
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

The Dragon princess

Xinyan's POV

"Princess you are finally awake."

"Uhhh(Touches her head in a way that indicates she feels dizzy ) How long was I gone this time?"

"A little over 4 days princess."

"4 days! What do you mean four days?...

Has anyone paid a visit while I was unconscious?"

"Welllll...not really."

"I expected as much. No one really cares for me in this family."

"Don't think that way your highness, I am pretty sure your eldest brother is just busy with the state affairs."

"Yeah right, I am sure he is. What about the others?"

"Well, your second brother has been preoccupied with..."

"Plotting against my older one I assume."

"Princess!! You should be careful with what you say."

" Well everyone knows of this so why should I act like it is not happening."

"I think you should adopt a little tact your highness."

"Sure thing, what about my little sister?"

"The second princess was busy preparing for the coming lantern festival."

"Well I suppose she would be excited since this is the first time she is getting to go outside but is that really an excuse to ignore her dear older sister."(Pouting)

"Your Highness! Are you actually jealous?"


"No, you definitely are."

"So what if I am? I mean I would love to also get out of this glorified bird cage."

"I know you would your highness but your health doesn't really allow you to."

"Yeah, I have heard this over a million times."

"I am glad you are back with us today again"

"Me too."

"Oh, while you were unconscious several letters from General Feng of the (Phoenix)Bird clan came. It looks like one of his sons is still very infatuated with you."

"Yeah he is(Giggling) but can you really blame him? Who would not fall for my unparalleled beauty."

"Yes, princess your beauty is surely unmatched so definitely everyone would fall for you at just one glance."

"You can leave now Min, I would like to read them in solitude."

"As you wish princess. I will take my leave. Just call me if you need any assistance"

"Attention!! The Empress is here!!!"

"(In a soft quiet voice) What does she want now?"

"Greetings mother! (While excitedly kneeling and bowing to show respect)"

"Don't you dare call me that!! (As a slap landed on Xinyan's face)

You and I both know that you are not my daughter so don't ever call me that."

"Yes, your majesty."

"That's more like it. I didn't tell you to stand or did I?"

"No, you did not you Majesty."

"So, keep on kneeling."

"But I(she was met with a cold frightening glare that instantly shut her up)... (Meekly)As you wish your majesty."

"Your so-called weak body I am sure is able to handle such a simple thing."

"If I may trouble your majesty I would like to know the purpose of your visit today."

"Does a mother really need a reason to visit her daughter?"

" I thought you did not see me as your dau-"

"I was being sarcastic. How stupidly dense can you be."

"I am sorry your majesty."

"Well, not like it's a bad thing. I am just here for appearances and also to make sure that you are not thinking of making any trouble."

"Of course your majesty."

"Your eldest brother's coronation is coming up so you should prepare well for it."

"But our father might come back so we should..."

"We should do what, wait for him? That man is already gone so if you have any hopes of getting the throne then give it up. It's not like you can do anything about it with your cultivation level being at the hatchling stage."

"I don't believe it! Father will definitely come ba-"(Another slap landed on her face)

"Quiet you, stupid child, your father is long gone and soon so will you."

"Wha- what do you mean by that?"

" Well you are already at a marriageable age so as it stands you should get married."

"No, your majesty I am not ready to get married."

"And why should I care? As long as I can get rid of you that is all that matters."

"But Marriage should be done between those who love each other."

" Since when has your opinion ever mattered?"

"I should at least get to choose whom I get to marry."

"Like to whom? General Feng's second son Feng Chao."


"You thought I didn't know. I have known of your love letters since when it began."


"Don't be too sad he might still have a chance. Just hope for your sake that he will be able to hold his own at the tournament."


"Yeah, tournament. Didn't I tell you about it?"

"No, you didn't your majesty."

"It must have slipped my mind then. Anyway just know that your hand in marriage will be the reward at the tournament which will happen right after your brother's coronation. So you rest well and prepare yourself accordingly.

Wishing you a life of happiness my dear daughter."

That woman really has some nerve. I have heard of hate but this is just next level. Well

I did expect something like this to happen one day so it's a good thing I prepared for it.

Okay, let me see what Feng Meiling wrote to me. It looks like the Oasis hasn't made any progress in finding the cure to this weird Illness I have, well no matter I will surely find a cure one day. What? My brother really barred everyone from visiting me. I thought I was no threat to him so is this really necessary? Is he still suspicious of me? I wonder if he has something to do with why my fainting spells are getting longer and longer in length. I should be careful with what Min feeds me, you never know what she is being ordered to put in my meals.

I should contact Meiling so as to plan our next course of action against this so-called church. I can't let my country be a victim of their so-called crusades. I smell war brewing and unfortunately, that old man is not awake to stop it.


(coming in running)"Yes your highness"

"I would like you to send this to the Feng Estate."

"Of course your highness."

"And please could you do some shopping for me in the market I would like to hold a tea party."

"Sure thing you Highness. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave "

Now that I can get her here we can set a stage where Jargon roar of the north can make a comeback or more accurately Vermillion his successor will.