation, ?????.

- Strange, but for some reason all my skills are not displayed, apparently there are so many that the system itself can't count them, commendable.


- Huh? Goblins?

The goblin rushed at Hazura at the speed of sound.

- Э? Why so slow? Probably because it's the first floor. Geez.

Hazura swung his sword, destroying the goblins, but with them, he broke through several floors of the maze, each in a different space.

- Floor 5.

- It's annoying what kind of system my father installed.....

- This seems to be the boss room, but there's no boss in sight at all.

Bloodlust has surrounded the entire floor.

- Oh lich, the system put you on the fifth floor, I thought you'd be lower.


Age: 1000 years

Gender: Male

Level: 3000

Race: Undead

Strength: 2500

Vitality: 9900

Speed: Light

Stamina: Magic Damage.

Skills: Manipulation of Death, Manipulation of Soul, Manipulation of Life, Manipulation of Darkness, Mana Sucking, Summoning, Embodiment of the death of the lower world.

- Don't be impertinent, boy, I will personally destroy you!

- Oh, oh, I'm afraid so. Try it if you can.

- Avalak

Arrows began to rain down from the ceiling, they were not unusual at all, but endless.....

The arrows pierced the space of the fifth floor, but....

- direct hit. Hey guy, are you even alive up there?

- Yeah, funny arrows, with no end and no edge piercing the space to another floor. Too bad it's nothing more than garbage to me.

- Time roars

The time continuum split, space began to warp, and with it the Lich who was hit by the precise shot of this attack.

- Since you are a former hero, you will be called Kocha. That's the name of one of my juniors, so don't disrespect him!

- Yes, my master.

I'm sorry, Master Achilles, I was not up to the task.

- He was the embodiment of the lower world's idea of death, I expected some behavior from him. It's a pity it's over so quickly.

- Eighth floor

- Are there mutts here yet?

About a hundred wolves tried to pounce on Hazura.....

- Fire Arrow

In an instant, the entire hundred wolves were wiped out for good.

- Next.

- 9th floor

- Ice Fear

The ninth floor was forever imprisoned in ice.

- Next.

- 10-й

- О? The boss room. I wonder what awaits me there as well?

The doors opened, in the center was a beautiful throne with some life form sitting on it.

- Who are you?

- Ashura. Identify yourself.

- I am Hazura, and I will destroy you!


Age: 5000 years

Gender: Male

Level: 15000

Race: Vampire

Strength: 22340

Vitality: 17890

Speed: HIGH

Resistance: Physical, magic damage.

Skills: Blood manipulation, darkness manipulation, emotion manipulation, illusion, life manipulation, vector manipulation, lower world life personification.

- Not bad stats, let's see how you fend off my attacks.

- Scorching halo

- The space was surrounded by the heat of the sun, everything had melted to the point where only one living thing was visible on this floor.

- You know, I can control the ten vectors of this dungeon, which means that my effects will be ten-dimensional, and it also gives me the ability to change events, create any chain of events, completely remove events from history, and even create probabilities that defy the logic of the world.

- Finally a worthy opponent, well, sorry for holding back, I'm going to hit with 10% of my power this time, get ready.

- Mirewit

A dot appeared that sucked up absolutely the entire 10th floor, against this dot any barriers and defenses are useless.

- What a weakling. I expected him to have resistance to such a thing. I guess I overestimated him.

- Tired of playing with change, it's time for a little trick.

- Orion's laughter

A hysterical laughter erupted and sucked the space up to the 20th floor, if he couldn't handle the rest of the floors, then there's a monster stronger than Ashura.

- Ha-Ha, this is starting to get fun.

Hazura Crimson has descended to the 20th floor.

- Huh? The usual crimson desert? I was expecting some kind of strong boss here.....

- Attention, you have reached the 20th floor, now the next boss awaits you on the 40th floor.

- What a pain, this dungeon wants to kill me.