
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantaisie
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143 Chs

The Great Elven war

Violet's POV

"My Queen!! Are you really going to do this?"

"Of course, why do you think I have trained so hard for the past fifteen years"

"I know and understand your sentiments but these people are our kind."

"Do you think they feel the same way?"

" They might... anyway that is beside the point. It is just that this is our clan, our kin, our kind."


"So you should treat them as such. Don't you think declaring war on them is a little harsh?"

"Well, they did not hesitate in banishing their kin just because of the colour of our skin."

"You know very well that is not the reason."

"Yes yes, I know it's because they fear us for what we can do but still that doesn't give them a reason to discriminate against us."

"So do you think what you are about to do is the solution?"

"Of course."

"How cruel. Do you not see what you are doing will just be asserting their fears by proving them right."

"Well if you have a better way of unifying the Elven Race then tell me."

"As of now I don't, but we can sit down and come up with a better peaceful way of achieving your goal."

"I understand your worries Elder Rauski but unfortunately there is no time to go through your roundabout diplomatic means."

"How is there no time, you have been quite conservative for the past fifteen years, what is a little more."

"Conservative? Hahaha! No, I have not been conservative. It seems like you misunderstood me, Elder. You see I am as radical as one gets. This was the plan from the very beginning it is just that it has taken thirteen years for me to get the necessary power to act on it."

" You have really changed my queen."

"Changed? No, I think you mean evolved."

"No just no, this is not the warm, kind and caring princess from fifteen years ago."

"Yeah, you are exactly right it is a better version."

" Pfft...I still remember the kind and considerate little princess who first came to our village. You and that elf were searching for our village with the aim of learning how to control your abilities."

"And that is exactly what I did."

"Yes you have but back then your intentions were different."

"Different? How were they different?"

"They were innocent and pure unlike now."

"Are my intentions right now not pure?"

"Do I really need to answer that?...

At the time you wished to protect others but now it seems like you just want to reclaim your throne. I can't believe how power-hungry you have become."

" My intention has never changed, I still want to protect my people but for that to happen I need for them to accept me as their leader."

" How very convenient that excuse is. You just happen to need to become the overall ruler for you to extend your protection."

"That is exactly what I need to do."

" My queen I did not want to say this but do you think this is the path that Helen wanted you to take?"

" Well unfortunately for us she is not here to answer that question."

"...I know that her death hit you hard but is this really the answer?"

"Yes, this is the only way that I can see that will prevent me from repeating the same mistake for the third time."

"So your way of correcting your mistake is by committing another one?

Helen would have been very disappointed with you."

"Shut up!!! What do you know? Before Helen died I thought that we could enjoy a simple life free from worry but such a life is not meant for those who cannot protect themselves, something that was made abundantly clear with her death."

"Is that why in thirteen years since her death you have trained so vigorously to gain strength?"

"Yes and now that I have got my strength I will make sure to not let another situation like Helen's arise."

" But your war will most definitely bring about that exact situation."

"And how sure are you?"


"What if I told you I will ensure that it never happens?"

"You speak as if you have total control over the entire situation."

"That is because I do."

"You and I are not gods, we are human and as such we cannot have complete control over any situation."

"Why are you fighting me so hard on this Elder Rauski? I mean when those silly people from the church came by you did not even try to stop me."

"That is because back then, you were fighting to defend your people but now you are doing something entirely opposite."

"No, I'm still doing the exact same thing."

"My Queen!"

"Enough!!! I have already made up my mind. With threats like the church and the demon lord of calamity coupled with a possible confrontation from the Beast Empire. It is best that I unify the Elven race and protect my nation well."


"I know you are trying so hard to prevent me from making the elves fight each other so don't worry, I won't use any of your soldiers for this war, I alone am enough to make the entire Elven army submit to my will."

"I don't doubt that you are but still these are your people."

"Your Majesty, the time has come, it is now time to depart."

"Okay got it Sintra. Elder Rauski I will have to leave you now.

Let's go Sitra."

"My Queeeeen!!!"

As I flew out of there with Sitra at top speed I could hear Elder Rauski's pleas slowly fade away. I know and understand what he was saying but unfortunately, I have no choice. "This is the only way that I can protect our people Helen."

"... Your Majesty are you sure you are ready for this."

"Do you also want to try and stop me?"

" No it's just that you come from the Elemental plane of air just a few days ago so wouldn't it be better for you to relax and rest your body before taking on such a huge task."

" That would be nice but unfortunately there is no time for rest. I have to do this as quickly as possible."

" This will take quite a toll on your majesty."

"I have strengthened my resolve for it so please do not worry about me and if you feel like you are also not up for it you can still go back."

"Don't worry, your majesty, I have sworn loyalty and have a strong resolve to follow you to the ends of the world. So you can count on me."

"Thank you, Sitra."

"We have arrived your majesty."

"I can see that Sitra. Yggdrasil is visible from here."

"So that is the World tree. It's very beautiful and gigantic. Would love to compare it to the Qliphoth."

"Okay, I will now amplify my voice using the air in the atmosphere so that every inhabitant of the forest of Elves will hear my message."

"You can do that?"

"With relative ease."

"You are quite powerful, your majesty."

"Greetings all Inhabitants of this great forest of Elves. I the current leader of the dark elves Violet Sylphyier have decided to pay you all a visit today.

For all those who don't recognize the name, I am the daughter of Lucas Sylphyier your crown princess who you all so graciously exiled, and today, I have come back to lay claim to the throne.

If you wish to contest my claim, you better be prepared to go to war with me.

And to be fair I will give you all time to think. Let's say one day. If you are willing to give me my throne then tomorrow at noon I will meet your leader here alone where we can end this peacefully, but if you want to go to war, Let your leader come meet me with your army's full might.

Since you are my people I am willing to be fair with you. So I will come alone for either case because I know I am definitely able to handle both scenarios with ease.

I will now be taking my leave have a good day, Oh! Before I go I would like to leave you with a little gift.

There you go I saw that your plants looked a little shrivelled so I summoned a days worth of rain for you. Have a nice time and let us meet tomorrow. Bye."

" Your majesty you are quite powerful to be able to summon that amount of rainfall."

"Oh, that is only the tip of the Iceberg. I can do more than what you can even imagine."

"I can't wait to see... But your majesty I still don't understand why you are using fear to unify the elven race. Wouldn't it be better to inspire loyalty?"

" Do you think so?"


"Well don't worry, with time after the unification, the power that once brought them fear will now be their strength and source of pride that will definitely inspire loyalty. So in the end it will all work out."

"Okay, if you say so, your majesty."