
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

145. Deceived

The A Block battle have finished, with Jon as a winner. Now the B Block have started and there are some famous individuals. Bellamy, Bartolomeo, Elizabello II, Blue Gilly, Jeet, Abdullah, and even Hack is there.

'Did he feel bored waiting Sabo's order that he join the competition?'-Jon comment at Hack

The battle started and it seem people are supporting Bellamy. Well, he is Doflamingo's follower, and that bird is their King, so they will support Bellamy. Contrast to that, they are booing Bartolomeo that prank them with fake bomb and insult them. Jon find this guy amusing instead, he is a funny character.

The battle heated up and Bellamy is showing his stength. He sure has progressed a lot since Luffy defeat him easily. Another contestant also gain a spotlight, a gladiator named Ricky. He didn't really wound his opponent and sent them to the water or knock them out with his blunt sword.

Suddenly in the corridor, a big fat bald old man come. He ask Luffy about Garp, and Luffy answer truthfully, forgetting about his disguise. Jon sigh, and look at the old man, which he know who he is, Don Chinjao.

Chinjao rambling about Garp that has defeated him and his wish to get revenge on Luffy as Garp's grandson. Cavendish also suddenly say that he want to kill Luffy. Because Luffy took his spotlight and more famous.

"What's this? An old man that didn't dare to fight Garp so he go for the grandson, and a star syndrome guy that can't do something better so he blame other person that do better than him? Pathetic, really pathetic. I don't know Don Chinjao is such a coward and Cavendish is such a petty minded person."-Jon

""What'd you say?""-Chinjao & Cavendish say with low angry voice

"It's true right? If you hate Garp, then fight him! If you target Luffy, then let your grandson do it rather than you, that will be fair. And you, if you think Luffy take your spotlight, then do something better than him. Blaming other people for your incompetence, is a cowardice act."-Jon

Jon want to taunt them and make their focus away from Luffy, so his identity won't get revealed to the others. It seem he's succeed, because these 2 have short circuit mind, and easy to get taunted. They attack Jon, and he just flickering and avoid their attacks.

Jon then see Luffy has slip out and hanging outside the wall, and decide to leave too. Jon throw a smoke bomb and flicker outside too. He stick on the wall outside like Luffy and they can't find him.

Jon continue to watch the battle and see it has became more interesting. The contestants have started to fight intensely, and Bellamy seem to lead the battle. There is also someone that just doing warm up while being protected, he is Elizabello II.

Bartolomeo though, didn't fight and just relaxing at the side, like Jon before. He even lay down, and then take a piss, make Jon laugh loudly, but not the audience. Hack also seem to be angry at Bartolomeo, he is really a stiff man.

Hack decide to confront Bartolomeo and attack him with Fishman Karate. Jon use his sharingan to see Bartolomeo's strength, he has high bounty afterall. Hack punch but it didn't hit Bartolomeo at all, Hack break his wrist instead. Jon see a transparent wall in front of Bartolomeo, it seem to be his devil fruit.

'What is that? Barrier? No matter what that is, it's very tough that Hack can't break it and got injured instead.'-Jon

The battle continue, and many contestants are defeated already. Then suddenly Blue Gilly & Dagama attack Elizabello's guard and it turns out that he work for the king. It's really all about money there.

Bellamy got intersted in Bartolomeo after he defeated Hack. Bellamy jump with his spring power and punch with his spring punch too. Then just like Hack before, Bellamy failed to hit Bartolomeo and got flung back instead.

Jon see Bartolomeo make the barrier right on his skin, so it's very versatile. Bellamy try to attack again and he use Armament now. Even so, his attacks still failed to hit Bartolomeo.

On the other side, Blue Gilly suddenly attack Dagama. It seem he want to win himself instead of letting Elizabello win. Suddenly Elizabello stop his warm up, his preparation has finished, and he will unleash his famous King Punch.

Elizabello unleash his punch and it has a very strong force that flung everyone on the stage. He raise his hand and sure of his win, no one can survive his punch so far. But then, everyone see someone is still standing there, it's Bartolomeo.

Bartolomeo has make a barrier to defend against the King Punch. It's very tough that the punch didn't even crack it. Then Bartolomeo send his barrier toward Elizabello and knock him out, make Bartolomeo the winner of B Block.

"Even if Elizabello win, he won't be able to fight in the next round. If that punch need such long preparation, then he will get defeated before he unleash it."-Jon

Now it's the C Block fight, and Luffy has gone to fight. Surprisingly, Chinjao is also in this block, so he will target Luffy for sure. Jon has no doubt that Luffy will win, because he will do everything to get Ace's fruit.

There are some interesting characters too in this group. Lucy (Luffy), Chinjao, Sai, Boo, Hajrudin, Ideo, Jean Ango, Kelly & Bobby Funk, and there is a bull too. Jon is confused with the bull, maybe it want Mera Mera no Mi too. The fight in this block is more interesting than the previous block, so Jon is not bored.

Suddenly Zetsu emerged from the wall and give a surprising info to Jon. Doflamingo has deceived them about his resignation from Sichibukai. Jon is very surprised, because this kind of thing is almost impossible except a Celestial Dragon is at play.

