
The Last Three days.

To say that I'm happy to spend time with my best friend's in my favorite place in the world would be an accurate statement. They worked very hard the last 6 day's and now the vacation part of the trip is happening. I also overlooked the project they are working on, if I was a teacher I'd give it an A+.

I'm up before them again and my god aren't they the late riser's. Everyday I've been the one cooking breakfast and getting everything ready. Well I can't really complain since it give's me time to myself and my precious stocks, if you don't watch those sucker's they drop, and fast to. I am currently reading my favorite forum right now and if you could guess there is a big conversation on where the next DD-VR-MMO-RPG stands right now, you would be right.

A lot of people are hoping the next game will be as successful as YGGDRASIL, having high expectation's like that before the game even come's out, you will ruin it. Also based on the beta tester's, there isn't much hope for the game as of now. That won't stop the shutting down of YGGDRASIL's server's though. However many people don't want that.

I'm glad that my friend's came on this trip, it has really taken my mind off it. I've made fond memories with the Green-Hart twin's, also it was nice to actually spend money instead of just saving everything. Especially on them, they deserve it after this. I know for a fact they are getting that degree and have a stable future ahead of them. They have been together since before they were born, it's not surprising to see them go to the same job together.

I should start heating up the coffee, their alarm's will be going off soon. Just as I think that I hear Josh's nuclear siren alarm go off. Amazing how loud that thing can be. Soon he head's into the kitchen with me and sit's at the table. It's nice to be home after all. Soon I hear an angry growl coming from the hallway.

As I turn my head I see Amelia glaring at her twin. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF I HEAR THAT ALARM ONE MORE TIME I'LL MAKE SURE THEY NEVER FIND YOUR MISSING TOE'S!!" Amelia scream's at her brother. That's the first time I've seen or heard someone be threatened by having their toe's cut off. She must not be a morning person.

"How about your favorite coffee to help the day go straight again? It's hot and fresh." I say to Amelia hoping to alleviate her bad mood. It seems to have worked and she slowly climb's into her chair and yawn's so big I can see in her throat. Man she must be tired.

Amelia looks in her brother's direction. "I'm not kidding about your toe's. You are lucky I care more about coffee than being mad at you." Who would have thought coffee was so important to some people. I drink it to enjoy the morning and help wake up, seem's other's are more addicted than me.

"Well guy's I got a great idea for the first day out of the three day's we have left." I say as I prepare to sit down as well with them. "There is this amazing theme park about an hour away. I haven't been there yet because it was still under partial construction for new ride's. How does that sound you guy's?" I ask the people sitting with me.

The look on their face's was enough of an answer for me. After all they did fly all the way to Japan, you can't leave without having fun with this amazing place. "We will be heading out in an hour. Make sure you guys are ready, I heard that the G-force on some of the ride's can make you puke." I say with a happy and impatient look on my face. These two have been little hellion's for the last 6 day's, seeing them puking will make up for it.

~~~Line Break~~~

We arrive at the theme park and it is very impressive. I have been waiting to come here for sometime. They even have an arcade for the kid's not big enough to go on the ride's. The game lover in me is more tempted at that than the ride's. I see the wrist band stand for the all day pass and pull out my wallet and drop the necessary money on the counter.

"Well guy's I hope you are ready because we are riding Every. Single. One." I say in a slightly sadistic tone. It was my turn to have fun now, and you guy's are coming with me. I can easily say that they might have regretted their decision but, it's to late now.

~~~5 hours later~~~

I left the last ride with a smile on my face and my friend's by my side. I can honestly say this was a better day in my life. I look to them and see that they had just as much fun as me. We are on are way to the car when we pass a photo booth. I drag them in and take dozen's of picture's with my best friend's. Now I'll never forget this day.

We hop in the car and head to my home. It was about 8:11 when we got home just in time for our favorite American show. I gotta say having a VPN makes living abroad easier. I have plan's for the next two day's set in stone. I know some friend's in the street car business and we all have invite's for tomorrow night's race's. However, tomorrow morning the twin's have an idea of what they want to do.

They want to got visit the tori-gate's and see some greenhouse grown cherry blossom's, right now they don't bloom this time of year. Gotta say the temple around here is legendary. Everyone from all over japan come's here to see and travel the path of prayer's. I too am excited for the trip there, they certainly are brother and sister. They both wanted to go, its like they are on the same wave length. It is time for everyone to go to sleep as we all walk to our bed's.

~~~The next day at the temple~~~

The tori-gate's and cherry blossom's are some of the best thing's I have ever seen. I've been here multiple time's but, they are always adding new gate's and cherry blossom's. So it end's up more and more beautiful every year.

We spent the first few hour's going up the ancient temple as the tori-gate's above and to the side line the path. As we start to approach the summit we come across the fox guardian's. They are said to protect the people and the temple from evil intention's. It is a custom that every tori-gate erected it a prayer to a God that the person believe's in. I read on the board that there are over 10,000 tori-gate's lining the path in the temple and up the mountain.

We begin to head down so we won't be late for the street racing my friend's invited me to. On our way we see the beautiful cloud's and descending sun. This site remind's me of YGGDRASIL, but in real life these moment's are to far apart. Make's my heart ache thinking about it.

