
The Strongest Fallen King

The story tells of a powerful king who rejected his own humanity in order to protect those who were once dear to him.

Ezrale · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The path of the strongest

Before the supposed death of Achilles.

The world of the gods

- Ares, how is Achilles?

- For now, he's off with his sister to the world of chaos, to defeat your father Cronus.

- It's not going to be easy for him. In my time, I wanted freedom and revenge as much as he did, but that same revenge destroyed me, ha ha. Let us hope he returns victorious.

- Father, I still don't understand the system that prevents us from entering Achilles' world, please enlighten me.

- Ho-Ho. His system is very interesting. As you know, a long time ago, I created countless worlds, and these worlds are far different. They can be compared to a true hierarchy, the higher the world, the stronger the creatures that inhabit it. I would say that the beings at the top consider the lower ones so insignificant that the lower ones can only dream of being born in the upper one. Each world has its own story and plot running through it, however Achilles broke this system by creating his own infinite world, since Achilles was formerly one of us he had the former power. He created his world in such a way that his world treats the others as pathetic fiction, but that's not all. If we gods fall into his territory, we will lose all our power, now you have a question circulating in your mind, why? Because the world of the gods originally considers such a thing as a fiction, Achilles originally thought of it, he poured all his power into his world, this world has absorbed his power so much that it will not be difficult for him to deprive even me of my power.

- В... You? I deeply apologize, Father. But I can't believe it! You are inherently superior to all dragons, even we gods can only fully consider your avatar, some pathetic dragon cannot achieve such power!

- Achilles is far from pathetic, my son. He like all gods is my favorite son. I'm not surprised he surpassed me long ago. He is a god who built a world that places me among the common inhabitants of his world. He has truly done, what I could never have imagined.

- It's unthinkable, not long ago when he left the world of gods, I could easily defeat him, so tell me, why did he so abruptly become stronger than even you?

- Ho-Ho. By that time, Achilles had already created his world, he mocked you, my son. I'll even say more, you fought in everything not him. 

- But.... It was exactly him!

- Indeed, he looked like Achilles, but it wasn't like that at all. Achilles tricked you by substituting himself for an avatar. He had achieved the similarity that he could send an avatar to the world of the gods just like me.

Ares is speechless.

- Your reaction is not surprising. When he was a boy, Achilles was the weakest of you. Now he's proven he can defeat even me. 

- Keep me informed of matters in the world of chaos. If my son should die, I will personally go to his aid.

- Yes, sir.

Chaos World.

- Sis, I think someone's remembering me, so maybe Dad's finally getting worried?

- Ha-Ha, it's possible, because we're trying to do what even he couldn't.

By now, Achilles and Shelly have defeated several hundred supreme gods in the world of Chaos.

- Oh, I'm gonna die like this. Why are there so many annoying cockroaches in this fucking world? We've already defeated gods who could have easily defeated my father, how many more...?

- Don't cry Achilles, we'll soon reach Cronus.

The supreme gods of the chaos world were Cronus' most dangerous weapons. Any one of them surpasses the world of gods and the infinite world, Achilles and Shelly had obtained truly monstrous abilities, they were now transcendent to the infinite hierarchy of the chaos world, but the chaos world was not affected. No matter what kind of divinity, no matter what kind of omnipotence you possess, once you enter the Chaos World, there is only one outcome, and that is an equalized order. Even the greatest god Kronos would be subject to this order. 

Luxurious doors appeared in the space.

- Hey, Shelly, did you do it?

- No, perhaps Cronus himself is inviting us into his domain. Let's not keep him waiting, let's go through.

After their passage, they passed into a space surrounded by darkness.

- You surprise me, grandchildren. Walking around my territory, killing my subordinates, what do you want if you do such barbaric things?

- I want your head.

The bloodlust of Achilles, every creature that raped the world of Chaos, if it were a world of gods, would have collapsed long ago from such power.

- I'm surprised, grandson. You've reached a level that my children are at their best. But, do you really think your vulgar actions will lead you to your desired goal?

- Thanks to them, I will avenge the deaths of my wife and my brothers!

- Huh? Wife? What makes you think I had anything to do with the murder of my family? I've made no secret of the fact that I saw a potential in your son. I intended to visit your world so we could discuss my grandson's future.

- What? Why? My sister said you killed her.

- Shelly Crimson, ha-ha-ha-ha, granddaughter, have you no shame? You even lied to your brother for your own ends. None of my children have ever amused me as much as you have today.

- You owe me an explanation.

- Why should I? This, you fool followed me because of unverified information.

- Granddaughter, I'll be honest. I want to personally take over my grandson's training. I had no ill intentions towards your family in the first place. This is all the fault of that thing you call a sister.

- I will destroy you.

Achilles' eyes were filled with anger, and he lashed out at Shelly with a speed that defied any calculations.

- Is that it?

Shelly dodged Achilles' lunge.

- You scum! Do you really think you're gonna live?

- I don't think, I know. I have control over the plot of the chaos world, I decide what outcome I choose, too bad you brother didn't get that ability.


Achilles' eyes lit up with a bright dark flame.

- Eat, Haymay.

Achilles' sword had devoured the abilities of the chaos world, now the sword and Achilles had gained all the existing abilities that Shelly didn't have.

- Devourer.

The dark wave of death hit Shelly directly, it greedily devoured her energy without any chance for resistance.


Plot, history, fate, any of Shelley's abilities were useless against Achilles and Hamey. At this moment, Achilles had reached a truly terrifying power.

- How does it feel? To take an attack that hits you with a 100% chance of hitting you? Or should I rewrite your identity? In a world of chaos, time runs differently, we can have a lot of fun.

- You can't! I have all the resistance, I'm an all-powerful goddess!


- Have you forgotten? Heimei doesn't care if you have defenses, if you have divinity, if you have omnipotence, he is infinitely superior to absolutely everything. 

- I made the mistake of letting you live. I won't make that mistake again.

- Brother, please don't. We are immortals who are beyond existence and non-existence, let's live the rest of our lives just the two of us.

- You know, I would have agreed if you hadn't killed her. Right now, your life means nothing to me. My sister Shelly died a long time ago.

Die here.

- The Devourer of the Deep

A wave of heat enveloped Shelly's body, that wave burning through every bone in her body, slowly reaching completion.

- Chronostasis.

Time had stopped forever for Shelly, now she was doomed to burn forever in a world where the familiar understanding of time, did not exist.

- That's a rough way to treat her, grandson.

- I think I did the right thing. She took her from me, and I took her life. Now we're even.

- What are you gonna do next?

- Hmm, we'll see. I want Hazou to kill me one day, so I'll be slumbering in some world, waiting for the moment my son surpasses me.

- Then goodbye, grandson.

- Goodbye, Grandpa.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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