
The final day is here.

I've been playing YGGDRASIL for a long time in these last four day's. Only stopping to take a break to sleep and eat. I have to say this is harder than I thought, I absolutely love this game, it's unique world design is the best ever seen from a game. The sky-box is second to non, however the thing I love most is how easy it was for me to make friend's.

I am currently looking at my character in the ripple's of my favorite pond. It's currently night, I use the command to reveal all six of my wings. Their beautiful yellow orange sunset color is one of a kind in my eye's. I re-hide 4 of them since the game doesn't let you hide the main one's. They truly were big, fully spread out and their wing span was 14 feet in both direction's. A total of 28 feet, my other four wing's were smaller but by no mean's little they were 10 feet in either direction, a total of 20 feet for the smaller four. The two main wing's also curl pretty well thank's to Compaction magic. It made them fold up like regular angel wing's, which they aren't, they are Seraphim wings. The wing's of the Seraphim race are much larger than regular angel wing's. The only magic I had in changing a physical trait was compaction magic.

I can use them as shield's if need be, but my armor The Crying Heaven's, a divine class armor, was all I really needed. Looking at everything I can see why is was agreed upon that this was the best game graphically. In about one hour the game will have it's server's shut down. I might as well go to the place with the best view.

I head to a mountain I personally called star watch. I think the name explain's it's self, meanwhile I land and reflect on the amazing life I had in YGGDRASIL. All the PvP battle's I've been in, especially that trash talking admin. After I beat him he gave me The Light of Longinus, a world class sword as an apology for being mean. Apparently he never lost till that point, I think he used cheat's in his other battle's. Lot's of people were watching so I got away with a fair game and won it.

I am gazing out into the night sky at my mountain, star watch, and if the game let you I would have cried at the sight before my eye's. My ring, The Moon's Tear give's my stat's a huge buff at night. Same goes for it's sister counter-part The Shadow of the Sun, Its a cloak that give's a buff during the day. Both were super tier item's, They were marked as hidden, something I can't do with my wing's, so they didn't mess with the look I went with but the buffs were still there.

My magic is offensive and defensive based. I didn't spend point's for cosmetic spell's because they were a waste to me. Why hide something beautiful. The highest magic I could cast without a special item was 11th tier. I can see why I sunk so many hour's into this game, because it was fun to be my character. Yeah I lost in the beginning of the game like anyone would, but after awhile only the best in the world could beat me. Something I wasn't, was being the best, I still kicked ass and saved my item's when it counted though.

I look up to the top left of my screen and see about 10 minute's left. I took a mental photo of this wondrous place, moment's like these happen in life but we can't avoid them. The thing's that make the heart hurt. I wonder if Momon and his guild are on for the last couple minute's. I won't bother checking my friend's list to see, they are a guild, its probably just a meeting for only them. I would be a bother.

I can see the count down in the top left 20 second's left


I hope the next game can eventually hold a candle to this



I close my eye's for the final second. It felt like I was moved from my spot a little, but it's probably my stressed mind coming to term's with this. With my eye's still closed, I have one last thought before the timer hit's 0. 'I wonder if the twin's are okay right now' I think to myself.



I am still laying here wondering about my life when I realized that the clock had started again. I'm unsure of what is going on. I try to access my hud but it's completely gone. All that I see is the new location I'm at. 'This isn't star watch.' I think to myself. I try to contact an admin, but nothing is working. What's even stranger is I can feel the grass and the air on my skin. Last I felt, that wasn't apart of YGGDRASIL. I look at my character and it's still the same as always.

I try to use my mind like I would with the dive equipment, but nothing happens. Instead I use my mind like I would with my body, suddenly my body move's as if I'm the Seraphim Amare Vita, my game character. I try to activate my magic as I would with the dive. It doesn't work...again. Then I think about it with my mind and BOOOOOMMM! A huge explosion of divine magic pour's from my body. I'm currently having a panic attack at the moment. I've never felt so powerful in my entire life. Like I could pull the star's from the sky. I rip my helmet off as it sparkle's away in a silver mist and I dry heave from this frighting circumstance.

My wing's uncurl out of instinct and I start to fly fast. Very fast, it seems since I couldn't handle the situation my fight or flight instinct's kicked in and I chose flight. I regain my bearings and quickly realize what's happening. I can feel the wind on my bare face, I lose control of my thought's as I slow down at a new creek. I look into it and I look exactly like Amare Vita. 6'6 with huge wing's and a powerful aura. I think this time and everything slow's down and I begin to relax. I feel light headed after coming off that high. My aura subside's and I relax a little.

As I sit there wondering what is happening to me I notice that everything feel's and look's like the real world. I try for the last time to open my hud or call an admin, but nothing work's. 'Maybe it was a new update and they aren't shutting down the server's.' I think to myself with a shaky voice from all the emotion's I went through.

I want to put my helmet back on, but it turned to dust when I took it off. As I finished that thought and remember the feeling of wanting my helmet, it materializes in my hands. I jump from the sudden action. I look at it strangely as I can feel it's sturdiness, it's strength against my armored hand. 'This is nothing like YGGDRASIL.' I say to myself. I need to find out what is going on. With that I spread my wing's and try to fly again. What an incredible feeling, Flying is the greatest freedom I've experienced so far in my young life. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face.

After awhile of flying forward's at high speed's and altitude's I get really tired. I slow down to a stop in a forest I don't recognize. I take a rest on a huge tree branch. I'm mentally and physically tired from flying so fast for so long. It's as if I feel the drain and need to sleep. Soon I fall to unconsciousness as I curl my wing's around my body to give me warmth.

This is the first chapter in the new world. Let me know what you guys think and give suggestion's. I will upload more on 9/12/2020. Now that the story is starting off I can focus on lore and location's, as well as people. Thank's for reading guy's.

ShadowChaoscreators' thoughts