
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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282 Chs

146. The War Started

Jon go back to Dressrosa by riding Kurama. He can feel his clones, so he know the direction even without Log Pose. Jon go back while healing himself, that last attack by Fujitora sure is damaging him rather badly. An Admiral's strength is not a joke, and that's not even his full power.

Jon arrive on Dressrosa shortly, and call Zetsu. He ask what happen after he got flung by Fujitora earlier. Zetsu tell him what happen, and it seem Law was caught. His friends also know this because Doflamingo brought Law near Colosseum where Luffy is, and Zoro & Kin'emon also there when they try to find Luffy.

"There's also a surprising fact about this Kingdom. Those toys were humans that have been turned using Devil Fruit power."-Zetsu #1

"!!! No wonder they have their own chakra system, they're humans. It seem Doflamingo get his absolute ruling power because he can get rid of the opposing sides easily."-Jon

"Your friends also find a unique race like dwarves that want to rebel against Doflamingo."-Zetsu #1

"Tell me more about it!"-Jon

Zetsu tell Jon about the Tontatta that want to rebel. Their Princess has been caught and they want to save her. They also got lead by a soldier toy that only has one leg. It seem the Tontatta knew about the dark secret of this Kingdom.

After hearing Zetsu's explanation, Jon decide to help Franky make distraction in Toy House. Luffy, Zoro, & Kin'emon have gone to help Law, and he's not worried about them. Usopp & Robin will move quietly to get Sugar, so Jon send Zetsu to help them quietly.

Jon immediately go to the Toy House and he send another Zetsu to help in Factory. Zetsu will try to find a way to free the Tontattas that held captive there. Those small guys are very strong despite their small size. It remind Jon of beetle that can lift something hundreds time of it's weight.

Jon also order Zetsu to store all the SMILEs he find. Those fruits might be useless for his ninjas because of the side effect, but he have an idea. He will try to find the method to make weapons eat devil fruits, and these SMILEs might be useful. He won't need to worry about the side effect if he use it on non-living things.

Jon move on the rooftops, and it didn't take long for him to reach the Toy House. In the Toy House, a battle have started, so Franky must've arrived before him. Jon immediately get inside and see many people attacking Franky.

"Multiple Shuriken Shadow Clones!"-Jon

Jon throw some shuriken, and they start to multiply into hundreds more shurikens. The shurikens fly and hit everyone that try to attack Franky. Jon didn't need to aim and didn't worry if Franky get hit, his body is metal, so he will be fine.

"What a merry party."-Jon

"Jon, don't throw your shurikens at me!"-Franky

"It's fine isn't it? You'll not get hurt."-Jon

"But that startle me."-Franky

"Alright, alright, i'm sorry."-Jon

Suddenly there is a shadow covering Jon, so he look up. He see a fat man is jumping and suddenly fall on him with high speed. Jon flicker at the last second and avoid the slam which create a dent on the ground. It seem the man can control his weight.

Jon recognize the heavy guy, he is Machvise. Jon has learned about all important people in Donquixote pirate, and he is one of them. Then there is also Senor Pink in here, that dressed like a baby.

The goons stand up again after getting stabbed by shurikens. Then another platoon of these goons arrive and they start attacking. Jon & Franky fight with all of them, and Machvise will drop on them occasionally.

Jon have enough of this fat guy that can only drop himself. Jon wait for his chance when Machvise will drop with his super weight. It didn't take long for Machvise to drop on him. Jon immediately jump to the side and then when Machvise fall, he flicker on Machvise's back.

"Bringing this heavy shield is good to add your weight, but it can be a disadvantage too. Your fruit can't make you or other things lighter right?"-Jon

"What are you-"-Machvise

"Doton: Ultra Added Weight Jutsu!"-Jon

Jon use his jutsu to increase Machvise's shield's weight. He has observed that this guy can't reduce his weight and can only increase it. So Jon increase the shield's weight to immobilize him. But Jon didn't stop there, he won't take any chance if the guy still can move.

"FRANKY, GET AWAY! Chidori stream!"-Jon

Franky get away from Jon and Jon execute Chidori stream right on Machvise's back. It didn't just electrocute Machvise, but also other people that try to help for some time. Machvise faint, and Jon bind him with his wood binding jutsu.

Just when an opponent get defeated, another opponent come. It's the Marines that come, and a vice admiral at that. Vice Admiral Bastille, he must've come here with Fujitora.

Jon ask Franky to take care of Senor Pink and Donquixote pirates. Jon will fight the Marines that have just come. There aren't too many marines here, maybe the others are in somewhere else.

Bastille order his mens to attack Jon, and Jon grin. Jon's grin make the marines feel chill on their spine. Jon haven't use this power since he reunited with his friends. Jon release his Conqueror haki, make the marine soldiers and pirate goons faint.

"Conqueror Haki!?"-Senor Pink, Bastille

"He have it too?!"-Franky

"Now, it's even, 2 vs 2."-Jon

They recover from their surprise and continue their fight. Jon face the Vice Admiral that use a big sword. The sword really describe his moniker, the Shark Cutter. The sword name is Same-kiri Bocho, reminding Jon of Zabuza's sword.

