
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

The Great Elven war 2

Argon's POV

"Father! Did you hear that declaration of war?"

"Yes, I heard it clearly. We need to summon the council"

"The council? Why? Is she really that big of a threat?"

" Look out the window then you tell me."

"Wow, it really is pouring down hard...

Soooo, is she actually the rightful heir to the throne?"

"... Don't worry about anything you are still my heir."

"But won't this put our people in danger?"

"Giving the throne to a tyrannical person like her will put our people in even more danger."

A knock was then heard at the door

" Your majesty it is me, Christopher."

"Come in Christopher."

"Greetings your grace, crown prince."

"Raise your head, Christopher."

"Thank you, your majesty, I just came to inform you that the alleged exiled princess has set up camp at the border of the dark elf territory and the elven territory."

"Did she have an army with her?"

"I didn't see any other person other than another dark elf who I assume is her servant."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"(Whispering)Is she really that confident in her abilities?


"Yes your majesty"

" Send an emergency summons to all members of the elven council."

"Right away, your majesty."

"Father, I would like to also join the meeting today."

"Yes I think that is a good idea, it does involve your future and the well-being of the entire kingdom after all."

A growing frantic call was then heard down the hall "Your majesty! your majesty!!your majesty!!! Your majesty it is the former queen, she has gone manic again."

" Has someone gone to calm her yet?"

" They are all trying to but today she is being overwhelmingly extreme, if we do not handle this well she may bring down all the houses at the east wing."

"Find some way to calm her down fast."

"Yes your majesty"

"And make sure she doesn't hear any news about the exiled princess."

"Yes your majesty, and... are we allowed to use valerian roots to sedate her?"

"Use any means possible to calm her down."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Argon let's go."

"Yes, your majesty. I hope the former queen will be well"

"Don't worry she was just startled by the mention of her daughter's name I am sure she will calm down in a little while anyway we have to deal with the sudden declaration of war."

"Greetings your majesty, crown prince."

"Be at ease members of the council. I am sure you all know why I have summoned you here today."

"Yes we do, it is about the sudden declaration of war."

"Yes, exactly, so how do you all propose we go about this situation."

"Why should all of us be scared, it is all just a little girl's antics. I think we shouldn't take her seriously."

"Shouldn't take her seriously! Didn't you just witness her blatant demonstration of power?"

"We all did witness that extravagant display of power but how sure are we that it originated from that girl? I mean if she really was the exiled princess wouldn't she be using fire instead of water."

" Yeah, he does have a point."

" I actually believe that she is the exiled princess."

" And what makes you think so, Nadia chief of the water elves."

"I was there when she appeared in the sky and happened to catch a glimpse of the mark of royalty."

"Mark of royalty? What does she mean father?"

" Well, your highness..."

"We will talk about that later. No need to trouble yourself with answering that chief Nadia."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Chief Nadia how sure are you that the Mark you saw was the real deal, I mean she was mid-air and quite far from normal sight according to the reports I received. So I think you might be mistaken."

" No, I definitely saw it clearly Chief Vayu of the wind elves."

" So what if the mark of royalty was there, that doesn't prove anything she might have as well painted it on herself to fool us."

"That is not the main point here you two. As you can see his majesty has summoned us so as to think of a way to deal with the declaration of war we just received."

"But wouldn't it be possible to consider it I mean the throne is rightfully her's."

" I will not allow her and her kind to sully our heritage by giving her the throne."

"Yes, your majesty."

"So it looks like we are going to war."

"How do you propose we deal with her."

"We should maybe prepare the best water wind and earth mages, if possible those with dual elements should be recruited so as to deal with her at the appointed time."

"At the appointed time? You surely aren't serious."

"How am I not serious? I thought that we have all just agreed going to war with her."

"Yes, but we can't go against her head on so I suggest we gather a group of 200 elves and attack her tonight."

"Attack her at night, that seems a little bit underhanded."

"Who cares as long as we get to stop this war the earlier the better. What do you think your majesty"

"It's not a bad idea."

"But doesn't that seem cowardly and unethical?"

"When in war you should only care about the results Chief Nadia since the winner of the war is the one who is going to decide the way it all goes."

"Okay, your majesty."

"It is agreed that we will deploy 200 soldiers tonight and if it fails we will confront her tomorrow with the entire army."

"As you wish your majesty."

" I am pretty sure even if we fail tonight we might exhaust her even if it is not by much."

"And if I may ask your majesty are we going to fight her with the intent to kill?"

"No you should not since it goes against our elven nature, attack her with the intent of capture but in the case that she manages to kill any of our people then you can proceed with the kill."

"Your majesty, aren't you being too cruel? She is an elven princess after all."

"Her identity is still ambiguous to us so how sure are we that she is the exiled princess? I have shown more than enough leniency by giving a don't kill but capture order."


"Enough of this Chief Nadia."

"Yes, your majesty."

"And your majesty if I may ask, will the prince be joining us tomorrow too?"

"Of course not he is the crown prince after all so he should not be exposed to such a dangerous situation."

"Yes of course."

"But father I would like to participate in this war too."

" No, you are still too young and inexperienced."

"But as you said, this war deals with the future of the elven kingdom so wouldn't it make sense for me to fight in it."

"Yes your majesty, I think the prince does need to gain some real battle experience."


"Don't worry your majesty I chief verdant of the earth elves will look after his highness the crown prince so you can rest easy."

"Well as long as you protect and bring him back to me you can take him to the battlefield."

"As you wish your majesty."

"Thank you, Father."

"Sure thing son and Chief Vayu please make sure that the 200 elves that will be sending out tonight are the best you can find.'

"Yes, I will your majesty."

" If there is nothing else to discuss this meeting is adjourned."

