
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasy
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75 Chs


<p>As Mia walked to the location given to her by Stephen what she saw infront of her was what looked to be a dark abandoned building with courage or just blind faith in the ultimas she went in and as soon as she opened the door what she saw was a dark room with 2 chairs and a table in the middle lit up by candles sitting on a chair was Stephen Mia walk up and said "I really didn't think you had the courage if it wasn't for that drink I would have to wait a while longer" said Mia a little annoyed as she sat down on the chair opposite from Stephen, Stephen on the other hand was absolutely flabbergasted at her beauty and dress but when he heard her words he got embarrassed and changed the topic "you look really beautiful today Mia" said Stephen with a soft voice Mia on the other hand blushed a little but then she stopped and said "yes a kind couple helped me they said they I reminded them of their daughter" said Mia having no intentions of hiding it as she liked that couple Stephen hearing this nodded and said "they are quite mystical aren't they" hearing Stephen Mia nodded and said "yes they are and a very beautiful race too as I've never seen an ugly member and this is the barracks where the soldiers live and they are still beautiful" hearing Mia Stephen laughed out loud and nodded "yes they are quite a perfect race but you are the most beautiful in my eyes" said Stephen Mia on the other hand had a cold face and said "stop with the sweet words since you had asked me out I'm expecting a baby in a few months you don't know how jealous I've been seeing my friends cute baby's" said Mia extremely bold Stephen hearing her just sighed and said "you can't let me practice my new found knowledge Mia" Mia hearing him just snickered and said "I've waited long enough I'm already impatient" the two continued to talkthrough out the night as the date ended Stephen brought Mia home and the rest can't be said<br/><br/>Kirean at this moment is in his castle he left New Haven as it will take a few days until the fleets return but right now kirean was in the hall with 5 people but Adam is not here as he is obviously leading the fleet kirean looked at amber and asked "have you chosen how the tournament is going to be held we don't have enough time left" hearing kirean amber said "forefather we have got a few ideas but we would love to hear your suggestion before we decide" kirean nodded as he knew they will just go with his suggestions "ok I suggest the first part of the tournament is open space with planets and everything with uncountable fleets everywhere and the number of fleets destroyed goes into ranking while second and last part the 3 fleets will be put against an enemy of unimaginable power they have to work together to eliminate the enemy the fleets will be ranked by how much damage they do, of-course I know you are going for my suggestion so perfect it with Gaia as I just thought of it and you are free too add more too it"said kirean as he wanted the fleet tournament to be innovating every tournament so that it never gets boring or inaffective at training the fleets "yes forefather" yes said without any shame of knowing kirean saw through her kirean turned to Gaia and said "the avars have you learned anything new" he asked Gaia instead of amber because Gaia is currently wanting to get their culture but they have forgotten it for a while now so while she is doing her search for culture she also studies them "forefather I have found something interesting it seems all these years in void and being born in it has done something to them they seem extremely adaptable to living on ships and stations I have no idea about planets they adapted so well that giving birth in space to them isn't even a problem as they have stronger bones at birth than the original avars they have no risk of brittle horns from being born in abnormal gravity we have not even solved the problems of giving birth in space as the ships have their own gravity the bigger the greater, we can simulate gravity on the ships but the actual gravity is different there adaptation is truly remarkable to be able to give birth with no problem on those small merchant fleets we have no idea what a planets atmosphere will do to them it might lead them to extinction" said Gaia kirean and the others were a little stunned as having mutations in the first generation was beyond abnormal and they now know why they call the first 50 years as the dark days and refuse to talk about it a lot of mothers probably died during birth before they got the mutation "we have to study the effects a planet's atmosphere has on them and they're birth as this is important but make sure you have measures so when it goes wrong you can save people" said kirean as Gaia and amber said "yes forefather"<br/><br/>Kirean turned to Christian and asked "how are the sell's of merchandise going as the tournament is closing in on us" Christian hearing this smiled and said "forefather sales have been booming for the virtual reality equipment and merchandise luckily we are keeping up with the sales we have made a lot of money enough for each fleet to expand after the tournament" said Christian a little excited as almost every Ultima has bought and donated thats a lot of money kirean is also happy for the fleets to be able to get more ships as he says to amanda "Amanda you did a good job keeping up with the sale" hearing forefather say these words made almost everyone jealous and Amanda extremely excited everyone vowed to do better to hear this words next time "thank you forefather " Amanda said after calming herself down seeing all of this kirean nodded as they will be working hard for his approval then he turned to will with a smile "your going to have new students in the New Haven academy are you excited" hearing forefather mention this of course will was excited as his goal in life is too lead life itself into new heights and what better way than to teach all life itself "don't worry forefather the avars are going to get the most enjoyable and best education in the galaxy" said will extremely determined </p>