Jon go to a hidden room and make a wood clone that become Deadpool. He left the clone here after giving it a command to take over his role in this tournament. Jon himself left the Colosseum and go to Green Bit.

Zetsu told him that an admiral is here and he go to Green Bit too. Even Law won't be able to fight an Admiral and Doflamingo alone. Furthermore, Zetsu also found some CP-0 agents. That means that WG is playing part in Doflamingo's plan, and it's never a good thing.

*puru puru puru* *kacha*


\Jon, where are you?\-Sanji

"I'm going to Green Bit, there's an Admiral there, and Doflamingo has deceived us."-Jon

\So you've know it too. I'm on my way to Sunny, and almost reach it.\-Sanji

"Alright, Doflamingo might target the ship too, be careful!"-Jon

Jon close the call and run to Green Bit through the rooftops. He run as fast as possible and reach a bridge between Dressrosa and Green Bit. Then he hear a battle sound from the Green Bit direction.

Jon use his sharingan to find the battle and see it is Sanji vs Doflamingo. Doflamingo must've try to attack the ship, so Sanji confront him. But Sanji is overpowered and he stop in midair.

Jon didn't know why Sanji stop, but it must be Doflamingo's power. If Sanji still can't move, then Doflamingo will kill him. Jon know he need to move fast, so he make a rasengan, then add wind chakra and spin it. He make a Rasenshuriken, and then he throw it to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo feel the incoming attack and guard himself with Haki. Jon's Rasenshuriken hit Doflamingo and fing him away before it explode. Jon arrive near Sanji shortly after with Geppo and see many thing strings are trapping him.

Jon cut the strings and throw the injured Sanji to Sunny. Law also use his power to send Caesar to the ship. Law tell the ones on Sunny to go to Zou first. They look at Jon and he nod, so they sail and leave Dressrosa fast.

Suddenly a big ass meteor come down from the sky toward Sunny. Jon want to move, but Doflamingo attack him with a hot string whip, so he counter with a Rankyaku. Luckily, Law use his power to redirect the meteor to the Marine's battleship.

The Sunny team immediately use Coup de Burst to run away from there. Jon is relief, and now he can focus on Doflamingo. Mingo seem pissed with the running away ones and he failed to get them. He try to attack Jon, but Jon just avoid his attacks. He don't need to defend like before, because he didn't need to protect Sunny.

Jon go down to Green Bit and stand next to Law. He look around and see many Marines there preparing their weapons. Then he look at the new Admiral, Fujitora. Doflamingo also come down and they get ready to fight.

"Hey Law, i will go for the new Admiral, go fight that Flamingo yourself."-Jon


Jon draw both of his swords and flow wind chakra on them. Then he flicker and swing his swords down with full power. Fujitora draw his sword and defend Jon's attack.

"As i thought, you might be blind, but you can see better than other people."-Jon

"You're praising me too much."-Fujitora

"Did you know about Doflamingo's play?"-Jon

"I can't say anything to you, Demon Eyes boy."-Fujitora

"Hmm, it seem to be those 5 geezers doing as they please. Doing what a pirate want, the WG & Marine's dignity seems like a joke. That is if they have it in the first place, right Admiral Fujitora?"-Jon

Fujitora didn't answer and just send an attack at Jon. Suddenly Jon feel a strong pressure that push him to the ground. 'Jon' suddenly break into many wood chips and the ground is dented. It's a wood clone, that Jon made just when he get down from the sky.

Jon emerged from a big tree and Fujitora didn't seem surprised. Jon's guess is right, this guy's Observation haki is very strong. His stealth skill might be imperfect, but it's also not something that can be detected easily.

"Gravity, what a scary power."-Jon

"Hohoho, but you don't seem afraid at all."-Fujitora

"Oh no, i'm afraid, that's why i'm excited."-Jon grin

Jon activate his Yin Seal and Mangekyou in case he need it. Then Jon use his Wind chakra mode to make his move swift and very agile. Jon flicker and attack Fujitora, but he feel a danger and get away. Jon is right, because the ground suddenly dented from the gravity.

Jon flicker to Fujitora's back, but the guy detect him. He swing his swords, and Fujitora still can block his attack. Fujitora's Observation haki is very strong and can predict almost all of Jon's attack.

Suddenly Jon hear Law scream in pain and he got distracted. Fujitora use this chance to attack Jon. Fujitora swing his sword and send a strong gravity force toward Jon. Jon cross his arm and cover his body with armament haki.

He try to resist the force, but it's very strong and it's distorting the space. Jon is sent flying away toward the open sea. In the nick of time, Jon put his swords in his inventory to avoid them falling to the sea.

Jon fall to the sea and he try to stop with the water help. Jon finally stop and pant heavily, an admiral is still too strong for him. He can't even use his full power before getting defeated.

Jon summon Kurama and ride him to go to Dressrosa. He get flung rather far, and he need to heal himself. That gravity attack distort his body and injured some organs.

Jon think of his strategy now when an Admiral is joining this war. While healing himself, Jon think that there are too many uncertain factor in this war. Many strong people have come to Dressrosa, and Jon didn't know which side they will join in this war.

"No matter, i will fight anyone, even if i need to fight Fujitora again."-Jon