
The rise of the King cobra

Alabast Alejandro was a famous hitman named Cobra many people would hire him because of the way he delt with the target. He would use snake venom in every assassination, but the venom he uses has no antidote. One day as he was about to die, he noticed that a son of one of his targets that he killed came to him to avenge his father. He did nothing but let the man kill him. As he floated in the void a god was amused on his technique to kill and decided to give him a chance to live once more. The god gave him a companion to help him in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, Alabast had heard of the game but never had the chance to play it. Though he did not care, since he will continue to kill till the day, he die's

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First target

A few days have passed since the chat with the gang, I received a call from the fixer called Padre.

He wanted to speak to me saying that he has a job. So, I laid on my bed and made sure to have some snakes guard the doors while my conscious is in the snake.

I then viewed my surroundings and found the fixer who called me.

"You wanted to speak to me Padre?"

"Yes, I have a target for you to eliminate, and I knew you would accept the job since no one else would." I nodded the snakes head agreeing with him.

"Who is my target?" Padre slides a data shard towards me, so I had the snake eat the shard. A few screens then appeared in my view while Padre explained my target.

"The target is a local scavenger group who has been targeting the Valentinos. I want you to kill every single one of them, there's also a bounty on one of them, he goes by the name Jack the ripper." I sorted through the data to see the location and building design.

What caught my attention was a man that has many scares on his face, on his nose, jaw, ears and neck.

When I saw the amount for his life, I was disappointed to say the least. His bounty only had ten thousand eddie's, but he is a small-time killer so I couldn't complain.

"Alright, how much for the job?" Padre hummed in thought trying to find a good price for the job.

"Lets say, 15k?" I then went through the files once more to see if there it's a good price, making sure to see if there could be any problems.

After a few minutes of silence, I decided to agree since there is not much to do but kill the scavenger.

"Alright that's fine, I'll finish it today." I disconnected from the snake and started to prepare for the job.

I had two snakes wrap themselves around my arms and rolled down the sleeves of the jacket.

I then grabbed the mask and started to make my way towards Hayword where the Valentinos reside.

As I made my way outside, I sent a quick message to Sasha telling her that I will be busy since I have a job.

All she responded was a quick okay and sent a picture of Kiwi with a sign saying I hope you die.

I was amused at her attempt to bring me down, so I decided to surprise her after my job is done.

I made my way towards the location and saw a fast-food joint right across the street.

I decided to eat there since I was hungry and skipped lunch, although the food is not real the taste was not good at all.

I then made some snakes to scout the building to see if I could know how many people were inside.

As I waited for the snakes to come back, I saw a van pull up in front of the joint I was in.

Two doors opened and out came Sasha and Kiwi, I was surprised that they were able to find me thanks to the snake.

Both of them pulled a seat between me and kept silent throughout my meal.

"So, are you going to show your face or not?" Asked Sasha

"Can't. In a job. Later." Kiwi snuck a quick glance at me and was impressed that I was taking my job seriously, unlike a certain someone who likes guns.

Sasha on the other had just pouted and reached for my hood to pull it down.

But the snake wrapped around her neck forced her arm on the table and did not move.

"Slither's let me goooo I just want to see his faceeee." All she got in return was a hiss and continued to hold her in place.

I looked at Kiwi without turning my head and tilted my head to the side and she understood what I was saying.

"She's grown quite attached to it since the meeting I wouldn't recommend on getting it back." I then received a message from the snakes telling me that they are ready.

I stood up and placed the mask on my face.

"We'll talk about this later, for now..." I raised my hand and flipped a switch causing my voice to sound warped.

"I have a job to fulfill." I made my way outside and crossed the street towards the building and made my way up the stairs.

From the results of the scouting, they are on the third floor third door to the right, two men are guarding the door in case if someone entered, while one was on the computers a netrunner most likely.

Two more men are on a operating table forcefully removing implants from a poor Gonk. 'Wow I have the soul of a 60-year-old man, but I have a mind of a twenty-year-old bastard, life is so confusing.'

I then had the snakes kill the two men that are in front of the door and made them unlock it.

The netrunner warned his companions and tried to hack the snakes.

But the second he did, he fell limp on the chair and couldn't move.

I slowly opened the door and made my way inside, I then approached the paralyzed person and had one of the snakes transform itself into a Nue pistol.

I then killed him and made my way towards the last room and I saw that the two men were already on the floor, I decided to have the snakes consume the implants off the corpses, but I left the netrunner alone.

I had the snakes drill a hole and had them drag the corpse away, so I could start learning to be a netrunner myself.

During my search I tried to find the man named Jack, after a few minutes of searching, I was about to give up.

But I then heard the sound of a pistol being cocked and felt something on the back of my head.

"Since you fucked with my boys, I'll enjoy making you suffer." He said with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't cout on it." I then quickly spun around and smacked his arm.

Making his pistol fly from his hand, I tried to grab him by the neck.

But he grabs mine and hurls me to the wall. I gasped from the impact and rolled to the side when he was about to stomp on me.

I quickly ran towards the door and tried to catch him off guard, but he punches through the wall and tries to grab me.

I was able to dodge his hand and sent some snakes to hold him down.

Hundreds of snakes began to wrap around his arms, legs and neck so that he wouldn't catch me off guard.

I had some extra snakes wrap around his arms, since they were implants.

And I didn't want him to escape the bindings that are holding him down.

"Well, this was fun but I have to meet up with some people." I made my way towards him and forced his mouth open.

"Say ahhh." One of the snakes that was on my arm, left my arm and began to enter his throat.

The snake then injected the venom from the inside, and I had the sakes drag the body to the police.

After the body disappeared, I began to search the place once again to see if I could find anything worth of value.

I soon found many eddies bringing my total up to 10k, I then left the building and made my way back to the two women who were waiting for me.

I took off the mask and lowered the hood showing my face to the both of them with a gentil smile on my face.

Kiwi's eyes widen a bit but then returned to the cold stare, Sasha was staring at me, and she had a red tint on her face.

"Now that I am done, why don't we make ourselves acquainted with one another. My name is Alabast. Alabast Alejandro." Both women continued to stare at me until Sashsha snapped herself back.

"It's nice to meet you in person, and I think I'll enjoy your company." Her lips form a bright smile that was like a small light in this dark world.

(A/n) Heres todays chapter and I am making Kiwi and Sasha the only women of the harem and thats final.

Please continue with you'r support and hslp me make it to the top fifty.