
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantaisie
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Eat or be eaten!

<p>Stephen woken up from his sweet dreams by his alarm he opens his eyes first thing he sees is Mia laying naked next to him as memories of what happened in the night came to him he couldn't help but smile at succeeding in getting with Mia, Mia herself was also woken up and she looked at Stephen and said "so are we official now?" Hearing her Stephen smiled and said "of course we are we just need to make time for the wedding" as Stephen says this he couldn't help but sigh as he and his people don't even have a home now and returning wasn't an option "we can just make a new home seeing as we are probably different from them we are probably going to be mistreated it's best to just make a new home" said Mia seeing Stephen worries "but will they allow it?" The "they" in Stephenson question is of course the ultimas although they have a pretty good relationship and if they wanted them dead realistically speaking there is nothing the avars could do "of course they will do you think they will just let us leave and if they wanted us dead we would be dead one soldier would probably destroy our entire fleet their is no reason for us to meet their leader as we are too weak we probably couldn't even harm a child this shows they have no harm towards us and will probably shelter us" said Mia Stephen smiled and calmed down but deep inside he knew that this was just Mia's wishful thinking this is a eat or be eaten universe the strong do what they want this is the last thing his father told him before he died and he knew it to be true <br/><br/>In the command room Adam and his three captains were there discussing Alex's favor with Stephen and couldn't help but envy him as this means too much for a fleet but as they were conversing Alex said "what an intriguing mind" as the others heard this they instantly knew Alex was keeping Stephen in his eyes and was reading his mind he wouldn't take action if even Stephen wanted to destroy them tho as it was forefathers decision he is just making sure he doesn't try any suicidal things like picking a fight with a soldier and breaking out the ship, Jared asked "what's he thinking?" Alex hearing this look at them even the admiral was intrigued "hey my friend finally lost his virginity and got his girl now he is thinking about a home to raise kids" the others nodded as it was normal for living organisms to want a home to feel safe "his girl gave a very stupid reasoning of why we would help and wouldn't do anything just because we could massacre them although he nodded to assure his girl his mind is very different" the others nodded as it's normal for a girl born and raised on a ship her whole life to be ignorant of the universe "his mind is on guard against us his father thought him this is a eat or be eaten universe the strong do what they want like the law of the jungle animals follow hey now I want to meet his father although sentient beings living in the universe are capable of thinking of this alot of them are more focused on following morality to cover up their weakness alot of people in this universe have a false understanding thinking that the strong follow some kind of rule as morals when in reality they do what they want only the rulers know the true nature of the universe while making morals to shackle their people into being obedient sadly stephens father died a natural death of old age even we could not reverse the genetic damage caused over time that comes with aging even we suffer from this, this is one of the reason why we strive to be stronger" said Alex with clear disgust at the ignorance of the masses he is not really disgusted with morals as it was made to shackle the evil in the hearts of people he was disgusted how ignorant of the universes true nature people could be maybe someone that has had a tough life all they're life will subconsciously know and follow this law "truly a eat or be eaten universe morality is normally amazing but this is not the universe for it when you miss an opportunity due to your morals and your enemies take it and grow faster than they will eventually destroy you once they get alot stronger than you" although all the captains and Adam had different ideas they can't deny the law of the jungle does exist the only reason Alex's ideas were so extreme is because he focuses only on war and killing what he thrives on is war that's why his thinking is a little extreme if you ask any other Ultima they would have different thinking and kireans might be the most unique thinking of them all but we would have to see<br/><br/>Adam seeing this conversation will prob start an endless discussion he simply just said "ok enough talking we are going to jump in a day get everyone ready for jump and get ready to start training I think forefather will tell us the tournaments format once we make it back" Adam paused for a minute and said "get some screens to show our arrival I think our new friends don't even remember how stars look" said Adam as he knew kirean had big plans for the avars and just like Alex he wanted some favors as well while Stephen and Mia were enjoying there breakfast in the cafeteria sitting together like a couple and all the avars looking at them the speakers sounded "all personal get ready to jump tomorrow" this was said 3 times as it stopped you could see ultimas quickly eating and going of as Stephen can only guess they have duties to attend too, Stephen and the avars we're excited by the broadcast as they will finally arrive at their destination that will decide their fate they all got hope in their minds including Stephen even though he knows the laws of the universe he is still mortal after all it's easy to be driven by emotions and hope for a better future is one of the best that can even allow some to sacrifice themselves for </p>