~~~Around midnight on the mountain's path's for the street racer's~~~

We arrived an hour before the race's started and all the food stall's are getting people their food. Street race's are different here in Japan than in America, while it is illegal the cop's can't do anything about it. Their car factories are to cheap to keep up with modified street car's and they don't have police helicopter's on stand by for the speed demon's. So they just let them go, kinda awesome and sad at the same time.

"So I hope you guy's are ready to see some really crazy shit." I tell the twin's with excitement. I can understand why they are confused on why we are on a mountain. It will be revealed on the screen's everyone is gathering around.

Josh and Amelia ask me what is about to happen. "Here in Japan there isn't the drag racing straight away's. They do drifting down mountain's and in tight city's for racing." This is what a precision event should look like, what it mean's to be in a high risk sport.

As I explained to them what is really going on I can see how pumped they are. Pretty soon the first race started and everyone was watching the screen's to see the driver's perspective's. It was obvious to see how difficult the course was. Everyone had baited breath with the occasional rail grinds and close calls.

After everything is done we head home so we can have energy for the last day they have here. Tomorrow is the ninth day. They have to leave on the tenth I have a special surprise for them. It was certainly worth it to spend 10 day's with them instead of being in YGGDRASIL for 14 day's. You gotta make room for the one's you love.

~~~Last Day together~~~

I got them up earlier than usual for the surprise. I hope they won't chicken out when I tell them. I knew what it was however, I also have never done it myself. I suppose it's time to tell them.

"Why the hell did you wake us up so early for!??" Amelia grumble's angrily. I can barely take this attitude from her anymore but she is like my sister, so I can't really get mad. I can see Josh's face and he is wondering the same thing.

"How do you guy's feel about hot air balloon's?" I ask quickly to just get it over and out with. Judging from their face's they aren't fond of the idea. "Today we will be going for a scenic blimp ride and firework show after. I know it might seem scary but this will be a night to remember." I say confidently.

"We are heading out in two hour's for the ride and after that we are going to the festival." I tell them with eagerness. The more I think about this the more I like the idea.

~~~Line Break~~~

The hot air balloon is slow but really high. We bunch together to take photo's and see the vast land's as far as the eye can see. After we get done with the ride we make it to the festival. The anime's do no justice for the festival's in Japan, it is truly special.

After awhile we make our way to the hill's where the fire work's will be. As they are going off we take as many picture's as we can. We got to have an amazing journey, together just like when we were kid's. I hope for the chance to do this again with them. We get in the car and head home, this is our last night together. Amelia was crying about how much she loved this trip and spending time together, Josh was trying his hardest not to cry. I'm happy I have friends like these, one's that I can love and be loved back.

We all stay up talking about old memories and good time's together when we were kid's. At the end of the night we all decide to sleep in the living room together. As one last hooray we spend most of the night eating Japanese candy and playing Japanese game's until we all fall asleep.

~~~Next day at the airport~~~

"I feel like it went by so fast. I'm really gonna miss you guy's, we should make this a yearly trip." I say as I laugh. I will be missing the Green-Hart hellion's but, I also have friend's to say good-bye to on YGGDRASIL. They have been my family for the past five year's when I moved here when I was barely 20 year's old.

Amelia began to break down. "I can't wait to see next year then!" She says in a wobbly voice. This girl showed me that not all women are mean and cruel. She is the sister I never had.

Josh didn't say anything, he just bring's us all into a giant hug. We stood there for awhile crying with each other. Even I couldn't hold back the tear's. This week is gonna suck after this.

I wave and watch them off as I see their plane leaving. I wipe the last of my tear's and head home. I clean up the mess in the living room as thought's enter my head. "I have four day's to enjoy YGGDRASIL. After a nap I'm getting on and only getting off to sleep." I say out loud to myself. After having them here, the silence is deafening. I spend the rest of the day on YGGDRASIL and in four day's, it will all be over.

This is the last chapter before we get into the world and game of YGGDRASIL. I will start off next chapter near the end of the fourth day. I used these 3 chapter's to build the character and lay the foundation for his story. Sorry if it was to slow or to fast but we are here now. Thank you guy's for reading.

ShadowChaoscreators' thoughts