
The rise of the King cobra

Alabast Alejandro was a famous hitman named Cobra many people would hire him because of the way he delt with the target. He would use snake venom in every assassination, but the venom he uses has no antidote. One day as he was about to die, he noticed that a son of one of his targets that he killed came to him to avenge his father. He did nothing but let the man kill him. As he floated in the void a god was amused on his technique to kill and decided to give him a chance to live once more. The god gave him a companion to help him in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, Alabast had heard of the game but never had the chance to play it. Though he did not care, since he will continue to kill till the day, he die's

Nether_Ark · Video Games
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25 Chs

Meet and greet

Me Kiwi and Sasha started to walk away from the restaurant joint to find a better spot to get to know each other.

Luckily Both of them already have a good spot to talk to each other, so I let them lead.

During our walk, Sasha has really spoiled the snake on her neck, I keep seeing her feeding it netrunner parts.

I was surprised on the amount she had, that I was tempted to ask her for the whole bag. But I decided not to since the snakes can pillage a corpse.

"So, Alabast, where you from?" Kiwi brow rose as she too was curious. Luckily, I checked the documents before I left.

"I was born in Mexico, Santa de la rosa." Both of their eyes widen on what they heard and were shocked to see that I was still alive.

Sasha had a guilty look in her eyes and looked away. Kiwi on the other hand clenched her fist in anger.

"I-I didn't know, I'm sorry." I waved my hand and looked at her with a smile, showing that I didn't care at all. 'To be honest, I never knew what happened there so it's easy to fake my emotions this way.'

"Still, I didn't know that you survived there, it's impressive really." I nodded my head in agreement since all I know is that Mexico is a warzone and it's hard to survive there.

We all continued to walk until we made it into corpo district.

I was surprised they led me here since it was a safe place to talk, but I was reminded of the plan that Main created.

I had the snakes look for Becca and Falco while also watching the van that Main and Dorio were in.

Last but not least Piler, I already spotted him talking to a female joy toy.

"So, care to explain why we are in the corpo district?" The two of them stayed silent and continued walking ahead.

I had the snake's slither towards my wrists and transformed them into needles in case I need to inject them.

[Alright he doesn't suspect a thing. Main were near the rendezvous point.] K

[Alright just keep walking, Becca got eyes on 'em?] M

[Yeah I see them, and man I wish I was down there I'm already wet.] R

[Focus Rebecca, were here as overwatch.] F

[Tch, I know Falco, can't a girl say what's on her mind now a days?] R

[Shut it both of you, just keep an eye on them.] M

As Sasha was feeding 'Slither's netrunner parts, I was able to catch the call they had.

I also received a message from the snakes that they found the two snipers.

The girl named Becca was on top of a building that was near the entrance of the district.

While the one named Falco was siting on the bench near us. 'Hmm, the girl was positioned well, she chose a spot that's not to far but not to close.'

A picture of the girl showed that she was laying on the ground with a sniper that had a tripod to help her keep the rifle balanced.

'The same can't be said for the man named Falco.' Looking at the picture, I could see him looking at us.

But was trying to fake read a holo newspaper, his eyes were glancing at us while he had his hand on a pistol.

I had the snakes wrap them and then decided to join the call.

[Hmmm I didn't think that this meet and greet would involve my kidnapping. I'm truly hurt.] A

Everyone on the call went silent and were shocked to hear my voice in the call.

Before either one of the girls in front of me could turn around to hack me.

I placed both my hands on their waist and had the needles ready to pierce there clothing and I warned the entire group.

[If any of you care for your four companions, we will meet in person at the rendezvous point and talk like adults. Am. I. Clear?] A

[The fuck do you mean four of them, I get on Kiwi and Sasha, but who are the other two?] M

[Right now, at this moment the two named Becca and Falco are wrapped and are under my mercy, so unless the one named Piler tries to throw a single bomb in my direction The four of them DIE. Do we have a deal?] A

Main sighs in defeat and sent me the location to meet up, so the three of us made our way towards the place.

During our way towards the place, many teenagers looked at me with envy and rage since I was between two beautiful women.

Sadly, they didn't know that these women are in between of life and death, so we just ignored them and made our way towards the location.

We entered an ally and soon in front of us was a armored van with bulletproof glass.

Waiting by the doors is the same man and woman that I saw from the garage.

Behind us was the two people that were watching us, and both had a snake with their fangs aimed at their throats.

Piler was the last to arrive and he looked like he wanted to shove a bomb down my throat.

The last one to show was the girl named Lucy, she was running towards me with what looked like an orange wire.

I had one of the snakes in my arm stay with Kiwi and had the other snake transform into a katana.

She threw the wire to the side trying to wrap me up, but I had the sword positioned next to the wire and pushed it to the side.

Causing the wire to change direction and wrap around the sword. I then stabbed the ground to prevent her to use it again and made a run towards her.

Lucy was struggling to pull the wire she didn't notice me running at her, by the time she did all she saw was a barrel of a gun in front of her.

She then slumped onto the floor and was afraid in her eyes. I had a snake wrap her neck and place their fangs like the others so she wouldn't do anything.

"So, that was somewhat entertaining for me. Shall we leave and discus on why you wanted to kidnap me?" Maine sighs and looks at his crew.

Seeing that some of them are about to die if he made a wrong move.

"Fine you win, we'll talk about why we tried to kidnap you at our base." I smiled at the fact that the both of us didn't need to have some bloodshed since I heard that they did good on some jobs they did.

"That is good, I'm glad that we didn't escalate the problem, now let's get going, I already have an upcoming job and I want to be free when I get it." Maine nodded and entered the vehicle with the rest of us.

I wasn't able to fit with the tight space, so I called mine. As it arrived it caught the eye of the man named Falco.

I just smiled and entered the vehicle, as I was about to start the vehicle, the passenger door opened, and Sasha just sat down and smiled at me.

I smiled back and started the car and followed the gang to their base.

"Sorry about that, Maine wanted to force you to work for us since you have this." She gently pats the snakes head which snuggled towards her causing Sasha to smile.

"It's fine, this isn't the first time someone tried to force me to work for them, one group tried to use my family against me." Sasha looked at me with a worried look when I mentioned my family.

"Where they suc..."

"There dead, assassinated when I was young, long before they used that threat." Sasha looked away in guilt and we both stayed silent throughout the ride.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the base, as we got off Sasha gave me a quick hug and spoke into my ear.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your family, if you need someone to talk to, I'm all ears."

"I'll keep that in mind." She released the hug and made her way towards the entrance and leaned on the wall with Kiwi and Lucy.

Lucy was glaring at me since I just held her and three other people hostages.

Kiwi was slowly warming up to the snake wrapped around her by lightly touching it, the snake flicked its tong at her finger, and she lightly chuckled.

As soon as she saw me staring at her, she stopped what she was doing and looked at my direction with a hateful expression.

Unlike Kiwi, Sasha was expressing her joy with slithers and was laughing when she scratched under its head.

Making the tail wag in happiness. 'I don't know if I should find that adorable or childish.' I ended up with both with her laid back attitude and childish personality.

Soon Maine coughed to catch my attention and pointed at his neck, wanting me to remove the snakes.

As I did so I tried to ignore the yelling of Sasha and saw her grabbing the snake. The said snake tried to leave by Sasha didn't want to let go.

I decided to leave that one and she was great full that I left it alone. I turned towards Maine and placed my legs on the table.

"Now then, I heard you wanted to talk to me."