
The rise of the King cobra

Alabast Alejandro was a famous hitman named Cobra many people would hire him because of the way he delt with the target. He would use snake venom in every assassination, but the venom he uses has no antidote. One day as he was about to die, he noticed that a son of one of his targets that he killed came to him to avenge his father. He did nothing but let the man kill him. As he floated in the void a god was amused on his technique to kill and decided to give him a chance to live once more. The god gave him a companion to help him in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, Alabast had heard of the game but never had the chance to play it. Though he did not care, since he will continue to kill till the day, he die's

Nether_Ark · Video Games
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25 Chs

A quick chat

As I stepped out of the corner everyone in the garage whipped their heads at me.

Their eyes widen, and the dark-skinned man moved his arm back and ran towards me to punch me.

As his arm was about to make contact with my clone, the head disassemble itself causing the man's fist to hit nothing everyone else took a few steps back.

The woman in red had her eyes widen in fear and her entire body trembled when she remembered what happened at the afterlife.

'Is this the end for me? I can't die here, not in this place!' She tries to run but felt her legs not moving.

She looks down and sees two snakes holding her in place, their heads wrapped around her legs while their tails stayed underground.

"I apologize for the un-announcement, but I had to speak with a red dame. You see, I had to make some precautions when making the snakes, so I made a special program that if anyone tried to hack them, they become paralyzed. And your friend here helped me." The clone moved to the side and the head started to reassemble itself. I heard someone mutter something but I ignored them.

I made my way towards the woman in red, but the girl with white hair pulled a gun and stood Infront of me with the gun aimed at me.

I noticed how her hands are trembling from fear and her legs are the same.

I continued to walk forward not minding the fact that she had a gun aimed at me, as I was about to walk into her, the entire body disassembled, and the snakes slithered across her body.

She lightly shuddered from the snakes slithering on her body, she felt as if she had a scythe on her neck and the grim reaper was ready to cut her down.

As the snakes finally passed through her, the body reassembled itself and I continued to make my way towards her.

"I want to thank you for testing the program that I created, and to tell you to never try that again. Just to make sure that never happens I will leave you a gift." I raised my hand and placed it on her face, her eyes began to moist thinking she was going to die.

She waited for the suffering, but it never happened, instead she felt something go down her throat and enter her body.

"What the fuck did you do to me!?" I moved my hand back and stepped back from her.

"Like I said I left you a gift, Kiwi." Her eyes widen in fear and she was able to step back from me.

The others just aimed at me and would pull the trigger if I made any moves.

"H-how do you know my name?!" I made the clone point at its head, and she soon realized what that meant.

"It's in my head, isn't it?" I nodded my head at her guess.

"It is, this is my gift to you, and if you ever need to contact me for a joint mission just think of me and I'll know, but for now goodbye." The clone then dissolved, and the snakes began to slither away.

I made two stay behind and told them to turn invisible to see how they would react.

"Shit this is bad; he'll know everything you know Kiwi." Said the white-haired girl.

The Black-haired girl seemed to be relaxing and not caring on what just happened.

"Relax Lucy, if he wants to know us, I don't mind really, I'd want to meet him in person not those clones of course." Lucy just scowled at the woman she was mad, no, furious that her mentor was now being watched all the time.

"Sasha take this seriously, he is dangerous, and we can't find him since his snakes have a program to prevent us to hack them." The dark-skinned man raised his hand to catch their attention.

"Look, I know this sounds shitty but there is nothing we can do, unless he wants us to find him, I don't see that happening anytime soon." As he said that, I had one of the snake climb kiwi's body onto the neck.

Everyone was shocked to see a snake was left behind, they were about to remove it, but it just wrapped around her neck and snuggled on Kiwi's face.

Everyone just stopped and stared at the snake getting up close and acting as if it missed its master.

The silence soon broke by the green hair girl with her laughs and soon the tall man with the mohawk hairstyle joined the laughing.

"HAHAHA Holy shit Kiwi, looks like that snake likes you HAHAHA." Both of them fell on the floor and rolled around the floor.

Kiwi was stiff and didn't know what to do, Sasha on the other hand approached the snake and reached towards it.

"Sasha don't..." It was to late but the snake just nuzzled her hand and traveled up her arms towards her neck.

"Aw it's so adorable!"

'What part of that thing is adorable.' Thought everyone except the green haired girl.

Sasha then noticed how the snake moved its head in a certain direction whenever she moved her body.

"Well well well, I guess I can meet you soon Cobra." Everyone heard Sasha speak and saw that the snake was looking in a certain direction.

"Main it looks like we will meet with our ringmaster of these snakes." The man's face looked grim and he tried to think of a plan.

"Kiwi I need you to head out so we can plan on what to do same thing for you Sasha." Kiwi and Sasha nodded and left the garage.

As they left with the snake, I switched links with the other snake to see what they were planning.

"So, what's the plan Main" Asked the Blond woman. Main just sighed and was contemplating on what to do.

"Honestly I don't know, we don't know anything about this guy and with Kiwi and Sasha being watched Lucy's the only one who can jack in. And the fact that he can make anyone paralyzed if they hack them." He then had an Idea and started to pull up a screen in front of him.

"Since Kiwi and Sasha are being watched, I need Beca and Falco on overwatch to keep em safe if anything happens. Plier, I need you to have some bombs on you if there is any NCP, Dorio and I will be in the van if we need to make a getaway." Everyone nodded and started to prepare themselves on meeting me.

Meanwhile with Kiwi and Sasha, both of them are smoking outside and are talking to one another.

"So what do you think he looks like Kiwi."

"I don't care, I just want to get rid of this thing in my head and get over it." Sasha pouts and blows a huge cloud of smoke into her face.

Kiwi just waves her hand and continues to smoke her cigarette.

"Your no fun, why can't you live a little?" Kiwi then slams her hand next to Sasha and looked at her with rage.

"Sorry that I'm not like you, since I want to live, I don't appreciate the fact that some random guy is in my head breaching my privacy." Sasha just looked calm and just shrugged her shoulders and continued to smoke.

"I wish to clear a misunderstanding for the both of you." Both of them turned towards the snake with shocked faces.

"What do you mean you piece of shit."

"It only views the recent memory not the long-term ones, you friend was wise to have the both of you leave them." I made the snake face Sasha and saw that she was smiling.

"Hm you do look prittier in person." She covered her hand and giggled at my comment.

"Why thank you, but flattery won't help you survive in this city." Her smile then becomes a sad one and her eyes become dull.

I had the snake nuzzle her cheek to cheer her up and she was back to her normal self.

"Sorry you had to see me like that, I just had an unpleasant memory." I didn't want to make it more tense, so I decided to change the subject.

"That is fine, and I am impressed that you were able to guess that the snake was pointing in my direction, so I hope we can be good friends when we meet, I leave this snake in your care. I hope to meet the both of you Kiwi and Sasha." I made the snake slither onto kiwi which caused Sasha to protest. I made the snake approche her ear so that she could hear me.

"By the way, I find you very attractive." I disconnected from the snake and laid there on the bed wondering why I said that.

I then had a flash back of someone I knew who I truly cared for. 'Why do you remind me of her.'

A/n Hey everyone here's a new chapter hope you enjoy.

Now for the important question besides having rebbeca cuz she best girl and kiwi cuz she lonely should I add Sasha and Lucy or just Sasha?