
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

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The Cooperation Of The Old Fox And The Young Fox!

Chief Mage of the Supreme Wizarding Court of France.

The status is equivalent to the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot in the British wizarding world.

Every trial or court meeting is hosted by the Chief Mage.

And the Chief Mage of France this time, is none other than Minister Louise Perrin.

"Now the representatives of the Ministry of Magic of France and Germany will state the reasons for the closure of the 63 magic shops under the name of the Saint Investment Group."

As Louise's voice fell, the supreme jury composed of fifty wizards turned their attention to the representatives of the two countries below.

"Good afternoon, Chief Mage Perrin, and all the members of the jury."

"Next, I will explain the reasons for closing down the Saints Investment Group store. As we all know, the predecessor of the Saints Investment Group is the non-governmental organization known as the "Alliance'"

"Everyone here must be familiar with the Alliance, and we have reason to suspect that they are using the Saints Investment Group to conduct illegal transactions such as dangerous and forbidden goods through the disguise of their legal stores."

"So, our two countries have sealed up 63 shops in the territory, out of consideration for the safety of the wizards of the two countries!"

The representatives of the two countries finished speaking and the jury began to whisper.

The impression of the Alliance on the minds of these people can be described as very bad.

That's why Lucas insisted on Dumbledore's presence.

Because Dumbledore is "great" enough

~bang bang!~

Louise picked up the gavel and knocked it a few times, making the calm be restored in the courtroom.

"The following to talk is Mr. Lucas Grindelwald, representative of Saints Investment Group."

The eyes of the audience immediately turned to the boy sitting on the chair in the middle.

Looking at his immature age many older wizards looked puzzled.

What about Vinda Rosier? That proud French rose, why didn't that traitor come?

What about Abernathy? That cunning American wizard has been in charge of the business of the two countries, and what about the rest? Could it be that they are too timid to come and talk?

They did not understand why the Saints Group would send a child.

"Your Majesty Chief Mage, good afternoon, fellow jurors."

"With regard to the baseless accusations made by the representatives of both countries, I would like to emphasize two points."

"First, the Saints Investment Group is committed to restoring friendly relations with the two countries. Our group is a compliant and legal private enterprise."

"For the slander of the representatives of the two countries, our Saints Investment Group will never admit it, and will resolutely ask the two countries to stop their baseless accusations."

"Second, we are an united and friendly private enterprise that has made outstanding contributions to the magic circles of both France and Germany over the years."

"Since the establishment of our Saints Group, we have donated a total of 100,000 Galleons to the magic circles of the two countries, and also helped many wizarding families to solve their employment problems."

"I hope that your Majesty Chief Mage and the members of the jury can restore the functioning of our company's 63 stores and compensate for one year's economic losses, totaling 800,000 Galleons."

After Lucas finished speaking, he handed over the donation proof he had brought.

Upon seeing this, the representatives of the two countries retorted: "Protest, these donations from the Saints Group all started within the last two years."

"They're just trying to escape the wizarding laws!"


Lucas slowly raised his right hand and waited until everyone's eyes focused on him again, then he looked at the representatives of the two countries.

"Sir, you made groundless accusations against our company and I will file a complaint later. Your remarks have greatly damaged the image of our company. This is against morality and against the law."

"Your Majesty Chief Mage and all the jurors, kindness should not be misinterpreted. Every donation from our Saints Group can stand your verification."

"On the contrary, the representatives of the two countries have confused our company with the non-governmental organization "Alliance" from the very beginning, just to interfere with your judgment."

"I admit that the predecessor of our company did a lot of wrong things decades ago."

"But over the years, our Saints Investment Group has shouldered the responsibilities of our predecessors and properly compensated the affected families."

"We will support the elderly who have no children, and we will help families with financial difficulties, in order to make up for past mistakes."

"Decades have passed, and what was the Alliance at this moment has become nothing more than a private enterprise. We even went so far as picking a different name for our group so we won't be confused with the Alliance of the past, all this is because we do not wish to repeat the same mistakes."

Lucas made an impassioned speech which not only made Louise Perrin and the fifty jury dumbfounded, even Dumbledore stared dumbfounded at the blond boy standing in the courtroom.

The whole courtroom was silent and the people present couldn't recover from Lucas' remarks for a while.

Looking at the expressions of these people, Lucas was filled with disdain.

In his previous life, he was the main player in the debate team of a prestigious school, and these old antiques of the magic world want to discuss with him?

Orwell had come in to listen, but now he was seeing the representative he elected being left speechless by Lucas.

He glared at him angrily.

Coincidentally, Louise Perrin did the same.

The two then looked at each other and Louise nodded imperceptibly.


"Sophistry, sophistry! Lucas Grindelwald, don't try to get away with it."

"You led the Alliance to burn down my German Ministry of Magic, what do you have to say about that?"

Looking at Orwell with a fierce face Lucas' eyes were full of disdain and disgust.