Jon draw his swords that haven't been used in this Toy House battle. He will fight sword with sword, only then will it become interesting. Jon hold his swords in reverse and flow neutral chakra on them.

"Bankai: Tensa Zangetsu!"-Jon

Jon & Bastille jump and send their attack to each other. They fused their sword with armament and clash. This first attack is just to judge their enemy's power. No one get the advantage and they back off.

They continue to fight, and Jon still use neutral chakra. He just rely on his sword's sharpness by not using wind chakra. His haki is enough to make them tougher, and it really is. This haki.is really useful.and can cover his chakra power weakness.

Jon & Bastille clash for half an hour and Jon start to have the advantage. Bastille's sword start to get chipped and crack. Jon didn't want to wait and use his wind chakra to cut Bastille's sword completely. The attack passed through and slash the vice admiral too.

But Bastille is still standing, and Jon know he need to end this. Jon cover his right knee with haki and earth chakra. Then he jump and grab the back of Bastille's head. He pull it and send a knee attack at Bastille's face, knocking him out.

Jon turn around and see Franky is still fighting. Jon is confused with Franky's fight versus Senor Pink. Both of them just attack and didn't bother defending, they just took the attacks head on.

Jon want to help Franky, but he tell Jon to not meddle. Franky ask Jon to free the Tontattas that being held captive in factory. Jon agree, but he's unsure of what he should say to those little people so they will believe him.

"Hey Franky, how can i convince them to trust me and go with me?"-Jon

"Find Robin & Usopp there, then ask some Tontattas to go with you so they can talk with their friends."-Franky

"Alright, sounds good."-Jon

Jon make a tunnel to the underground facility and he jump down. Jon then sticking on the underground ceiling and look for Robin & Usopp. Suddenly he heard a loud crashing sound and see a ship is crashed to a big building.

He has no time for that and search for Robin & Usopp. He find Robin that is hiding between crates and he flicker there, then he ask about the Tontattas. There is a Tontatta that hide in Robin's breast, make Jon sweatdrop.

This Tontatta is their King, so he is the perfect person. Jon tell the King about his plan to break into the factory and need the King's help. The King agree and go with Jon to the factory. Jon tell Robin to be careful and he leave to the factory.

Jon decide to get onto the ceiling again so no one will see him. When he run on the ceiling, he feel a very strange feeling. He suddenly forget how he meet the Tontatta King, Gancho.

"Hey, how'd i met you before?"-Jon

"I am hiding between crates, then you suddenly come."-Gancho

"Ah, that's right, sorry i feel some headache just now."-Jon

Jon has forget about Robin, because she has been turned into a toy by Sugar. Jon brush aside the strange feeling and keep running to the factory. He arrive on top of the factory and see the transparent glass roof.

Jon call Zetsu #3 that he tasked to investigate the factory. Zetsu #3 come and explain everything to Jon. Gancho get very surprised when he heard that his daughter, Mansherry is not here.

"Where's she?"-Jon

"I don't know yet, i can't use genjutsu like you, so i can't get the information."-Zetsu #3

"You can transform into a guard and ask someone."-Jon

"Ah, that's right."-Zetsu #3

Jon sigh at Zetsu's simple brain function, but at least he get some good info. Jon tell Gancho to convince his people to leave the factory. Then Jon will search Mansherry's whereabout after that.

After Gancho agree, Jon draw his swords and swing it to the glass roof. It's a tough glass, but Jon can cut with lightning chakra flow. He cut it and then he jump down to the green house. His landing gather everyone's attention, Tontatta's and Guard's.

Gancho then come out from Jon's pocket and talk with his people. Jon is relief he didn't need to make some speech, he is not good at it. Talk no Jutsu is not his speciality, that's why he train, because he can't defeat people by talking to them.

The Tontattas are furious hearing the fact about their princess. Then they start to revolt and attack the guards. The guards try to deceive them with their talk, but Jon shut their mouth with shadow imitation. These Tontattas are very easy to fool afterall.

Jon then send Zetsu #3 and some wood clones to gather all the SMILEs in this factory, and destroy the factory. Then he tell the Tontattas to grab onto him. After they grab on him, Jon get away from the hole in the roof with his Geppo.

When he arrive outside, Jon see lights come from everywhere. He is confused, and try to see one light source. He's surprised to see that it's the Toys that have turned back to humans.

"It seem Uso-land has succeed."-Gancho

"Yeah, and that strange feeling earlier was i forget about Robin. That sure is scary, to think i could forget someone that close with me that easily. No wonder people thought nothing is wrong in this place."-Jon have a grim expression

Jon then get down and run to meet Usopp & Robin. The Tontattas also got excited because many of their kinds were turned into toys too. They keep running toward the Executive Tower where the battle happen.

When they arrive there, they see Usopp is getting lifted by a giant, Hajrudin. The ceiling behind them also suddenly destroyed, and it's right on top of Jon. Jon flicker away to avoid the destroyed ceiling and look at Usopp.

Jon is flabbergasted with what he see. Light come from the big hole, and shine on Usopp. Jon then look at the people who have been turned back to humans. They all have a worshipping look at Usopp.

They even say that he is God, and start to worship him. Then they misinterpret Usopp's words and become more touched. Jon can only have a dumbfounded expression at these pirates that believe in God.

"These guys have lose their mind."-Jon