"So Father what was that Mark of royalty that Chief Nadia was talking about?"

"It is nothing special or important so don't stress yourself with it. Go have some rest in your room because tomorrow will be a very long day."

"Yes, Father. Wishing you a wonderful night Father."

"You too son."

As I walked back to my room I couldn't help but wonder what that Mark of royalty was. Is it something that proclaims that you are a royal? If so why do I not have one?

Father is acting like it is not a big deal but it clearly is. I need to get to the bottom of this

"Oh, Mother you are here. Sorry to have kept you waiting."

"It's not a problem son. I just arrived here too"

"So what brings you here today Mother."

"I just wanted to see you my sweet boy because I have missed you very much."

"I missed you too mother."

"I heard about the war and I came to reassure you that you should not worry about that girl. She has been exiled from our kingdom and has no right to the throne. Her mother is already in such a hopeless situation so there is no saving her."

"But she is quite powerful mother."

"Do not worry I am sure your father has a way to deal with her."

"Yes I think we did, I am just coming from a council meeting with him."

"He allowed you to sit in a council meeting with him?"


"Well, it's about time."

"I can't tell you much but please do not worry Mother we will make sure to win tomorrow.'

"Yes, I am pretty sure you will... Wait, what do you mean we?"

"I have been allowed to take part in the fight."

"What!!! How could your father allow this"

"Don't worry Mother, Chief Verdant has promised to take care of me."

"No this will not do I will not allow them to expose you to danger. Let me go have a talk with the king."

"But mother..."

She then left and I did not see her again for the whole night. It looks like my father might have convinced her since I am now standing with over 7000 soldiers ready to fight the threat.

"It is now noon and I am still not seeing your leader. Where is my so-called father hiding or is he no longer the leader"

"We don't have to answer to a tyrant like you."

"Huh, Okay.

I see that you have come with quite a number of elves. let me add to your numbers."

She then presented us with the bodies of the 200 soldiers that had been sent after her yesterday night. Wait did she kill all of them?

"You monster, how could you massacre all of those elves? Don't you have a conscience? "

"They came at me first so they got what they deserved. I assume you all have decided to go to war."

"Yes, we don't tolerate terrorists in our midst."

Then after a while as the dry bodies of the soldiers got in contact with the rainwater that was still falling at our side of the border they slowly came too.

"You thought that I had Killed them, don't worry I Violet Queen of the dark elves am not that ruthless. You are my future subjects after all. If you are curious about what I did to them well it is simple I just chemically altered the composition of the air around them and put them to sleep."


"You all don't understand, figures. Well, all you need to know is I used my knowledge from the modern era as a weapon something that you all don't have and that is why you are going to lose this war. Now let me clear up this weather since it will get in the way of our epic battle."

As she slowly waved off the clouds to reveal the bright beautiful sun I couldn't help but be in awe.

"Now since you all have something against Fire magic I am going to use all the other elements apart from fire in my arsenal as my attacks just to prove to you how equally destructive they all can be.

Okay I will now give you one minute to attack me with all you have"

"Everyone attack her, water mages, wind mages, and earth mages work in congruence to land devastating blows to this monster."

"Chanting? Oh right, you still need to do that to manipulate elements. Okay, take your time...

Nice, A rain of ice shards coupled with a boost of wind to increase the speed, nice try but unfortunately I can just vibrate them all instantly and what we got now is...Yes, a massive collection of water which I can in turn reconstruct to balls of Ice or snow that I hit your faces with."

Is she not even taking us seriously?

"Are you not going to take us seriously."

"Of course, I will once you prove to me that you are worth my seriousness. Let me land at your feet then you can do...

Arrows, now we are talking. Looks like you have quite the archers with you if it wasn't for my overall sense of water and air I would have definitely been hit by all that but luckily this thick Ice wall formed just in time.

As an archer myself I...

Please let me talk and stop rushing in. Okay, are you all refusing to? I will have to lock you all in place then."

Immediately to lock everyone in place a very vast sheet of Ice formed all around our legs.

"Now if you move, you will immediately be engulfed with ice so just sit back and listen to me, ... What did I just say. Can't you just sit back and relax? Look now you are completely engulfed in ice. You see this war was already won once I started that rain thing because now every inch of this place is covered with water whether in solid, liquid, or gas form which are very easy for me to manipulate so just sit back and have fun with me and let's wait for the king to come. Oh right he needs to be informed I will send one of you...you over there"


"Yes you, I am releasing you to go and inform the king that I am waiting for him."


"Now who wants to hear a story, of course, you all would. Or do you have anything else to do other than sticking around..."

She then went on to tell us all about her life from the day she was born to the day she was exiled to what we have today.

"Eh, I see a somewhat familiar face in the crowd."

She then flew towards me.

"And whom might you be."

"I am..."

"Wait don't tell me you are the king's new trophy."


"Yes, trophy. I do not think that man sees us as his children."

"That is not true, father, is a benevolent king as well as a loving father."

"Benevolent king maybe but a loving father? Maybe until you lose your usefulness in which case he discards you immediately..."

"No, he would never."

"Then how do you explain what happened to me? Anyway as you are my brother I can't let you freeze here with them. I have a special place from which we can both wait for Father.

Oh and if any of you are hoping that I will run out of mana keep on dreaming since I am a high elf who can manipulate natural mana. In other words, my mana is almost inexhaustible."

"Wait you are a high elf?"

"You didn't know that little bro, wow Dad really forgot and erased everything about me."

"I suppose the all no chant thing was a big giveaway.'

"Yeah, and I am quite powerful too. Isn't your big sis very awesome."

"Unhand my son and my people you fiend."

"Your majesty you finally arrived we can now have nice hearty talk. I think we have a lot of things to say to each as father and daughter."