"Slander, slander! This is an insult to me personally and to my colleagues, Chief Mage, I strongly protest, please expel this irrelevant person!"


Louise hesitated.

She didn't expect that Orwell couldn't restrain his temper at all.

This is a court meeting, and such unsubstantiated accusations are very dangerous.

But thinking of the rumors she heard recently, Louise felt relieved.

It is said that wizards in Germany have been protesting recently, hoping that Orwell will step down.

If today's result ends with Lucas Grindelwald winning, it wouldn't affect her much.

But for Orwell's ministerial position, it can spell its end!

Lucas also recalled the information Vinda told him about Orwell's current situation.

Of course he knows it all.

Looking at Orwell who was glaring at him, a cunning smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his lips.

That being the case, just let him add a handful of firewood, and wish Minister Orwell to step down as soon as possible.

"Your Excellency Chief Mage, jurors, it is inevitable that some people will continue to have such misunderstandings in the future, so I will explain to you today."

"The building of the German Ministry of Magic was burned, and it has nothing to do with me or the Saints Investment Group."

"Headmaster Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry can attest to that, can't you, Headmaster?"

Seeing Lucas look to himself, Dumbledore knew it was his turn to play next.

Under the watchful eye of France's highest court of wizards Albus Dumbledore walked over to Lucas.

"Yes, I and the professors at Hogwarts can attest that what Mr. Lucas said is the truth."

"Also, here I have a letter from Minister Fudge. The Saints Investment Group has since come to the magic world in England and is busy promoting the prosperity of the magic world."

"This letter is full of Minister Fudge's praise to the Saints Investment Group, and I hope it can provide you with some reference."

"Finally, I would like to say a few words in my personal capacity. Decades have passed, so please let go of your prejudices and look at this matter objectively."

"In addition, those members of the Alliance in the past are now old, and most of them have even passed away."

"Do you all still have the fear in your heart? Or what do you think such a child can do?"

"Because that is what he is, Lucas is just a child!"

Dumbledore's words got most of the jury thinking.

They turned to look at Lucas, who was standing in front of the chair and just happened to see Lucas' frustrated expression.

The lost gaze and the wet corners of his eyes reminded everyone that standing in front of them was just a little wizard who was only 12 years old.

The discussion in the trial court gradually became louder, with almost all of them discussing with those close to them.

Louise Perrin, who was sitting in a high position, listened to the discussions around her.

When she heard that many people agreed to lift the sealed state of the stores, she instantly became anxious.

~bang bang!~

The gavel slammed down hard and the courtroom became quiet again.

"Due to the views of both parties and insufficient evidence, it is difficult for the jury to make a decision at the moment. I announce that the court session will be suspended and the jury's final decision will be postponed. The trial will resume early tomorrow morning."

Lucas tried hard to maintain his downcast look, because at the moment he wanted nothing more than to laugh out loud.

After politely saluting the members of the jury, he and Dumbledore exited the courtroom.

"Lucas, you don't seem to be worried about whether you can lift the seizure status of your stores at all."

"Because the victory is already decided, of course there is no need to worry."

"The victory is set?"

Dumbledore looked suspiciously at the boy walking ahead.

Thinking carefully about the process of the court meeting just now, he still didn't know where the winning point was.

Lucas met Vinda and immediately took his people back to the hotel where they are staying.

Just as they were about to walk into the front hall.

A girl suddenly crashed into Lucas' arms.

Looking at the long silver hair like a waterfall and those blue eyes.

Lucas immediately guessed the other party's identity.

"You are a student of Beauxbatons, right?"

He looked at the girl's school uniform and asked.

Fleur nodded, looking at the boy in front of her in surprise.

She should have left just now, but suddenly felt that the thing that attracted her was in the Ministry of Magic.

So she made excuses and ran back.

She just didn't understand why the boy younger than her was so attractive to her.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Of course, my name is Lucas Grindelwald, a Hogwarts first year and soon to be second year."

"My name is Fleur Delacour, soon to be fifth year at Beauxbatons."

It really was her.

Looking at the obsessed look in her eyes, Lucas understood the reason after a little thought.

His elven blood has an inexplicable attraction to all magical creatures.

And Fleur Delacour has a quarter of Veela blood, or that's what the cover says to reduce discrimination, because all female Veela children are full Veelas.

So she should be affected by the blood.

"Fleur, come here!"

A female half-giant with a height of more than three meters suddenly appeared.

She nodded to Lucas, and forcibly took Fleur by the hand, dragging her away from the Ministry of Magic.

The next day.

After a good night's sleep Lucas came to the French Ministry of Magic feeling refreshed.

Orwell was looking much more haggard than yesterday as he sat in the gallery like a beaten dog.

'Looks like he didn't have a good time last night' Lucas chuckled, and sat down on the chair in the middle of the courtroom.

After a while, all fifty jury members arrived.


"The court session has resumed!".

(Remember to vote with power stones Ford they extra chapters at they end of they week)

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